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Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Getting Bachelor Degree of Education

in English Department










In the study of language, there are two important components that

should be applied, namely Language Structure and Language Function.

Language structure is the grammatical form of a language, while language

function is to express our thoughts and ideas or our everyday interaction

(Fauziati, 2009:9). The function of language is attached with the speaker’s and

the listener’s mental activities during communication, they are the speaker’s

intention, the ideas the speaker want to convey, and the listener’s current

knowledge. The function of language can be studied using Pragmatics


Pragmatics is the study of language usage. According to Levinson

(1983:9), pragmatics is the study of those relations between language and

context that are grammaticalized, or encoded in the structure of a language. It

concerns with how utterances can have certain meanings in a certain situation

and context. This research focuses on directive utterance. It will be analyzed

using language form and speech act theory includes locution, illocution, and


Directive utterance can be uttered by different ways. Grammatically,

directive utterance can be in the form of declarative sentence, interrogative

sentence, or imperative sentence. Furthermore, people have different intention

by uttering directive utterance. The speaker’s intentions can be command,

request, prohibition, suggestion, warning, and invitation.

It can be found many directive utterances in Breaking Dawn Part I

movie. For instance, “Walk away” and “Easy up”, has intention as command.

“Will you tell me what’s going on?” and “Can I just go barefoot?” has

intention as request. Yet, not all commands are in the form of imperative

sentence. And not all requests are in the form of interrogative sentence. These

all are going to be discussed more in this research.

In this research, the writer shows two previous studies related to

directive utterance. Firstly, the research was conducted by Fitriani (UMS,

2010) entitled A Pragmatics Analysis on the Directive Utterances in New


Tastement. The results of her research show that there are three types of

directive utterances, namely: declarative sentence, interrogative sentence and

imperative sentence. Moreover, this research also shows the intention of

directive utterances; they are commanding, requesting, suggesting, invitation

and warning. Secondly, the research was conducted by Prasetyo (UMS, 2009)

entitled A Socio-Pragmatics Analysis on English Directive Utterances in King

Arthur Movie Manuscript. In this research, the writer got three founding. He

found that (1) there are three intentions of directive utterance, i.e.: command,

request and suggestion, (2) there are four reasons of using directive utterance,

i.e.: showing power, showing respect, giving strong order and softening


This research has some similarities and differences with the previous

ones. The similarities among this research, Fitriani’s, and Prasetyo’s are on the

object (i.e.: directive utterances) and they focuses on pragmatics study.

Meanwhile, this research is also slight different from the two previous studies.

The difference among Fitriani, Prasetyo and this research is on the data source

of the research. This research takes Breaking Dawn Part I movie as the data

source. And it will be analyzed by employing language form theory and

speech act theory by Austin (1969).

This research emerges two problem statements. They are: (1) what are

the language forms of directive utterances used in Breaking Dawn Part I

movie? and (2) what are the intentions of employing directive utterances in

Breaking Dawn Part I movie?

The objectives of this research are (1) To identify the language forms of

directive utterances in Breaking Dawn Part I movie and (2) To clarify the

intentions of employing directive utterances in Breaking Dawn Part I movie.


The writer elaborates the theories applied for analyzing data. She uses

linguistics forms theory to identify the language form and speech act theory by

Austin (1969) to identify the intention of directive utterances in Breaking

Dawn Part I. Here are the further elaborations of the theories:


1. Pragmatics

Pragmatics is the study of language usage. Pragmatics studies how

people comprehend and produce a communicative act or speech act in a

concrete speech situation which is usually a conversation. Levinson

(1983:1) asserts that “Pragmatics is the study of the relation of signs to

interpreters. And Peccei (1999:2) explains that “pragmatics concentrates

on those aspects of meaning that cannot be predicted by linguistic

knowledge alone and takes into account knowledge about the physical and

social world.” It can be said that pragmatics is the study of the context to

achieve meaning.

2. Speech Act

Speech act theory is basically concern with the function of

language uttered by the speaker. Renkema (1993:21) emphasized that “in

speech act theory, languages seen as a form of acting.” It means that

language perform a certain acting. Language uttered by the speaker must

have a certain function that the speaker wants to show her/his intention

through languages. Moreover, Austin (1969) gave three main parts of

speech act as follows:

a. Locution : the actual form of words and sounds uttered by the

speaker which means something (direct utterance or indirect utterance)

b. Illocution : what the speaker is doing by uttering those words

(function of utterance). Fauziati (2009:175) asserted that it is “the act

performed when saying something. It includes acts of betting,

promising, ordering, warning, etc.”

c. Perlocution : the actual result of the locution (execution). According to

Fauziati (2009:175), “perlocutionary act is the actual effect achieved

‘by saying’ on hearers.”

