A Method To Determine Lake Depth and Water Availability on...

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1 Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska Fairbanks, 903 Koyukuk Drive, P.O. Box 757320, Fairbanks, Alaska 99775-7320, U.S.A.2 Department of Atmospheric Science, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado 80523, U.S.A.

© The Arctic Institute of North America


VOL. 49, NO. 4 (DECEMBER 1996) P. 367– 374

A Method To Determine Lake Depth and Water Availability on the North Slope ofAlaska with Spaceborne Imaging Radar and Numerical Ice Growth Modelling


(Received 21 December 1995; accepted in revised form 27 June 1996)

ABSTRACT. Spaceborne synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images and numerical ice growth modelling were used to determinemaximum water depth and water availability in two areas of the North Slope in northwestern Alaska. SAR images obtainedbetween September 1991 and May 1992 were used to identify when and how many lakes froze completely to the bottom, and howmany lakes did not freeze completely to the bottom. At Barrow, on the coast, 60% of the lakes froze completely to the bottom inmid-January alone, and by the end of winter 77% of the lakes were completely frozen. In contrast, 100 km to the south in the ‘B’Lakes region, only 23% of the lakes froze completely, and there was no sudden freezing of many lakes as occurred at Barrow. Aphysically based, numerical model was used to simulate ice growth on the lakes. The simulated maximum ice thickness is 2.2 m.Consequently, any lake where some part of the ice cover does not freeze to the bottom has some water more than 2.2 m deep. Forthose lakes where the ice cover had frozen completely at some time in the winter, the simulated ice growth curve provides the icethickness at the time each lake had frozen completely to the bottom and thus the lake’s maximum water depth. At Barrow, 60%of the lakes are between 1.4 m and 1.5 m deep, and 23% are more than 2.2 m deep. At the ‘B’ Lakes, 77% of the lakes are morethan 2.2 m deep. Thus, there is a considerable contrast in lake depth and water availability between the Barrow and the ‘B’ Lakesregions. This method is simple to implement, and the relatively inexpensive SAR data have good spatial and temporal coverage.This method could be used to determine lake depth and water availability on the entire North Slope and in other polar and sub-polar areas where shallow lakes are common.

Key words: Synthetic Aperture Radar, Alaskan North Slope, lake ice, lake depth, water availability.

RÉSUMÉ. On s’est servi d’images prises au radar à antenne latérale synthétique (RALS) spatioporté et d’une modélisationnumérique de la formation de la glace pour déterminer la profondeur d’eau maximale et la disponibilité de cette eau dans deuxrégions du versant Nord dans le nord-est de l’Alaska. Des images RALS obtenues entre septembre 1991 et mai 1992 ont servi àidentifier quand et comment un grand nombre de lacs avaient gelé sur toute leur profondeur et comment cela ne s’était pas produitpour bien d’autres. À Barrow, sur la côte, 60 p. cent des lacs avaient déjà gelé sur toute leur profondeur à la mi-janvier et, à la finde l’hiver, 77 p. cent des lacs avaient complètement gelé. Par contre, à 100 km plus au sud, dans la région des lacs “B”, seulement23 p. cent des lacs avaient complètement gelé, et on n’observait pas l’engel soudain de nombreux lacs comme c’était le cas àBarrow. On s’est servi d’un modèle numérique fondé sur des critères physiques pour simuler la formation de la glace sur les lacs.L’épaisseur maximale de la glace simulée est de 2,2 m. En conséquence, tout lac où une partie du manteau glaciel n’atteint pasle fond a une profondeur supérieure à 2,2 m. Pour les lacs dont le manteau glaciel atteignait le fond à un moment quelconque del’hiver, la courbe de formation simulée de la glace donne l’épaisseur de la glace au moment où chaque lac a gelé sur toute saprofondeur, et donc, la profondeur maximale de ce lac. À Barrow, 60 p. cent des lacs ont entre 1,4 et 1,5 m de profondeur et 23p. cent ont plus de 2,2 m de profondeur. Dans la région des lacs “B”, 77 p. cent des lacs ont plus de 2,2 m de profondeur. Il y adonc un fort contraste dans la profondeur des lacs et la disponibilité de l’eau entre la région de Barrow et celle des lacs “B”. Cetteméthode est facile à appliquer et les données RALS — relativement bon marché — offrent une bonne couverture spatiale ettemporelle. On pourrait utiliser cette méthode pour déterminer la profondeur des lacs et la disponibilité de l’eau sur tout le versantNord et dans d’autres zones polaires et subpolaires où se trouve un grand nombre de lacs peu profonds.

