A magazine about Heroes

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Different types of heroes...

Transcript of A magazine about Heroes

Superheroes magazin

The Phantom

Facts His suit is purple

He is so strong as 10 tigers

He saves peoples life

He became known as the spirit that walked

Made by Lee Falk and art by Ray Moore

Its started 17.Feb 1936

About him He were an catoon hero there was

made by Lee falk and Ray moore.

Its started in 1936. And he is an

immortal hero and was so strong

as 10 tigers. And faster than the


Hal Jordan

Facts His suit is green

He has an power ring

He saves peoples life

His name is ”Harold Hal Jordan

Art by Ethan Van Sciver

Its started 22.Oct 1959

About him In the Zero Hour miniseries, he

attempts comics genocide. He was

replaced by Kyle Rayner as the

new Green Lantern. In 1996

crossover story ”The final night” he

attempted to return to his roots by

dying to safe the Earth.

Superheroes magazin

Spiderman Facts

His suit is red and blue with web

He shooting with web

He saves peoples life

It is Stan Lee and Steve Ditko there has draw him

Its started 1962

In Denmark spiderman calls

"edderkoppemanden". It is created by

Stan Lee and Steve Diko. Spiderman is

in the top 3 over most popular

cartoon heroes. Since 1999 where

spiderman sent in Danmark.

Spidermans Abilities

Superhuman strength, speed, agility, stamina, reflexes and endurance

Ability to cling to most surfaces

Able to shoot very strong spider-web strings from wrists via web-shooters

Precognitive spider sense

Genius level intellect

Master hand to hand combatant

Spidermans story

His real name is Peter Parker, as a

teenager were bitten of an

radioactive spider, and gets super

abilities to climb on walls and other



A soldier is one there serve his country. A soldier serve his country in many ways they

go in war for the country. Some soldiers help in their country to remain order.

Often they have weapons and in uniform. Many countries have sent soldiers down to

Afghanistan to fight. Many soldiers dies or loses legs arm or other body parts in

Afghanistan. Many soldiers also come home with Posttraumatic stress. In many

countries, they have Special Forces to special missions. In USA, they have Navy Seal.

Navy Seal has for example killed the terrorist Osama Bin Laden. Some people are also

mercenary soldiers there fight for money. Last war was in 1940-1945 were many

soldiers died in battle. Right now is there a conflict between Russia and Ukraine. On

Krim is many Ukraine soldiers captured and in crises.

Ty Carter

Ty Carter is a Staff Sergent in the US Army. He is born January 1980. He received The

Medal of Honor for his actions in The Battle of Kamdesh in Afghanistan in 2009. He is

still in duty.

Military career

He enlisted in the U.S. Marine Corps in October 13 1998. Later he served in Okinawa

Japan as a clerk. He showed skills in weapons and then he was sent to Primary

Marksmanship Instructor School.

His Medal of Honor

300 enemy soldiers attacked his base in Afghanistan. Carter ran 300 meters of open

space under heavy fire to get ammo and supplies. He also ran 30 meters of open to get

medic to a soldier. He also got 14 other medals.

Personal life


Gary Gordon

Gary Gordon was born August 30, 1960 in lincolo maine and graduated mattanawcook in 1978. He joined the U.S. Army that same year at age 18 and after serving with the 2nd Battalion of the 10 th special forces group he was chosen to join the 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment- Delta, or "Delta Force", as a sniper. Before deploying with his unit to Somalia he married his wife Carmen and together they had two childre

Master sergent August 30, 1960 – October 3, 1993 is a posthumous recipient of the medal of honor At the time of his death, he was a non-commissioned in the united stats premiere special operations unit, the 1 st special forces operational detachment- delte, or "Delta Force". Together with Sergeant First Class randy shughart, he was awarded the Medal of Honor for actions he performed during the battle of Mogadishu in October 1993.

Randall shughart He was born in 1958. He was in the US army and part of a special force known as

the Delta Force. He was born in Lincoln into a US army family. He enlisted in the

US army in 1976. In 1993 he was deployed in Mogadishu in Somalia. A

helicopter was shot in and landed in a city. Randall and Gary Gordon have

provided air support and requested to the commanders to retrieve the pilots.

But the commanders said no it was to dangerous. But they tried to retrieve them

anyway. They reached the crash site, defended it, and got the pilots extracted.

Gary Gordon was shot by the mob. After that, Somalia soldiers stormed the crash

site, Randall was shot, and Durant was taken capture. After that they was

rewarded The Medal of Honor even they was dead.

