A Level Revision notes 2020/2021 · le rechauffement de la terre = global warming une marée noire...

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Transcript of A Level Revision notes 2020/2021 · le rechauffement de la terre = global warming une marée noire...

A-Level FrenchRevision notes 2020/2021

All copyright and publishing rights are owned by S-cool. First created in 2000 and updated in 2013, 2015 & 2020


Contents Key Vocabulary for Topics ................................................................................................................... 3

Listening ............................................................................................................................................... 17

Speaking .............................................................................................................................................. 18

Reading ................................................................................................................................................ 19

Writing .................................................................................................................................................. 33

Grammar .............................................................................................................................................. 34

Advanced Grammar ............................................................................................................................ 35

The Exam ............................................................................................................................................. 36

Study Skills........................................................................................................................................... 39

All copyright and publishing rights are owned by S-cool. First created in 2000 and updated in 2013, 2015 & 2020


These notes cover the main areas of this subject. Please check the specific areas you need with your exam

board. They are provided “as is” and S-cool do not guaranteed the suitability, accuracy or completeness of this

content and S-cool will not be liable for any losses you may incur as a result of your use or non-use of this

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All copyright and publishing rights are owned by S-cool. First created in 2000 and updated in 2013, 2015 & 2020


Key Vocabulary for Topics

Masculine: Feminine:

le vin = wine la nourriture = food

un régime équilibré = a balanced diet la matière grasse = fat content

l'alcool = alcohol la consommation = consumption

un additif = additive la cuisine traditionnelle = traditional cooking

un gastronome = a gourmet la cuisine saine = healthy cooking

un repas = a meal la culture biologique = organic farming

un en-cas = a snack la santé = health

un viticulteur = wine grower la forme = fitness

le tabagisme = addiction to smoking l'anorexie = anorexia

le tabagisme passif = passive smoking la boulimie = bulimie

le SIDA = AIDS la drogue = drugs

l'alcool = alcohol la toxicomanie = drug addiction

un toxicomane = drug addict la cirrhose du foie = cirrhosis of the liver

le cancer du poumon = lung cancer la gueule de bois = hangover

All copyright and publishing rights are owned by S-cool. First created in 2000 and updated in 2013, 2015 & 2020


un préservatif = a condom l'ivresse = drunkeness

le sexe sans protection = unprotected sex la conduite en état d'ivresse = drink-driving

un centre de réadaption = a rehabilitation centre la poussée de stupéfiants = drug-pushing

le stupéfiant = drug / narcotic la guérison = cure

le marriage = marriage l'interdiction = ban

le divorce = divorce la boulimie = bulimie

l'homme au foyer = house husband la famille (monoparentale) = (single parent) family

un mari / un époux = husband l'union libre = living together

le planning familial = family planning la conflit des générations

le comportement = behaviour la cohabitation = living together

le foyer = the home une épouse / femme = wife

le concubinage = living together la natalité = birth rate

le collège = secondary school la cellule familiale = the family unit

l'enseignement = education la progéniture = off-spring

le système éducatif = the educational system l'école = school

le bac = A-Level la scolarité = schooling

un examen = an exam une interrogation = test

All copyright and publishing rights are owned by S-cool. First created in 2000 and updated in 2013, 2015 & 2020


un contrôle = a test une épreuve = test

le programme = the curriculum l'université = University

le permis de conduire = driving licence la sale des profs = staff room

le code de la route = Highway code l'orientation = guidance

un couloir de bus = a bus lane une licence = a degree

un péage = a toll la circulation = traffic

le chemin de fer = the railway une voiture particulière = a private car

le réseau autoroutier = the motorway network une subvention = a subsidy

l'excès de vitesse = speeding la sécurité routière = road safety

un poids lourd = a HGV une zone piétonne = pedestrian area

un routier = lorry driver une piste cyclable = a cycle track

un embouteillage = traffic jam la capacité = capacity

le tourisme = tourism une amende = a fine

l'afflux = flux of people l'industrie de tourisme = the tourist business

un estivant = holiday maker la vie nocturne = night life

un voyage = a trip une croisière = a cruise

le circuit touristique = the tourist circuit l'évasion = escape

All copyright and publishing rights are owned by S-cool. First created in 2000 and updated in 2013, 2015 & 2020


le coût de vie = the cost of living la détente = relaxation

un retour à la nature = return to nature une auberge de jeunesse = a youth hostel

le haut saison = high season la télévision = the television

un journal = a newspaper la presse = the press

l'Internet = the Internet la vie privée = private life

un journaliste la publicité = advertising

un éditeur = a publisher une émission = a programme

un rédacteur = an editor la libre parole = free speech

un quotidien = a daily la liberté de la presse = the freedom of the press

un quotidien populaire = a tabloid une diffusion = a broadcast

un exemplaire = a copy la rubrique (sportive) = the (sports) section

le divertissement = entertainment l'énergie (nucléaire / solaire)

l'effet de serre = the greenhouse effect une centrale nucléaire = a nuclear power station