Mots clés: radar à antenne latérale synthétique, versant Nord de l’Alaska, glace lacustre, profondeur de lac, disponibilité de l’eau

Traduit pour la revue Arctic par Nésida Loyer.


Shallow thaw lakes are a major component of the tundralandscape of the Alaskan North Slope, where they compriseover 20% of the total area and perhaps as much as 40% of the

area of the Coastal Plain (Sellmann et al., 1975a). All or partof most lakes are less than 2 m deep; consequently, a signifi-cant area of water freezes completely to the bottom eachwinter (Sellmann et al., 1975a; Mellor, 1982). There are onlya few weeks each year when the lakes are completely ice-free.

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(5.3 GHz frequency, 57 mm wavelength) SAR aboard theEuropean Space Agency (ESA) ERS-1 satellite. The imagesare ASF Standard Low Resolution products. They comprise1024 lines, each containing 1024 pixels, with 100 m pixel sizeand 240 m resolution. A full SAR image has ground dimen-sions of 100 km by 100 km.



In the SAR image (Fig. 2), the lakes are characterized bya variety of dark and light tones; some lakes are completelydark, while others have a combination of dark tones aroundthe margin and light tones in the centre. The proportion oflight and dark tones in individual lakes changes during thecourse of the winter (Fig. 3). The area of dark tone increasesfrom the margins towards the centres of lakes, and while anarea of bright tone might remain in the centre of some lakesall winter (Lakes I and II, Fig. 3), other lakes becomecompletely dark (Lakes III and IV, Fig. 3).

The grey tones in the SAR images are a visual measure ofthe strength of the radar backscatter from the ice, which isdetermined by the presence of tubular air inclusions in the iceand whether the ice has liquid water at the base or is frozen tothe bottom of the lake (Sellmann et al., 1975b; Elachi et al.,1976; Weeks et al., 1977, 1978, 1981; Jeffries et al., 1994;Wakabayashi et al., 1994). The light tones denote strongbackscatter from ice that has liquid water beneath it. Here,backscatter is strong because of the combined effects ofreflection off the ice–water interface, which has a strongdielectric contrast, and forward scattering off the tubularbubbles. The dark tones denote low backscatter from ice thatis frozen to the bottom of the lake. Here, the weak dielectriccontrast between the ice and frozen soil of the lake bed allowsthe radar signal to pass into the soil, where it is absorbed.

The lake depth and ice growth and decay determine the valueof the lakes as habitats for wildlife and aquatic fauna and theirusefulness as sources of fresh water for settlements andindustrial development (Sellmann et al., 1975a; Mellor, 1982,1994). While it is known that few lakes exceed 2 m in depth,the bathymetry of most lakes is unknown, and the geographicvariability of lake depth in different watersheds is poorlymapped. More precise information of this kind would help todefine natural resource values; develop, manage, and en-hance water resources; and mitigate the effects of potentiallyconflicting uses (Mellor, 1994).

Our method combined spaceborne remote sensing andnumerical ice growth modelling to determine lake depth andwater availability in two regions of the North Slope innorthwestern Alaska. We used synthetic aperture radar (SAR)to determine where lake ice was frozen completely to the lakebottom and where it still had liquid water below it. SAR-derived data show when and how many lakes freeze com-pletely to the bottom in each region. A numerical ice growthmodel was used to determine the ice thickness at the time eachlake freezes completely to the bottom and thus maximum lakedepth. We present data on lake depth variability in each region.


The period of the study was September 1991 to May 1992.The first study area, the Barrow Lakes, is located in thevicinity of Pt. Barrow (Fig. 1), where the lakes are locatedclose to the coast at elevations near sea level. The secondstudy area, the ‘B’ Lakes, is located 100 km south of Pt.Barrow at an elevation of about 35 m above sea level. Mellor(1982) referred to this as “Area B” in his study of lake iceremote sensing. In general, the ‘B’ Lakes are greater innumber and smaller in size, and have a more dense arealcoverage than those in the Barrow region (Fig. 2). The icegrowth and decay history at the Barrow lakes and at the ‘B’Lakes is similar each year; i.e., the timing of freeze-up andinitial ice formation in autumn and the onset of melt in springcoincide (Morris et al., 1995).