Animal hero:

There is all kind of heroes in the world like: Super, Everyday, Unlikely and also animal heroes like dolphins, dogs, horses, elephants. Dolphins: Dolphins are very known for saving people from shark attacks. They swim around the sharks in a circle and that confuse the sharks. Elephants: Elephants save people from tsunami by running and warns the peoples. Dogs: Dogs saves people from a lot of animals like snakes, bulls, other dogs.

Zoey: Zoey is a Chihuahua. One day Zoeys owners got a visit from their 1 year old grandson. Zoey and the 1 year old grandson played in the garden, when there suddenly came a Rattlesnake and tried to attack the 1 year old grandson. Zoey killed the snake, and save the grandson.

Jenny: A dog, called Jenny, owned by Phillip Gonzales, wasn’t a normal dog. Jenny smells homeless cats, when she walks through the street, and then she finds them. Phillip has a lot of cats, which he feeds every day, but some of them has also been

handed to an internat. There is also “fake-heroes” like Perry from Phineas and Ferb. Perry is an

imaginary hero. In Phineas and Ferb is Perry an “agent” for Major Monogram.

An animal can also be a hero, by saving other animals.



Dr. Gordon Freeman is a fictional hero and the main protagonist of the Half-Life video game series.

As a theoretical physicist, he finds himself thrust into a battle for survival against both alien and

human forces. Throughout the series, Gordon must face hostile situations, often against

overwhelming odds and with no backup. As a means of immersing the player in the role, Gordon

never speaks, and there are no cut scenes or mission briefings—all action is viewed through

Gordon's eyes, with the player retaining control of Gordon's actions at nearly all times. The images

of Gordon are only seen on the game's cover and menu pages, and also in advertisements, making

them marketing tools rather than pictures of what Gordon is "really like". Gabe Newell has stated

that Valve sees no reason to give Gordon a voice.

Gordon is introduced in the first Half-Life as a theoretical physicist working at the fictional Black

Mesa Research Facility. There, he is involved in an experiment that accidentally opens an inter-

dimensional portal, releasing confused, hostile beings into the complex. As Gordon, fights through

the facility alongside fellow employees, engaging the aliens as well as a black-op military unit sent

in to contain the situation and silence any surviving witnesses. In its sequel, Half-Life 2, Gordon is

introduced to a dystopian world years after the Black Mesa incident, along with an inter-

dimensional alien overlord force known as the Combine, which took advantage of the inter-

dimensional portals and has established itself as the ruling force on Earth.

Gordon then joins the underground Lambda Resistance, aiding them in their struggle against their



The James Bond series focuses on a fictional character created in 1953 by writer Ian Fleming, who

featured him in twelve, novels and two short-story collections. Since Fleming's death in 1964

seven other authors have written authorised Bond novels or novelizations: Kingsley Amis,

Christopher Wood, John Gardner, Raymond Benson, Sebastian Faulks, Jeffery Deaver and William

Boyd. Additionally, Charlie Higson wrote a series on a young James Bond, and Kate Westbrook

wrote three novels based on the diaries of a recurring series character, Moneypenny. The fictional

British Secret Service agent has also been adapted for television, radio, comic strip, video games

and film. The films are the longest continually running and the second-highest grossing film series

to date, which started in 1962 with Dr. No, starring Sean Connery as Bond. As of 2014, there have

been twenty-three films in the Eon Productions series. The most recent Bond film, Skyfall, stars

Daniel Craig in his third portrayal of Bond; he is the sixth actor to play Bond in the Eon series.

There have also been two independent productions of Bond films: Casino Royale and Never Say

Never Again (a 1983 remake of an earlier Eon-produced film, Thunderball).

The Bond films are renowned for a number of features, including the musical accompaniment,

with the theme songs having received Academy Award nominations on several occasions, and one

win. Other important elements which run through most of the films include Bond's cars, his guns,

and the gadgets with which he is supplied by Q Branch.


In popular culture, Robin Hood and his band of "merry men" are usually portrayed as living in

Sherwood Forest, in Nottinghamshire, where much of the action in the early ballads takes place.

So does the very first recorded Robin Hood song, four lines from the early 15th century, beginning:

"Robyn hode in scherewode stod. However, the overall picture from the surviving early ballads

and other early references suggest that Robin Hood may have been based in the Barnsdale area of

what is now South Yorkshire.

