A Monthly Newsletter of Lamb of God Lutheran Church & School...LAMB OF GOD LUTHERAN CHURCH 6220...

Post on 22-Oct-2020

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Transcript of A Monthly Newsletter of Lamb of God Lutheran Church & School...LAMB OF GOD LUTHERAN CHURCH 6220...

  • A Monthly Newsletter of

    Lamb of God Lutheran Church & School

    Learn . . .Live . . .Love

  • PRIME TIMERS PT55s — Due to the current virus crisis, we are temporarily cancelling our upcom-

    ing scheduled events and meetings. We will update our schedule as needed in the foreseeable fu-

    ture. On a more positive note, a big thank you to all who contributed candy to our Easter egg drive

    for St. Jude’s. We have more than enough eggs now and we will deliver them to the orphanage at

    the appropriate time.

    STAY CONNECTED TO JESUS AND LAMB OF GOD!! Go to our web page at

    www.lambofgodlv.com and see all the goodies for you! Just click on Welcome, then Sermons and

    you can watch video Table Talk Messages by Pastor Mike and Pastor Mose. Click on LOG and

    COVID-19 and be encouraged with Portals of Prayer devotions, Daily Prayers and Hymns from the

    Lutheran Service Book and listen to The Lutheran Hour! There are also great links for your chil-

    dren! Call the church office 702-645-4998 if you are not receiving emails from us.

    Additional Services:

    Prayer - Please call or email prayer requests to the church office at 702-645-4998 or hil-


    Lord's Supper - The Pastors will gladly meet with you and give you Communion. Please call the

    church office to schedule a time to come in.

    Groceries or at home needs - We have members who are willing to help deliver groceries to those

    who cannot find them or who cannot leave home due to being at high risk. Please contact the

    church to let us know what you need and how we can help.

    If you are enjoying your newsletter on your computer just click on this link!


    TITHES AND OFFERINGS — As we continue to do ministry, even in this time of being apart, your

    faithful giving is a blessing to Lamb of God. Thank you in advance for continuing to keep the minis-

    try moving forward at your church. Giving online is fast and easy: Go to LAMBOFGODLV.COM

    and click on the big, purple Giving Online box and follow the easy instructions or you can mail your

    offering to:

    Lamb of God Lutheran Church

    6220 N. Jones Blvd.

    Las Vegas, NV 89130


    6220 North Jones Blvd. Las Vegas, NV 89130

    702-645-4998 Fax: 702-645-7605


    Pastor Mike Scholz scholzm@lambofgodlv.com

    Cell 702-743-0139 Pastor Mose Henney

    henneym@lambofgodlv.com Cell 702-204-2607

    Pam Hilton - Church Secretary Newsletter Editor

    hiltonp@lambofgodlv.com Dave Karch- Facility Manager

    karchd@lambofgodlv.com Cell 702-612-8528

    Alanna Greenberg - Financial Coordinator

    greenberga@lambofgodlv.com Carolyn Parker-

    Administrative Manager parkerc@lambofgodlv.com

    Cindy Bowles- Office Assistant Newsletter Coordinator



    School Administrator: Mrs. Christy Wood

    6232 North Jones Blvd. Las Vegas, NV 89130-7292

    School Phone: 702-645-1626 Fax: 702-645-6031

    Email: info@lambofgodlv.com Preschool

    6220 N. Jones Blvd. Las Vegas, NV 89130

    Preschool Phone: 702-645-5229 Web Site: www.lambofgodlv.com

    Email: info@lambofgodlv.com


    Tom Bathe President

    Bonnie Karch Vice-President

    Dave Fischer Treasurer

    Laura Fischer Secretary

    Gary Braun Dennis Friday Bo Piepkorn

    Trish Spatharos


    Bob Bransdon Gary Braun

    Bill Carpenter Elizabeth Cross

    Jim Jaeger Tom Lisiewski Alex Martinez Rick Sletten

    What Do I Write for a Time Like This?