le recyclage = recycling l'écologie = ecology

le rechauffement de la terre = global warming une marée noire = oil slick

le gaspillage = wastage la pluie acide = acid rain

un cobaye = a guinea pig une bombe aerosol = aerosol spray

All copyright and publishing rights are owned by S-cool. First created in 2000 and updated in 2013, 2015 & 2020


un groupe de pression = a pressure group l'essence sans plomb = lead free petrol

l'environnement = the environment la culture biologique = organic farming

un parti = a party la protection = protection

le gouvernement = the government la chasse = hunting

un ministre = a minister la politique = politics / a policy

un sondage = an opinion poll / a survey la droite = the right wing

le pouvoir = power la gauche = the left wing

le président = the president une élection (présidentielle)

le premier ministre = the prime minister la proportionnelle = proportional representation

le Sénat = the Senate (Upper House) une voix = a vote

un élu = someone elected une circonscription = a constituency

le parlement = parliament l'Assemblée Nationale = the National assembly (the Lower


le marché unique = the single market l'Union Européenne (UE) = the European Union

le traité = treaty la monnaie unique = single currency

un pays = a country la frontière = border

un état membre = a member state la libre circulation = free movement

All copyright and publishing rights are owned by S-cool. First created in 2000 and updated in 2013, 2015 & 2020


un citoyen = a citizen la communauté = commuity

le vote = voting l'identité nationale = national identity

député = an M.P. la présidence = presidency

le christianisme = christianity la bureaucatie = bureaucracy

l'Islam la religion = religion

un temple = a church (protestant) une messe = a church service

le pape = the pope une église = a chuch (catholic)

un juif = a Jew la foi = faith

l'athéisme = atheism une juive = a Jewess

l'intégriste = fundamentalist une mosquée = a mosque

l'espoir = hope une prière = a prayer

un musulman = muslim un(e) évangéliste = born again Christian

le tiers-monde = the third world la poussée = upsurge

un bidonville = a shanty town la famine = famine

l'occident = the west la sécheresse = drought

un régime = diet la guerre (civile) = (civil) war

un pays sous-développé = a under-developed l'aide = aid / help

All copyright and publishing rights are owned by S-cool. First created in 2000 and updated in 2013, 2015 & 2020



un pays en voie de développement = a developing

country l'eau potable = drinking water

le droit = the right la surpopulation = over population

le prison = prison l'inégalité = inequality

un crime = a crime l'espérance de vie = life expectancy

un délit = an offence la peine de mort = the death penalty

le taux = rate la criminelle = criminal / murderer

le vol = theft la police = the police

le viol = rape une infraction = an offence

le meurtre = murder la punition = punishment

un procès = a trial une cour = a court

l'emprisonnement = imprisonment une amende = a fine

un témoin = a witness la délinquance = delinquancy

l'avortement = abortion la chasse = hunt

le terroriste = terrorist la CRS = riot police

le racisme = racism l'immigration calndestine = (illegal) immigartion

All copyright and publishing rights are owned by S-cool. First created in 2000 and updated in 2013, 2015 & 2020


un immigré = an immigrant l'euthanasie = Euthanasia

un problème = a problem la greffe d'organes = organ transplant

un demandeur d'asile = an assylum seeker IVG (interruption volontaire de grossesse) = termination of


l'homme au foyer = a house husband une question = a question

le changement = change une conséquence = a consequence

le féminisme = feminism la femme = woman / wife

le harcèlement sexuel = sexual harassment l'inégalité = inequality

le sexisme = sexism la carrière = career

le salaire = salary la discrimination = discrimination

le mouvement = movement la condition féminine = woman's lot

un phallocrate = male chauvinist la liberté = freedom

le sport = sport la compétition = competition

le dopage = drug-taking la concurrence = competition

le dépistage = testing / screening la drogue = drug

l'argent = money une récompense = a reward

le prix = prize la violence = violence

All copyright and publishing rights are owned by S-cool. First created in 2000 and updated in 2013, 2015 & 2020


un match = a match l'industrie = industry

un joueur = a player la perte = the loss

le parrainage = sponsor ship l'allocation = benefit payment

le commerce = trade l'ANPE = job centre

le travail = work une demande d'emploi = a job application

un emploi = a job une entrevue = an interview

le chômage = unemployment

un chômeur = a unemployed person

un demandeur d'emploi = a job seeker

le taux de chômage = the unemployment rate

le monde du travail = the world of work

Verbs: Plural:

manger = to eat les fast-foodeurs = those who eat fast food

boire = to drink les boissons (f) (non-) alcoolisées = (non-) alcoholic


être au régime = to be on a diet les drogues dures = hard drugs

perdre du poids = to lose weight les frictions parents-enfants = parent-child conflicts

