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Arun et al

Unique Journal of Ayurvedic and Herbal Medicines, 03 (04), July


Available online:


Arun N1*

, Kishore Seetarama D

1PG Scholar, Department of 2PG Scholar, Department of

3Associate Professor, Department of4Associate Professor, Department of

5Associate Professor & Head of the department, Department of

Received 30-06

PG Scholar, Department of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalapana SDMCA Hassan, Karnataka, India

A wide range of Herbal medication have been used from ancient to present era, these exhibit

Semecarpus anacardium is one which is commonly known as

and Siddha system of medicine. Bhallataka is also used for non medicinal purposes like marking of cloth,

times. Semecarpus is derived from two words simeion means marking, carpos means nut.

washerman to identify particular clothes by marking the clothes.

employed for both internal and external use. It is used as one of the ingredient in many

needs the purificatory process to reduce the toxic effects and enhance therapeutic properties. This paper is

of Bhallataka as a medicinal drug and as a ingredient in many different formulations.

Keywords: Bhallataka, Ayurveda, Semecarpus,


Visha causes Vishannatva (distress) or vishada

Which are less in virulence than ‘Vishas

‘Upavishas’ (sub-poisons) Bhallataka is used only after proper

shodhana for therapeutic purpose Bhallataka is considered as

Image no 1. Bhallataka

et al. UJAHM 2015, 03 (04): Page 68-71

Unique Journal of Ayurvedic and Herbal Medicines, 03 (04), July-August 2015


Available online: www.ujconline.net

Review Article


, Kishore Seetarama D2, Kadibagil Vinay R

3, Hussain Gazala

4, Ganti Basavaraj Y

PG Scholar, Department of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalapana SDMCA Hassan, Karnataka, India

PG Scholar, Department of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalapana SDMCA Hassan, Karnataka, India

Associate Professor, Department of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalapana SDMCA Hassan, Karnataka, IndiaAssociate Professor, Department of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalapana SDMCA Hassan, Karnataka, India

Associate Professor & Head of the department, Department of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalapana SDMCA Hassan, Karnataka, India

06-2015; Revised 28-07-2015; Accepted 27-08-2015

*Corresponding Author: Arun N

Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalapana SDMCA Hassan, Karnataka, India Contact number: +919964622207


A wide range of Herbal medication have been used from ancient to present era, these exhibit a remarkable therapeutic effect i

commonly known as Bhallataka is a plant well known for its medicinal value in

is also used for non medicinal purposes like marking of cloth,

times. Semecarpus is derived from two words simeion means marking, carpos means nut. Semecarpus anacardium

washerman to identify particular clothes by marking the clothes. The fruit part of the plant is used in different dosage

employed for both internal and external use. It is used as one of the ingredient in many Rasaoushadhies

needs the purificatory process to reduce the toxic effects and enhance therapeutic properties. This paper is

as a medicinal drug and as a ingredient in many different formulations.

, Semecarpus, Upavisha, Formulations.

vishada (Sadness)

Vishas’ are called

is used only after proper

is considered as

Ardha Vaidhya,as it is used to cure many diseases. If it used

after shodhana and with proper yukti

cure many diseases. Seme- simeion (marking or tracing)

carpus- nut Anacardium - Heart shaped marking nut.

of Bhallataka can be carried out b

churna and Narikela jala to remove its toxic properties.

Image no.2. Ishtika churna Image no.3 Narikela jala

August 2015 68


ISSN 2347-2375


, Ganti Basavaraj Y5

Karnataka, India

Karnataka, India

Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalapana SDMCA Hassan, Karnataka, India Karnataka, India

Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalapana SDMCA Hassan, Karnataka, India

Contact number: +919964622207

a remarkable therapeutic effect in which

is a plant well known for its medicinal value in Ayurvedic

is also used for non medicinal purposes like marking of cloth, hair dye etc since ancient

Semecarpus anacardium was used by

The fruit part of the plant is used in different dosage forms and is

Rasaoushadhies as well. it is a Upavisha and

needs the purificatory process to reduce the toxic effects and enhance therapeutic properties. This paper is to highlight the importance

it is used to cure many diseases. If it used

yukti, it acts as Rasayana and

simeion (marking or tracing)

Heart shaped marking nut. Shodana

can be carried out by two methods like Ishtika

to remove its toxic properties.