    With the unrest and the uneasiness going on with-in our nation and with Lent coming to a close and the season of Easter upon us, I think to myself, “What am I going to write for this next month’s

    newsletter?” So here goes. I am calling this article:

    Walking with Purpose “If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation:

    The old has passed away, behold, the new has come.” (2 Corinthians 5:17)

    The way someone walks into a room can be very telling. A limp be-trays a past injury. A strong gait conveys confidence. Hurried feet

    hint at time constraints. Sluggish steps suggest the person has no-where to go and all day to get there. And those who meander,

    bumping into other people, are probably trying to text while walking.

    The apostle Paul offers up another way in which a person can walk:

    “We were buried with him by baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory

    of the Father, we too might walk in the newness of life.” (Romans 6:4)

    Jesus died and was raised again to life. In doing that, He crushed death’s power. Now, by faith in Him, we can walk in the newness of


    Paul walked this way daily. Beating and stoning, whipping and scourging, could not keep Paul from walking with God in the new-ness of life. Shipwrecks and angry mobs, hunger and thirst could not force his footsteps from the path. The newness of life in which Paul walked was very telling. Paul walked in the power of the risen


    People of God, the way you walk through life is very telling, too. People around you carefully observe your steps. Coworkers and neighbors read your gait. Do you walk in pain? uncertainty? fear? guilt? or do you walk in the newness of life in Christ, confident and

    bold in His forgiveness and love?

    In Christ, you are a new creation. Realizing your Savior’s commit-ment to you can put a spring in your step. God’s own Son died for

    you and rose again! That makes everything new. It gives you a fresh start, a new beginning every day – and every moment

    throughout the day, as you need it.

    Life’s burdens cannot slow you pace. No matter what happens, you can walk in the newness of life God gives. You can soar in faith, run

    to serve, and walk in love.

    “Those who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings life eagles; they shall run and

    not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.” (Isaiah 40:31)

    Prayer Starter: Lord Jesus, you have remade me. Let my walk….

    God bless all of you as we walk with Him who loves us.

    Pastor Mike

    Pastor Mike Scholz


  • EPHESIANS 4:32 “Be

    kind to each other, tenderheart-

    ed, forgiving one another, just as

    God has forgiven you because

    you belong to Christ.”

    Wow! What an appropri-

    ate passage of scripture to come

    across when we’re in the midst of

    some very tumultuous times.

    With all that’s going on in our

    world today, and especially here

    within our own country, it seems as though it has

    become common place to find people whose tem-

    peraments are on edge, so I was relieved to come

    across this reminder from Paul…

    Paul always spoke about the practical things

    in the Christian life. He didn’t live in the clouds of

    biblical doctrine all the time, as some would have us

    believe. A lot of his writing to the Early Church was

    directed at their relationships with one another. He

    wanted the members of God’s family to learn how to

    live with each other in peace and harmony.

    You know, the early Christians were just like

    today’s models. They had to be reminded and en-

    couraged repeatedly. Paul did this by constantly re-

    minding them what Christ had done for them. They

    were “forgiven” and they “belonged.” It was that

    spirit that they were to show to one another.

    God’s relational glue is comprised of kind-

    ness, tenderheartedness (a warm spirit), and for-

    giveness. God’s love gives us these ingredients in

    generous quantities, and we are to transmit them to

    our brothers and sisters in God’s family.

    Think about it… When was the last time you

    shared kindness with someone? How recently has

    your warmth of spirit shown through to someone

    else? How long has it been since you washed some

    hurts in the detergent of forgiveness? Remember,

    God has forgiven you and you belong to Christ. Why

    not let someone in your life know that today by shar-

    ing what you have? And we do have an abundance

    to share!

    Pastor Mose

    Was Joseph God’s secret agent? Called by Him to sit and wait. Called to see Jesus crucified, Crucified by sin and hate. He watched as Roman soldiers Came with mallets in their hands. Came to break the legs of Jesus. Came to take His life from Him. He watched as with swords drawn The soldiers pierced that glorious side. A witness to all the world That Jesus Christ had truly died. They thought they took His life from Him. The earth shook, the sky grew dim. “It is finished,” the Savior cried. He gave us His life, for us He died.

    Was Joseph God’s secret agent? Called to wait, but to prepare To seek out that villain Pilate And have Christ body placed in his care. And now as Mary comes to bring Spices to prepare our king. Joseph obeyed God’s word and command Place the body in a tomb unused by man. Joseph no longer a secret agent Became a man both bold and brave. At last he knew his precious Jesus Died and lived mankind to save. Lord, let me not be a secret agent. Brave and bold I want to be. Bringing Jesus to all nations By His light that shines in Me.

