A LETTER FROM YOUR MODERATORS SAVE THE ...First ongregational hurch amden, Maine October 2019 Vol....

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Transcript of A LETTER FROM YOUR MODERATORS SAVE THE ...First ongregational hurch amden, Maine October 2019 Vol....

First Congregational Church Camden, Maine

October 2019 Vol. 35, No 10


Dear Members and Friends,

On March 16th the Cabinet worked together in the first of the two annual bylaw-required strategic planning sessions. Next steps? Recognizing the heightened energies and enthusiasm accompanying Ute’s ministry as the Spirit continues to move and call our congrega-tion to new opportunities, Cabinet acknowledged the need to discern anew how God is calling us to live out our mission. As a follow-up to the retreat, Paul Nickerson, an ordained minister who has been lead-ing churches through planning processes for many years, joined the Cabinet in June for a day of coaching as a first step in this process. Paul is aware that much of our congregation participated in a discern-ing process associated with our Interim Process. Given the work that our congregation has already done, Paul agreed that the normal time frame of a year for the planning process could be shortened consider-ably with a focused process led by a team, involving targeted congre-gational participation, most likely between January and June of 2020. Why now? Sustainable churches routinely set goals for themselves every 3-5 years, doing so from a place of strength. What’s next? Paul Nickerson will be joining us on the last weekend of October, Oct. 25-27. He will introduce the planning process (what, why, where and how) in 1-2 church-wide presentations. He will also participate in Sunday morning worship service, set aside a time to meet with families of youth, and offer a workshop on a topic to be chosen. Please save the date! We are grateful to be part of this vibrant, dedicated, loving congregation and look forward to the journey ahead, trusting that the Spirit will guide us. Andi Hamalainen and Zella Walker Co-Moderators

The fragrance always remains in the hand that gives the rose.” Heda Bejar

This beautiful quote by Heda Bejar reminds me both of the imperma-nence of life and the very real impact of our encounters with each other and with the rest of creation. It is also a tender reminder of the beauty of every gift given. It has a sweetness and inherent goodness that lifts the heart. As we enter our season of renewing our pledges in support of the mission of the church, I invite us to hold this image as we consider how we are called to share our financial gifts for the greater good. Remember that the fragrance of interconnection and caring love will remain in the hand that gives. In the coming weeks, you will be receiving stewardship informational and pledging materi-als. Starting on October 27th, speakers will address an important area of our shared life (Caring for Each other, Providing a Place for all, Growing in Faith, Worshipping Together and Caring for the Commu-nity). We will celebrate our shared commitment on November 24th with a pie fest! So please stay tuned for more information! Now let me go back to the quote, “The fragrance always remains in the hand that gives the rose.” This quote also came to mind be-cause we have the wonderful opportunity to host the National Sacred Arts Tour at our church from October 28-November 1. Seven Tibetan Refugee Buddhist monks from Mundgod, India will be with us to share ancient Tibetan traditions and culture. While they will not be giving away roses, they will invite us into another process that fea-tures both impermanence while leaving its own beautiful effect on us. The monks will create an intricately designed sand mandala, grain by grain. The monks will also be visiting local schools, teaching a sand painting workshop, hosting a meditation and Dharma talk (likely at the Dancing Elephant in Rockland), cooking a Tibetan “momo” (dumpling) dinner, performing a pageant with traditional Tibetan musical instruments, and offering a fire “puja” (outdoor evening fire and blessing of wildlife). On the final day of their visit, they will present a dissolution ceremony of the mandala, and carry the sacred sand to Camden Harbor to spread blessings for clean water, a healthy environment and global compassion. The monks’ calling is to educate about compassion, imperma-nence, interdependence, peace and collaboration care for our planet,

From the Pastor’s Desk Rev. Dr. Ute S. Molitor

world healing and the joy of life. All events will be open to the public, all ages welcome. The monks will be selling some Tibetan merchandise to support Tibetan refugees. More detailed informa- tion about the schedule will be forthcoming. Please let us know in the office whether you would like to volunteer some time to help shepherd people or set up for an event. The Cabinet is thankful to Cynthia Trone, daughter of our members Bob and Nancy Trone, who has invited us to host and will oversee the event. All regular church and community activities will be able to continue as usual. We know that this event comes on the heels of our weekend activities with coach Paul Nickerson and leads right into the Women’s Retreat! Let us rejoice that our church is indeed not just a Sunday place. Let us give thanks for how lively and life-giving the Spirit is active in our very midst!