Other people point to a variety of locations as Robin's "true" home both inside Yorkshire and

elsewhere, with the abundance of places named for Robin causing further confusion. A tradition

dating back, at least to the end of the 16th century, gives his birthplace as Loxley, Sheffield in

South Yorkshire, while the site of Robin Hood's Well in Skellow, South Yorkshire, has been

associated with Robin Hood since at least 1422. Records show a man named Robin Hood lived in

Wakefield, Yorkshire, in the 13th and 14th centuries. His grave has been claimed to be at Kirklees

Priory in Clifton, West Yorkshire, as implied by the 18th-century version of Robin Hood's Death,

and there is a headstone of dubious authenticity.

The first clear reference to "rhymes of Robin Hood" is from Line 5396 of the late-14th-century

poem Piers Plowman, but the earliest surviving copies of the narrative ballads that tell his story

dates to the 15th century, or the first decade of the 16th century. In these early accounts, Robin

Hood's partisanship of the lower classes, his Marianism and associated special regard for women,

his outstanding skill as an archer, his anti-clericalism, and his particular animosity towards the

Sheriff of Nottingham are already clear.

Historical heroes

Historical heroes is not super-heroes, it is people who really did exist, people who made their own

history. Historical heroes are people who have lived and who've done something that changed the

world forever, we have chosen to write about Abraham Lincoln Mother Teresa and Martin Luther

Mother Teresa

She is born 26. August 1910, and she dead 5 September 1997.

She left the home at 18, she wanted to join the ‘’Sisters of Loreto’’ as a missionary, and she never

saw her mother or sister again. Her efforts quickly caught the attention of Indian officials,

including the prime minister, who expressed his appreciation. In 1979, Mother Teresa was

awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, "for work

undertaken in the struggle to overcome

poverty and distress, which also constitutes

a threat to peace. The United Kingdom and

the United States each repeatedly granted

awards, culminating in the Order of Merit in

1983, and honorary citizenship of the United

States received on 16 November 1996. She

continued to receive major Indian awards in

subsequent years, including India's highest

civilian award, the Bharat Ratna, in 1980. Her

official biography was written by an Indian

civil servant, Navin Chawla, and published in

1992. Indian views on Mother Teresa were not uniformly favourable. She has been memorialised

through museums, been named patroness of various churches, and had various structures and

roads named after her, including Albania's international airport. Mother Teresa Day named Dita e

Nënë Terezës, it is on 19 October is a public holiday in Albania.

Abraham Lincoln

he was Born February 12, 1809 and died April 15, 1865 he was the 16th President of the united

states of America he was known that he led the United States through its civil war, abolished

slavery, strengthened the national government and modernized the economy. He was very poor

as child and was a self-educated lawyer

American Civil War

was a civil war tougt from 1861 to 1865 in the after

seven southern slaves states declared their secession

and formed the confederate States of America After

four years of bloody combat that left over 600,000

soldiers dead and destroyed much of the South's

infrastructure, the Confederacy collapsed, slavery was

abolished, and the difficult Reconstruction process of

restoring national unity and guaranteeing rights to the

freed slaves began

Abraham's death

He was shot on Good Friday, April 14, 1865 while

attending the play Our American Cousin at Ford's

Theatre as the American Civil War was drawing to a

close. The assassination occurred five days after the

commander of the Confederate army og Northern

Virginia Generl Robert E. Lee. Surrendered to lieutenant General Ulysses s.

Grant and the Union army of the Potomac ending the American Civil War. Abraham was the first

American president to be assassinated, he died the next morning

Martin Luther King

Born the 10 November 1483 and died 1546 he was 63 years old

he was a German monk, reformer and theologian. He became a

priest in the Augustinian eremitternes order, which gave him a

thorough Catholic education that led to that he was a professor at

the University of Wittenberg. In the age of 30, he developed their

own theological views on church authority, the sacraments and

the man and his relationship with God Martin's Reformation began

31 October 1517, with his theses against indulgences practice. It

was not really a landmark theological fracture, but they took a few

years later to an irrevocable breach but In 1521 Luther an outlaw

from the priest and popes and took refuge with the benevolent

and powerful prince in the castle Wartburg he thought that the

Catholic churches cheated people by charging money so he began

to resist them, and therefore he was outlawed he superseded and

the Bible into German

Policemen in the United States of America

Policemen Is in action all over the globe the make peace in the

countries to stop criminals,

In the police there is many types of works for example FBI, NCI,

Secret Service and police Departments in different cities. In the police

there are ranks so if a policeman or woman just it´s began they are in a

low rank and then if they get a higher rank that could be called police



Or, the Federal Bureau of Investigations.