    By Mary Gale

    Pastor Mose Henney

    Assistant Pastor

  • World Missions Witness, Mercy, Life www.lcms.org

    Alyssa Anders currently serves in St. Pe-

    tersburg, Russia, working with the LCMS partner

    church, the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ingria

    in Russia. During the Soviet era, the Ingrian Church

    experienced persecution and many church activi-

    ties were suppressed or shut down. Now parishes

    are slowly being re-founded and churches are

    opening their doors. A lot of work still needs to be

    done to help build congregations and train church

    workers, and Russian Lutherans need support from

    their brothers and sisters in Christ around the


    Trained as an English teacher, Alyssa as-

    sists the work of the church by equipping the minis-

    ters, workers and members of this church body with

    English language skills. Although we often take

    English for granted, for Russians, it opens a door to

    a larger community and more opportunities, helping

    the church to be less isolated. Alyssa also helps

    with various youth and children’s programs, as well

    as English Bible camps in Europe.

    Alyssa was raised in Westland, Mich., just

    outside of Detroit. Her home congregation, Christ

    Our Savior Lutheran Church, is nearby in Livonia,

    Mich. She graduated with a bachelor’s degree in

    history from Thomas Edison State College, Tren-

    ton, N.J., and a master’s degree in Teaching Eng-

    lish to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) from

    Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti. She has

    been involved with teaching English as a Second

    Language for about 10 years, and her interest in

    serving others through teaching has taken her

    around the world. In addition to teaching, she enjoys

    curling up with a good book, studying languages

    (Russian currently), learning about Russian history

    and culture and exploring new places.


    Pray for Alyssa as she serves in Russia. Ask

    God to help her adjust to the Russian culture and

    give her the ability to learn the Russian language.

    Pray that God would make her bold to proclaim the

    Gospel and give her opportunities to serve and build

    up the Church. Also, pray for the Ingrian Lutheran

    Church, that God would continue to send workers

    into this field and that those who are already serving

    would be strengthened and encouraged in their call-

    ings. Let us give thanks for Alyssa and all those who

    are serving in this part of the world.

    Birthday: July 14

    Giving Online: You can partner with the LCMS by making an online gift restricted in use to the support of the ALYSSA AN-DERS . Please go to https://www.lcms.org/Anders and click on Give Now. Giving by Check: You can also make a donation towards the Alyssa’s ministry by check. Mail your check, made payable to The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod and designated with her name, to: The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod P.O. Box 66861 St. Louis, MO 63166-6861 (Or call 888-930-4438)

    Alyssa Anders

    Serving in Russia


  • Board of Directors Report for March 2020

    At the regular meeting of the LOG Board of Direc-

    tors held March 17, 2020 the following items were

    discussed and the following actions taken:

    Most of the Board meeting business in-

    volved discussion of how the church and school

    would deal with the coronavirus pandemic.

    Pastor Mike began the meeting with a de-

    votion based on Psalm 121. The psalm describes

    some of the many ways that God cares for His

    people. The bottom line is that God will help us

    through the tough times that may be ahead. He

    “will keep you from all harm—he will watch over

    your life; the Lord will watch over your coming and

    going both now and forevermore.”

    • Pastor Mike introduced several strategies that

    LOG will employ while church services, Bible

    classes, and other group activities are on hia-

    tus. These were based in large part on exten-

    sive research done by Amy Scholz.

    • Abbreviated worship services will be available

    on the LOG website. These 20-minute videos,

    called “Table Talk”, will include messages from

    Pastor Mike and Pastor Mose along with the

    Lord’s Prayer and Apostles Creed.

    • Links to other LCMS worship resources such

    as Lutheran Hour Ministries will be available

    on the LOG website. Links for resources

    geared to adults, youth, and families will also

    be available.

    • Electronic giving options will be available on

    the LOG website. Other ways to give involve

    mail or personal delivery to the church. LOG

    will need the congregation’s financial support

    while church services are not held in the sanc-


    • Pastors will make the Lord’s Supper available

    on an as requested basis.