All copyright and publishing rights are owned by S-cool. First created in 2000 and updated in 2013, 2015 & 2020


maigrir = to get thinner / lose weight les mœurs = morals

devenir populaire = to become popular les pressions socilaes = social pressures

se droguer = to take drugs les grandes écoles = top Universities

boire à l'excès = to drink to excess les resultants = the results

fumer = to smoke les transports en commun = public transport

nuire à = to harm les heures d'affluence = rush hour

empêcher = to prevent les vacances (f) = holidays

répandre = to spread les distractions (f) = things to do

se marier avec = to marry les médias = the media

vivre = to live les ventes = sales

négliger = to neglect les déchets nucléaires = nuclear waste

s'occpuer des enfant = to look after the children les combustibles fossiles = fossil fuels

passer un examen = to sit an exam les CFCs = CFCs

réussir = to succeed les espèces menacées = endangered species

échouer = to fail des énergies douces = safe energy sources

éduquer = educate les pouvoirs publics = the public authorities

étudier = to study les affaires étrangères = foreign affairs

All copyright and publishing rights are owned by S-cool. First created in 2000 and updated in 2013, 2015 & 2020


conduire = to drive les croyances = beliefs

décongestionner = to relieve congestion les mœurs = morals

réduire = to reduce les péchés = sins

encourager = to encourage les sans-abri = the homeless

interdire = to ban les SDF = homeless

polluer = to pollute les mères porteuses / mères de substitution =

surrogate mothers

permettre (à) = to allow les droits des animaux = animal rights

partir en vacances = to go on holiday les droits = rights

se détendre = to relax les pressions = pressures

abîmer = to spoil les jeux Olympiques = the Olympic games

apporter = to bring les résultats = results

s'ingérer dans la vie privée de...= to invade on the

private life of...

éditer = to publish

éduquer = to educate

stimuler = to stimulate

museler la presse = to muzzle the press

All copyright and publishing rights are owned by S-cool. First created in 2000 and updated in 2013, 2015 & 2020


étouffer = to hush up

polluer = to pollute

sauvegarder = to safegard

protéger = to protect

nuire à = to harm

préserver = to preserve

gagner un siège = to win a seat

cohabiter = to work together

voter = to vote

dépenser = to spend (money)

décider = to decide

prier = to pray

aller à l'égise = to go to chuch

croire = to believe

se détourner = to turn away from

aider = to help

nourrir = to feed

All copyright and publishing rights are owned by S-cool. First created in 2000 and updated in 2013, 2015 & 2020


alléger = to lighten / to relieve

exploiter = to exploit

envoyer = to send

parrainer = to sponsor

faire une virée = to go joyriding

exercer un effet de dissuasion = to act as a deterent

tirer sur = to shoot at

commettre = to commit

détourner = to hijack

écrouer = to lock up

faire sauter = to blow up

exécuter = to execute

protéger = to protect

lutter contre = to fight against

provoquer = to provoke

se sentir = to feel

s'épanouir = to blossom, to reach your potential

All copyright and publishing rights are owned by S-cool. First created in 2000 and updated in 2013, 2015 & 2020


exiger = to demand

subir = to undergo

participer = to take part

gagner = to win

perdre = to lose

tricher = to cheat

embaucher = to take on workers

licencier = to dismiss / make redundant

toucher une allocation = to draw a benefit

poser sa candidature = to apply for a job

former = to train

prendre la (pré-) retraite = to take (early) retirement

démissionner = to resign

All copyright and publishing rights are owned by S-cool. First created in 2000 and updated in 2013, 2015 & 2020



Preparation and technique

Some of the tips here are similar to things you have seen in other sections but some are new...

1. Read the question and make sure you understand it. It sounds obvious, but you can't answer the question

unless you know what you've been asked - for example, is it when or where did the accident take place? Is

it why did they protest or how did they protest? You won't get any marks for details that don't relate to the

question, even if they're right!

2. Time. You have to remember the time; there's no point spending ten minutes on a question that carries three

marks and then not have time to do a later section that carries ten marks. You have to force yourself to limit

time on sections. You can always come back afterwards if you have time spare.

3. Vocabulary. What if you don't know a key word? Think your way around it. Do you know any other words that

mean the same? Could you rephrase it or define it? For example, 'global warming ' becomes 'the earth is

becoming warmer' and so on. What about 'quelque chose pour...' for example, 'a bottle opener' becomes

'quelque chose pour ouvrir une bouteille'.

4. Accuracy. You will not get every answer right or know every single word you want for a particular question.

Nobody expects you to - not even for a grade 'A'. But don't let problems in a section that you can't do distract

you from another section that you can do perfectly well. Accept that there are a few things you can't do and

write them off. You'll probably be surprised at what you can do - concentrate on this and pick up as many marks

as possible on these parts.

5. Marks. Read the question and the number of marks allocated to each question. You need to know how much is

allocated for content and how much is accuracy. Does four marks mean four details or two details with two

marks awarded for accuracy? Make sure you are clear on this. You could be trying to write too much or wasting

time on a section where you've already got full marks.

6. Word limit. The word limit is there for a purpose. Some exam boards have very strict rules about going over

word limits, especially on coursework where you have time to plan, draft and re-write. You could be penalised

very heavily. What's more, not only is it a waste of time but you may be making more mistakes and actually

dragging your grade down. The content and quality are far more important than the number of words.