3. Language Form

a. Word

According to Leonard Bloomfield (in Katamba, 1994:11), word is “a

minimum free form”. It means that word is the smallest meaningful


linguistic unit that can be used on its own. Katamba (1994:54) said that

word has classes; they are noun, adjective, verb, and adverb.

b. Phrase

Hornby (1995:869) said that phrase is a group of words without verb,

especially one that forms part of sentence.

c. Clause

Azar (1992:238) stated that clause is a group of word containing a

subject and a verb.

d. Sentence

For Frank, sentence are classified in two ways, they are:

1) Classification of Sentences by Types

a) Declarative Sentence

Frank (1972:221) said that the subject and predicate of

declarative sentence have normal word order. The sentence

ends with a full stop or a period (.).

b) Interrogative Sentence

Frank (1972:221) asserted that the subject and auxiliary are

often reversed in interrogative sentence. And the sentence ends

with a question mark (?).

c) Imperative Sentence

Frank (1972:221) explained that only the predicate is

expressed. It uses the simple form of verb and regardless of

person or tense. It ends with a period in writing and a drop in

pitch in speech.

d) Exclamatory Sentence

Frank (1972:221) told that exclamatory sentence is begin with

an exclamatory phrase consisting of what or how plus part of

the predicate. It is followed by the subject and the balance of

the predicate. The exclamatory sentence ends with an

exclamation mark (!).


2) Classification of Number of Full Predications

a) Simple Sentence

It consists of one main clause/independent clause. According to

Frank (1972:223), it has only one full predication in the form of

an independent clause/main clause.

b) Compound Sentence

It consists of two or more main clauses/independent clauses

combined with coordinative conjunction, such as: and, or, but.

For Frank (1972:221), it has two or more full predications in

the form of independent clauses/main clauses.

c) Complex Sentence

It consists of one main clause and one or more sub clause

combined with subordinative conjunction

d) Compound-Complex Sentence

It consists of two main clauses and one or more sub clause

combined with subordinative conjunction.

4. Directive Utterance

Directive utterance is utterance that has function to get someone to

do something. While Peccei (1999:51) defined directive utterance that

speakers direct hearers to perform some future act which will make the

world fit the speaker’s words. So directive utterance aims explicitly and

implicitly to make someone do as the speaker says.

Directive utterance can have some kinds of intention, namely:

requesting, commanding, ordering, warning, invitation, and suggesting.

According to Kreidler (1998:190) directive utterance can have intention as

request when the speaker wants the addressee to do or refrain from doing.

It can have intention as command if the speaker has some degree of

control over the actions of the addressee. Then, it can have intention as an

order if the speaker orders something to the addressee. Besides that, it can

have intention as warning if there is a notice and caution in the utterance

or the speaker wants the addressee to be careful in doing some acts. And it


also has intention as suggestion when the speaker gives her/his opinion to

the addressee what the addressee should or should not do. Beside them,

directive utterance can also have intention as invitation and prohibition.

Directive utterance can have function as invitation when the speaker

invites the addressee to do something with him/her. And directive

utterance can have function as prohibition when the speaker forbids the

addressee from doing something.


This research is a descriptive qualitative research because it describes

the language forms and the intentions of directive utterance in Breaking Dawn

Part I movie. The object of this research is directive utterance found in

Breaking Dawn Part I movie. The data of this research are in the form of

directive utterances, while the data source is taken from Breaking Dawn Part I

movie. Technique of data collection used in this research is the documentation

method. The steps are; watching the movie, recording and transcribing,

signing, gathering the data, and coding.

In this research, the data are analyzed based on the language forms and

speaker’s intentions. The techniques of analyzing data are as follow: (1)

Determining the language form of directive utterance found in Breaking Dawn

Part I movie by occupying Language Form Theory, (2) Determining the

intention of directive utterance obtained in Breaking Dawn Part I movie by

occupying speech act theory by Austin (1969), and (3) Drawing conclusion.