    • Efforts will be made to keep youth group mem-

    bers involved in the absence of meetings.

    • Christy Wood reported on transitions to online

    learning for the LOG Elementary and Pre-

    school. Christy considered actions by the

    Clark County School District as well as the

    other Lutheran Schools in Las Vegas while

    formulating plans to deal with the pandemic.

    • Christy stated that the preschool and elemen-

    tary school accreditation process was moved

    back from late March to September or October.

    • The financial report for February showed net

    income of $35,477 which was $3,311 better

    than Budget. This brought year-to-date net in-

    come to $163,685, a favorable variance to

    Budget of $77,804. Total cash at month end

    January was $307,307 and free cash (available

    to pay bills) was $157,342. Both total and free

    cash balances were favorable to Budget by ap-

    proximately $95,000. Dave Fischer noted that

    although cash balances are doing well to this

    point, this could change dramatically as neces-

    sary actions are taken to combat the corona-

    virus. It is hoped that the congregation will con-

    tinue to support the church and school financial-

    ly during these trying times.

    The next regular meeting of the Board will

    be held Tuesday, April 21, 2020 at 6:30 p.m.

    The Board composition is as follows:

    Tom Bathe, President

    Bonnie Karch, Vice President

    Laura Fischer, Secretary

    Dave Fischer, Treasurer

    Bo Piepkorn

    Gary Braun

    Trish Spatharos

    Dennis Friday

    Official Acts Baptisms

    Eli Ahumada 2/29

    Logan Wayne Marin 3/8


    Fred Schrader 3/10

    New Members

    Donna Carpenter 3/21

  • Last month we intro-

    duced you to a short Bible

    Study based on the Lifeway

    study by Michael Kelley entitled

    Creating a DISCIPLESHIP

    PATHWAY. We continue.

    With any pathway there

    is a starting point and a desti-

    nation, and the goal is to make

    progress toward reaching that

    destination. To ensure we are

    walking in the right direction

    there are markers along the way, but there will be

    hills and valleys. Our progress will be easy at times

    and at other times will be hard.

    Our goal is Christ likeness. Discipleship is

    not based on achievement. We often find that the

    longer you walk with Jesus the further you realize

    you have to go. The longer you walk with Jesus on

    the pathway to discipleship the more you become

    aware of your own sin and shortcomings.

    Christ likeness is the destination we seek and

    God’s will is that every Christian is to be born again

    in Christ, then progress toward spiritual maturity.

    Discipleship is a lifelong journey which can never

    be mastered and will not be completed until we die

    and are with Christ in His eternal Kingdom. The

    Discipleship Pathway takes work to walk and there

    are certain spiritual disciplines that we need to en-

    gage in.

    And through Christ we:

    LEARN Connecting with Jesus through small group Bible studies and other small

    group activities LIVE Being like Jesus in our daily lives LOVE Serving other people and sharing

    with others.

    Next month we will continue the walk with

    characteristics of the Discipleship Pathway.


    The church’s Lenten celebration “Journey

    to the Cross” has unfortunately been interrupted by

    the COVID-19 scare, however please use the time

    you would spend at church, in addition to your nor-

    mal spiritual time, to continue the journey to the

    cross as a personal journey, with Devotions and

    Bible readings at home with your families. The

    Lord is with us through this testing time, so don’t

    lose focus just because we can’t physically attend


    Volunteers urgently needed for the following


    Lay Ministers, Screen Techs, Ushers, Greeters,

    Altar Guild, Fellowship

    Please contact your Lay Minister, Marty Heim or

    Pamela Hilton (Church Secretary) if you are willing

    to assist in these areas.

    Let us all work TOGETHER as disciples of the Lord, connecting with each other and connecting

    with Christ.

    In Christ we who are many form one body and each member belongs to all the others.

    We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is proph-

    esying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith; if it is serving, then serve; if it is

    teaching, then teach; if it is to encourage, then give encouragement; if it is giving, then

    give generously; if it is to lead do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully.

    (Romans 12:5-8)

  • Mrs. Christy Wood, Administrator



    1. Enhance ministry of Lamb of God church and

    school so that more people can come to know Jesus and trust Him.

    2. Tax advantages with all donations tax deductible. 3. Donations have growth potential as investments increase in value.