Image no.3 Narikela jala

Arun et al. UJAHM 2015, 03 (04): Page 68-71

Unique Journal of Ayurvedic and Herbal Medicines, 03 (04), July-August 2015 69

Table no. 1. Properties1

Sl.no. Properties Bhallataka Properties

1. Rasa Katu, Tikta, Kashaya, Madhura

2. Guna Ushna, Laghu, Teekshna

3. Veerya Ushna

4. Vipaka Madhura

5. Karma Rasayana, Balya, Krimighna, Shukrala

6. Dosha karma Kapha- vata hara, Pitta vardhaka

7. Amayika prayoga Gulma, Grahani, Arsha, Kushta

8. Dose 125 to 375 mg


Table 2: Asava -Arista


no. Name Ingredients Indications

Dose and


1. Madhukasava (S.Y)4 Madhuka, Vidanga ,Citraka, Bhallataka Grahani, Prameha, Kustha, 12-24 ml madhu

2. Gandiradi arista (C.D)6 Trikatu, Vidanga, Chitraka Krimi, Kustha, Prameha 12 ml jala

3. Gandiradi asava ( C.D) 6

Dasamula, Danti mula, Bhallataka Kustha, Arsaha, Bagandara 12 ml jala

4. Citrakadhyaaristra


Citraka, Triphala, Chavya, Devadaru,

Bhallataka Pandu,Udararoga,Gulma 12ml jala

5. Matasyaasva (G.Ni) 8 Shalaparni, Prusnaparni, Citrakamula Pandu, Udararoga, Bhagandara 12 ml jala

Table 3: Taila and Gritha


no. Name Ingredients Indications

Dose and


1. Amrtabhallataka ghrita

(A.F.I.) 3

Bhallataka Godugdha, Sarpi Tvakroga, Palita,

Daurbalya 12gm dugdha

2. Eladi gritha

(B.R) 2

Bhallataka,Triphala,Nimba,Khadira Gulma, Ksaya,

Panduroga, 12gm dugdha

3. Narasimha gritha rasayana


Khadira,Citraka,Asana, Daurbalya, Vajikara,

Rasayana 12gm dugdha

4. Panchatikta guggulu gritha


Nimba, Patola, Guduchi, Vidaga, Bhallataka Kustha, Arbuda, Hrdroga,

Sopha, Kasa

12gm dugdha

5. Bhadravha gritha


Pata, Punarnava,Gokshura,Vidarikanda,


Mutraghata, Aashamari,


6 – 12 gm


6. Danvantara gritha




Prameha, Kustha

6 – 12 gm


7. Godumagana gritha


Bhallataka, Kakolli, Ksira Kakolli, Shatavari Sukara Kshaya, Rasayana

Balya, 48 ml dugdha

8. Guggulu tikta gritha


Guggulu, Haritaki, Citraka,Pippali Twakdosha, Kustha,

Vishama Jwara 12 gm dugdha

Table 4: Avaleha


no. Name Ingredients Indications

Dose ad


1. Bhallataka rasayana


Bhallataka, Sunthi, Vidanga, Loha

Bhasma Raktha Ksaya Durbalya

½- 1 gm madhu,


2. Kutaja avaleha

(A.F.I) 3

Kutaja, Triphala, Ativisa, Bhallataka Amlapitta, Atisara, Arsa,

Aruchi, Grahani

6-12 gm


3. Bhallatakadi modaka


Bhallataka, Tila, Haritaki, Guda Pittarsa 2 gm

Dugdha, jala

4. Sri bahusalo


Trivrt, Danti, Citraka, Musta Vidanga Gulma, Arsa, Prameha,


5-15gm ksira

5. Gudabhallataka


Dashamula, Guduchi, Gokusha,

Chitraka Arasha

6 – 12 gm


6. Vasistha haritakya

avaleha (Sha.Sam)10

Yava, Danti, Bilva, Haridra, Pippali,

Bhallataka Netraroga, Kustha, Arsa,

3gm madhu

Arun et al. UJAHM 2015, 03 (04): Page 68-71

Unique Journal of Ayurvedic and Herbal Medicines, 03 (04), July-August 2015 70

7. Chaturasama modaka


Bhallataka, Guda, Nagara Arasha, 12 gm dugdha

8. Citrakadibhallataka

avaleha (Va.Se)7

Chitraka, Shatavari, Vibitaki, Pippali,

Bhallataka Arasha, Grahani, Pandu,

12 gm dugdha

9. Tiladi prayoga

(B.B.R) 5

Tila,Bhallataka, Haritaki, Guda Swasa, Kasa, Pandu

12 gm jala

10. Bhallatakadi modaka


Bhallataka, Haritaki, Krishnatila Arasha 6 – 12 gm


11. Bhallataka avaleha

(B.B.R) 5

Bhallataka, Milk Arasha

8 – 10 gm


Table 5: Vati

Sl. No. Name Ingedients Indication Dose and anupana

1. Surana vataka


Surana, Musali, Citraka, Dhatri,


Arsa, Grahni, Swasa, Kasa

2-4 gm jala

2. Sanjivani vati

(A.F.I) 3

Vidanga, Nagara, Pippali,

Amalaki, Ajirna,Gulma,Visucika

125mg adraka


3. Punarnava guggulu


Punarnavamula, Sunthi, Trivrta,

Eranda, Guduchi, Bhallataka

Vataraktha, Grdhrasi,


3 gm madhu

4. Dravantinagara vati


Tila, Eranda, Dravanti, Bhallataka

Yakruth, Pleeha Vikara, Gulma

1 gm jala


Sl No. Name Ingredients Indications Dose and anupana

1. Darvyadi kwatha


Darvi, Rasanjana, Musta, Kirata,

Bilva Pradara 48 ml jala





Jambu, Amra, Plaksa, Vata,

Udumbara, Bhallataka

Bahumutra,prameha 48ml jala

3. Bhallatakadi kwatha



Bhallataka Swasa,kasa 48 ml madhu