Here, all the problem statements raised in this research are answered. It

describes the language form of directive utterances found in Breaking Dawn

Part I Movie based on the grammatical rule and the intentions of directive

utterances found in Breaking Dawn Part I Movie by using Speech Act theory.

In this research, the writer found 152 numbers of directive utterances in

Breaking Dawn Part I Movie.


1. The Language Form of Directive Utterance

In this analysis, the writer finds three kinds of the language form of

directive utterance, namely declarative, interrogative, and imperative

sentence. Furthermore, the writer shows some examples of directive

utterances based on language forms are as follow:

a. Declarative Sentence

BD1/065/Dec/Sug (Seth, Jacob, Leah and Embry are in the edge of beach. They are talking about Bella who will change herself to be a vampire a moment again. Jake/Jacob looks unpleasant if Bella changes herself to be a vampire because he still loves her so much, while Leah looks so sad knowing Jake still loves Bella so much because Leah also loves Jacob. And she wants Jacob to forget Bella) Seth : Jake, could you kill Bella if she became a vampire? Leah : No, He would make one of us do it. Jacob : Shut up Leah. Leah : Will you just get over it? It’s not like you’ve imprinted on her. Seth : At least they seem happy. Embry : I think some people are lucky. Jacob : Lucky? None of them belong to themselves anymore. And the

sickest part is? Their genes tell them they’re happy. Leah : If you imprint someone else, you’ll finally forget Bella. I

mean, any happiness is better than being miserable about someone you can’t have.

The utterance If you imprint someone else, you’ll finally forget

Bella is included as declarative sentence. It is kind of statement. It

declares that if Jacob imprinted someone else, Jacob would finally

forget Bella. This utterance has subject and predicate in normal word

order. The subject (You) comes before predicate (will forget). And

this utterance ends with a full stop. Furthermore, the form of this

utterance is complex sentence. It has one independent clause and one

dependent clause. The independent clause of this sentence is you’ll

finally forget Bella. And the dependent clause of this sentence is if

you imprint someone else. The independent clause is the main clause.

The main subject of this sentence is you. The main predicate of this

sentence is will forget. The main object of this sentence is Bella. And


finally is the adverb of manner. The dependent clause of this sentence

also has its own structure. The subject of the dependent clause is you.

The predicate of the dependent clause is imprint. The object of the

dependent clause is someone else. And If is the subordinating


b. Interrogative Sentence

BD1/021/Int/Req (Bella’s mom, Renee, is seeing how Alice will make up Bella before Bella goes to the altar for her wedding ceremony. After the make-up is done, Bella will wear the dress. And Alice offers Renee to see it first) Alice : Ok… It’s time for the dress! Do you want to see it? Renee : I wanna see! The utterance Do you want to see it? is included as interrogative

sentence because subject and auxiliary are reversed. This sentence is

started by an auxiliary. The auxiliary of this sentence is do and it

expresses present tense. The subject of this sentence is you, while its

predicate is want. And the adverb is to see it. This sentence is also

ended by a question mark (?). In conclusion, the subject (you) comes

after the auxiliary (do) and it is also ended by question mark (?). So

this sentence is categorized into interrogative sentence.

c. Imperative Sentence

BD1/020/Imp/Pro (Bella’s parent gives her a heirloom. They want Bella to wear it in that wedding ceremony. Bella loves it so much. Then she will hug her mom, Renee. Alice prevents her as soon as possible because it will destroy her make-up that is done by Alice) Renee : It’s your first family heirloom. Pass onto your daughter and then her daughter. Bella : Mom I love it. (Bella is trying to hug Renee) Alice : No smudging my masterpiece. The utterance No smudging my masterpiece. is categorized

into imperative sentence because predicate is expressed. This sentence

is started by predicate no smudging. This predicate is in the form of


gerund (smudging) which has function as noun. Meanwhile, no is the

determiner which is used to show that something is not allowed. The

subject of imperative sentence is not expressed but implied. The

subject of this sentence is the second person, i.e. you which refers to

Bella. And the object is my masterpiece. Moreover, it is ended by full

stop. It means that the speaker (Alice) orders the addressee (Bella) not

to smudge her masterpiece. So this sentence is categorized into

imperative sentence.