All copyright and publishing rights are owned by S-cool. First created in 2000 and updated in 2013, 2015 & 2020



Preparation and technique

Some of the tips here are similar to things you have seen in other sections but some are new...

1. Read the question and make sure you understand it. It sounds obvious, but you can't answer the question

unless you know what you've been asked - for example, is it when or where did the accident take place? Is

it why did they protest or how did they protest? You won't get any marks for details that don't relate to the

question, even if they're right!

2. Time. You have to remember the time; there's no point spending ten minutes on a question that carries three

marks and then not have time to do a later section that carries ten marks. You have to force yourself to limit

time on sections. You can always come back afterwards if you have time spare.

3. Vocabulary. What if you don't know a key word? Think your way around it. Do you know any other words that

mean the same? Could you rephrase it or define it? For example, 'global warming ' becomes 'the earth is

becoming warmer' and so on. What about 'quelque chose pour...' for example, 'a bottle opener' becomes

'quelque chose pour ouvrir une bouteille'.

4. Accuracy. You will not get every answer right or know every single word you want for a particular question.

Nobody expects you to - not even for a grade 'A'. But don't let problems in a section that you can't do distract

you from another section that you can do perfectly well. Accept that there are a few things you can't do and

write them off. You'll probably be surprised at what you can do - concentrate on this and pick up as many marks

as possible on these parts.

5. Marks. Read the question and the number of marks allocated to each question. You need to know how much is

allocated for content and how much is accuracy. Does four marks mean four details or two details with two

marks awarded for accuracy? Make sure you are clear on this. You could be trying to write too much or wasting

time on a section where you've already got full marks.

6. Word limit. The word limit is there for a purpose. Some exam boards have very strict rules about going over

word limits, especially on coursework where you have time to plan, draft and re-write. You could be penalised

very heavily. What's more, not only is it a waste of time but you may be making more mistakes and actually

dragging your grade down. The content and quality are far more important than the number of words.

All copyright and publishing rights are owned by S-cool. First created in 2000 and updated in 2013, 2015 & 2020



Masculine: Feminine:

le vin = wine la nourriture = food

un régime équilibré = a balanced diet la matière grasse = fat content

l'alcool = alcohol la consommation = consumption

un additif = additive la cuisine traditionnelle = traditional cooking

un gastronome = a gourmet la cuisine saine = healthy cooking

un repas = a meal la culture biologique = organic farming

un en-cas = a snack la santé = health

un viticulteur = wine grower la forme = fitness

le tabagisme = addiction to smoking l'anorexie = anorexia

le tabagisme passif = passive smoking la boulimie = bulimie

le SIDA = AIDS la drogue = drugs

l'alcool = alcohol la toxicomanie = drug addiction

un toxicomane = drug addict la cirrhose du foie = cirrhosis of the liver

le cancer du poumon = lung cancer la gueule de bois = hangover

un préservatif = a condom l'ivresse = drunkeness

All copyright and publishing rights are owned by S-cool. First created in 2000 and updated in 2013, 2015 & 2020


le sexe sans protection = unprotected sex la conduite en état d'ivresse = drink-driving

un centre de réadaption = a rehabilitation centre la poussée de stupéfiants = drug-pushing

le stupéfiant = drug / narcotic la guérison = cure

le marriage = marriage l'interdiction = ban

le divorce = divorce la boulimie = bulimie

l'homme au foyer = house husband la famille (monoparentale) = (single parent) family

un mari / un époux = husband l'union libre = living together

le planning familial = family planning la conflit des générations

le comportement = behaviour la cohabitation = living together

le foyer = the home une épouse / femme = wife

le concubinage = living together la natalité = birth rate

le collège = secondary school la cellule familiale = the family unit

l'enseignement = education la progéniture = off-spring

le système éducatif = the educational system l'école = school

le bac = A-Level la scolarité = schooling

un examen = an exam une interrogation = test

un contrôle = a test une épreuve = test

All copyright and publishing rights are owned by S-cool. First created in 2000 and updated in 2013, 2015 & 2020


le programme = the curriculum l'université = University

le permis de conduire = driving licence la sale des profs = staff room

le code de la route = Highway code l'orientation = guidance

un couloir de bus = a bus lane une licence = a degree

un péage = a toll la circulation = traffic

le chemin de fer = the railway une voiture particulière = a private car

le réseau autoroutier = the motorway network une subvention = a subsidy

l'excès de vitesse = speeding la sécurité routière = road safety

un poids lourd = a HGV une zone piétonne = pedestrian area

un routier = lorry driver une piste cyclable = a cycle track

un embouteillage = traffic jam la capacité = capacity

le tourisme = tourism une amende = a fine

l'afflux = flux of people l'industrie de tourisme = the tourist business

un estivant = holiday maker la vie nocturne = night life

un voyage = a trip une croisière = a cruise

le circuit touristique = the tourist circuit l'évasion = escape

le coût de vie = the cost of living la détente = relaxation

All copyright and publishing rights are owned by S-cool. First created in 2000 and updated in 2013, 2015 & 2020