A National Weather Service station at Barrow was thesource of air temperature, precipitation, and wind speed anddirection data for inputs to the ice growth model that we usedto simulate lake ice growth in both study areas. No weatherdata are available for the ‘B’ Lakes, and the use of Barrowweather data to represent the ‘B’ Lakes was consideredreasonable in view of the concordance of the ice growth anddecay histories for each area. In addition, snow and icethickness data that were obtained in April 1992 at a numberof Barrow lakes (Jeffries et al., 1994) were used for runningand validating the ice growth model.

The SAR images were obtained from the Alaska SARFacility (ASF), a station operated by the University of AlaskaFairbanks under contract to NASA for the reception andprocessing of raw radar signal data into image form. For thisstudy, we used images produced with data from the C-band

FIG. 1. Map of the study area showing the location of the Barrow and ‘B’ Lakesregions in northwestern Alaska.


FIG. 2. A mosaic of two ERS-1 SAR images of a 100 km by 200 km area ofnorthwestern Alaska on 2 March 1992, showing the location of the Barrow and‘B’ Lakes study areas. Note the spatial variation in the density of lakes and thevariability of the grey tones of the lake ice. The long axes of most of the lakeshave a preferred orientation in a nearly north-south direction, perpendicular tothe prevailing winds that promote wave and current erosion primarily at theends of the lakes (Carson and Hussey, 1962). SAR image copyright rests withESA.

In Figure 2, then, it is apparent that the entire lake ice coveron many lakes had frozen completely to the bottom by earlyMarch. At other lakes at that time, there remained a signifi-cant area of ice with liquid water at the base. The gradualincrease in area of dark tones from the margins of lakestowards their centres (Fig. 3) reflects their bathymetry. Themargins are shallower than the centres, and as the winterprogresses and the ice thickens, it first freezes to the bottomaround the perimeter and then freezes progressively inwardstowards the centre. If some part of a lake is deep enough toexceed the maximum possible annual ice thickness, liquidwater will remain below the ice at the end of winter (Lakes Iand II, Fig. 3), but if the deepest water is shallower than themaximum ice thickness, then the entire area of lake ice willfreeze completely to the bottom (Lakes III and IV, Fig. 3).

FIG. 3. ERS-1 SAR subscenes of lakes in the Barrow region illustrate spatialchanges in tone (i.e., backscatter intensity) due to the progressive freezing of iceto all or part of the bottom of the lakes between January and May 1992. Brighttones are areas of ice where there is water between the ice and the lake bottom.Dark tones are areas of ice that are frozen to the lake bottom. Lakes I, II, III, andIV are referred to in the text. Copyright of the SAR images rests with ESA.

The timing of complete freezing will depend on the maxi-mum water depth.

Timing and Number of Lakes Freezing to the Bottom

For this study, a time series of SAR images from the onsetof ice growth in early September 1991 until the onset of meltin May 1992 was assembled for each region, 32 images for theBarrow region and 18 for the ‘B’ Lakes region. The differ-ence in image numbers reflects the data acquisition schedule,which is controlled by ESA, and the resultant frequency ofdata transmission to ASF. The backscatter or tonal changes ofthe ice on 180 lakes in the Barrow region and 293 lakes in the‘B’ region were monitored during the course of the winter.The difference in lake numbers reflects the greater number oflakes in the ‘B’ Lakes region (Fig. 2). With the aid of the SARimage time series, we noted the date when the tone of a lakewent completely dark, indicating that the entire area of lakeice had frozen to the bottom. In this way, records werecompiled of the dates on which individual lakes froze com-pletely and of the number of lakes that did and did not freezecompletely to the bottom.