Below is the table of the finding for the language forms of directive


Table 4.1

The Language Form of Directive Utterance

No. Types of Sentence Number of Data Amount Percentage

1. Declarative Sentence 001, 006, 008, 010, 016,

028, 029, 030, 034, 036,

037, 048, 057, 061, 065,

066, 071, 076, 084, 085,

087, 088, 090, 094, 095,

096, 097, 101, 105, 107,

108, 112, 116, 123, 129,


36 23.68 %

2. Interrogative Sentence 002, 003, 004, 007, 009,

015, 017, 021, 024, 025,

033, 049, 051, 062, 064,

069, 070, 072, 077, 082,

113, 117, 121, 127, 128,

132, 135.

27 17.76 %

3. Imperative Sentence 005, 011,012, 013, 014,

018, 019, 020, 022, 023,

89 58.55


026, 027, 031, 032, 035,

038, 039, 040, 041, 042,

043, 044, 045, 046, 047,

050, 052, 053, 054, 055,

056, 058, 059, 060, 063,

067, 068, 073, 074, 075,

078, 079, 080, 081, 083,

086, 089, 091, 092, 093,

098, 099, 100, 102, 103,

104, 106, 109, 110, 111,

114, 115, 118, 119, 120,

122, 124, 125, 126, 131,

133, 134, 136, 137, 138,

139, 140, 141, 142, 143,

144, 145, 146, 147 148,

149, 150, 151, 152.

The table above shows that the biggest percentage of the language

form of directive utterance found in Breaking Dawn Part 1 movie is in the

form of imperative sentence, i.e. 58.55 %. In imperative sentence,

predicate is extremely emphasized. The predicate used in an imperative

sentence is the simple form of verb, regardless of person or tense. It

usually ends with a period in writing and a drop in pitch in speech. So that

imperative sentence has function to make someone to do something and

such is directive utterance. So that imperative sentence includes as

directive utterance.

2. The Intention of Directive Utterance

By using speech act theory, the writer finds that directive

utterances in Breaking Dawn Part I movie have distinct intentions, i.e.

command, request, prohibition, suggestion, warning, and invitation.


Furthermore, the writer shows some examples of the intentions of

directive utterances based on speech act theory are as follow:

a. Command

BD1/042/Imp/Com (In the middle of wedding party, Bella is going outside to meet Jacob. Bella tells him that she will spend honeymoon as human. Jacob is so angry because Edward is vampire. She may not spend honeymoon while she was still a human. Suddenly Seth, Edward and Sam come to break them up. Seth and Sam ordered Jacob to walk away and stay out of Bella because it is not their business anymore). Seth : Jacob, walk away. Jacob : Let me go! Sam : Enough, Jacob! Jacob : Stay out of this, Sam. Sam : Don’t start something that we’ll have to finish. Jacob : She’ll die! Sam : It’s not our business anymore.

The utterance Enough, Jacob! is categorized into directive

utterance. It has intention as a command which can be explained based

on the locution, illocution and perlocution.

Locution : Sam as the speaker says to Jacob as the addressee

“Enough, Jacob!”

Illocution : Jacob is very angry because of Bella’s decision. He

forbids Bella to spend honeymoon with Edward (vampire)

while she is still human. He is worried that Edward will kill

Bella because of his thirsty to Bella’s blood. Then Sam, the

leader of werewolf, commands Jacob to stay out of Bella

because it is not their decision anymore. Sam thinks that

their wedding does not endanger their tribe and community.

So that Sam commands him to be enough in worrying about

and staying out of Bella’s business. That can be meant that

Sam commands Jacob to stop worrying about and thinking

of Bella’s business.


Perlocution: Jacob leaves Bella and Edward. He lets them to do

anything they want to. He does not stay out of their

business anymore.

Based on the explanation above, the utterance “Enough, Jacob!”

spoken by Sam has function as command. That utterance is addressed

to Jacob. So this utterance has intention that Sam commands Jacob to

stop worrying about and thinking of Bella’s business.

b. Request

BD1/017/Int/Req (Bella’s parent, Renee and Charlie, want to give an heirloom to Bella before she goes to the altar for her wedding ceremony. They cannot find Bella. Renee asks Charlie to find Bella but Charlie minds her instead.) Renee : Hey, did you find our daughter? Charlie : Are those graduation caps? Renee : How creative!

The utterance Hey, did you find our daughter? is categorized

into directive utterance. It has intention as a request which can be

explained based on the locution, illocution and perlocution.

