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International Journal Of Core Engineering & Management (ISSN: 2348-9510)

Special Issue, NCIAEE-2017, St. Johns College of Engineering and Technology, Yemmiganur



B Rambabu1,Lakshmi prasad Jakka2,A Venkata prasad3, T Manohar4

Asst. Professor: department of EEE, Anantha Lakshmi Institute of technology and sciences, Anantapur, India1

Asst. Professor: department of EEE, Anantha Lakshmi Institute of technology andsciences,Anantapur, India2

Asst. Professor: department of EEE, Anantha Lakshmi Institute of technology and sciences,Anantapur, India3

Asst. Professor: department of EEE, Anantha Lakshmi Institute of technology and sciences,Anantapur, India4


This paper proposes a new Hybrid Electric Vehi-cle (HEV) which works with Fuel Cell and battery based on Buck-Boost Voltage/Current Source Inverter using Space Vector Pulse Width Amplitude Modula-tion (SVPWAM) technique. It mainly focuses on control technique for an VSI/CSI. The switching losses are re-duced by 87% for VSI, 60% for CSI with SVPWAM technique compared to conventional Sinusoidal PWM technique. In both cases power density is increased by 2 to 3 times. It is also verified that the output harmonic distortions of SVPWAM is lower than SPWM, by using only onethird of switching frequency of latter one. It is obtained that it is feasible to use SVPWAM to make the buck–boost inverter suitable for applications that require high efficiency, high power density, high temperature, and low cost the simulation results are carried out for which the result shows its reliability and performance.

I. INTRODUCTION In recent years, Fuel Cell (FC) systemshave received unprecedented attention due to the concerns about ad-verse effects of extensive use of fossil fuels on the envi-ronment and energy security. Also, these have got more attention in Electric vehicles. Currently, two existing inverter topologies are used for electric vehicles (EVs), they are the conventional three-phase inverter with a high voltage battery and a three-phase pulse width modu-lation (PWM) inverter with a dc/dc boost front end. The conventional PWM inverter imposeshigh stress on switching devices and motor thus limits the motor’s constant power speed range (CPSR), which can beovercame through the dc–dc boosted PWM inverter. A typical configuration of the Solar Hybrid electric vehicle (SHEV) is shown in Fig. 1 . The inverter is required to inject low harmonic current to the motor, in order to reduce the winding loss and core loss. For this purpose, the switching frequency of the inverter is designed within a high range from 15 to 20 kHz, result-ing in the switching loss increase in switching device and also the core

International Journal Of Core Engineering & Management (ISSN: 2348-9510)

Special Issue, NCIAEE-2017, St. Johns College of Engineering and Technology, Yemmiganur


loss increase in the motor stator. To solve this problem, various soft-switching methods have been proposed [1]–[3]. Active switching rectifier or a diode rectifier with small DC link capacitor has been proposed in [4], [5], [8]–[12].

Fig 1 Typical configuration of a Fuel Cell HEV

Various types of modulation methods such as opti-mized pulse-width-modulation [13], improved Space-Vector-PWM control for different optimization targets and applications [14]–[16], and discontinuous PWM (DPWM) [17]have been proposed previously. Different switching sequence arrangement can also affect the harmonics, power loss and voltage/current ripples [18]. DPWM has been widely used to reduce the switching frequency, by selecting only one zero vector in one sec-tor. It results in 50% switching frequency reduction. However, if an equal output THD is required, DPWM cannot reduce switching loss than SPWM. Moreover, it will worsen the device heat transfer because of the tem-perature variation. A double 120 flattop modulation method has been proposed in [6] and [7] to reduce the period of PWM switching to only 1/3 of the whole fundamen-tal period. However, these papers didn’t compare the spectrum of this method with others, which is not fair. In addition, the method is only specified to a fixed topology, which cannot be applied widely. This paper proposes a novel generalized space vector pulse width amplitude modulation (SVPWAM) method for the buck/boost voltage source inverter (VSI) and current source inverter (CSI). By eliminating the conventional zero vector in the space vector modulation, twothird and one-third switching frequency reduction can be achieved in VSI and CSI, respectively. If a unity power factor is assumed, an 87% switching loss reduction can be implemented in VSI, and a 74% reduction can be implemented in CSI. Therefore, a high-efficiency, high-power density, high-temperature, and low-cost in-verter is achieved by using an SVPWAM method.In each sector, only one phase leg is doing PWM switching; thus, the switching frequency is reduced by two-third. This im-poses zero switching for one phase leg in the adjacent two sectors. For example, in sector VI and I, phase leg A has no switching at all. The dc-link voltage thus is di-rectly generated from the output line-to -line voltage. II.PEM FUEL CELL MODEL A fuel cell is a static energy conversion device that con-verts chemical reaction of fuels directly into electrical energy with some heat and produces water as its byprod-uct [13]. The chemical reaction sustains as long as fuel and oxidant supply is maintained. Fig. 1 shows a simple arrangement of fuel cell system. The chemical reaction involved in the anode, cathode and electrolyte membrane for the production of electricity is given below:

International Journal Of Core Engineering & Management (ISSN: 2348-9510)

Special Issue, NCIAEE-2017, St. Johns College of Engineering and Technology, Yemmiganur


Fig.2. Fuel cell operation diagram. The fuel cell performance isearmarked by its thermal and electrical efficiency. The thermodynamic efficiency depends on fuel processing, water management and tem-perature control of the system. The electrical efficiency of the fuel cell depends on the activation & concentration loss apart from natural Ohmic loss. Figure shows the simulink model as developed for the fuel cell stack based on the above five equations. The sim-ulated I-V characteristics of PEM fuel cell stack voltage for the fixed values of input fuel pressures for single cell is shown in Fig. 3. It can be seen that at low current level, the ohmic loss becomes less significant and the increase in output voltage is mainly due to activity of slowness of chemical reactions. So this region is also called active-polarization. At very high current density the voltage fall down significantly because of the reduction of gas ex-change efficiency. This is mainly due to over flooding of water in catalyst and this region is also called concentra-tionpolarization. Intermediate between the active region and concentrations region there is a linear slope which is mainly due to internal resistance offered by various com-ponents of the fuel cell. This region is generally called as ohmicregion.

International Journal Of Core Engineering & Management (ISSN: 2348-9510)

Special Issue, NCIAEE-2017, St. Johns College of Engineering and Technology, Yemmiganur


III.VSI EMPLOYING SVPWAM: A.SVPWAM Control Principle in VSI : The principle of an SVPWAM control is to eliminate the zero vectors in each sector. The modulation prin-ciple of SVPWAM is shown in Figure. DC link capacitor have been proposed in [4], [5], [8]–[12].Varies types of modulation method have been proposed previouslysuch as optimized pulse-width-modulation [13], improved-Space-Vector-PWM control for different optimization tar-getsand applications [14]–[16], and discontinuous PWM (DPWM)[17]. Different switching sequence arrangement can also affectthe harmonics, power loss and voltage/cur-rent ripples [18].DPWMhas been widely used to reduce the switching frequency, byselecting only one zero vector in one sector. It results in50% switching frequency reduction. However, if an equaloutput.THD is required, DPWM can not reduce switching loss than SPWM. More-over, it will worsen the device heat transferbecause the temperature variation. A double 120 flattop modulation-method has been proposed in [6] and [7] to reduce thep-eriod of PWM switching to only 1/3 of the whole funda-mentalperiod. However, these papers didnt compare the spectrumof this method with others, which is not fair. In addition, themethod is only specified to a fixed topology, which can not beapplied widely.This paper proposes a novel general-ized space vectorpulsewidth amplitude modulation (SVP-WAM) method for thebuck/boost voltage source inverter (VSI) and current source inverter(CSI). By eliminating the conventional zero vector inthe space vector modula-tion, two-third and one-third switchingfrequency reduc-tion can be achieved in VSI and CSI, respectively. If a unity power factor is assumed, an 87% switchingloss reduction can be implemented in VSI, and a 74% reduc-tioncan be implemented in CSI. A 1-kW boost-converter inverter system has been developed and tested based on the SVPWAMmethod. A 90% power loss reduction com-pared to SPWM hasbeen observed. The two stage effi-ciency reaches 96.7% at thefull power rating. The power volume density of the prototype is2.3 kW/L. The total weight of the system is 1.51 lb.

Fig. 3. SVPWAM for VSI.

International Journal Of Core Engineering & Management (ISSN: 2348-9510)

Special Issue, NCIAEE-2017, St. Johns College of Engineering and Technology, Yemmiganur


Fig. 4. DC-link voltage of SVPWAM in VSI. Therefore, a high-efficiency, high-power density, high-temperature, and lowcost1-kW inverter is achieved by using an SVP-WAM method. IV. SVPWAM FOR CSI: A.Principle of SVPWAM in CSI: The principle of SVPWAMin CSI is also to eliminate the zerovectors. As shown in Fig, for each sector, only two switchesare doingPWMswitching, since only one switch in upper phaselegs and one switch in lower phase legs are conducting togetherat any moment. Thus, for each switch, it only needs to do PWM.