un retour à la nature = return to nature une auberge de jeunesse = a youth hostel

le haut saison = high season la télévision = the television

un journal = a newspaper la presse = the press

l'Internet = the Internet la vie privée = private life

un journaliste la publicité = advertising

un éditeur = a publisher une émission = a programme

un rédacteur = an editor la libre parole = free speech

un quotidien = a daily la liberté de la presse = the freedom of the press

un quotidien populaire = a tabloid une diffusion = a broadcast

un exemplaire = a copy la rubrique (sportive) = the (sports) section

le divertissement = entertainment l'énergie (nucléaire / solaire)

l'effet de serre = the greenhouse effect une centrale nucléaire = a nuclear power station

le recyclage = recycling l'écologie = ecology

le rechauffement de la terre = global warming une marée noire = oil slick

le gaspillage = wastage la pluie acide = acid rain

un cobaye = a guinea pig une bombe aerosol = aerosol spray

un groupe de pression = a pressure group l'essence sans plomb = lead free petrol

All copyright and publishing rights are owned by S-cool. First created in 2000 and updated in 2013, 2015 & 2020


l'environnement = the environment la culture biologique = organic farming

un parti = a party la protection = protection

le gouvernement = the government la chasse = hunting

un ministre = a minister la politique = politics / a policy

un sondage = an opinion poll / a survey la droite = the right wing

le pouvoir = power la gauche = the left wing

le président = the president une élection (présidentielle)

le premier ministre = the prime minister la proportionnelle = proportional representation

le Sénat = the Senate (Upper House) une voix = a vote

un élu = someone elected une circonscription = a constituency

le parlement = parliament l'Assemblée Nationale = the National assembly (the Lower


le marché unique = the single market l'Union Européenne (UE) = the European Union

le traité = treaty la monnaie unique = single currency

un pays = a country la frontière = border

un état membre = a member state la libre circulation = free movement

un citoyen = a citizen la communauté = commuity

All copyright and publishing rights are owned by S-cool. First created in 2000 and updated in 2013, 2015 & 2020


le vote = voting l'identité nationale = national identity

député = an M.P. la présidence = presidency

le christianisme = christianity la bureaucatie = bureaucracy

l'Islam la religion = religion

un temple = a church (protestant) une messe = a church service

le pape = the pope une église = a chuch (catholic)

un juif = a Jew la foi = faith

l'athéisme = atheism une juive = a Jewess

l'intégriste = fundamentalist une mosquée = a mosque

l'espoir = hope une prière = a prayer

un musulman = muslim un(e) évangéliste = born again Christian

le tiers-monde = the third world la poussée = upsurge

un bidonville = a shanty town la famine = famine

l'occident = the west la sécheresse = drought

un régime = diet la guerre (civile) = (civil) war

un pays sous-développé = a under-developed

county l'aide = aid / help

All copyright and publishing rights are owned by S-cool. First created in 2000 and updated in 2013, 2015 & 2020


un pays en voie de développement = a developing

country l'eau potable = drinking water

le droit = the right la surpopulation = over population

le prison = prison l'inégalité = inequality

un crime = a crime l'espérance de vie = life expectancy

un délit = an offence la peine de mort = the death penalty

le taux = rate la criminelle = criminal / murderer

le vol = theft la police = the police

le viol = rape une infraction = an offence

le meurtre = murder la punition = punishment

un procès = a trial une cour = a court

l'emprisonnement = imprisonment une amende = a fine

un témoin = a witness la délinquance = delinquancy

l'avortement = abortion la chasse = hunt

le terroriste = terrorist la CRS = riot police

le racisme = racism l'immigration calndestine = (illegal) immigartion

un immigré = an immigrant l'euthanasie = Euthanasia

All copyright and publishing rights are owned by S-cool. First created in 2000 and updated in 2013, 2015 & 2020


un problème = a problem la greffe d'organes = organ transplant

un demandeur d'asile = an assylum seeker IVG (interruption volontaire de grossesse) = termination of


l'homme au foyer = a house husband une question = a question

le changement = change une conséquence = a consequence

le féminisme = feminism la femme = woman / wife

le harcèlement sexuel = sexual harassment l'inégalité = inequality

le sexisme = sexism la carrière = career

le salaire = salary la discrimination = discrimination

le mouvement = movement la condition féminine = woman's lot

un phallocrate = male chauvinist la liberté = freedom

le sport = sport la compétition = competition

le dopage = drug-taking la concurrence = competition

le dépistage = testing / screening la drogue = drug

l'argent = money une récompense = a reward

le prix = prize la violence = violence

un match = a match l'industrie = industry

All copyright and publishing rights are owned by S-cool. First created in 2000 and updated in 2013, 2015 & 2020


