A Positive Attitude is Contagious

Post on 19-Oct-2014

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"one rotten apple spoils a bunch". Learn how a positive attitude can transform your organization and give you more opportunities for success.

Transcript of A Positive Attitude is Contagious

A Positive Attitude is Contagious

"Joy increases as you give it, and diminishes as you try to keep it for yourself. In giving it, you will accumulate a deposit of joy greater than you ever believed possible"

-- Norman Vincent Peale

A Positive Attitude is Contagious

As they say “one rotten apple spoils a bunch”. One person’s attitude whether positive or negative will spread throughout the entire group. Nobody likes to be around a negative attitude. Learn how you can transform your organization, group, or staff just by bringing a positive attitude with you every day. You have the power to choose your attitude.

“You see if you’re green you’re growing, if you’re ripe you’re rotten”

Purpose The purpose of this session is to share how a positive

attitude affects the culture of a group, organization, or staff

Learning Outcomes At the end of this session, students will be able to:

› 1. Understand the meaning of a positive attitude› 2. Understand the benefits of a positive attitude › 3. Learn how to develop a positive attitude› 4. Learn how to reduce stress and stay positive› 5. Learn how to dodge the negative bullets› 6. Have the power to choose your own attitude

What is a Positive Attitude? A good definition of "positive attitude" will emphasize being

affirmative and certain, without being overconfident or intolerant

The  simple definition is the way you dedicate yourself to the way you think. Interestingly, it's also the definition of a negative attitude.

The more complex definition is how you choose  to dedicate yourself to the way you think, how you choose to dedicate yourself to being positive, and how you choose to dedicate yourself to reacting in a positive way. And your choice must be consistent.

The only way you can tell what type of attitude you have is how you react when things go wrong.

“Positive anything is better than negative thinking.”  ~Elbert Hubbard

Where does a Positive Attitude Come From?

"Positive attitude comes from within.“

"Positive attitude has nothing to do with what happens to you. It's what you do with, and how you react to, what happens to you.“

Positive attitude comes from your ability to process thoughts in a positive way, regardless of the circumstance. And it's never 100%. That's why, in spite of your determination to be positive at every moment, you'll have highs and lows based on your thought process and your vulnerability to others. People are not disturbed by things, but by

the view they take of them.  ~Epictetus

Is there a Formula ?

Most people let thoughts connected with worries, fears, anger or unhappiness occupy their mind most of the time. The inner conversation affects the subconscious mind. Words and thought that are repeated often get stronger with repetition, thus affecting the behavior and actions of the person involved.

  If you consciously choose the thoughts, phrases and words you repeat in

your mind, your life will start to change You will be creating new situations and circumstances You will be using the power of affirmations Affirmations: sentences that are repeated often during the day, and which

sink into the subconscious mind.


Benefits of Positive Attitude

Better health Improved relationships with others both at

home and at work More opportunities for success Improved productivity Will be able to attract others It is possible to achieve anything Handle stress with greater ease It will help others

Every thought is a seed.  If you plant crab apples, don't count on harvesting Golden Delicious. ~Bill Meyer

Handling Stress with greater ease Set realistic goals and priorities Encourage good time-management techniques Take short breaks after a particularly stressful event Rehearse and prepare Don’t procrastinate Know your limits Change your attitudes Learn to say "no Schedule your stress Encourage employees to treat their body right Encourage positive self-talk Give positive reinforcement Take responsibility MAINTAIN A SENSE OF HUMOR

To be upset over what you don't have is to waste what you do have.  ~Ken S. Keyes, Jr

More stress reducing tips

Breathe diaphragmatically

Handle change skillfully and gracefully

Do one thing at a time

Do it right, not over

Cultivate being a friend.  Not merely to have friendships


Want what you haveDo Desktop Yoga


Be around positive people.  Avoid whinersIf you really don't like your work or work environment, change it

Eat nourishing food Drink water Avoid too much caffeine, soda pop, alcohol, and junk. Better yet, stop using them.  Don't smoke. 