With great hope, Ute

Blessing of the Animals – Ecumenical Service October 6th at 4:00 pm on the Camden Village Green Bring your animal (or a picture of your animal) to the Village Green on Sunday, October 6th at 4:00 pm. We will have a brief worship service celebrating creation. As part of the service, one of the celebrants will be available to bless your pet. Please be sure to have your dog on a leash and your cat or guinea pig or goldfish in an appropriate container. These services of blessing are traditional-ly held close to the feast day of St. Francis (October 4) who was known for his deep love and connection to creation. Developing Adult Learning Opportunities As I mentioned in last month’s newsletter, I am hoping to continue to offer more adult education sessions, including on-line options. On-line sessions will allow all participants to see and interact with each other no matter whether you are in your winter home in Flori-da or here in Camden. The session can also be recorded for viewing at a later time. I have had a chance to meet with our IT consultant to discuss how we can implement offering adult learning opportu-nities on-line as an augment to in-person gatherings. We are ex-ploring several options that promise to be affordable. Once we have the right equipment and software/servers, we will venture into new territory. I hope that we can be up and running soon. It will take some time for me to learn how to do this effectively.

I am in the process of reviewing a number of learning opportu-nities. It would be helpful to get your feedback on how many peo-ple would be interested in a more extensive multi-month adult for-mation/confirmation course (no exams, I promise). I often hear from people that they were either never exposed to basic learning about the Bible and Christianity or have forgotten so much that they feel too shy to ask questions. If you are interested in such an endeavor, please contact me so that we can begin a conversation. We will continue to also offer shorter term programs. Please stay tuned. Please also let me know if you would like to be part of an adult education team in the future! ute@camdenucc.org or 236-4821. Thank you all for your interest and curiosity. Thank you to all who came together for our summer book study!

Informational Meeting on Suicide Prevention On September 25th, The Midcoast Interfaith Alliance (MCIA)

hosted an informational session on suicide prevention. This was led by Greg Marley and Nicole Foster, both of NAMI Maine (National Alliance of the Mentally Ill). Several church members and staff

participated. It was stunning and saddening to hear that Maine has one of the highest suicide rates in the country. The Midcoast is particularly affected. The rates of suicides are rising among the young and social media and a growing sense of pressure to be

perfect. We discussed issues of social media, new forms of cyber bullying and how a growing anxiety and perceived pressure to be perfect are affecting the young. The speakers also featured how

often a history of trauma and abuse play a role in suicide. Risk factors are higher for LGBTQ+. Numbers are also high among Veterans and military personnel. Another population at particular

risk are men over 65. The program raised awareness about the need to look for changes in behavior and to be proactive in reaching out and checking in. A number of informational brochures and re-

sources about prevention are on the table outside of the church office. Please stay tuned about future informational activities and training opportunities.

From the Pastor’s Desk Rev. Dr. Ute S. Molitor (continued)

Are you interested in learning more about the life of our congregation and the wider United Church of Christ? Would you like to explore becoming a member of our church? Please consider attending one of the two new member orientation sessions: 10:30 after service on October 20th

or on November 10th

The content will be the same at each one. We look forward to getting to know you better! The sessions will be led by the membership committee and our pastor. We will be receiving new members during the service on November 24th.