    Donations can be made by checks, stocks, bonds, and other assets. Currency donations may be made

    in the offering plate in an envelope marked “Endowment Fund”, or to the church office.

    Thank you for your consideration to support

    Lamb of God’s Endowment Fund.

    For all donation information, please contact Dennis Friday, chairman 702-658-1218 Jim Edwards, 702-489-2815 Dave Fischer, treasurer 702-823-4095.

    Happy Spring!

    Lamb of God Lutheran School and Preschool

    is currently conducting distance learning. Although

    our physical campus is closed and learning may not

    “look” the same, our students are still actively learn-

    ing. Our teachers are putting in an amazing amount

    of hours to prepare meaningful lessons for our stu-


    We are in a unique situation where we are

    now daily sharing our faith with our students and their

    families via email, video, or online conference.

    Perhaps all of us can help point other people

    to God and show them what He offers to those who

    trust in Him even as we battle our fears and concerns

    of being infected by the virus. And we can pray for all

    those affected by the outbreak, that they will person-

    ally experience:

    • The presence of God, who “is our refuge and

    strength, an ever-present help in trouble” (Psalm


    • The protection of God, who “will protect him, for

    he acknowledges my name” (Psalm 91:14).

    • The peace of God, which “transcends all under-

    standing [and] will guard your hearts and your

    minds in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:7).

    Lord, I pray for all those affected by the outbreak or

    worrying about it. May You reach out to them and

    show them Your presence, protection, and peace.

    God’s richest blessings!

    Visit Lamb of God Lutheran Schools for

    information, openings and a tour.

    Preschool: 2 1/2 yr — PreK 702-645-5229

    Elementary: K – 5 702-645-1626

  • Troop 340 Update:

    340B and G camped out for 2 days and 2

    nights at Valley of Fire. A total of 5 girls and 4 adults

    joined the campout. The campout was skills focused

    with boys and girls teaching various skills to each

    other. The girls were very happy to have some time

    to work on skills and really enjoyed the troop inte-

    gration. We experienced a lot of rain on Saturday, it

    rained from about 4AM with light showers until about

    10 AM where it began to downpour for an additional

    few hours, followed by more light but continuous

    showers until the evening. Despite very little re-

    prieve from rain, most scouts really enjoyed the rain

    and the additional challenges it brought with it. Sat-

    urday evening the boys and girls performed skits

    around the campfire, and for some of 340G it was

    their first time participating in a skit. They did an

    awesome job and had what can only be described

    as a blast! Both troops really bonded over the

    weather and skits. Over all, the Scouts as a whole

    enjoyed the campout despite the very wet weather,

    a few even said the rain made the campout more

    fun. In addition, the Troops attended Pack340’s Blue

    and Gold Banquet and officially welcomed 6 new

    boys from the Pack as they crossed over to the

    Troop and received their Troop neckerchief. We are

    currently hard at work preparing for our upcoming

    Star Wars themed derby with other LVAC

    troops. The Troops have also been working on sled

    for the Sands of Tatooine event and will be creating

    a 10-12 scout team to compete in the various events

    this upcoming weekend. (delayed due to COVID-

    19) The scouts are excited to work together and try

    their hand at the various skill based events.

    Both troops held elections this last month with

    the Girls electing Rachel to Senior Patrol Leader

    (SPL), Amanda to Trainer role, Ashley remained our

    Quarter Master, Danielle has taken on the role of

    both Outdoor Ethics Guide and Historian, Caitlyn

    has landed in the Den Chief role, Elisah was elected

    Librarian and Chaplain’s Ade positions, and last but

    not least Zoie has become our new Troop Guide.

    Cubs Update:

    February/March has been an exciting few

    weeks for the pack. February is when Cub Scouts

    celebrate the birthday of scouting with a party

    called Blue & Gold. This year we combined it with

    our Crossover ceremony for our 6 scouts that

    earned the highest rank in Cub Scouts, The Arrow

    of Light Award! Our local Troop leader, Rob Reid

    handmade beautiful wooden plaques for each of

    the 6 Arrow of Light recipients.

