A story of yannik

Post on 18-Aug-2015

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Transcript of A story of yannik

A Story of YannikA BRKC

Pleasure sim is bored. I know! I’ll rule over this entire hood and make it prosperous. I can totally do that!

Welcome to the neighborhood Jacob! I’m your benevolent overlord. Do come in.

Hmm I’m starting to regret making this guy. Perhaps being the all powerful ruler of a neighborhood will be more difficult than I thought.

“Hello? You are interested in a position within the neighborhood you say? Well I do need more loyal subjects. I’ll get back to you.”

“Hello sir! My name is Marsha and I hear you are the new clicky person in town. I’d love to be part of your plans.”

Oh plumbob what have I gotten myself into? Well it’s time to chug along with this plan either way.

Oh for crying out loud man you have a shower! Where’s my brain bleach!

Anyway meet peasant family number 1 aka Jacob Peters and co. He’s got delusions that he’s some kind of gypsy. He’s got plans for his family to live off the land and only have his kids marry kids from the arranged marriage deal. Fine by

me as long as he pays his taxes.

Jacob’s arranged marriage included him marrying Andrea Hogan. Now technically townies are like nobility around here, but I guess Andy doesn’t mind

giving up a chance at luxury to be with Jacob.

I allowed it. Aren’t I benevolent? Turns out Andrea was dying her hair, so I made her dye it back.

Turns out she’s some kind of crazy vegetarian. Only ever eats salads or the custom veggie plate I have installed. Weirdo

Oh this is the family guard cat Moonshine. He’s got a rule..NO DOGS on his turf! Yeah he’s scary.

And these are the Peters boys North (the blonde and eldest) and Crane (the red head)

Alright so we’ve introduced the first family off to the next lot. Welcome to the Bowman residence. Yep the other peasant family. Why? Because my simself

hates them.

Anyway The Bowman family has this guy Alan. Alan here being a peasant and all can only marry a service sim...unlike some people around here he obeys the

rules and married Demi Love

Demi managed to find a treasure chest on their plot of land. Well good for you guys getting “electricity” in your shack.

Yeah I caved in Sandy can be the first noble family in residence. I’m incredibly lazy after all. Tub pirates are cool so this may work out; plus she and my simself

are actually best friends. .

Last stop the An household. The other noble family in this here hood of mine. Wait what about the merchants you say? Well did I also mention I’m rather impatient too?

Cause I am. I want to start playing. I’ll add the merchants eventually.

Meet Rayna and Yidi An. They seem to be from Takimeizu which is fine by me. Their kids will need to marry townies or someone from my bloodline obviously.

Unless I guess if they get tossed out by matchmaker for onen of those gypsy kids. We’ll cross that bridge if we get there. Besides I’m not exactly scoring this thing.

Too much work.

Hmm you know what I’m starving. Guess I’ll continue this whole create a prosperous town thing later.