A Parent’s Guide as Partners... · A Parent’s Guide TO UNDERSTANDING THE Grade 6 Curriculum...

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Transcript of A Parent’s Guide as Partners... · A Parent’s Guide TO UNDERSTANDING THE Grade 6 Curriculum...


Have the student use this space to write or draw ideas to show their family the things they like about school.

INSIDE YOU WILL FIND:3 Grade 6 overall expectations from the Ontario Ministry of Education3 What the Grade 6 expectations may look like in the classroom3 How you can support your child at home3 Links to Grade 6 resources


Grade 6 CurriculumStudents in Grade Six will demonstrate an increased capacity to self-regulate and an increased ability to reflect on previous experiences. They will use language to communicate their views and ideas, to report, to reason, to predict, to question and to formulate attitude, values and beliefs. They are highly responsive to people, with their peer group becoming increasingly valued. Although adults are still important, they are less dependent on them for approval. They continue to learn best in small groups and enjoy successful team work. All Grade Six students across Ontario participate in a provincial assessment. The EQAO Grade Six Assessment, administered in late May and early June of each year, has been man-dated by the Ministry of Education to provide information on how well all students are meeting the curriculum expectations in relation to the provincial standard.

GREATER ESSEX COUNTYDISTRICT SCHOOL BOARDTelephone: 519-255-3200Website: publicboard.ca

• readavarietyofbooksfromdiversecultures• summarizeastory,restatingfactsandthe

mainideas• sortandclassifyinformationtodraw conclusions• makeconnectionstotexts,

movies,trips,etc.• createaprofileofa characterbasedon thetext• engageinwordstudy tosupportvocabulary development


/ readanddemonstrateanunderstandingofavarietyofliterary,graphicandinformationaltextsusingarangeofstrategiestoconstructmeaning

/ recognizeavarietyoftextforms,textfeaturesandstylisticelements,anddemonstrateanunderstandingofhowtheyhelpcommunicatemeaning

/ useknowledgeofwordsandcueingsystemstoreadfluently,andreflectonandidentifytheirstrengthsasreaders,areasforimprovement,andthestrategiestheyfoundmosthelpfulbefore,duringandafterreading

Overall ExpectationsBy the end of Grade 6, students will:

In the classroom, students may: Overall Expectations In Action

Grade 6Language

Oral Language

/ listeninordertounderstandandrespondappropriatelyinavarietyofsituationsforavarietyofpurposes/ usespeakingskillsandstrategiesappropriatelytocommunicatewithdifferentaudiencesforavarietyof

purposes/ reflectonandidentifytheirstrengthsaslistenersandspeakers,areasforimprovement,andthestrategies


Overall ExpectationsBy the end of Grade 6, students will:

• summarizeinformationorallyforothers• connecttothecontentofanoral presentation• shareideasandaskquestions• useroleplayanddramatoexplore similaritiesanddifferencesinideas• shareorally• exploresolutionstoproblemswith


In the classroom, students may: Overall Expectations In Action

Opportunities to continuethe learning at home

• Demonstrate active listening when talking with your child.• Encourage your child to ask questions.• Ask your child questions.• Together, talk about your thoughts and feelings.• Discuss books you have read.

Opportunities to continuethe learning at home

• Create time and places for your child to read daily.• Encourage your child to read a variety of books.• Encourage relatives and friends to give books as

gifts.• Take your child to the library.• Read the same book as your child.• Discuss books with your child. • Play word games such as Scrabble or Boggle with

your child.

Media Literacy

/ demonstrateanunderstandingofavarietyofmediatexts/ identifysomemediaformsandexplainhowtheconventionsandtechniquesassociatedwiththemareused

tocreatemeaning/ createavarietyofmediatextsfordifferentpurposesandaudiencesusingappropriateforms,conventions

andtechniques/ reflectonandidentifytheirstrengthsasmediainterpretersandcreators,areasforimprovement,andthe


Overall ExpectationsBy the end of Grade 6, students will:

• identifymessagesinadvertisements• supporttheirthoughtsandfeelingsaboutmedia• identifypointsofviewandsuggestdifferentview

points• createavarietyofmediatexts

In the classroom, students may: Overall Expectations In Action


/ generate,gatherandorganizeideasandinformationtowriteforanintendedpurposeandaudience/ draftandrevisetheirwritingusingavarietyofinformational,literaryandgraphicformsandstylistic elementsappropriateforthepurposeandaudience/ useediting,proofreadingandpublishingskillsandstrategies,andknowledgeoflanguageconventionsto

correcterrors,refineexpressionandpresenttheirworkeffectively/ reflectonandidentifytheirstrengthsaswriters,areasforimprovement,andthestrategiestheyfoundmost


Overall ExpectationsBy the end of Grade 6, students will:

In the classroom, students may: Overall Expectations In Action

Opportunities to continuethe learning at home

• Provide a special writer’s notebook. • Allow the use of technology to engage in writing.• Write and/or email notes to relatives and friends.• Write a letter to the editor or respond to blogs.• Make scrapbooks.• Create games and write the rules for the game.



SupportingYourChild’sLearning http://resources.curriculum.org/secretariat/SYCL.shtml


Kindergarten to Grade 6

Reading and Writing with Your Child

Opportunities to continuethe learning at home

• Talk about advertisements and help them understand the purpose of the ad.• Identify the point of view in advertisements.• Expose them to a variety of media such as flyers,

food product labels, brochures, etc.• Discuss the message in movies, television shows

and songs.

• writereports,articles,explanations,etc.• organizeideasforwritingusingawritingframework• plan,write,editandrevise

theirwriting• useavarietyofpartsof


• selectandexplainpiecesoftheirbestwriting

• usenumberlinesandbasetenmaterialstorepresentwholeanddecimalnumbers

• useacalculatortohelpgenerate multiplicationpatterns• solvereallifeproblemsinvolvingpercent,


• evaluatewhentouseestimatesorprecise measurements• constructarectangle,



/ classifyandconstructpolygonsandangles/ sketchthree-dimensionalfiguresandconstructthree-dimensionalfiguresfromdrawings/ describelocationinthefirstquadrantofacoordinatesystemandrotatetwo-dimensionalshapes

Overall ExpectationsBy the end of Grade 6, students will:

In the classroom, students may: Overall Expectations In Action

In the classroom, students may: Overall Expectations In Action

Grade 6Mathematics

Number Sense and Numeration

/ read,represent,compareandorderwholenumbersto1000000,decimalnumberstothousandths,properandimproperfractions,andmixednumbers

/ solveproblemsinvolvingthemultiplicationanddivisionofwholenumbers,andtheadditionand subtractionofdecimalnumberstothousandthsusingavarietyofstrategies/ demonstrateanunderstandingofrelationshipsinvolvingpercent,ratioandunitrate

Overall ExpectationsBy the end of Grade 6, students will:

Geometry and Spatial SenseOverall ExpectationsBy the end of Grade 6, students will:

Opportunities to continuethe learning at home

• Point out examples in the media where estimates and precise measurements

are suitable.• Have your child help plan the areas required

for different garden designs.

/ estimate,measureandrecordquantitiesusingthemetricmeasurementsystem/ determinetherelationshipsamongunitsandmeasurableattributes,includingtheareaofaparallelogram,



Opportunities to continuethe learning at home

• Discuss with your child how fractional and decimal amounts relate to sporting events.

• Use flash cards and calculators to practise multiplication and division facts.• While shopping, compare the cost of one item

versus bulk buying.

0.0011 000 000

In the classroom, students may: Overall Expectations In Action

Data Management and ProbabilityOverall ExpectationsBy the end of Grade 6, students will:


Patterning and Algebra

/ describeandrepresentrelationshipsingrowingandshrinkingpatterns(wherethetermsarewhole numbers)andinvestigaterepeatingpatternsinvolvingrotations/ usevariablesinsimplealgebraicexpressionsandequationstodescriberelationships

Overall ExpectationsBy the end of Grade 6, students will:

• usetableswithorderedpairstoplotthepointsongraphpaper

• solveproblemsthatusetwoorthreesymbolstorepresentunknown


In the classroom, students may: Overall Expectations In Action

Opportunities to continuethe learning at home

• Play interactive games that involve plotting locations (e.g., Battleship).• Help your child see the link between algebra and calculating part-time job earnings.