    Just a week later, one of those scouts would

    tragically lose their father, Walt Becker. Mr. Walt

    served as a Pack Master for Pack 340 for a short

    time and was a wonderful man. The Pack collected

    donations and was able to send a wonderful flower

    arrangement for the service. There was even

    enough left over for a cash donation straight to the

    family. Den leader, Katie Plyer and all around, Mr.

    Scouting himself, Bill Carpenter was there to repre-

    sent the pack and gave a lovely speech at the ser-


    Den 8 of Pack 340 is currently working on

    their last rank requirement, Duty to God. Each

    Scout is spending two weeks earning “points” to

    “level-up their character” by practicing two things

    every day that the scout believes shows his Duty

    to God.

    In light of the sudden virus outbreak, they

    have worked into the lesson, to have each Scout

    further practice their Duty to God by reaching out

    to the elderly in their lives to see if they can fill a


    Scouting as a whole has been Impacted by

    the COVID-19 outbreak, but spirits are high and

    the Scout Masters are working with local district

    guidance to continue Scouting advancements

  • Thanks to the ladies of First Good Shep-

    herd who hosted this event with a morning break-

    fast and a fantastic lunch featuring a speaker, Jes-

    sica Okamoto from the Thrivent Financial organi-

    zation, sharing great information to us along with a

    gift of a tee shirt for all.

    Regrettably, due to unforeseen circum-

    stances, our Local LWML society had to cancel

    our scheduled “Sale of the Century” parking lot

    sale event, but we respectfully ask that all of you

    “hang in” with us as we continue to go forward in

    the other events we have scheduled for this year,

    including a possible sewing session during the


    • Confirmation Dinner, May 10, 6:30pm, LOG

    Multi-Purpose Room

    • PSW District: District Convention June 5-7,

    2020 in Palm Springs

    • Crafts Fair and Bake Sale, Saturday, Novem-

    ber 7.

    Even with having to do things differently,

    the congregation of Lamb Of God graciously con-

    tributed to mites for the LWML Mission Grants

    through the giving on the Purple Pail Sunday.

    What a blessing and we give thanks and praise to

    God as we continue to “serve the Lord with glad-


    Looking forward to the celebration of our

    risen Savior. Halleluia!

    Jacqui Bransdon, LWML Vice President,

    Christian Life

    Fire and Water. Due to so

    many wild fires around the country

    of Australia during its past very

    warm summer (Southern Hemi-

    sphere summer season of Decem-

    ber through February), we kept the

    prayers going. It was truly a time of

    crises in that country, with help

    coming from around the world.

    Alarmed with the duration of the

    fires, the country seemed to be in

    peril. As the prayers continued to

    go out, the much-needed rains finally came, and

    “yes,” the flooding began in so many of the burned

    -out areas. So often when we are faced with our

    own personal fires and floods, they seem to go on

    forever, but to believers, we know we do have the

    promise of the Lord that He will be there for us.

    There are so many Bible verses and passages

    where our Heavenly Father tells us He will never

    leave us alone and will be there when things get

    “hot.” Examples of these times were beautifully

    brought out by our Bible Study leader in our

    LWML Zone session by Pastor Brad Beckman of

    First Good Shepherd Lutheran. He pointed out

    Daniel 3: 17-18, depicting the three boys in the

    fiery furnace; Jeremiah 17:7, “But blessed is the

    man who trusts in the Lord whose confidence is in

    him;” and Proverbs 3;25-26A, “Have no fear of

    sudden disaster or of the ruin that overtakes the

    wicked, for the Lord will be your confidence.” His

    theme in this study was ”How to ‘Chill out’ in a

    Fire.” Pastor Beckman also conducted our Prayer

    and Praise Service, “Living in Love, Bearing Fruit”

    using the 2020 service written by The Rev Dr

    Gregory S. Walton (Pres. of LCMS Flor.-GA Dis-

    trict). The service itself along with the inspiring

    music lent to us a time of true dependence on the

    Word of the Lord and so apropos with feelings of

    joy and blessings.

    Jacqui Bransdon Christian


  • reaching far — working hard

    April, 2020

    In the Word Do not be anxious about anything, but in every-thing, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God (Philippians 4:6).