un joueur = a player la perte = the loss

le parrainage = sponsor ship l'allocation = benefit payment

le commerce = trade l'ANPE = job centre

le travail = work une demande d'emploi = a job application

un emploi = a job une entrevue = an interview

le chômage = unemployment

un chômeur = a unemployed person

un demandeur d'emploi = a job seeker

le taux de chômage = the unemployment rate

le monde du travail = the world of work

Verbs: Plural:

manger = to eat les fast-foodeurs = those who eat fast food

boire = to drink les boissons (f) (non-) alcoolisées = (non-) alcoholic


être au régime = to be on a diet les drogues dures = hard drugs

perdre du poids = to lose weight les frictions parents-enfants = parent-child conflicts

maigrir = to get thinner / lose weight les mœurs = morals

All copyright and publishing rights are owned by S-cool. First created in 2000 and updated in 2013, 2015 & 2020


devenir populaire = to become popular les pressions socilaes = social pressures

se droguer = to take drugs les grandes écoles = top Universities

boire à l'excès = to drink to excess les resultants = the results

fumer = to smoke les transports en commun = public transport

nuire à = to harm les heures d'affluence = rush hour

empêcher = to prevent les vacances (f) = holidays

répandre = to spread les distractions (f) = things to do

se marier avec = to marry les médias = the media

vivre = to live les ventes = sales

négliger = to neglect les déchets nucléaires = nuclear waste

s'occpuer des enfant = to look after the children les combustibles fossiles = fossil fuels

passer un examen = to sit an exam les CFCs = CFCs

réussir = to succeed les espèces menacées = endangered species

échouer = to fail des énergies douces = safe energy sources

éduquer = educate les pouvoirs publics = the public authorities

étudier = to study les affaires étrangères = foreign affairs

conduire = to drive les croyances = beliefs

All copyright and publishing rights are owned by S-cool. First created in 2000 and updated in 2013, 2015 & 2020


décongestionner = to relieve congestion les mœurs = morals

réduire = to reduce les péchés = sins

encourager = to encourage les sans-abri = the homeless

interdire = to ban les SDF = homeless

polluer = to pollute les mères porteuses / mères de substitution =

surrogate mothers

permettre (à) = to allow les droits des animaux = animal rights

partir en vacances = to go on holiday les droits = rights

se détendre = to relax les pressions = pressures

abîmer = to spoil les jeux Olympiques = the Olympic games

apporter = to bring les résultats = results

s'ingérer dans la vie privée de...= to invade on the

private life of...

éditer = to publish

éduquer = to educate

stimuler = to stimulate

museler la presse = to muzzle the press

étouffer = to hush up

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polluer = to pollute

sauvegarder = to safegard

protéger = to protect

nuire à = to harm

préserver = to preserve

gagner un siège = to win a seat

cohabiter = to work together

voter = to vote

dépenser = to spend (money)

décider = to decide

prier = to pray

aller à l'égise = to go to chuch

croire = to believe

se détourner = to turn away from

aider = to help

nourrir = to feed

alléger = to lighten / to relieve

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exploiter = to exploit

envoyer = to send

parrainer = to sponsor

faire une virée = to go joyriding

exercer un effet de dissuasion = to act as a deterent

tirer sur = to shoot at

commettre = to commit

détourner = to hijack

écrouer = to lock up

faire sauter = to blow up

exécuter = to execute

protéger = to protect

lutter contre = to fight against

provoquer = to provoke

se sentir = to feel

s'épanouir = to blossom, to reach your potential

exiger = to demand

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subir = to undergo

participer = to take part

gagner = to win

perdre = to lose

tricher = to cheat

embaucher = to take on workers

licencier = to dismiss / make redundant

toucher une allocation = to draw a benefit

poser sa candidature = to apply for a job

former = to train

prendre la (pré-) retraite = to take (early) retirement

démissionner = to resign

All copyright and publishing rights are owned by S-cool. First created in 2000 and updated in 2013, 2015 & 2020



Preparation and technique

Some of the tips here are similar to things you have seen in other sections but some are new...

1. Read the question and make sure you understand it. It sounds obvious, but you can't answer the

question unless you know what you've been asked - for example, is it when or where did the accident

take place? Is it why did they protest or how did they protest? You won't get any marks for details that

don't relate to the question, even if they're right!

2. Time. You have to remember the time; there's no point spending ten minutes on a question that

carries three marks and then not have time to do a later section that carries ten marks. You have to

force yourself to limit time on sections. You can always come back afterwards if you have time spare.

3. Vocabulary. What if you don't know a key word? Think your way around it. Do you know any other

words that mean the same? Could you rephrase it or define it? For example, 'global warming ' becomes

'the earth is becoming warmer' and so on. What about 'quelque chose pour...' for example, 'a bottle

opener' becomes 'quelque chose pour ouvrir une bouteille'.

4. Accuracy. You will not get every answer right or know every single word you want for a particular

question. Nobody expects you to - not even for a grade 'A'. But don't let problems in a section that you

can't do distract you from another section that you can do perfectly well. Accept that there are a few

things you can't do and write them off. You'll probably be surprised at what you can do - concentrate on

this and pick up as many marks as possible on these parts.