Fig. 5. Switching voltage and current when pf = 1.

Fig. 6. Vector placement for each sector for CSI.

switching in two sectors, which is one-third of the switch-ing period. Compared to SVPWM with

International Journal Of Core Engineering & Management (ISSN: 2348-9510)

Special Issue, NCIAEE-2017, St. Johns College of Engineering and Technology, Yemmiganur


single zero vec-tor selectedin each sector, this method brings down the switching frequencyby one-third. Similarly, the dc-link current in this case is a 6ω varied current. It is the maximum envelope of six output currents:Ia, Ib, Ic ,−Ia ,−Ib ,−Ic , as shown in Fig. 8. For example, insec-tor I, S1 always keeps ON, so the dc-link current is equal toIa . The difference between dc-link current in CSI and dc-linkvoltage in VSI is dc-link current in CSI is over-lapped with thephase current, but dc-link voltage in VSI is overlapped with theline voltage, not the phase voltage. The time intervals for two adjacent vectors can be calcu-latedin the same way as (1) and (2). According to diagram in Fig. 7,the vector placement in each switching cycle for six switchescan be plotted in Fig. 9.The SVPWAM is implemented on conventional CSI throughsimulation. Figure shows the ideal waveforms of the dc currentIdc, the output phase ac current and the switching signals ofS1 The switching signal has two sections of PWM in posi-tivecycle, but no PWM in negative cycle at all. B.Inverter Switching Loss Reduction for CSI: In CSI, the current stress on the switch is equal to the dclinkcurrent, and the voltage stress is equal to output line-to-linevoltage, as shown the shadow area in Fig. Thus, the switchingloss for a single switch is determined by

Fig. 7. Theoretic waveforms of dc-link current, output line current and switching signals.

International Journal Of Core Engineering & Management (ISSN: 2348-9510)

Special Issue, NCIAEE-2017, St. Johns College of Engineering and Technology, Yemmiganur


Fig. 8. CSI switching loss ratio between SVPWAM and discontinuouseSVPWM versus power factor.

When compared to discontinuousSVPWM,if the half switchingfrequency is utilized, then the switching loss of it becomeshalf of the result in (6). The corresponding switching loss ratiobetween SVPWAM and discontinuous SVPWM is shown inFig. V. TOPOLOGIES FOR SVPWAM: Basically, the topologies that can utilize SVPWAM have twostages: dc–dc conversion which converts a dc voltage or currentinto a 6ω varied dc-link voltage or current; VSI or CSI for whichSVPWAM is applied. One typical ex-ample of this structure isthe boost converter inverter dis-cussed previously. However, thesame function can also be implemented in a single stage, suchas Z/quasi-Z/trans-Z source inverter [37]–[40]. The front stage can also be in-tegrated with inverter to form a single stage. Take current-fed quasi-Z-source inverter as an

Fig. 9. SVPWAM-based boost-converter-inverter mo-tor drive system. example. Instead of controlling the dc-link current Ipn to havea constant average value, the open zero state duty cycle Dopwill be regulated instantaneously to control Ipm to have a 6ωfluctuate average value, resulting in a pulse type 6ω waveformat the real dc-link current Ipn, since I1 is related to the input dc current Iin by a transfer function

International Journal Of Core Engineering & Management (ISSN: 2348-9510)

Special Issue, NCIAEE-2017, St. Johns College of Engineering and Technology, Yemmiganur


VI.CASE STUDY: 1-KWBOOST-CON-VERTER INVERTER FOR EV MOTOR DRIVE APPLICATION: A.Basic Control Principle: The circuit schematic and control system for a 1-kW boostconverterinverter motor drive system is shown in Fig. A6ω dc-link voltage is generated from a constant dc voltage bya boost converter, using open-loop control. Inverter then couldbe modulated by a SVPWAM meth-od. The specifications forthe system are input voltage is 100–200 V; the average dc-linkvoltage is 300 V; output line-to-line voltage rms is 230 V; andfrequency is from 60 Hz to 1 kHz. B.Voltage Constraint and Operation Region: It is worth noting that the SVPWAM technique can only be applied when the batteries voltage falls into the region due to the step-up nature of boost converter.The con-straint is determined by the minimum point of the 6ωdc-link voltage. Beyond this region, conventional SPWM canbe implemented. However, the dc-link voltage in this case stillvaries with 6ω because of the small film capaci-tor we selected.Thus, a modified SPWM with varying dc-link voltage will beadopted during the motor start up as shown in Figure. Hence,the system will achieve optimum efficiency when the motor isoperating a little below or around nominal voltage. When themotor demands a low voltage during start up, efficiency is thesame as the con-ventional SPWM-controlled inverter.

