A Proposed Orphanage and Retreat House 2014

Post on 25-Dec-2015

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A research made by students as requirement for AR 327 - Site Planning. It a study beneficial for people in need of finding a suitable space for their project.

Transcript of A Proposed Orphanage and Retreat House 2014

Ateneo de Davao University

School of Engineering and Architecture

Emilio Jacinto Street, Davao City


In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Architecture

AR 327 – Site Planning and Landscape Architecture

Submitted to:

Ar. Jasmin D. Conquilla

Submitted by:

Avena, Dayanara

Cabarroguis, Alexa

Mendiola, Paola

Yee, Via


We would like to express our gratitude to our parents for supporting us

in the process of completing of our project and for taking us to the site on

our first visit.

We would also like to express our sincere gratitude and appreciation to

our dearest Ar. Jasmine Conquilla for mentoring and guiding us all through

out the process and for allowing us to allot some time to visit our site and

gather information for the completion of our requirement.


TITLE PAGE………………………………………………………………………….….1



EXECUTIVE SUMMARY…………………………………..…………………………..5

SITE 1………………………………………………………………………..……..……..7



HISTORICAL BACKGROUND…………………………………………..…...8

SOIL TYPE………………………………………………………………...….....9






HEIRARCHY OF ROADS……………………………………………………..11

NEIGHBORHOOD CONTENT…………………………………………….…12

MANMADE FEATURES………………………………………………….…..13

CLIMATIC CONDITIONS…………………………………………….……...14

LEGALITIES/PARCEL OF LAND…………………………………………..14

SITE 2……………………………………………………………………....……..……15



HISTORICAL BACKGROUND…………………………………………..….15

SOIL TYPE……………………………………………………………….....…16






MANMADE CONDITIONS……………………………………………..……18

UTILITIES AND FACILITIES ………………………………………………19

CLIMATIC CONDITIONS………………………………………………......19

LEGALITIES/PARCEL OF LAND……………………………………....…19

HIERARCHY OF ROADS …………………………………………….….....20

NEIGHBORHOOD CONTENT……………………………………………...21

COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS…………………………………………………………22


SITE PERSPECTIVE.................................................................................24


In this study the readers will be able to thoroughly investigate the given area. The

researchers have provided various information about the lot that would be essential in

the study. This includes the topographical, geographical and physical features of the

site. Some of the specific factors that should be considered are the zoning,

neighborhood content, history, legal elements, circulation, natural features and man-

made features available in the site.

This paper will focus on the characteristics of two different areas located in

opposite direction. At the end of the study, the researchers' aim is to evaluate which

site is most effective and appropriate for the proposed project. Through this, proper site

planning will be implemented.


The sole purpose of documenting the site analysis investigation is to provide

proof and reason to support why our chosen site is the most appropriate for our

orphanage and retreat house. Through this, we will be able to gather information that

will help our study and future possible projects. Collecting data will help us improve and

gain knowledge about our site which will therefore be our basis and reference if our site

is suitable for this project or not.

Our site is a huge lot which is next to the main road (highway) which makes it

suitable because it is highly accessible and convenient. Although it may be a busy and

polluted area, we took into consideration the size of the lot and made it big enough that

the structures have large setbacks from the highway so it could still maintain its peace

and harmony. We also considered the natural boundaries (trees, plants) and

landscaping which could be a form of noise and pollution blocker and somehow isolate

the site from the busy street. We would also like to emphasize that only the front part of

the site is busy. At the rear part of the site is a residential zone therefore there is less

noise and distractions from the city streets.


I. Location

Picture 1.0 Satellite view of the site

Site 1 is located at

Carmelite Monastery

along J.P. Laurel Ave.

Picture 1.1 Map view of the site

II. Orientation

Picture 2.0 Vicinity map

with sun and wind path


III. Historical Background

The Carmelite monastery was a tribute to St.

Theresa of Jesus de Avila. Shewas a prominent

Spanish mystic, Roman Catholicsaint,

Carmelitenun, an author of the Counter

Reformation and theologian of contemplative life

through mental prayer. She was a reformer of

the Carmelite Order and is considered to be a

founder of the Discalced Carmelites along with

John of the Cross.

Picture 3.0 St. Theresa of Jesus de Avila

IV. Soil Type

Picture 5.0 Clay and Loam soil

The soil type present in the area is

mostly clay, such soil are suitable for

planting trees and shrubs. Based on

the topographical map we have, the

site mountainous.