5. Marks. Read the question and the number of marks allocated to each question. You need to know how

much is allocated for content and how much is accuracy. Does four marks mean four details or two

details with two marks awarded for accuracy? Make sure you are clear on this. You could be trying to

write too much or wasting time on a section where you've already got full marks.

6. Word limit. The word limit is there for a purpose. Some exam boards have very strict rules about

going over word limits, especially on coursework where you have time to plan, draft and re-write. You

could be penalised very heavily. What's more, not only is it a waste of time but you may be making

more mistakes and actually dragging your grade down. The content and quality are far more important

than the number of words.

All copyright and publishing rights are owned by S-cool. First created in 2000 and updated in 2013, 2015 & 2020



Preparation and technique

Some of the tips here are similar to things you have seen in other sections but some are new...

1. Read the question and make sure you understand it. It sounds obvious, but you can't answer the

question unless you know what you've been asked - for example, is it when or where did the accident

take place? Is it why did they protest or how did they protest? You won't get any marks for details that

don't relate to the question, even if they're right!

2. Time. You have to remember the time; there's no point spending ten minutes on a question that

carries three marks and then not have time to do a later section that carries ten marks. You have to

force yourself to limit time on sections. You can always come back afterwards if you have time spare.

3. Vocabulary. What if you don't know a key word? Think your way around it. Do you know any other

words that mean the same? Could you rephrase it or define it? For example, 'global warming ' becomes

'the earth is becoming warmer' and so on. What about 'quelque chose pour...' for example, 'a bottle

opener' becomes 'quelque chose pour ouvrir une bouteille'.

4. Accuracy. You will not get every answer right or know every single word you want for a particular

question. Nobody expects you to - not even for a grade 'A'. But don't let problems in a section that you

can't do distract you from another section that you can do perfectly well. Accept that there are a few

things you can't do and write them off. You'll probably be surprised at what you can do - concentrate on

this and pick up as many marks as possible on these parts.

5. Marks. Read the question and the number of marks allocated to each question. You need to know how

much is allocated for content and how much is accuracy. Does four marks mean four details or two

details with two marks awarded for accuracy? Make sure you are clear on this. You could be trying to

write too much or wasting time on a section where you've already got full marks.

6. Word limit. The word limit is there for a purpose. Some exam boards have very strict rules about

going over word limits, especially on coursework where you have time to plan, draft and re-write. You

could be penalised very heavily. What's more, not only is it a waste of time but you may be making

more mistakes and actually dragging your grade down. The content and quality are far more important

than the number of words.

All copyright and publishing rights are owned by S-cool. First created in 2000 and updated in 2013, 2015 & 2020


Advanced Grammar

Preparation and technique

Some of the tips here are similar to things you have seen in other sections but some are new...

1. Read the question and make sure you understand it. It sounds obvious, but you can't answer the question

unless you know what you've been asked - for example, is it when or where did the accident take place? Is

it why did they protest or how did they protest? You won't get any marks for details that don't relate to the

question, even if they're right!

2. Time. You have to remember the time; there's no point spending ten minutes on a question that carries three

marks and then not have time to do a later section that carries ten marks. You have to force yourself to limit

time on sections. You can always come back afterwards if you have time spare.

3. Vocabulary. What if you don't know a key word? Think your way around it. Do you know any other words that

mean the same? Could you rephrase it or define it? For example, 'global warming ' becomes 'the earth is

becoming warmer' and so on. What about 'quelque chose pour...' for example, 'a bottle opener' becomes

'quelque chose pour ouvrir une bouteille'.

4. Accuracy. You will not get every answer right or know every single word you want for a particular question.

Nobody expects you to - not even for a grade 'A'. But don't let problems in a section that you can't do distract

you from another section that you can do perfectly well. Accept that there are a few things you can't do and

write them off. You'll probably be surprised at what you can do - concentrate on this and pick up as many marks

as possible on these parts.

5. Marks. Read the question and the number of marks allocated to each question. You need to know how much is

allocated for content and how much is accuracy. Does four marks mean four details or two details with two

marks awarded for accuracy? Make sure you are clear on this. You could be trying to write too much or wasting

time on a section where you've already got full marks.

6. Word limit. The word limit is there for a purpose. Some exam boards have very strict rules about going over

word limits, especially on coursework where you have time to plan, draft and re-write. You could be penalised

very heavily. What's more, not only is it a waste of time but you may be making more mistakes and actually

dragging your grade down. The content and quality are far more important than the number of words.

All copyright and publishing rights are owned by S-cool. First created in 2000 and updated in 2013, 2015 & 2020


The Exam

Like all AS and A2 subjects, French is made up of 6 assessed units; the first three make up the AS course and

the second three added to the first three make up the A2.