    Of the Word

    The small African airport was crowded and seats were few, but I found one. For two weeks

    I had been in Africa as a prayer seminar in-structor. I was tired and hungry. Pulling out my

    billfold, I was shocked to discover my credit and ATM cards were missing. Immediately, I

    searched all the pockets of my purse and jack-et. Nothing. I waited for panic to set in but in-stead experienced an overwhelming sense of peace. Calmly, I prayed the Lord would keep

    my cards from opportunists and left for my de-parture gate.

    “Lady! Lady!” a man shouted. As I turned I saw him holding my cards. “Are these yours?” I ran

    back thanking him profusely. The cards had fallen between the chair and cushion where

    moments before I had been sitting. The calm I felt when my cards were missing was not of my own doing. That sense of calm was a gift from

    God as miraculous as recovering my cards! Now I have a deeper appreciation of St. Paul’s

    words: And the peace of God, which trans-cends all understanding, will guard your hearts

    and minds in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:7). Walking with my Lord

    Lord, You promise peace in all circumstances. Help me to remember that wherever I go You

    are with me. Teach me to trust in You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

    Mustard Seed: Living as a Woman in Mission. Au-thor: Marilyn Luschen. 11/32 ©2009 Lutheran Women’s Missionary League, 801 Seminary Place Ste. L010, St.

    Louis, MO 63105. www.lwml.org Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations were taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by Interna-

    tional Bible Society. All rights reserved worldwide.

    Living as a Woman in Mission Unexplainable Peace Mission Vehicle needed for getting the

    gospel out to Shoshone & Arapaho

    Tribes $40,000

    Wind River Lutheran Mission is asking for

    $40,000 in mites to help with the Shoshone

    and Arapaho tribes and is currently the only

    existing full-time mission with a pastor living

    on site. In this high poverty area of Native

    Americans, children receive little or no sup-

    port when it comes to Christian education. A

    large part of this ministry focuses on out-

    reach to the children of the Wind River Res-

    ervation. Very few children can acquire trans-

    portation to attend Bible classes at Fort

    Washakie and Crowheart. Parents allow

    WRLM staff to pick up their children and take

    them to Sunday school or VBS. In most in-

    stances this is the only opportunity to share

    the Gospel of Christ with children living on

    the reservation. With a suitable vehicle pur-

    chased with this grant money, children will be

    able to continue the approximately eighty-

    eight mile round trip for Sunday school at

    Fort Washakie and the sixty mile round trip

    for “Monday” school at Crowheart.

    Thank you Lamb of God for your

    continued support of mites!

  • Faith Lutheran Middle

    & High School

    The Board will next meet on April 20,

    2020 via online. This was to have been the Annu-

    al Bring Your Pastor To Dinner – that will be re-

    scheduled for June if allowed. Most meetings are

    online/virtual with the program ZOOM. It has be-

    come a very common tool for the community

    since the Coronavirus started and Governor Siso-

    lak has limited groups to less than 10. The cur-

    rent enrollment is lower than budgeted due to the

    virus and jobs being lost in the community. FLHS

    CEO and CFO have been working hard with par-

    ents to relieve them of financial burdens for the

    next couple of months. Payment options for Tui-

    tion have become available that normally would

    not be in place. Only a limited number of essen-

    tial personnel are on campus each weekday from

    8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. It is strongly encouraged

    for all students and parents to communicate with

    the school via email or phone. To search for a

    faculty/staff member, please use faith-

    lutheranlv.org or call the main number 702-804-

    4444. All voicemails left for individuals become

    audio files which are immediately emailed to the

    person you are trying to contact. All faculty/staff

    have been put on an on-call basis and must be

    readily available between the working hours –

    even if working from home. For those that are

    teaching or studying via online and have hard-

    ware or software problems, please email

    techsupport@flhsemail.org. The IT department is

    ready to help. FLHS would like to keep those af-

    fected by this virus as well as health care workers

    and first responders in our fervent prayers for

    God’s strength, wisdom, patience, courage, dis-

    cernment, and peace. Hopefully we will be back

    to normal by Easter – one of our favorite times of

    the church year.