Get involved in your workplace wellness program Enjoy nature

Move around.  Use the stairs.  Walk

Smile and have fun

Breathe fresh air

Notice life now.  All of itBelieve in miracles

Play with pets

Balance work with an active home and play lifeFocus on the moment.  Don't get caught up in the past or future

Don't get caught up in gossip or negative thinking

If you're in a hole, quit diggingGo for results, not activitySchedule time for yourself

Have faith. 

Get over it

SimplifyTake naps Love more

Wear comfortable shoes

Enjoy the journey

Hum.  Sing.  Dance. Whistle

Find your own voice

Listen to your real self

It is inevitable that life will sling some crap your way. Nothing strengthens your drive like being kept from working on your goals.

Success is about how you deal with what life throws you. It’s about perspective. It’s also about what drives you

As you spend time dealing with the negativity, keep in mind your main goals. The negativity that you’re dealing with may just fuel the fire that drives your success

Success Is About Learning How to Deal

How to Develop a Positive Attitude A positive mental attitude is an absolute prerequisite for success. A

person’s attitude determines how well they do and how far they go in life.

One of differences between successful people and unsuccessful people is the way they think. Successful people talk about the things they want. They talk about achieving goals, good health, happiness, and prosperity.

Unsuccessful people talk about the things they don’t want. They complain, worry, and talk about their problems.

A person with a positive mental attitude is someone who has a positive and constructive approach to the ups and downs that occur in life. It’s the ability to keep their mind on the things they want in life an off the things they don’t want.

I don't like that man.  I must get to know him better.  ~Abraham Lincoln

Developing an Attitude of Success

The most successful students, leaders and employees present an attitude that makes it clear to everyone around them that they are positive, genuine, competent, self-confident and caring. That is why every college student should come to realize that only with a great attitude can they ever reach their full potential.

Your attitude makes itself known through your words, tone of voice, actions, reactions, facial expressions, mannerisms and body language. It is revealed in every aspect of your thinking and behavior. As people read those signals, they make judgments about you and your potential for success. People with great potential are easy to recognize.

Developing a Positive Attitude Use the right words. Use statements like, “I have a positive attitude,” or “We’ll find a solution,” in daily conversation. The words you use on a daily basis have a major impact on your attitude and moods.

Strive for Optimism. Having a positive attitude is something you should strive for. It isn’t something you are or are not, it is something you become.

What company do you keep? Do your friends have negative attitudes? Does it rub off on you? Many times the company we keep can affect our attitudes. If your group at work or home negatively affects your attitude, take the necessary steps to change the situation. If all else fails, change the people around.

Know when you need a Change. When you know you aren’t happy, admit it to yourself and take action to reverse it. This is a very difficult thing to do especially when you aren’t in the mood to admit things to yourself. It may be hard, but it is worth it. When you are negative, realize it and change it.

Staying Positive in a Negative World 85% of the reason a person gets a job and gets ahead in that

job is due to attitude; and only 15% is because of technical or specific skills. (Source: Harvard and Stanford University)

People spend how much money on their education versus much money they spent on building their positive attitudes?

1. Understand that failure is an event, and not a person.2. Become a lifetime, or better yet a perpetual, student3. Read something informational or inspirational every

day4. Enroll in the Transit University.5. Start the day and end the day with positive input into

your mind

8 Elements of Success

Demonstrate Competence and Professionalism Build and Maintain Relationships Present a Positive Attitude Exhibit Self-Confidence Practice Continuous Learning Treat People With Respect Develop and Expand Leadership Skills Look to the Future

Dodging Negative Bullets

5 Ways to stay positive in a negative world

Awareness: Be aware of negativity around you. You can feel the negative words being drained right out of you.

It All Starts with You: In what ways are you contributing to negativity? Learn to respect people’s humanity and their right to be themselves.