/ collectandorganizediscreteorcontinuousprimarydataandsecondarydataanddisplaythedatausingchartsandgraphs,includingcontinuouslinegraphs

/ read,describeandinterpretdata,andexplainrelationshipsbetweensetsofdata/ determinethetheoreticalprobabilityofanoutcomeinaprobabilityexperimentanduseittopredictthe


7 = 2 + 5

Kindergarten to Grade 6

Doing Mathematicswith Your Child

In the classroom, students may:

Opportunities to continuethe learning at home

• Discuss with your child the type of angles seen in architectural structures.• Encourage the building of 3D figures using computer applications.• Reflect on the various transformations used in media


Opportunities to continuethe learning at home

• View different types of graphs in media texts and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each.• Draw conclusions about sports data in the

newspaper or data from the Internet about movies.

• Discuss the probability of daily events using a value range of 0 = impossible and 1 = certain.

Overall Expectations In Action• measure,constructandclassify

anglesupto180°• buildthree-dimensionalmodels

usingconnectingcubes• createandanalyzedesignsby usingtransformations

• selectanappropriatetypeofgraphtorepresentdata,graphthedatausingtechnology,andjustifythechoiceofgraph

• read,interpretanddraw conclusionsfromdata• representtheprobability ofanevent

UNDERSTANDING STRUCTURES AND MECHANISMS:Understanding Structures and Mechanisms

/ assessthesocietalandenvironmentalimpactsofflyingdevicesthatmakeuseofpropertiesofair/ investigatewaysinwhichflyingdevicesmakeuseofpropertiesofair/ explainwaysinwhichpropertiesofaircanbeappliedtotheprinciplesofflightandflyingdevices

Overall ExpectationsBy the end of Grade 6, students will:

• exploreorganismsinspecifichabitatsthroughfieldtrips,naturewalksandvideos

• classifyplantsandanimalsaccordingtotheirdistinguishingcharacteristics(e.g.,externalskeleton,numberoflegs,floweringplant)

• analyzedifferentperspectivesofanissuerelatedtobiodiversity(e.g.,theeffectsoftheHerbGrayParkwayonsnakehabitats)

In the classroom, students may: Overall Expectations In Action

• createandcomparedifferentflyingdevices• askquestionsaboutthepropertiesofairand

theforcesofflight• assessthebenefitsofaviationtechnologyfor


In the classroom, students may: Overall Expectations In Action

Opportunities to continuethe learning at home

• Plan a trip to a local park or conservation area to observe specific habitats.

• Talk about how everyday products in your home come from a variety of different plants and animals.

• Encourage conversation about local issues related to biodiversity (e.g., invasive

species, the effect of building roads on the local environment).

Opportunities to continuethe learning at home

• Design and build a kite with your child.• Take a trip to the local airport and share questions

you have about flight.• Experiment by making paper airplanes and discuss

which shapes and materials work best and why.

Grade 6Science&Technology

/ assesshumanimpactsonbiodiversityandidentifywaysofpreservingbiodiversity/ investigatethecharacteristicsoflivingthingsandclassifydiverseorganismsaccordingtospecific characteristics/ demonstrateanunderstandingofbiodiversity,itscontributionstothestabilityofnaturalsystems,andits


UNDERSTANDING LIFE SYSTEMS: BiodiversityOverall ExpectationsBy the end of Grade 6, students will:

giant hogweed

emeraldash borer

/ evaluatetheimpactoftheuseofelectricityonboththewayweliveandtheenvironment/ investigatethecharacteristicsofstaticandcurrentelectricity,andconstructsimplecircuits/ demonstrateanunderstandingoftheprinciplesofelectricalenergyanditstransformationintoandfrom


Overall ExpectationsBy the end of Grade 6, students will:

• constructsimplecircuits• askquestionsabouttheprinciples ofelectricalenergy• investigatethewayselectricity impactsthewayweliveandthe environment

In the classroom, students may: Overall Expectations In Action

/ assesstheimpactofspaceexplorationonsocietyandtheenvironment/ investigatecharacteristicsofthesystemsofwhichtheearthisapartandtherelationshipbetweenthe

earth,sunandmoon/ demonstrateanunderstandingofcomponentsofthesystemsofwhichtheearthisapart,andexplainthe


In the classroom, students may: Overall Expectations In Action

Opportunities to continuethe learning at home

• Investigate the use of electricity in your home.• Watch online videos about energy efficient products.• Consider minor changes you could make to improve

energy conservation in your home.