Camden Area District Nursing Association’s ANNUAL FLU CLINIC

Free with Medicare Card THURSDAY, OCT. 3 John St. Methodist Church, 1-3 pm

THURSDAY, OCT. 10 Rockport Town Office, 1-3 pm

Our next BLOOD DRIVE is Monday,

November 11, 12:30-5:30

Pilgrim Room To schedule

an appointment, call 1-800-RED CROSS. Note that the church office will be closed for Veterans’ Day.

From Elizabeth Lally Director of Christian Education

Hello October!

Alisa and Joey Dowd have just finished up the first month of classes for our Groove Program. And they did a fabulous job of leading, as always. The month’s theme was Character. As we move into October we are graced with the presence of the wonderful Joseph Coté who will be leading the show. Our Safe Church Policy requires that we have two adults working with our youth so we have Vicki Fletcher and Zella Walker who have offered to help during the month, although Joseph will be preparing and leading the teaching. October’s focus is Dilemmas. The “second Sunday” outing will be a hike with Alisa and Joey (and anyone else who would like to join!) but we haven’t determined yet which hike that will be. Stay tuned!

Godly Play is moving along swimmingly. We have star ted with the “Great Family” and then delved more deeply into Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, and Joseph. We will be moving toward Exodus, The Ten Best Ways, The Ark and the Tent, and then to Ruth. October is going to be a busy month!. Lots of history to cover. Ursula has spent extra time this year preparing all of the music that she has been introducing. She is aligning it with the lessons that we are sharing for Godly Play. So there has been some “Father Abraham had many sons (and daughters!)", and “Deep and Wide.” She is doing a fantastic job engaging them in music, even for kids for whom music is not their first choice. Two week sago she brought in red rhythm sticks for each child and we did some “Father Abra-ham” with extra percussion! Ursula and I will be participating in a Bal-A-Vis-x training in October and we are excited to bring what we learn back to the classroom.

The Christian Education Committee will meet in October, date TBD, and there are lots of things to discuss. We need to provide training for our volunteers so we are in compliance with our Safe Church Policy and we have not yet implemented a plan to get that done. Outings still need some thoughtful planning. Advent

activities need to be discussed. And the seeds of the Christmas Pageant and Christmas Eve family service need to be planted. If you have a desire to be involved with this committee, we wel-come new members :).

There is a need for a closet to be emptied downstairs so that the bell choir can use it due to some issues with their current lo-cation. That will require some purging! We need you. Do you like to organize? Are you less sentimental than most? Do you have a strong back? If any of these questions apply to you then we will most gratefully accept your help downstairs. There will be a date, but I do not have it yet. And it will not be the two of us slogging together for hours. We will have a team……and until we have a team, we will not set a date.

****** I need coverage for the children’s talk for the dates of October 27th (Bal-A-Vis-x Training) and November 3rd (Women’s Retreat). If you can be of service, please reach out.

Peace, Elizabeth


Get A I R ! All Church Outing to The Lion King on Sunday, October 6 for the 1 pm show. The church will sponsor tickets for Sunday School families plus a snack pack for the show. Don’t let the cost keep you away. If you are an adult member of the congregation and could use some help with the cost of your ticket, please shoot me an email and we will include yours when we make our pur-chase. It would be helpful to me if you could let me know if you plan on coming. Not absolutely necessary, just helpful.


Do you have a student who is away at boarding school or college? This church has a tradition of sending Hal-loween Care Packages to our students. Please add your students' names and addresses to the list outside of

Becky's office on the Opportunities Table by October 6th. Everyone is invited to choose a pumpkin or two from the bulletin board display in the Pilgrim Room, starting on September 15th. Please bring your donations to the church office by Sunday, October 20th. Thanks for helping to keep this great tradition alive and well! --Amy Rollins and Bette McFarland



We had a medical emergency at coffee hour a few weeks ago and

realized that our protocols for such emergencies were somewhat

lacking. The congregation was, as always, compassionate and

wishing to help, but the real need is to give the person who is

having the emergency the space and privacy to deal with the issue

with the help of a few people who can recognize and assist the

patient's needs until the arrival of professional medical services.