They are an agency that works all over

the United States. FBI has more than 200

categories of crime, some a bit more bad

than others. They investigate crimes that

are more violence that the police


Top priority is to protect the united state

from terrorist attacks and other countries spying on the us. The United

states donate 8,1 billion USD to the FBI every year that they can use

on the investigations. FBI began in 1908 July of 26nd. The boss in

FBI department is called Director


Or United States Secret Service

The USSS is an American Federal law enforcement Agency that is

also a part of the US Department of Homeland

The USSS has two distinct Responsibilities

1. Financial crimes and covering missions

2. Protection of the national leaders and their families fx. The


Hero story

4 policemen from Anantapur district helped saving at least 10

passengers from Bangalore-Nanded Express which was involved in

fire accident near the train station, They did ten save

more because of they did ten have

more than. Twenty-six passengers

had died in the train inferno. When

they hurt about the train they

started jogging down the tracks to

find the train with smoke billowing

from B1 coach, just 300 meters

from the gate. They saw a person trying to

jump out of the bathroom window to

escape the fire, Three others were also

helped out of the same window. The

police team then made vain bid to open the

coach doors but found them locked. They

then went to other side of the compartment

crawling underneath the train to open the door on the other side which

was also locked. “We collected stones from the tracks and pelted

windows so people could come out, told own of the policemen.

Martin Luther was born 15. January

1929 in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. He died

4. April 1968 in Memphis, Tennessee,

USA. His religion was Baptist. He was

Baptist minister and civil right leader.

Martin Luther was martyred 4. April

1968 on a hotel balcony of James Earl

Ray, there got a sentence on 99 years

in prison. He was 39 years old.

He went in for the philosophy about

public disobedience there is a political

means there is used to amicably to

show opposition against special

political matter to break some laws

and demand without violence.

Rikke and Simone.

The word martyr is used in English to describe a wide variety of people. Martyrs are very used in the religion, and are very important. It’s a person who gives her/his own life for her/his religious faith. Martyr means witness. Martyrs are very used in Christianity. In Christianity martyrs are mentioned in the fifth book in the New Testament, where the stoning of Saint Stefan, there is called The Church’s First Martyr, describes. In Roman time did the Christianize chased for their faith. The Romans authority accepted that they had their own God, but if they didn’t acknowledged the political Gods it could end with the dead. The punishment did complete with either crucifixion or be chucked for wild animals. In some times have different Christianize groups suppressed each other with power. Also those people there is dead in those connection did be reputed to be martyrs. Some people are also called “Christian Charity” because they sacrificed their own life for other peoples. There is one girl called Aloysius Gonzaga, there died as 23 years old girl, after being infect under work with plague. There is also peoples called “Living Martyrs”, there sacrifice much, without they die. That can be persons who choose to sit in prison for their faith. There are also martyrs called “political martyrs” there was killed for theirs conviction fault. There are example two persons there is Political Martyrs:

Martin Luther King:

Rikke and Simone.

Saint Stephen: Saint Stephen was the first Christianity martyr. He was a Christian deacon and saint. He died 35 years after Christ. He is also called “Stefanus”. He mentioned in Apostle actions. His saint day is 26. December. He was one of Apostles first helper, and was as I said deacon and helped widows and poor people. He was stoned to dead of some Jew. One of them there was with to stone Stefanus was Saulus, also called Paulus. He died because he incurs some angry Jew.

Jeanne d’Arc: She is also called “The Virgin from Orleans”. She was born 6. January 1412 and died 30. May 1431. She was a France female saint. She was burned on the fire, because she said she was talking with God. There was many fails in Jeanne’s case. She was judged without proofs. She got in jail in England. There is made a movie about her: Jeanne d’Arc – a France history drama film from 1999. Jeanne wearied man clothes: armament and man suits. She was a strong woman and had a lot of willpower. She said it was God there had told her to wear the man clothes.


Air sea rescue also called ASR is the same

as SAR (Search and rescue), is someone

who rescue people, who are out on deep

water. It could be if someone can´t swim,

and someone other sees it. They can call to

ASR, so they can come and help the one in

the water. Air Sea rescue, rescues people in

a helicopter. At first they are going to find

this person in the water. Then they are going

to send one man or woman down into the

water with a lift. When the lift is down in

water, the one who rescues the other, are

going to help the person, who is

unconscious or something like that, back into

the helicopter again. And finally when these persons are safe in the

helicopter, they can start to check if there is something wrong him or her.

Often, there is something wrong with them, and they fly direct to the hospital.