Picture 5.1 Topographical map of site

V. Slope

The site has little slope that it is almost plain. Since it is located along highways and big establishments, the land has already been paved and developed.

VI. Vegetation

There are a lot of trees and landscaping in the area. There are trees such as Indian tree, palm trees, and pine trees. There are also shrubs and flowering plants.

VII. Hydrology

There are no major water features found in the site. It is not prone to


VIII. Sinkholes

Picture 6.0 Indian treesPicture 6.2 Palm trees and shrubs

Picture 6.3 Pine tree

There are no sinkholes found in the site and it is not prone to

corrosion. There are also no mining activities that occurred in the past. The

site is just plane.

IX. Transportation

The site is accessible to almost all types

of vehicles. We may ride a jeepney, taxi, or

private vehicle since it is located next to the

major road. From the Ateneo de Davao College

going to Carmelite, it will take us 15-20

minutes depending on the traffic. We visited

the site three times and we observed and

took a few notes about it. We used a

private vehicle on our first visit and a jeepney

on our succeeding visits going to the site

Picture 9.1

Jeepneys along the main road

X. Hierarchy of roads

Vehicles can pass

through the J.P laurel

road, which is the main

road since the site is just

along it. There are also 2

main roads near the site,

which is the Carmelite

road and Mamay road.

Picture 9.0 Private cars at the site

Picture 10.0 Vicinity map with hierarchy of roads

XI. Neighborhood Content/Context

Picture 11.0 SM Lanang

Picture 11.1 Commercial Buildings

Picture 11.2 Damosa Gateway

The dominant landmarks near the site are commercial buildings like

SM Lanang just in front the site, There are also commercial buildings and

Damosa gateway with an approximate of 250-300 meters away. The site is

accessible to the city proper through the main road which is JP Laurel Ave.

The zoning is General Institution since there are also schools and hospitals

near the site.

XII. Man made Features

There are existing buildings in the

site, that is the church and the

office. There are also man-made

water features and grottos.

Picture 12.0 Carmelite church

Picture 12.2 Grotto

Picture 12.1 Office building

XIII. Utilities and Facilities

The Davao Light supplies power to the site and

its surrounding areas while the Davao City

Picture 13.0 Electrical line

Water District provides water. Telecommunication lines are provided by

Philippine Long Distance Telecommunications and cellular phone coverage

provided by Globe, Smart, Sun, TnT and Touch Mobile also Internet

connection is available. All signals are strong in the vicinity.

XIV. Climatic Conditions

Davao City enjoys a mild tropical climate. Compared with other parts

of the Philippines in which there is a district hot and wet season. It enjoys the

privilege of a climate where the days are always sunshiny and mild followed

by nights of rain. The city is outside the typhoon belt and lacks major

seasonal variations. The predominant wind direction is northward from the

Davao Gulf where the cooler air of the sea replaces the warm air mass over

the city. Surrounding mountain chains protect the city effectively from

strong wind

XV. Legalities/Parcel of Land


Legal documents


I. Location

The second site is located at Toril, BaranggayDaliao. The lot is found in the outskirts of a peaceful community. It is surrounded by government establishments and beach resorts since it is near Davao gulf.

We have chosen this site because we think than an ideal Orphanage and Resort House should be solemn and away from the noise of the city. Toril is also now a fast developing district here in Davao, this new proposed project could also help Toril to be more locally competitive.

II. Orientation

The orientation of our chosen site is facing toward the beach. The cool breeze from the sea permits cool air to just circulate around the area, so it's not that humid during noontime.

III. Historical Background

The site we have chosen has an interesting background. Way back during the Presidential

Picture 1.0 Location of Site 2

Picture 1.1-Paved Area of Site

Picture 2.0-Paved Area of Site

Picture 3.0 President Ferdinand Marcos

term of Ferdinand Marcos, this area was used as a plantation of Abaca. This was mostly the source of livelihood of the people living near the neighborhood, since during this period the use and export of abaca is prevalent in the trade of the industry in the Philippines.

IV. Soil Type

The soil present in the area is very good for planting and establishment of massive buildings. They have loam and sand as their soil types. Since the present site now is flat and paved, any contours and difference in height of irregularities cannot be

determined around the area. But based on the topographical map we have, Baranggay Dalao is not mountainous.

