A man of power. Hitler's followers where : The Nazis And Germany. Who were the Nazis? The Nazis are...

Post on 16-Dec-2015

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Transcript of A man of power. Hitler's followers where : The Nazis And Germany. Who were the Nazis? The Nazis are...

A man of power


•Hitler's followers where :

•The Nazis

•And Germany.

•Who were the Nazis?

•The Nazis are a group of people who believe that there is no more pure blood than German blood.

•They hated the Jew


•Because the believe that because the Jews were against them and caused them to lose ww1.

Who were Hitler's followers?

• Hitlers speeches made him the leader he was.

• He got peoples attention by the promises he created

• He was a very good speaker with a lot of ideas and promises

What separated him from others

• Hitlers stayed in power until he committed suicide, shot to the head, in the year …

• Why?

• Hitlers knew that he was about to lose the war and decided not to go threw the consequences.

• He then decided that him and his only wife () to take their lifes together.

How long was he in power

Positive traits done by hitler

• Hitler killed over 6 million jews (half the population of Jews)

• He would separate families and make them do labor no matter their condition or age.

• He started the holocaust

• he wanted to take over the world

Negative things done by hitler

• Hitler didn’t grow up I a very happy home.

• Hitler was born april 20 1889

• He was the fourth child of alois schickelgruber and kara hitler

• Two sibiling from his family died from diphteria

• He was beaten by his father

• Hitler stayed 6 months in a house across from a large Benedictine Monastery. The monastery coat of arms main feature was the swastika the symbold that became the nazi sign

• His dream was to become a priest.

• His father passed away from pleural hemorrhage (bleeding lungs)

How was hitlers childhood



How did his childhood afect the future?

In short words

The power was slowly killing hitler he was not focued on his goals anymore since he had power and that’s what caused him and his wife to commit suicide

What caused this person power to fail