Locution : Renee as the speaker says to Charlie as the addressee

“Hey, did you find our daughter?”

Illocution : Renee is trying to find where Bella is dressed up before

the wedding ceremony. Renee wants to give Bella an

heirloom. She wants her wear that family heirloom in the

wedding ceremony but she cannot find where Bella is

dressed up. Then she asks Charlie whether he found their

daughter (Bella) or not. It means that Renee requests

Charlie to find Bella. But Renee is reluctant to request to

Charlie because they have divorced. So that Renee does

not directly request Charlie to find Bella. She decides to

only ask him where Bella is.


Perlocution: Charlie does not want to help Renee to find Bella. So he

does not answer Renee whether he finds Bella or not. He

switches the conversation instead.

Based on the explanation above, the utterance “Hey, did you find

our daughter?” spoken by Renee to Charlie has function as a request.

This utterance is kind of a question. But actually Renee is reluctant to

request Charlie because they do not have relationship anymore. So the

intention of this utterance is that Renee requests Charlie to find their

daughter, Bella.

c. Prohibition

BD1/020/Imp/Pro (Bella’s parent gives her an heirloom when Bella is dressed up by Alice. They want Bella to wear it in that wedding ceremony. Bella loves it so much. Then she will hug her mom, Renee. Alice prevents her as soon as possible because it will destroy her make-up that is done by Alice) Renee : It’s your first family heirloom. Pass onto your daughter and then her daughter. Bella : Mom I love it. (Bella is trying to hug Renee) Alice : No smudging my masterpiece.

The utterance No smudging my masterpiece. is categorized into

directive utterance. It has intention as a prohibition which can be

explained based on the locution, illocution and perlocution.

Locution : Alice as the speaker says Bella as the addressee “No

smudging my masterpiece.”

Illocution : Renee gives Bella a family heirloom when Bella is

dressed up by Alice. Renee wants Bella to wear it in Bella’s

wedding. Bella is very happy and loves it so much. Then

Bella wants to hug Renee because she is very glad and

delighted for that heirloom. But suddenly Alice stops

Bella’s intention. Alice forbids Bella to hug Renee because

it can break Bella’s make-up. Alice has dressed her up as


beautiful as possible. So that Alice forbids Bella to smudge

and break her masterpiece.

Perlocution: Bella cancels her intention to hug Renee. She is so happy

for the family heirloom that Renee gives her. But she does

not want to smudge and break Alice’s masterpiece which

has dressed her up so beautiful.

Based on the explanation above, the utterance “No smudging

my masterpiece.” spoken by Alice to Bella has intention as a

prohibition. Alice forbids Bella to hug Renee because it can break and

smudge her make-up. Alice has dressed her up so beautiful. So that

Bella may not break and smudge Alice’s masterpiece.

d. Suggestion

BD1/001/Dec/Sug (Alice is training Bella to use high hells which she will use in her wedding. Alice asks her to use it more frequently. In fact, Bella has used it for 3 days. But she keeps feeling uncomfortable with the shoes. Bella thinks that the dress and shoes are too much for her) Alice : Mmm…You just to break them in. Bella : I’ve been breaking them in for 3 days. Can I just go barefoot? Alice : No! Absolutely not. Bella : I’m thinking it’s just a little much, you know… the dress, the

shoes...all of this. Carlisle: No, it’s exactly enough. Alice : Tomorrow will be perfect.

The utterance You just to break them in. is categorized into

directive utterance. It has intention as a suggestion which can be

explained based on the locution, illocution and perlocution.

Locution : Alice as the speaker says to Bella as the addressee “You

just to break them in.”

Illocution : Bella is unusual to wear high heel in her daily life.

Suddenly she must wear high heels in her wedding. Then

Alice suggests her to wear it to make her comfortable with

the high heel. In fact, Bella has worn it for 3 days. But she


keeps uncomfortable with that high heel. So the intention of

Alice’s utterance is suggestion. Alice suggests that Bella

should wear high heel more often.

Perlocution: Bella has worn high heel for 3 days. But she keeps

uncomfortable with the high heel.

Based on the explanation above, the utterance “You just to

break them in.” spoken by Alice to Bella has intention as a suggestion.