4. Nyagrodhadi curna


Nyagroda, Udumbra, Asvattha,


Mutraghata, mutrakrchra,


1-3gm madhu,

triphala kashaya

5. Bilvadi churna (B.R)


Bilva, Kapitha, Kantakari Chavaya,


Vriidhi roga

2 - 4 gm usna jala

6. Narasima curna (B.R)


Satavari, Goksura, Guduchi,

Citraka, Bhallataka

Kasa, ksaya, pandu, pinasa

1.5gm dugdha,


7. Narashima churna (B.R)


Shatavari, Goshura, Guduchi,

Chitraka. Trikatu, Bhallataka


6 gm dugdha

8. Viyoshadi churna (B.R)


Shunti, Maricha, Pippalai Citraka,



6 gm jala

9. Saptasama churna


Tila, Triphala, Trikatu, Bhallataka,


6 gm madhu,gritha

10. Deepaniya maha kashya


Pippali, Chavya Citraka, Maricha,


Deepan, shulagna,

agnimandya 48ml jala

Table 7: Rasa Yogas


No. Name Ingredients Indications Dose and anupana

1. Pachana vati (B.R)2

Parada Bhasma, Abraka Bhasma,Loha

Bhasma, Bhallataka

Arsah, Agnimandiya,

Raktaja Vikara 125 mg Gritha

2. Swethari rasa (B.R) 2

Parada, Gandaka, Triphala, Bringaraja,

Nimbubeeja, Bhallataka

Kustha, Raktaja

Vikara 125 mg madhu

3. Jayantivishamana rasa

(B.R) 2

Abraka, Swarna, Rassindura, Vikranta

Pravalla Bhallataka Kustha Raktaja Vikara 250 mg madhu

Arun et al. UJAHM 2015, 03 (04): Page 68-71

Unique Journal of Ayurvedic and Herbal Medicines, 03 (04), July-August 2015 71

4. Amruthagari loha (B.R) 2

Hingula, Rasasindura, Loha, Tamara,

Bhallataka Kustha Vatarakta 125 mg gritha madhu

5. Sparsavatahani vati (B.R) 2

Gandaka, Parada, Trikatu, Triphala,

Vatsanaba Udarasula,

125 mg gritha

6. Grahani kapata rasa (Y.R)9

Sukati, Gandaka, Parada, Bhallataka,

Babbul Grahani

500 mg

Table 8: External Application


No Name Ingredients Indication

1. Prasarini taila


Maduka, Pippali, Citraka, Vaca Ballataka Grdhrasi, Pangutva,


2. Krimbikdya taila (B.R)2 Kapiita, Udumbara, Maduka, Bilva, Negrodha, Bhallataka Nadivrana

3. Bhallatakadi taila


Haridra, Chitraka, Vidanga, Araka, Bhallataka Nadivrana

4. Mahabhallataka taila


Bhallataka, Tila taila Kustha

5. Lakshadi vati (B.R)2 Lakasha, Arjuna, Vidanga, Aparjitha Bhallataka Guggulu Krimi roga (fumigation )

6. Bhallatakadi lepas (A.F.I)3 Bhallataka, Brhatiphala, Gunjamula, Madhu indralupta

7. Sarshapadi lepa (B.R)2 Sarsapa, Nimbapatra, Bhallataka Galaganda

8. Danthimuladi lepa (B.R)2 Danti,Citrakamula,Arakasira,Sunisira,Guda,Bhallataka Galaganda

9. Paradadi lepa


Parada Bhasma, Gandaka Bhasma,Chakarmarda,

Indravaruni, Bhallataka Kustha

10. Gandakadi lepa


Gandaka, Vidanga, Citaraka, Dantimula Kustha, Twak Vikara


The proper combination of drugs with prior knowledge about

their properties & actions can convert a poison into a best

medicament but if the drugs are combined hapazardly & used

improperly then even most potent drug can become poision &

ruin health. So, Shoditha Bhallataka can be used in different

combination in different Kalpanas according to Yukti. In

combination of different drugs to this Bhallataka and

Administered in Different dosage forms have action in various

conditions like Tvak vikara, Pitta Roga, Yakrit vikara, and

externally like Nadivrana etc.. Since bhallataka is harmful,

precautions should be taken during processing of it .Even

though Bhallataka is corrosive in action it is useful as

Rasayana due to its Madhura vipaka. It is mainly indicated in

Kustha, Arsha Its oil extract is used in treating different skin

diseases. Antiinflamatory, Antimicrobial, anticancer, and

Neuro protective property has been proved through research.


Classical references of Ayurveda have many medicinal herbs

indicated in different Diseases in which Bhallataka is one used

with a combination of medicines to prepare formulations.

From Wide data this paper gives information from Certain

different Classical books to evaluate the Main Indications of

Bhallataka. To conclude the data shows Bhallataka yogas are

mainly indicated in Twak vikara, Pittaja roga.


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Source of support: Nil, Conflict of interest: None Declared