No matter if the doctors in the helicopter thinks there is nothing wrong, they

fly to hospital for their own safe. When the helicopter arrives to the hospital,

they will land on top of the building, and drive the patient down, then the other

doctors and nurses will take over. It´s not so often ASR or SAR are in

“action”, but they have a lot to do, when they are out, to rescue someone’s


Ski patrols

Ski patrols is saving people of the ski pists. They are trained to stabilize and

transport patients from the pists to ex. an ambulance. It´s a hard training to be

at ski patrol. When you are a ski patol you need to transport people in an

terrain, on a toboggan, snowmobile, snow-cat or an helicopter. Ski patrol also

work to set up the mountain before opens. Some ski areas also have a junior

ski patrol, which is teenagers between 15 and 18 years.

Ski patrol also use dogs, to help them if

someone is stuck in the snow.

Cave rescue

Cave rescue, saves

injured, trapped or lost

cave explores. Cave

rescue borrow

elements from firemen,

confined space, rope

rescue and

moutaineering people.

But they have expand

their own skills, to

saves people at places

with almost no space.

Cave rescues, is slowly

planned, and think

over. It can easily go

wrong, there is solve stones, there can kill the them.

Firemen are everyday heroes, they help the country day

and night. They work very hard so that there won't be

any more fire in the near future. They help the children

in the neighborhood. Like for example, helping to get a

cat out of the tree and help them cross the busy road

when there on their way to school. Firemen-women are

very busy all the time they save civilian lives from burning buildings. But be warned

normal humans can't help them only firefighters can because they are highly


In a lot of countries firefighters may be employed as

fulltime workers and paid a salary. But yet there are also

some firefighters that get unpaid. for example, on their

daily schedule they will get paid of course but when

there free at that time and there will be a fire, they have

to help the other firefighters that are on duty. So the

people that are on duty gets paid, but the people that are not on duty but helps

them with the fire they won't get paid. And that's how it works over in America and

in the United Kingdom.

Firefighters work with the police department. They work very

well together every situation like when there is a mad bomber

running there will always be one or two fire trucks just to make

sure if it won't explode or not. As you can see if there is fire or if

there is a building falling there will always be some policemen

and of course firemen. Firefighters and Policemen almost always work together as a

group. Firefighters receive their calls from the police department and the agency


Wildland firefighters, they are very well known for rescuing mountains, forests and

also huge planes. They also save a

lot of people in the forests and

mountains because of course there

are some places in America, that

have high mountains and a lot of

forest. Their rescuing forests often

because at some places the forests can't handle the temperature, and really want to

help mother nature.

Jan Joost talks about how it is to be a fireman. He says that the fire normally starts in the kitchen. He have stopped about 75 fires. He gets provoked, when there is people involved.

This guy talking to a lot of people, because he thought it was different to be a fireman. He says you do not expect to be a hero every day. Some days you have to clean up the station. But he says just wait there will be a day to save people at another day.

These three firemen was in a horrible building that was collapsing. They barely made it out alive, if it was a couple of seconds longer they were flat dead. They were running through the collapsing building to check if there was somebody in there, but there wasn't so they ran as fast as possible through the building.

Political heroes Nelson Mandela:

Nelsons real name is Nelson Rohilalahla Mandela. Nelson Mandela was born 18 July

in 1918, and he died5 December 2013. As child Nelson lived in Thembu.

He came from South African. He is the reason that the black south Africans has

rights; he was a hero because he sat in prison in 22 years just to fight for the black

people. He had 5 children, Thembekile, Makaziwe, Makgatho, Zenani and


John F Kennedy:

He was born 29 may in 1917. He had to Brothers Robert f Kennedy and Edward M

Kennedy. He was president in 1961 to 1963.

One of the reasons John F Kennedy was a special person as president was he tells

the American people we must work on a project to get people on the moon. 10

years later the first man was on the moon in 1968.

He did not see the first man on the moon because he died in 1963 by a gunshot in

his head in the town Dallas in Texas.

Ronald Reagan:

His real name Is Ronald Wilson Reagan

He was born in 6 February in 1911 and

he died 15 June in 2004. He was also an

actor, former governor and USA´s 40th


Ronald Reagan became president in 1980 after Jimmy Carter. At that moment we

still had the cold war between west and east Europe. There was still a big wall

between west and east Berlin. The name of the president of the Sovjetunion was

Gorbatjov. Ronald Reagan will have peace between west and east. One day Reagan

was on visit in west Berlin. There he said to Gorbatjov tag that wall away, 9 month´s

later the wall was broken and the people from east and west could be together