The results of the SAR image analysis are summarized inFigure 4. In both regions, lakes began to freeze completely tothe bottom in mid-to-late November. By the end of winter, 68lakes in the ‘B’ Lakes region (23% of the total) and 139 lakes

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The model is governed by the following key equations.The equation describing the one-dimensional temperaturedistribution and evolution within an ice cover is given by


where t is time, T is temperature, z is distance measureddownward from the top surface, k

i is the ice thermal conduc-

tivity, ρi is the ice density, C

i is the specific heat of ice, and

φs(z,t) is the rate of internal heating of the ice cover due to the

absorption of penetrated shortwave radiation.The boundary condition at the top surface is given by

performing a complete surface energy balance of the form


where Qsi is the solar radiation reaching the surface, Q

li is the

incoming longwave radiation, Qle is the emitted longwave

radiation, Qh is the turbulent exchange of sensible heat, Q

e is

the turbulent exchange of latent heat, Qc is the energy trans-

port due to conduction, Qm is the energy flux available for

melt, and αs is the surface albedo. Each term in Equation (2)

is described by an appropriate equation, group of equations,and/or observations. The resulting collection of equations issolved for the surface temperature using the Newton–Raphsoniterative solution scheme.

The lower boundary condition at the ice–water interfacecomprises the balance between the latent heat due to freezingand melting, the energy conducted through the ice, and theheat flux due to convection occurring within the water:


where L is the latent heat of fusion, h is the thickness of theice cover, and φ

wi(t) is the net heat flux from the water to the

ice cover.The surface energy balance is driven, at a minimum, by

observed inputs of minimum and maximum daily air tem-peratures, wind speed, and precipitation. In addition, themodel is capable of taking advantage of observed humidityand radiation components. When the surface energy balanceis coupled to the lake-mixing, lake ice, and snow submodels,it provides the surface temperature boundary condition thatforces lake water temperatures, lake ice growth, and snowaccumulation and metamorphism. In addition to completeenergy balance components over the annual cycle, the keyoutputs are: 1) the time of initial ice formation; 2) time-dependent ice thickness; 3) maximum ice thickness; and 4)time of complete removal of the ice cover.

Model Results

Meteorological data from the National Weather Servicestation at Barrow were used as inputs to the model. The resultsof running the model for the Barrow and ‘B’ Lakes are shownin Figure 5. Three ice growth and decay curves representdifferent approaches to running the model and dealing with

in the Barrow region (77% of the total) had frozen completelyto the bottom. Not only did the number of lakes that freezecompletely differ in each region, but the pattern of timing offreezing was different. The freezing curve for the ‘B’ Lakesshows a steady increase in the number of completely frozenlakes, while at Barrow the number of completely frozen lakesremained constant until mid-January, when 108 lakes (60%of the total) froze completely to the bottom.


Model Description

When and how many lakes had frozen completely to thebottom was determined from SAR images. The time scale inFigure 4 was converted into ice thickness using a physicallybased, one-dimensional, nonsteady, numerical model to simu-late lake ice growth and thickness. For the lakes that frozecompletely to the bottom, the ice thickness represents themaximum water depth. Lakes that did not freeze completelyto the bottom had some water deeper than the maximumpossible ice thickness for winter 1991–92. The maximumpossible ice thickness was determined using the numericalice growth model.

The numerical ice growth model is composed of fourmajor submodels, which are all connected (Liston andHall, 1995a, 1995b). They can be described briefly asfollows. First, a lake-mixing, energy transport submodeldescribes the evolution of lake water temperature andstratification; ice growth is initiated when the upper lakewater temperature falls below freezing. Second, a snowsubmodel describes the depth and density of snow as itaccumulates, metamorphoses, and melts on top of the lakeice. Third, a lake ice growth submodel produces ice by twomechanisms: (1) congelation ice grows at the ice–waterinterface because energy is transferred from the base to thesurface of the ice; and (2) snow ice forms at the lake icesurface from the freezing of water-saturated snow or slush.Fourth, a surface energy balance submodel is implementedto determine the surface temperature and energy availablefor freezing or melting.

FIG. 4. Graphs illustrating the number of lakes that froze completely to thebottom, and when that occurred in winter 1991–92 in the ‘B’ Lakes and Barrowregions. The number of lakes (y axis) is given as a cumulative percentage of thetotal number of lakes (n) that were monitored during the winter.