Exactly what each module comprises varies from board to board, but here is a brief outline below:

Module: Edexcel:

1 Listening and writing

1 hour

30% of AS

15% of A2

2 Reading and writing

2 hours

40% of AS

20% of A2

3 Oral

10-12 mins

30% of AS

15% of A2

4 Oral or Interpreting

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15 mins

15% of A2

5 Prescribed Text or Coursework

15% of A2

6 Listening and writing

45 mins

5% of A2


Reading and writing

45 mins

5% of A2


Writing in registers

1 hr 15 mins

10% of A2

There are five modules (3 for AS and an additional 2 for A2); these specify the content of the course. They

are outlined below:

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Module: Edexcel:

1 Food, health, diet, transport, travel and tourism, current affairs and media

2 Relationships, family and generations, social issues, law and justice, leisure and the Arts

3 Education, training and employment, business and industry, ICT

4 Energy, pollution and the environment, politics and citizenship, campaigning organisations and charities

5 Customs, beliefs and religions, the EU, worldwide problems

Unlike GCSE, you can see that there are not always distinct listening or reading papers, but that skills are mixed

within one paper - for example, listening and writing in one. Don't let that put you off; you simply use your

listening skills techniques in one section of a paper and your writing skills in another section.

What is the exam going to be like?

Although it's the first year through, your teachers have probably received specimen material and I'm sure you've

got a fairly good idea of what awaits you. Again, it varies from board to board but you'll find some general tips in

the AS French Learn-Its...

All copyright and publishing rights are owned by S-cool. First created in 2000 and updated in 2013, 2015 & 2020


Study Skills

How to develop good study habits

1. Learn vocabulary regularly - little and often is the best way.

Following a lesson, look over vocabulary and learn any new words.

2. Learn how to use a dictionary and use it regularly. Look words up and check words yourself, don't wait for

your teacher to find mistakes.

Using a dictionary:

a) You are trying to find out what 'des as de volant' means. You know that volant means a steering wheel. Look

up as and you find 3 meanings.

1. Roman coin

2. ace (cards, dice)

3. ace/star (sports)

You choose number 3 because 'Des as de volant' is the name of a road-side cafe in the passage you are reading.

b) You are checking your work. You have written 'la problème'. This looks feminine as it ends in e but when you

check in the dictionary it is masculine (s.m = singular masculine) i.e. problème.

3. Revise grammar regularly. Look over grammar points following a lesson and learn structures which are

new to you.

4. If you miss a lesson, ensure you collect the work and catch up on what you have missed.

5. Ask for further explanation when necessary, also extra work for your areas of weakness. Don't be afraid

to ask questions or admit you don't understand. Your teacher may assume you are OK if you don't say anything.

6. In class, participate, contribute, support for your own benefit. Read newspapers (in English as well as

French) so you develop lots of ideas on modern issues which will stand you in good stead for discussion or


7. Be self-disciplined, hand work in regularly, keep to deadlines and organise your private study time sensibly.

Try to match your lesson time with your private study time i.e. 3 hours of lessons = 3 hours private study.

8. Organise your notes well in a filing system. Review them regularly. Be prepared to read and research on

your own initiative - do not expect to be taught everything.

9. A visit to France is highly recommended.

10. Enjoy yourself! It's a lot of work but will be really rewarding and worthwhile if you persevere.

All copyright and publishing rights are owned by S-cool. First created in 2000 and updated in 2013, 2015 & 2020


All copyright and publishing rights are owned by S-cool. First created in 2000 and updated in 2013, 2015 & 2020


Web-sites you may find useful during your A/S and A2 Studies


Reading some of this newspaper will improve your French comprehension and widen your knowledge of France.

The French is fairly dense and difficult sometimes, especially if you are still at A/S level but try skimming the

front-page stories once or twice a week. You will recognise some of the international stories e.g. about the

Middle East or the S.E. Asia tsunami disaster which will help you understand the gist of what you are reading.

You may also search the archives to help you with a course-work topic or presentation.


This is great fun! You can read all the gossip 'sur les stars'. Some stars are only popular in France so you may

not recognise them but others, for instance Kylie Minogue et Olivier Martinez you will have heard about.

Interesting gossip to improve your French!


This also has news about the stars but also film reviews and cookery. All quite short pieces, which are easy to

follow even if you don't understand every word.


Go into the A level section. Here you will find some exam practice, some past papers and some news videos to

give you all the latest headlines.


If you are interested in film and cinema this is the site for you. There is also lots of up-to-date and colloquial

French to pick up here. (But use it with care!)


This is an excellent new site about the recently opened and amazing bridge over the river Tarn near Millau. Look

at the Viaduc en Images sections with the most interesting photos and descriptions in French, read about

l'homme araignée (Spiderman) who climbed it and the visitors from their twin town in England and what they

thought about it (in perfect French!)

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All S-cool content (including these notes) belong to S-cool (S-cool Youth Marketing Limited).

You may use these for your personal use on a computer screen, print pages on paper and store such pages in

electronic form on disk (but not on any server or other storage device connected to an external network) for

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You may not redistribute any of this Content or supply it to other people (including by using it as part of any

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All copyright and publishing rights are owned by S-cool. First created in 2000 and updated in 2013 & 2020.

All copyright and publishing rights are owned by S-cool. First created in 2000 and updated in 2013, 2015 & 2020