This emergency made us aware that we need several church

members who are trained in first aid who can recognize and

provide care for persons of all ages who become ill or suffer

injury until the EMTs arrive.

The Trustees have set aside a fund to pay for the training of those

in the congregation and staff who would be willing to take such

training. We have contacted the Midcoast School of Technology

Adult Education, and they are offering a one-day American Red

Cross First Aid Course for just this situation. They have two

options: Saturday October 19 and Saturday December 7,

each from 9AM to 3:30PM.

The course will provide basic first aid, CPR, and AED training,

and participants will receive a two-year American Red Cross

Certificate and reference card.

A knowledge of first aid is important for all of us when dealing

with loved ones' issues, and we would include among those loved

ones our fellow congregation members.

Will you step forward and add to your knowledge and care of our

congregation by taking this first aid class and becoming a part of

our emergency team? If so, contact John Hufnagel, chair of

Trustees, at 594-1895 or the church office at 236-4821. John will

be taking the class on October 19.

Calling All Goddesses! The Retreat Committee invites you to the

11th Annual Women's Retreat taking place November 1-3

at Camp Wavus on beautiful Damariscotta Lake.

The purpose of the retreat began simply as an opportunity for the women of our church to share time in fellowship, away from life’s demands. It is guided by a schedule-that-isn’t-a-schedule with lots of free range time to walk and talk, laugh and share together. Fri-day begins with a social time and dinner followed by activities fo-cused on getting to know each other better.

There are activities planned throughout the weekend but you get to choose how and when you want to participate. You can take part in an activity, take a walk or a nap or simply choose to read a book quietly in front of the fireplace. There are big and small opportuni-ties to get to know each other better and no one leaves a stranger at the end of the weekend. Sunday morning we share communion during our worship service, a beautiful experience not to be missed. One last meal is shared together before packing up and returning to our “other” lives, refreshed and in the glow of new and renewed friendships.

The cost for the weekend is only $150. This includes two nights' lodging, five meals plus a Saturday afternoon snack, and basic ac-tivity supplies. All women of our church are welcome to this re-treat! Don’t let the cost keep you from joining in the fun! Contact Zella Walker (594-7030) or Essie Sexton (592-4454) for scholar-ship information.

There is a sign up sheet on the Opportunities Table. Registration packets will be sent October 11th. Registration and payment deadline is October 25th.

We look forward to spending the weekend with as many of you goddesses as can attend. If you’re new to the retreat we promise a very fun, supportive and loving weekend! In the meantime mark your calendars! Salaam, Shalom, Shanti, Peace, Your Retreat Committee

From Heavenly Threads

Melissa Chapman, Manager & Beth Gerrish, Assistant Manager

We love October at Heavenly Threads Thrift Shop! It is great fun to get out our fall and Halloween merchandise. It bright-ens the rooms and brings a festive feel to the shop. We have wreaths, decorative pumpkins, candles, dishes and fall linens. And this year, our selection of costumes is outstanding! And great accessories too. Swords, tiaras, eye patches, hats and bags to trick or treat with! Stop in soon because it won’t last long! We even have Halloween fabric for our crafty customers!

Let's talk about books. We love, love books here in the shop and so do our cus-tomers. Usually we have many fiction and non-fiction lining our shelves. But our summer customers have seemed to de-plete us of most of our fiction books! I guess this is a good problem to have! If you have books to donate, espe-cially fiction (hard cover or paperback), we would really appreciate it! Donations are accepted anytime during our open hours Monday-Saturday 10-4.

We will be CLOSED Monday October 14th for Indigenous People's Day. Also, starting Monday October 21st we will be CLOSED on Mondays through the winter. But that still leaves you FIVE days of the week to shop, donate and/or volunteer at Heavenly Threads Thrift Shop!