ρ ∂∂



φi i i sCT

t zk


zz t=

+ ( ), ,

1 −( ) + + + + + =α s si li le h e c mQ Q Q Q Q Q Q ,

ρ ∂∂

φi i wiLdh



zt z h= − ( ) =, at


uncertainties in the precipitation input. The latter arisebecause snow accumulation measurements are notoriouslydifficult to make and generally underestimate the trueprecipitation totals on the North Slope (Benson, 1982). Theprecipitation problem was handled by using two extremeprecipitation scenarios corresponding to a deep and a shallowsnow accumulation. Measurements made in late April 1992indicated that snow depth on the lakes typically varied be-tween 5 cm and 25 cm. Running the lake ice model in a “dataassimilation” mode allows the model to include these snowdepth data, so that the precipitation input during the modelrun leads to a snow depth on the lakes that is equal to themeasured snow depth on the observation date. For the case ofthe 5 cm and 25 cm snow depths, the modelled ice thicknessdiffered by +35 and –25 cm, respectively, from the measuredmean thickness (2.15 m) of ice that still had liquid water at itsbase in late April 1992.

As an alternative, the model was run using the same typeof data assimilation procedure, but this time assimilating the

FIG. 5. Simulated lake ice thickness curves illustrate ice growth and decay onthe Barrow and ‘B’ Lakes under three different scenarios. The Deep andShallow Runs are the results of varying the snow depth input to the numericalice growth model. The Ice Run is the result of prescribing an ice thickness of2.15 m as measured in late April 1992 at a number of Barrow lakes where therewas water below the ice.

FIG. 6. Graphs illustrating the maximum depth of lakes in the Barrow and ‘B’Lakes regions according to the three different ice growth model runs. Thenumber of lakes (y axis) with a particular depth is given as a cumulativepercentage of the total number of lakes that were monitored during the winter.

ice thickness observations instead of the snow depth data.Thus, the precipitation input during the model run was scaledso that the model produced a snow depth that corresponded tothe ice thickness of 2.15 m that was observed in late April1992. In this run, the snow depth on the lake was 0.13 m.Because the ice depth observations are consistently lessvariable than the snow depth observations, we believe that theIce Run provides an ice growth curve that is more representa-tive of the mean ice conditions than the curves produced bythe Deep and Shallow snow depth integrations.

Lake Depth Variability

The results of the ice growth model (Fig. 5) allow us toconvert the time scale in Figure 4 into a maximum lake depthscale (Fig. 6). Lake depth curves for the Deep, Shallow, andIce Runs are shown, but we consider only the Ice Run curve.The results can be summarized as follows:

In the ‘B’ Lakes region,77% of the lakes are more than 2.2 m deep.

In the Barrow lakes region,23% of the lakes are more than 2.2 m deep,10% of the lakes are between 1.5 m and 2.2 m deep,60% of the lakes are between 1.4 m and 1.5 m deep, and07% of the lakes are less than 1.4 m deep.


We have described for the first time a method thatcombines spaceborne remote sensing with numerical icegrowth modelling to improve our knowledge of the vari-ability of lake depth and water availability on the AlaskanNorth Slope, where few or no such data were previouslyavailable. Winter SAR data of this region clearly identifythose lakes where the entire volume of water freezescompletely to the bottom, and those lakes where somewater remains below the ice at the end of winter. Anumerical model is used to simulate lake ice growth and todetermine the maximum ice thickness (2.2 m in winter 1991–92). Any lake that freezes completely prior to the time ofmaximum ice thickness is less than 2.2 m deep, while any lakewhere water remains below the ice at the time of maximumice thickness has a maximum water depth greater than 2.2 m.The lakes with a maximum water depth less than 2.2 m freezecompletely at different times and the numerical ice growthmodel, which converts time into ice thickness, contributes tothe determination of how many lakes occur in a particularmaximum water depth category. The results clearly show thatthere is significant spatial variability in water depth andavailability on the North Slope in northwestern Alaska. Thatis, in the inland ‘B’ Lakes region, the lakes are deeper;therefore, far fewer lakes freeze completely to the bottom,and there is greater winter water availability than in thecoastal Barrow lakes region.

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FIG. 7. ERS-1 SAR image of a 100 km × 100 km area immediately to the west of the mouth of the Kolyma River in eastern Siberia on 1 March 1992. The scenecentre is at 69.7˚N, 160.1˚E. There are many lakes in this region and the similarity between their tonal variations and those in northwestern Alaska (Figs. 2 and3) suggests that they too are shallow. Those areas of Lakes V and VI that, on the basis of backscatter or grey tone variability, are (1) frozen to the bottom, (2) lessthan 4 m deep, and (3) more than 4 m deep are indicated (after Mellor, 1994). SAR image copyright rests with ESA.