Opportunities to continuethe learning at home

• Observe the night sky with your child, noticing different light emitting objects (e.g., satellites, stars, planets,

airplanes).• Take advantage of trips to the local science centre or planetarium to see space displays and demonstrations.• Together, explore Internet sites that appeal to your child’s

areas of interest with regards to space.

• usemodelstoexplorethesolarsystem’ssize,shapeandmovement

• askquestionsabouttheimpactof spaceexplorationonsocietyandthe

environment• researchthe


UNDERSTANDING MATTER AND ENERGY:Electricity and Electrical Devices




TheOntarioCurriculumCurriculum,Grades1-8,Science&Technology(2007)http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/curriculum/elementary/grade6.htmlScience and


2 0 0 7

The Ontario CurriculumGrades 1-8



UNDERSTANDING EARTH AND SPACE SYSTEMS: SpaceOverall ExpectationsBy the end of Grade 6, students will:

Chris Hadfield on theInternational Space Station

Grade 6SocialStudies

PEOPLE AND ENVIRONMENTS: Canada’s Interactions With The Global Community

/ explaintheimportanceofinternationalcooperationinaddressingglobalissues,andevaluatethe effectivenessofselectedactionsbyCanadaandCanadiancitizensintheinternationalarena/ usethesocialstudiesinquiryprocesstoinvestigatesomeglobalissuesofpolitical,social,economicand/or

environmentalimportance,theirimpactontheglobalcommunity,andresponsestotheissues/ describesignificantaspectsoftheinvolvementofCanadaandCanadiansinsomeregionsaroundtheworld,


Overall ExpectationsBy the end of Grade 6, students will:

• explainCanadianresponsestoevents ofinternationalimportance• usetheinquiryprocesstoinvestigate

causesandconsequencesofglobalissues• discoversignificanteconomicand environmentaleffectsonCanadaand


In the classroom, students may: Overall Expectations In Action

HERITAGE AND IDENTITY: Communities in Canada, Past and Present

/ assesscontributionstoCanadianidentitymadebyvariousgroupsandbyvariousfeaturesofCanadiancommunitiesandregions

/ usethesocialstudiesinquiryprocesstoinvestigatedifferentperspectivesonthehistoricaland/orcontemporaryexperienceoftwoormoredistinctcommunitiesinCanada

/ demonstrateanunderstandingofsignificantexperiencesof,andmajor changesandaspectsoflifeinvarioushistoricalandcontemporary communitiesinCanada

Overall ExpectationsBy the end of Grade 6, students will:

• investigatecharacteristicsofCanadian communitiesandtheCanadianidentity, includingthecontributionsvariousreligious andethnicgroupshavemade• usetheinquiryprocesstoinvestigatedifferent perspectivesaboutdistinctcommunitiesin Canada(e.g.,thedevelopmentofthereserve systemfromtheperspectiveofFirstNationsand

theFederalGovernment)• describeinteractionsbetweencommunitiesin



Canadian Museum of Civilizationhttp://www.civilization.ca/about-us/about-the-museum/history-of-the-museum-of-civilization

CanadianMuseumofHistory TheAssemblyofFirstNations ChiefsofOntariohttp://www.pch.gc.ca/eng/1267548042604 http://www.afn.ca/ http://www.chiefs-of-ontario.org/TheMetisNationofOntario UnitedNationsEducational,ScientificandCulturalOrganizationhttp://www.chiefs-of-ontario.org/ http://www.unesco.org/new/en/


Opportunities to continuethe learning at home

• Visit war memorials and parks in the community and attend local cultural events.• Encourage your child to ask questions and use

available resources like the library, the internet, documentaries, etc. to find answers about

communities past and present.• Watch, read about and discuss events that impact communities in Canada.

Opportunities to continuethe learning at home

• Discuss current events in the world that have international significance.• Encourage your child to ask questions and use available resources like the library, the internet, documentaries, etc. to find

answers about international events of importance to Canadians.• Watch, read about and discuss global events that involve

Canada in political, environmental, social and economic ways.



