A man had two sons. The younger son asked his dad for all his inheritance.

Post on 11-Jan-2016

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Transcript of A man had two sons. The younger son asked his dad for all his inheritance.

A man had two sons

The younger son asked his dad for all his inheritance

His father gave it to him, but instead of using it to look after himself and his dad,

he went away.

When do I walk away from my responsibilities?

Have I walked away from my friends when they

needed me?

Have I failed to recognise, or help, when

someone is going through a tough time? Have I walked away?

Have I made excuses and argued, or

complained about punishment when I know I have done something


Have I given up on my work just because I have

had one bad grade? Have I quit because

someone called me a failure?

Have I walked away from painful and difficult

situations, and the people in them, because I haven’t the courage to

act on my beliefs?

Have I walked away from someone because I have made a judgement

about them based on gossip?

Am I unwilling to give up my favourite TV

programme or other favourite activity to do a

favour for, or help, a friend,a family member, or a charitable cause?

The younger son went to the city

And there he wasted his money until there was none left

What are the ways we waste the gifts God

has given us?

Have there been times when I have

resented my parents? Have I rejected their love and support?

Have I made fun of others because they didn’t “fit in” with the crowd? Have I failed

to recognise the gift of God in them?

Have I encouraged my parents to spend

their money on ‘designer labels’ for

me when they couldn’t really afford it?

Have I spent my money on ‘designer labels’

without any thought or care for those who make

the garments, and whether they are treated well in their employment?

Have I picked on, or laughed at, someone

because they are more clever than I am?

Have I “dumbed down” my work so that I do not appear to be a “swot”?

Have I picked on someone for doing something good?

Have I failed to do something good so as to avoid being picked on?

Have I made fun of someone because they have made a mistake?

Have I mocked people for the way they look , walk

or talk or for any disability that they may have?

Have I hurt someone’s reputation through


Have I abused my body by giving in to peer

pressure to experiment with alcohol,drugs or

sexual acts?

Do I swear or blaspheme to appear “cool”?

The younger son wasted all that he had. His so called “friends” left him. He ended up looking after pigs!

“I will go back to my father and ask to be a servant” he said.

“My father’s servants get better treatment than this.”

As he gets near home his father RUNS towards him to welcome him back, he

is so pleased to see his child.

Just as the father did, God, our Father, welcomes us back in the sacrament of