    Sheryl Pfeuffer

    Faith Lutheran Middle School & High School


    The Thing About Clare by Imogen Clark

    Nature or nurture - what is it that shapes our lives? Frank and Dorothy Bliss have 4 children. Miriam, the oldest, is the or-ganized one. Clare, number two, is the rebel. Anna, the third born is the bossy one and mom's favorite, who can do no

    wrong in Dorothy's eyes. And then there is Sebastian, the only boy. Franks is a journalist who spends a lot of time away from home, and when he is home, he enjoys spending time with his mates at the local pub. Dorothy is the unofficial head of the household.

    Miriam dreams of a life in drama and has taken steps to attend RADA, the drama academy in London, after finishing school. The biggest problem for Miriam was to sway her father, who absolutely forbid such a move. During a street party to celebrate Queen Eliza-beth's 25th year on the throne, something happened that put Miriam's dream to bed for good. Something that caused her to resent her mother forever.

    As the family grew up, Miriam settled down to having a family, her dream of acting gone. Clare went off the rails, often with no fixed address and no job, liv-ing out of a bottle. She gave birth to a son named River, whose father was unknown. Anna was unable to find the right man and stayed single, trying to direct the lives of her siblings. Sebastian, in the meantime, married his childhood sweetheart and they had two little boys.

    Prior to her death, Dorothy gave Anna an enve-lope which she instructed her daughter to not open but to simply burn it. It contained her will but also a long kept secret that she no longer wanted to reveal, in a letter she had addressed to Clare. What was this se-cret? Would Anna follow her mother's instructions, and burn the envelope? Would the secret ever be revealed, and if so how would it affect the four siblings? This book follows the lives of the four, and gives some insight into the old chestnut, nature versus nurture.

    Bookworms are not meeting this month due to the Covid19 coronavirus. Please check our website for updates for when our next meeting will be. All are wel-come to be part of this little group of avid readers who normally meet once a month to dissect and critique our book of the month. Even though we cannot meet to-gether this month, we can keep on reading! Here are our picks for the upcoming months:

    Apr 11 May 9 June 13 July 11

  • In Learning:

    Sunday School meets Sunday, at 9:30 a.m.

    0-5 meet in the nursery K– 5th grade meet in the

    Multi-purpose Rm.

    Jr./Sr. High School Bible Study Sunday, at 4 p.m.

    1st, 3rd, & 5th Sundays in Fellowship 2


    Bible Studies, Sundays 9:30 a.m. Monday, 7 p.m. Tuesday,10 a.m.

    Friday 1 p.m. Saturday 4 p.m.

    In Worship: Saturdays 5:00 p.m.,

    Sundays 8:00 a.m. & 10:45 a.m.

    Holy Communion is served weekly at all services.

    Church Services are

    suspended until further notice. Our hope remains

    in Jesus.

    In Fellowship: Sundays at 9:00 a.m.

    & 11:45 a.m. in fellowship 1 & throughout the month; see bulletin



    Fb: @lambofgodlv

    Alex Elslager 1

    Roxy Chavez 2

    Verna Wahl 3

    Fran Friday 4

    James O’Brien 5

    Scott DeVore 6

    Tristan DeMoure 7

    Selena Rae 8

    Greg Harris 9

    Kimberly Scott 9

    Roz Nyulassy 10

    Pat Davis 11

    Denise Greenfield 12

    Brent Osuna 12

    Barb Forster 16

    Karen Edwards 17

    Liam Haas 17

    Shery Pfeuffer 17

    Shannon Dickinson 19

    Marilyn Lieder 19

    Mary Ling 19

    Taylor Jorgensen 20

    Eric Marsh 21

    Richard Boucher 22

    Mike Miller 22

    Grace Dickinson 23

    Chris Canaris 24

    Erin Meehan 25

    Dorette Taylor 25

    Stacey Beyer 26

    Kelsey Carlson 26

    James Edwards 26

    Elizabeth Cross 27

    Vari Rua 27

    Lucas Osuna 28

    Ella Piepkorn 28

    Linda Holtan 29

    Bernice Della Bella 30

    Sue Dyer 30

    John & Lynn Slykas 7

    Bob & Jacqui Bransdon 10

    Jimmy & Dionne Canaris 10

    Jeff & Karen Jorgensen 17

    Jim & Karen Edwards 20

    Timothy & Mary Ling 22

    Robert & Robin Vega 24

    Rex & Kat Rafferty 28

    Aaron & Bo Piepkorn 29

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