Fig. 10. Operation region of boost-converter-inverter EV traction drive

International Journal Of Core Engineering & Management (ISSN: 2348-9510)

Special Issue, NCIAEE-2017, St. Johns College of Engineering and Technology, Yemmiganur


Fig.11.Variable carrier SPWM control in buck mode.

In SVPWAM control of boost mode, dc-link voltage var-ieswith the output voltage, in which the modulation in-dex is always kept maximum. So, when dc-link voltage is above the batteryvoltage, dc-link voltage level varies with the output voltage. Thevoltage utilization increased and the total power stress on thedevices has been reduced. C.Variable DC-Link SPWM Control at High Frequency When the output needs to operate at a relative high frequency,like between 120 Hz and 1 kHz, it is challeng-ing to obtain a 6ωdc-link voltage without increasing the switching frequency ofa boost converter. Because the con-troller does not have enoughbandwidth.Furthermore, in-creasing boost converter switching frequencywould cause a substantial increase of the total switching loss,because it takes up more than 75% of the total switching loss. The reason is because it switches at a complete current region.Also a normal SPWM can not be used in this range because thecapacitor is designed to be small that it can not hold a constantdc link voltage. Therefore, the optimum option is to controlthe dc link voltage to be 6ω and do a variable dc link SPWMmodulation, as explained in Fig.In this variable dc-link SPWM control, in order to get bet-terutilization of the dc-link voltage, an integer times be-tweenthe dc-link fundamental frequency and output fre-quency is preferred.When the output frequency is in [60 Hz, 120 Hz], a 6ωdc link is chosen; when the frequency is in [120 Hz, 240 Hz], a3ω dc link is chosen; when the frequency is in [240 Hz, 360 Hz],a 2ω dc link is chosen . VII.Simulation Results The parameters used in the test are rated power: 1 kW; batteryvoltage: 100–200 V; rated line voltage rms: 230 V; dc-linkvoltage peak: 324 V; switching frequency: 20 kHz; output frequency:60 Hz–1 kHz

International Journal Of Core Engineering & Management (ISSN: 2348-9510)

Special Issue, NCIAEE-2017, St. Johns College of Engineering and Technology, Yemmiganur


Fig.12. Fuel Cell based Simulation Circuit

Fig.13 Load Voltage and Current

Fig.14 Inverter Output voltage and current

International Journal Of Core Engineering & Management (ISSN: 2348-9510)

Special Issue, NCIAEE-2017, St. Johns College of Engineering and Technology, Yemmiganur


D.Overall Efficiency and Power Loss Com-parison Between SVPWAM and SPWM Fig. shows the measured efficiency when the input volt-ageincreases from 100 to 200 V, all at 1-kW power rat-ing. The overallefficiency increases as the input voltage increases, becausethe efficiency of a boost converter in-creases when the input voltageincreases. The maximum efficiency at 1 kW reaches 96.7%at input voltage 200 V. It can be seen that the maximum efficiency at constant torqueregion happens at its maximum output voltage where the voltage.

Fig.16 Efficiency versus voltage gain results corre-sponding to Fig. 19. increases from 0 to full rating under two methods. Since theresearch target is only inverter, the test condition is based on varying the output power by changing output voltage from0to 230 V. It is observed that in the SVP-WAM method, conductionloss accounts for 80% of the total power loss, but in the SPWM method, switching loss is higher than conduction loss. The switching loss is re-duced from 10 to 1.4 W from SPWMto SVPWAM. An es-timated 87% switching loss reduction hasbeen achieved. VIII. CONCLUSION: The SVPWAM control method preserves the following advantages compared to traditional SPWM and SVPWM method. 1) The switching power loss is reduced by 90% com-pared With the conventional SPWM inverter system. 2) The power density is increased by a factor of 2 be-cause of reduced dc capacitor (from 40 to 6 μF) and small heat-sink is needed. 3) The cost is reduced by 30% because of reduced passives,heat sink, and semiconductor stress. A high-efficiency, high-power density, high-temperature, and low-cost 1-kW inverter engine drive system has been developed and tested. The effectiveness of the proposed method in reduction of power losses has been validated by the Simulation results that were obtained from the laboratory scale prototype.

International Journal Of Core Engineering & Management (ISSN: 2348-9510)

Special Issue, NCIAEE-2017, St. Johns College of Engineering and Technology, Yemmiganur


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