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es In

quiry Process









In the classroom, students may: Overall Expectations In Action


The Ontario Curriculum

2 0 1 3

Social StudiesGrades 1 to 6

History and GeographyGrades 7 and 8

Grade 6TheArts


/ applythecreativeprocesstoprocessdramaandthedevelopmentofdramaworksusingtheelementsandconventionsofdramatocommunicatefeelings,ideasandmultipleperspectives

/ applythecriticalanalysisprocesstocommunicatefeelings,ideasandunderstandingsinresponsetoavarietyofdramaworksandexperiences

/ demonstrateanunderstandingofavarietyofdramaandtheatreforms,traditionsandstylesfromthepastandpresent,andtheirsocioculturalandhistoricalcontexts

Overall ExpectationsBy the end of Grade 6, students will:


/ applythecreativeprocesstothecompositionofshortdancepiecesusingtheelementsofdanceto communicatefeelingsandideas/ applythecriticalanalysisprocesstocommunicatetheirfeelings,ideasandunderstandingsinresponse toavarietyofdancepiecesandexperiences/ demonstrateanunderstandingofavarietyofdanceforms,traditionsandstylesfromthepastandpresent,


Overall ExpectationsBy the end of Grade 6, students will:

• incorporatepropsandmaterialsintodancestheycreate

• usedancetointerpretthemesinliterature

• describewaysinwhichpopcultureandthemediainfluencedance

In the classroom, students may: Overall Expectations In Action

Opportunities to continuethe learning at home

• Download the steps to a new dance.• Watch a performance from a reality dance

show with your child and identify what the dancers are communicating.

• Talk about likes or dislikes regarding dances.

• examinearangeofissues,themesandideasfromavarietyoffictionandnon-fictionsources

• identifyfavouritescenesandgivereasonfortheirpreference

• describekeycontributionsdramaandtheatremaketothecommunity

In the classroom, students may: Overall Expectations In Action

Opportunities to continuethe learning at home

• After viewing a performance, discuss the costume choices.

• Point out character personality traits of a favourite character in a family show.

• Share a popular movie scene from your childhood.


/ applythecreativeprocesstocreateandperformmusicforavarietyofpurposesusingtheelementsandtechniquesofmusic

/ applythecriticalanalysisprocesstocommunicatetheirfeelings,ideasandunderstandingsinresponsetoavarietyofmusicandmusicalexperiences

/ demonstrateanunderstandingofavarietyofmusicalgenresandstylesfromthepastandpresent,andtheirsocioculturalandhistoricalcontexts

Overall ExpectationsBy the end of Grade 6, students will:

• applyelementsofmusicwhensingingandorplaying

• describewaysinwhichawareness orappreciationofmusicisaffected bycultureandthemedia• compareaspectsofone musicculturewith thatofanother

In the classroom, students may: Overall Expectations In Action

Visual Arts

/ applythecreativeprocesstoproduceartworksinavarietyoftraditionaltwo-andthree-dimensionalforms,aswellasmultimediaartworksthatcommunicatefeelings,ideasandunderstandingsusingelements,principlesandtechniquesofvisualarts,aswellascurrentmediatechnologies

/ applythecriticalanalysisprocesstocommunicatefeelings,ideasandunderstandingsinresponseto avarietyofartworksandartexperiences/ demonstrateanunderstandingofavarietyofartforms,stylesandtechniquesfromthepastand present,andtheirsocioculturalandhistoricalcontext

Overall ExpectationsBy the end of Grade 6, students will:

• interpretavarietyofartworks• createnarrativeartworksorartworks

aboutathemeortopic• understandkeycontributionsof visualandmediaartsatlocaland nationallevels

In the classroom, students may: Overall Expectations In Action

Opportunities to continuethe learning at home

• Create art that would represent your child’s personal identity.

• Create an illustration of a favourite scene.• Promote the use of a sketch book/idea



Opportunities to continuethe learning at home

• Compare and contrast one of your favourite songs with one of your child’s favourites.

• Talk about how music is used in media.• Challenge your child to match styles of music

to famous people.