Alice suggests Bella to wear high heel more often. In fact, Bella has

trained to wear it for 3 days. But she keeps uncomfortable because she

is unusual to wear high heel in her daily life.

e. Warning

BD1/103/Imp/War (Bella is in danger because Sam’s pack is trying to get any chance to kill Bella. Sam’s pack feels that the fetus endangers their tribe. So they should kill Bella although she is human being. For that reason, Edward and Jacob always keep their eyes on to protect Bella. Jacob warns Edward to be ready because Sam’s pack is going to come after Bella. Then, Edward ensures Jacob that Edward will not let Sam’s pack touch her) Jacob : Get ready. They’ll come after Bella. Edward : They’re not going to touch her. Jacob : Agreed.

The utterance Get ready. They’ll come after Bella. is categorized

into directive utterance. It has intention as a warning which can be

explained based on the locution, illocution and perlocution.

Locution : Jacob as the speaker says to Edward as the addressee “Get

ready. They’ll come after Bella.”

Illocution : Jacob and Edward work together to keep Bella from

Sam’s pack. They always keep their eyes on to protect

Bella. Jacob also looks around to check the situation. Then

Jacob warns Edward to be always ready because Sam can

come after Bella whenever he wants. Jacob knows Sam’s

plan that Sam will not attack and come after Bella directly.


Sam will wait for an opportunity. So that Jacob warns

Edward to be always ready.

Perlocution: Edward always keeps Bella. He will not leave Bella even

though just for a second. He will not let anything hurt her.

Based on the explanation above, the utterance “Get ready.

They’ll come after Bella.” spoken by Jacob to Edward has intention as

a warning. Jacob warns Edward to be always ready because Sam’s

pack can attack and come after Bella whenever they want. So that

Jacob warns Edward to get ready as always. Then Bella can be safe.

f. Invitation

BD1/051/Int/Inv (After getting married, Edward and Bella go to Isle Esme to stay for some days. It was a long trip to reach Isle Esme. Then Edward invites Bella to swim for losing the tiring. Bella wants to but she need a few minute to cleanse her body first) Edward : Are you tired? Want a swim? Bella : Yeah, sounds nice. I need a few minutes as a human.

The utterance Want a swim? is categorized into directive

utterance. It has intention as an invitation which can be explained

based on the locution, illocution and perlocution.

Locution : Edward as the speaker says to Bella as the addressee

“Want a swim?”

Illocution : Edward takes Bella to Isle Esme after the wedding party.

It is a tiring journey because it takes long time to reach Isle

Esme. Then Edward asks Bella whether she wants to swim

with him or not. Actually it is not a question. But Edward

implicitly invites Bella to swim together with him. So they

can release from all their tiring.

Perlocution: Bella wants to swim with Edward but she needs a few

minute as human. She wants to clean her body up fist

before swimming.


Based on the explanation above, the utterance “Want a swim?”

spoken by Edward to Bella has intention as an invitation. Although it

is a question but actually it is an invitation. It means that Edward

invites Bella to swim with him to release from all the tiring.

Below is the table of the finding for the language forms of directive


Table 4.2 The Intention of Directive Utterance

No. Intention Number of Data Amount Percentage

1. Command 005, 011, 018, 019, 023, 026, 029,

030, 031, 038, 040, 041, 042, 047,

050, 054, 063, 068, 075, 079, 080,

083, 084, 086, 097, 099, 100, 102,

104, 105, 107, 109, 112, 116, 118,

124, 125, 133, 134, 136, 137, 138,

139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145,

146, 147, 151, 152.

53 34.87 %

2. Request 002, 003, 004, 007, 012, 015, 017,

021, 024, 025, 033, 039, 048, 049,

058, 059, 064, 069, 070, 071, 072,

073, 074, 076, 077, 082, 089, 090,

092, 110, 111, 117,120, 126, 127,

128, 130, 132, 135, 148, 149.

41 26.97 %

3. Prohibition 008, 013, 016, 020, 022, 034, 035,

036, 037, 043, 044, 052, 053, 055,

056, 060, 067, 093, 098, 101, 106,

108, 114, 115, 122, 123.

26 17.11 %

4. Suggestion 001, 010, 057, 061, 065, 066, 087,

113, 121.