There is just little deformation in the elevation of the land.

V. Slope

The land in the site has also a little slope. Since it is near the shoreline, the land is sloping downwards to the sea. But in the site itself, the land is paved and developed.

VI. Vegetation

One of the vegetation that could be found in the area is the banana tree. It is an edible fruit, botanically a berry,

produced by several kinds of large herbaceous flowering plants in the genus Musa. There are various other

Picture 4.1 Topographic Map of TorilPicture 4.0 Soil found in the site

Picture 6.2 Ipil-Ipil Tree

Picture 6.1 Banana Tree

types of trees present in the area. There are scattered shrubs of plants and long stalk of grasses.

VII. Hydrology

The existing body of water near the area is the Davao Gulf. It is 180-200 meters away from the seashore. Mostly the source of water of the people living in the neighborhood is from water pumps provided by the government. According to the residents, flooding is not a problem in the area because of the bountiful presence of vegetation in the area.

There are also resorts near the area like the Vales Resort. As part of the livelihood of the residents, there is also a Fish Port Complex near the site.

VIII. Sinkhole

According to the residents and based in our survey of the area there are no

existing sink holes or mining history in the site. Neither do landslides occur because it is in the lowlands. The residents try to protect this area because of its virginity and also there are no investors who would like to improve the site.

Figure 7.0 Image of Davao Fish Port

Picture 7.1 Image of Vales Beach Resort

IX. Transportation

We went to the site by riding a jeepney. From Ateneo de Davao University, it would take at least 40 minutes to 1 hour travel time going to Toril depending on the flow of traffic. Going inside the site, we rode a

tricyle which took us around 5-10 minutes.

In the given span of one month, we went to the site a total of seven times. We went there on different kind of weather and time so that we could gather various types of information.

X. Man-made Features

Pave cement, manhole and barangay hall are some features located on the

site. The manhole allows easy access to underground piping which is used

for storm water access. There are also canals in the areas which are still

being used today for navigation, land drainage and urban water supply.

Barangay Hall

Picture 9.0 Jeepneys available in the area

Picture 9.1 Tricyclearound the area

Existing drainage system in the site

XI. Utilities and Facilities

The site’s power is being provided by the Davao City Light and Power

Company (DPLC). Water is being supplied by the Davao Water District

(DCWD) within the site and its neighboring establishments.

Telecommunication companies such as PLDT, Globe, Smart and Sun are also

present within the area

XII. Climatic Conditions

Davao city has a district hot and wet season. It is designated by a uniform

distribution of humidity, air pressure and rainfall. The city is also a typhoon-

free which enclosing a range of mountains that protects the city from strong

winds and a balmy tropical climate where the days are always shiny and

mild followed by the nights of rain.

XIII. Legalities/ Parcel of Land

This site is legally owned by a private company of the National Development Company (NDC) and is acknowledged and registered in the Property Identification map of the Tax Mapping Division of the City Assessor's Office.

XIV. Hierarchy of Roads

The location of major and minor roads is accessible in any type of vehicle such as private car, van, taxi cab and bus. The travel time will take 5-8 minutes from the landmark to the site location depending on the vehicle. The roads ensure traffic flows freely and safely.

XV. Neighborhood Content/ Context

There are houses, resorts and schools stationed on the site. Supermarkets and malls are also located not too far away from the site location. The Gaisano Mall of Toril is the landmark that provide way-finding for people in the area. The reaction of the surrounding buildings towards the site and the people around is to bring into existence of intercommunication. There are also street lights positioned along the road for nighttime visibility security and safety.

The Site Location

Gaisano Mall of Toril







Size of the lot

Proximity to future expansion of the community

Road access

Safety of roadways

Desirable neighborhood

Potential for Environmental hazard condition

Soil foundation conditions

Aesthetic value of the site

Noise/Air pollution

Availability of water/power/communication utilities

Ease of access to users


The researchers recommend the site 1 more than the site 2 because it is more accessible and has more landmarks. The site 2 is a good site for a retreat house since it is located farther from the city. But we think the site 1 could be a better site because in our own perspective people don't need to go far away just to find peace and a refreshing place to stay. The site 2 could be developed and be an effective orphanage and retreat house. It is also near establishments that could make the proposed project to be more effective.




1. Chapel

2. Orphanage House

3. Retreat House

4. Open Area and Garden

Site Perspective