From Matt Mainster Director of Music

It’s great to be back with the choirs again, AND we have some new members! It’s not too late to consider joining, yourself … we meet every Wednesday at 6 for bells and 7 for the vocal choir. Sometimes we even have pizza, like this past Wednesday when we polished the bells. Aren’t you sad you missed it? In addition to a wide variety of choral and handbell music headed your way, we will also feature vocal, flute, cello, French horn, and clarinet solos. And don’t forget to mark your calendars for the last two Friends of Music concerts of 2019: the first will take place on Sunday, October 20th at 4 pm in the sanctuary, featuring pianist Shelly Moorman-Stahlman, a Pennsylvania-based concert musician and professor of music at Lebanon Valley College (where I studied with her!) Shelly has performed all over the world, including right here in Rock-port two years ago for the "Rachmaninoff in Rockport" concert with the Maine ProMusica Orchestra. Most recently she has been in Brazil performing with various different orchestras. She continues to coach with Rachmaninoff’s last living student, Ruth Slenczynska, who, at 94 years of age, still teaches and performs! Following Shelly’s not-to-be-missed concert, we will have our annual Christmas By the Sea noontime recital on Friday, December 6th, featuring a variety of wonderful local musicians. We hope you can make it to both these free con-certs, and please tell your friends! Wishing you a happy Halloween! Nathan and I are big fans, so we’ve just hung our Halloween “advent” calendar, and we’ve had our first of several annual Hocus Pocus viewings. Maybe I'll even dust off the old Toccata and Fugue in D minor … Matt

Resilience of the Homeless and Marginalized Poor

Working with the homeless and marginalized poor can be both challenging and rewarding work. Mabel called to ask for assistance with her electrical deposit for CMP. She receives a disability check in the amount of $771.00 a month. In order to save on expenses, she moved into a boarding house, renting a room for several months until she was sexually assaulted by another boarder. She fled the boarding house and resided in her car for several weeks until she located a small house to rent. Her disability check allows her to rent the house and pay the utilities. However, she lacked sufficient funds to pay the out-standing electric bill and deposit to CMP. She reached out to area churches for assistance. Some ignored her calls, some advised that they were out of funds, and others agreed to provide assistance—St. Brendan the Navigator and the First Congrega-tional Church of Camden.

I had several questions about Mabel’s outstanding CMP bal-ance. Hence, Mabel initiated a call to a representative from cus-tomer services and together we asked clarifying questions. We learned that the balance due was inflated with excessive late fees, etc. We were able to reduce the outstanding balance. Ma-bel also took the initiative to apply for fuel assistance from Penquis; she was approved. Now the expense of the deposit was the only challenge preventing Mabel from moving into her own place where she could be warm, safe and dry. The deposit was several hundred dollars due to the large unpaid balance from a previous rental. Together, St. Brendan the Navigator and the Shields Mission Project combined resources and paid the re-quired deposit.

Mabel was extremely grateful for all that transpired. She expressed a willingness to offer services to the respective churches, but neither the parish nor our congregation has any identified service opportunities. Should we give this some con-sideration, affording the opportunity for gift recipients to partner with us rather than accept charity? This work was particularly

Shields Mission Project Administrator Jeanne Denny

satisfying to me as it allowed me to address my values while assisting Mabel. The opportunity to facilitate cooperation be-tween the two churches, finding our common ground to serve, was especially rewarding. In addition, Mabel was able to ac-tively participate in the problem-solving rather than passively allowing me to make all the arrangements for her. This ap-proach afforded her the opportunity to learn about resources as well as techniques for self-advocacy and self-determination.

Thank you for supporting the Shields Mission Project which affords the opportunity for such rewarding work!

Warm regards, Jeanne Denny

Shields Committee: Deb Endl (Chair), Betty Bates, Julianne Edmond-son, Jean Forest, Rich Stuart, Debbi Hitchings, Claudia Griffiths, Jeanne Denny (Administrator) Donations Made To the First Congregational Church of Camden

Some good news to share! Many of you probably know that when a non-profit dissolves, it must divest itself of all re-sources, after paying all outstanding debts and expenses. Hence, Sixty-three Washington Street had the privilege to make donations to several non-profits, including the American Le-gion, Camden District Nursing, Meals on Wheels, the Commu-nity Emergency Shelter Pilot, and the First Congregational Church of Camden (both the Outreach Committee and the Shields Mission Project were donation recipients).