9 5.92 %

5. Warning 006, 009, 014, 062, 081, 085, 103, 8 5.26 %



6. Invitation 027, 028, 032, 045, 046, 051, 078,

088, 091, 094, 095, 096, 129,131,


15 9.87 %

The table above shows that directive utterances found in Breaking

Dawn Part I movie have several of intentions; they are command, request,

prohibition, suggestion, warning and invitation. The table also displays

that command is the most dominant intention of directive utterance found

in Breaking Dawn Part I movie. Directive utterances are utterances that

attempted by the speaker to get the addressee to do something. This

research finding shows that mostly directive utterances have intention to

command someone to do something.


1. Conclusion

From 152 data of directive utterances used in Breaking Dawn Part

I movie, the writer finds their language forms are in the form of

declarative sentence (23.68 %), interrogative sentence (17.76 %), and

imperative sentence (58.55 %). To sum up, the most dominant language

form of directive utterance used in Breaking Dawn Part I movie is in the

form of imperative sentence.

Furthermore, the writer also finds that directive utterances used in

Breaking Dawn Part I movie have different intentions, namely command

(34.87 %), request (26.97 %), prohibition (17.11 %), suggestion (5.92 %),

warning (5.26 %), and invitation (9.87%). In conclusion, the most

dominant intention of directive utterances used in Breaking Dawn Part I

movie is command.

2. Suggestion

Based on this research, the writer proposes some suggestion. They are:


a. From this research, the students can find more knowledge about

language form. They also can learn about how to apply pragmatics

analysis based on the intentions of directive utterances analysis in this


b. Teachers and lectures can use this research as the additional reference

for applying language form study and pragmatics study based on

speech act theory in teaching learning process.

c. This research can be used to support other researchers to conduct a

linguistics research. The other researchers can use this research as the

reference to analyze language form and pragmatics based on speech

act theory.


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Echols, John M and Hassan Shadily. 1989. Kamus Indonesia- Inggris. Jakarta: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama.

Fauziati, Endang. 2009. Psycholinguistics. Surakarta: Era Pustaka Utama.

Fitriani, Norminingsih. 2010. A Pragmatics Analysis on the Directive Utterances in New Testament. Unpublished Research Paper. Surakarta: Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta.

Frank, Marcella. 1972. Modern English. United Stated of America: Prentice Hall.

Galuhshinta. 2009. “Discourse Theory – Speech Act Theory”(online), (http://galuhshinta.blogspot.com/2009/08/discourse-theory-speech-act-theory.html#!/2009/08/discourse-theory-speech-act-theory.html, accessed in December 29 2012 at 10.02)


Hornby, A.S. 1995. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary. New York:

Oxford University Press.

Katamba, Francis. 1994. English Words. London: Routledge.

Kreidler, Charles W. 1998. Introducing English Semantics. London: Routledge.

Levinson, Stephen C. 1983. Pragmatics. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Peccei, Jean Stilwell. 1999. Pragmatics. New York and London: Routledge.

Prasetyo, Agus Eko. 2009. A Socio-Pragmatics Analysis on English Directive Utterances In King Arthur Movie Manuscript. Unpublished Research Paper. Surakarta: Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta.

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Hidayati Sholihah A320090163

School of Teacher Training and Education Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta



The objectives of this study are (1) to identify the language forms of directive utterances in Breaking Dawn Part I movie, and (2) to clarify the intentions of employing directive utterances in Breaking Dawn Part I movie. This is a descriptive-qualitative research which uses the documentation method by steps, i.e. (1) watching the Breaking Dawn Part I movie, (2) recording and transcribing, (3) signing the directive utterances in the Breaking Dawn Part I movie, (4) gathering the data (directive utterance) from the Breaking Dawn Part I movie, and (5) coding the data. The object of this research is directive utterance. The data source is the script of Breaking Dawn Part I movie and the data are in the form of utterances including directive utterance. This research applies language form theory to identify the language forms of directive utterances and pragmatics analysis by using speech act theory from Austin to clarify the intentions of employing directive utterances. The results of the research are to display the language form and the intention of directive utterance. (1) For the language form of directive utterance, the writer finds 23.68 % for declarative sentence, 17.76 % for interrogative sentence, and 58.55 % for imperative sentence. (2) For the intention of directive sentence, the writer finds 34.87 % as command, 26.97 % as request, 17.11 % as prohibition, 5.92 % as suggestion, 5.26 % as warning, and 9.87 % as invitation.

Keywords: Directive utterance, language form, intention, Breaking Dawn Part 1 movie.

Keywords: Directive utterance, language form, intention, Breaking Dawn Part 1 movie.