The variability of lake depth and water availability in thissmall area of the North Slope suggests that there might besimilar variability throughout the entire region. Thiscombined remote sensing and numerical ice growth model-ling technique is simple to implement, and the SAR data aresufficiently inexpensive and provide extensive geographiccoverage; thus, the method could be applied to the entireNorth Slope and elsewhere. Shallow thaw lakes are wide-spread in other regions of the Arctic, e.g., (1) the Yukon–

Kuskokwim Delta (Morris et al., 1995), (2) northern YukonTerritory, including the Mackenzie River Delta, and theadjacent Northwest Territories; and (3) eastern Siberia(Mellor, 1994).

An ERS-1 SAR image of a small area of eastern Siberianear the Kolyma River delta in late winter 1992 (Fig. 7)shows that the variations in tone (i.e., backscatter variabil-ity) of the lakes are similar to those in northwestern Alaska(Figs. 2 and 3). Many of the Siberian lakes are frozen


completely to the bottom, while others still contain waterbelow the ice. The Kolyma River and other rivers to thewest also have bright and dark tones that probably indicatethose channels that are completely frozen and those thatstill have water flowing below the ice. In the case of theKolyma River, there appears to be a single channel, 1.1–2.2km wide, in which water is flowing out under the sea ice andonto the continental shelf.

Ever since the first airborne radar images of lake ice onthe Alaskan North Slope were acquired in the early 1970s,it has been known that the radar signatures were related tolake water depth variability (Sellmann et al., 1975b; Elachiet al., 1976; Weeks et al., 1977, 1978). Mellor (1982) wasthe first to make a field survey of the bathymetry of a fewlakes on the North Slope, and to make occasional icethickness measurements during the winter in conjunctionwith airborne SAR overflights. In so doing, he was able toshow that the temporal and spatial changes of SARbackscatter signatures from the lakes during the course ofthe winter were closely related to the bathymetry and itseffects on ice growth and grounding on the bottom. TheSAR and numerical ice growth modelling technique thatwe have described could be used to map accurately thebathymetry of those lakes that are shallower than themaximum ice thickness, without the need to visit the lakes,except perhaps for validation purposes at a few locations.More accurate mapping would result from more frequentacquisition of SAR data with higher spatial resolution,e.g., ASF ERS-1/ERS-2 Full Resolution products with a pixelsize of 12.5 m and spatial resolution of 30 m, or RADAR-SAT Fine Beam products with a pixel size of 6.25 m andspatial resolution of 10 m (Bicknell and Cuddy, 1995).

For those lakes where some part of the ice cover doesnot freeze completely each winter, our method determinesthe depth of the remaining water as being greater than themaximum ice thickness. The bathymetry of these lakescould be mapped accurately to the depth equivalent to themaximum ice thickness. Beyond that, in the case of winter1991–92, the water depth would simply be noted as greaterthan 2.2 m. The bathymetric mapping might be improvedby further analysis of the tonal variations of the ice cover.Mellor (1982, 1994) has shown that there are subtle SARimage grey scale variations in ice on water that is up to 4 mdeep caused by the reduction in the density of tubularbubbles in the ice and the resultant reduction in backscatter.Some of these grey scale variations are evident in theSiberian lakes (e.g., Lakes V and VI, Fig. 7). More detailedmapping of the tonal variations of ice that has liquid waterbelow it at the end of winter might yield information onhow much lake water is between the depth of maximum icethickness and 4 m deep, and how much is more than 4 mdeep. Ice on very deep lakes has a uniformly dark tone; theice is essentially inclusion-free, since deep water providesa large reservoir that does not become supersaturated withthe gases rejected during ice growth (Morris et al., 1995).Thus, the combined SAR and numerical modelling tech-nique for lake depth determination is best applied to

shallow lakes, where a large portion of the water body isnot more than 4 m deep.


This work was supported by NASA Polar Program Grant NAG5–1731, Dr. R.H. Thomas, Program Manager. Dorothy Hall, WillyWeeks, and Jack Mellor have been a source of inspiration andencouragement. Stephanie Cushing assisted with the preparation ofFigures 4, 5, and 6. The ERS–1 SAR scenes’ copyright rests withESA.


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