The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 1-8, The Arts (2009)http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/curriculum/elementary/grade6.html


In the classroom, students may: Overall Expectations In Action

Living Skills

• participateinsustainedmoderatetovigorousactivity• monitorchangesinfitnesslevelsovertime• setpersonalfitnessgoalsandcreateafitnessplan• describethestepsthatshouldbetakenwhenrespondingtominorinjuries

/ participateactivelyandregularlyinawidevarietyofphysicalactivitiesanddemonstrateanunderstandingoffactorsthatencouragelifelongparticipationinphysicalactivity

/ demonstrateanunderstandingoftheimportanceofbeingphysicallyactiveandapplyphysicalfitnessconceptsandpracticesthatcontributetohealthy,activeliving

/ demonstrateresponsibilityfortheirownsafetyandthesafetyofothersastheyparticipateinphysicalactivities

Active LivingOverall ExpectationsBy the end of Grade 6, students will:

In the classroom, students may: Overall Expectations In Action• exploredifferentwaystoincreasebalanceandstability• playavarietyofcooperativeandcompetitivegames• contributeideaswhenworkinginagrouptoaccomplishacollaborativetask

/ performmovementskills,demonstratinganunderstandingofthebasic requirementsoftheskillsandapplyingmovementconcepts,asappropriate,

astheyengageinavarietyofphysicalactivities/ applymovementstrategiesappropriately,demonstratinganunderstanding


Movement CompetenceOverall ExpectationsBy the end of Grade 6, students will:

In the classroom, students may: Overall Expectations In Action• discusstheeffectsofillicitdrugs• developpersonalhealthyeatingplans• describewhatcanbedonetoencouragerespectandtheinclusionofeveryone


/ demonstrateanunderstandingoffactorsthatcontributetohealthy development/ demonstratetheabilitytoapplyhealthknowledgeandlivingskillstomake


/ demonstratetheabilitytomakeconnectionsthatrelatetohealthandwell- being,howtheirchoicesandbehavioursaffectboththemselvesandothers, andhowfactorsintheworldaroundthemaffecttheirownandothers’health


Healthy LivingOverall ExpectationsBy the end of Grade 6, students will:

By the end ofGrade 6, students willdemonstrate personaland interpersonal skillsand the use of criticaland creative thinkingprocesses as theyacquire knowledgeand skills in connection with the expectationsin the Active Living,Movement Competence and Healthy Livingstrands for this grade.

Opportunities to continuethe learning at home

• Plan family activities that are vigorous.• Create a physical

activity journal.• Set family fitness

goals on a monthly basis.

• Go on a forest walk.• Check out local fitness and community centres for fun activities.• Discuss the negative

effects of drug abuse.• Create a weekly menu with a grocery list.

Grade 6Health&PhysicalEducation

HomeworkPolicyHighlightsOngoing homework allows students to consolidate concepts and skills through additional practice and reflection or to prepare for their new learning. Homework includes opportunities for students to communicate about their classroom experiences. Parents can support their child by engaging in the activities suggested within this document, and reading, writing, playing, interacting and sharing together.

} The parent is, and remains, the first and most importantteacherthatthechildwillhave.~ Rabbi Kassel Abelson

As partners in your child’s learning, we want to keep the lines of communication open between home and school. As you know your child best, please make contact through a phone call or note to the teacher whenever you feel there is information that is important to share. We will communicate with you about your child in an ongoing process through formal and informal opportunities.


Formal communication includes:

3 schools will use the elementary progress report card between Oct. 20 and Nov. 20 of the school year

3 the first provincial report card will be sent home between Jan. 20 and Feb. 20 of the school year, and the second will be sent home towards the end of June

The Greater Essex County District School Board is proud to offer Core French and French Immersion programs across Windsor and Essex County. We encourage all parents to support the learning of French as a second language and to become familiar with the supports available to them. Please access the following sites to help your child with French.

Homework Help Tip SheetsVisit the supports provided by Canadian Parents for French @

http://on.cpf.ca/resources/for-parents/homework-help-tip-sheetsFSL Homework ToolboxParents and students can access homework help in all subjects taught in French @

www.FSLHomeworkToolbox.caGroupe Média TFOVisit the supports provided by Canadian Parents for French @ www.tfo.orgZone des petits de Radio-CanadaWatch popular TV shows and play educational games in French with your child @

www.radio-canada.ca/jeunesse/petitsFSL Policies & Curriculum DocumentsBecome familiar with the program, policies and curriculum @


Informal communication includes:

3 notes3 telephone calls3 student agendas (where used)3 informal dialogue3 websites or blogs3 newsletters3 parent/teacher conferences

Learning French is NOW

easier than ever!

Core French and French Immersion