Speak Up: Point it out in a gentle and caring way. Over time people will realize what they can and cant say around you.

Be Constructive, Positive, Meaningful and Beneficial: Constructive conversations are empowering and leave people a little better off from having participated in them. Become the kind of person who takes your time and words seriously.

Praise and Acknowledge: It’s amazing what a few words of praise and acknowledgement can do. You want people to feel good after being in your presence.

Choose the Right LuggageChoose the Right Luggage

Dodge Bullets

Be Bulletproof

Put on the Armor


3 Things! Change

3 Things!

How to Change Your Attitude

Accept Responsibility for who I am for what I have for what I do

Take Control Ownership Values Mission Discipline

How to Change Your Thinking

How to Change Your Behavior


• Sprinkle some “positive” on the negatives• Focus on the good of each day• Stay out of the “feeding frenzies”• Say “please” and “thank you”• Practice EMPATHY• Evaluate YOUR behavior • Never miss an opportunity to complement

• Spread a SMILE around

Replace the BAD HABITS!Replace the BAD HABITS!

More POSI+IVE ContributionsMore POSI+IVE Contributions

1. Is it true? 2. Is it harmful? 3. Is it necessary?

• Keep promises• Have a forgiving view of people• Keep an open mind with changes• Count to 1000 if necessary• See criticism as opportunity to improve• Cultivate your sense of humor

1. Is it true? 2. Is it harmful? 3. Is it necessary?

• Keep promises• Have a forgiving view of people• Keep an open mind with changes• Count to 1000 if necessary• See criticism as opportunity to improve• Cultivate your sense of humor

• Before you say anything to anyone, ask yourself three things• Before you say anything to anyone, ask yourself three things

The Choice is YOURSThe Choice is YOURS

With a Bad attitude you can never have a positive dayWith a Positive attitude you can never have a bad day

ATTITUDE The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life.

Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill. It will make or break a company... a church... a home.

The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past... we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude... I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it.

And so it is with you... we are in charge of our attitudes by: Charles Swindoll

Wait Long Enough…

Wait long enough and people will surprise and impress you. When you're pissed off and angry at them you just haven't given them enough time. Just give them a little more time and they'll almost always impress you.- Jon Snoddy

The Power of Choice Every day you get up, get ready for work, get your

family ready for work/school, and are on your way. Day in and day out, you do what you do because you have to. You are either obligated to do what you do because it’s your “duty” or you do it because you have no choice. Or, so you think.

The reality is that just because you think you have to do something, doesn’t mean you do. You have a choice.

In fact, you always have a choice. You have free will.

It’s Your Choice

By giving yourself permission to choose how you spend your time, who you spend time with, what you choose to do, and how you choose to think, you are free to be you, to freely express through your words and actions who you are as a mature adult man or woman.

The thought of that should make you smile. No longer do you need to do anything out of obligation. You can still choose to do something that you have to do; but you can do it because you want to, because as an adult who’s in charge of your life, you are choosing to make that phone call or attend that family gathering.

You can do what you do out of choice. It’s an empowering place to be. By being at choice, you take charge of your life and your inner experience. After all, it’s not only what you do and what you achieve, but how you feel about it that matters most

“Are some people just born positive thinkers . . . or is it their CHOICE?”

When you think of work as an opportunity to do what you love, to express yourself, and to utilize your potential, then work becomes play for pay. You choose your work and you choose your attitude. There’s always a choice; you just may not like the options.


PROJECT: Changing your attitude

Think about the 3 biggest problems you have in any of these areas: work, relationships, home, family, school, sports, or self image

Answer following questions: 1. To what extent have you blamed others for this problem. 2. How do you feel about this problem? 3. If you don’t solve this problem, what direction will your life go? Who’s going to win: YOU or THE PROBLEM? What small steps can you take to overcome this problem? What new attitude do you need to solve this problem Once problem is solved, how will you feel different about yourself? How will life be better for you once you solve this problem?