The Sixty-three Washington St. Board made these dona-tions to our Church to express grateful appreciation for all the support, volunteer service, and financial backing, provided to Sixty-three Washington St. over the past 35 years. The Board unanimously endorsed these donations to the Congregational Church, eager to give back to the Church, so that other non-profits could benefit from our church’s donations.

We hope these donations will enable the Church to contin-ue the legacy of community support and engagement by sup-porting seniors, homeless individuals and families, and those marginalized by poverty and medical concerns. Please join us in celebrating this good news! Warm regards, Deb Endl, Outreach Committee, Chair Jeanne Denny, Shields Mission Project Administrator

October Highlights

1 Tuesday 1:30pm, Meditation 2 Wednesday 9:30am Staff Meeting; Noon Soup Lunch planning meeting, 6:00pm Bell Ringers, 7:00pm Choir 3 Thursday 9am Xi Gong, 10:15am Zumba, Noon Knitters/Crocheters, 4:30pm Deacons meet 6 SUNDAY 8:45am Sunday School, 9:30am, Worship & Communion 4 pm BLESSING OF THE ANIMALS, Camden Village Green 7 Monday 10:15am Zumba 8 Tuesday 1:30pm, Meditation; 3:00pm Care Team meets 9 Wednesday 9:30am Staff Meeting; 5:30pm, Trustees meet; 6pm Bell

Ringers, 7pm Choir 10 Thursday 9am Xi Gong, 10:15am Zumba, Noon Knitters/Crocheters 11 Friday 9:00am Outreach meets; 2 pm Shields meets 13 SUNDAY, 8:45am Sunday School; 9:30am, Worship 14 Monday Indigenous People’s Day Holiday: Office & Heavenly Threads closed 15 Tuesday 1:30pm, Meditation 16 Wednesday 9:30am Staff Meeting; 2:00pm, Personnel Committee meets; 6pm Bell Ringers, 7pm Choir 17 Thursday 9am Xi Gong, 10:15am Zumba, Noon Knitters/Crocheters 20 SUNDAY 8:45am Sunday School; 9:30am, Worship; 4:00pm FRIENDS OF MUSIC CONCERT, Shelly Moorman-Stahlman 21 Monday 10:15am Zumba 22 Tuesday 1:30pm, Meditation; 5:30pm Cabinet meets 23 Wednesday 9:30am Staff meeting; 6pm Bell Ringers, 7pm Choir 24 Thursday 9am Xi Gong, 10:15am Zumba, Noon Knitters/Crocheters 25 Friday NOVEMBER BEACON DEADLINE 25-26 Maine UCC Annual Meeting, Saco 25-27 Paul Nickerson here for church-wide discussion and meetings 27 SUNDAY, 8:45am Sunday School; 9:30am, Worship 28 Monday 10:15am Zumba 29 Tuesday 1:30pm, Meditation 30 Wednesday 9:30am Staff meeting; Noon SOUP LUNCH BEGINS; 6pm Bell Ringers, 7pm Choir 31 Thursday Happy Halloween 9am Xi Gong, 10:15am Zumba, Noon Knitters/Crocheters


Oct 6 Communion

Betty Bates Andi & Marty Hamalainen, Claudia & Michael Griffiths

#8 Mike & Vicki Fletcher, Ann Rafferty, Karin Rector, Lynn Bushee, Mary Brett Rabaioli

Oct 13 Charlie Graham Bette McFarland, Amy Rollins, Lucy Goulet, Annie Woodruff

#9 Becky Ford, Mimi Edmunds, Ruben & Marge Wester Brown, Sally & Allen Fernald, Zella & David Walker

Oct 20

Hilary Jones Rich Anderson, Kathrin Seitz, Betsy Perry, June Fryer

#10 Jean Forest, June Fryer, Gary & Roberta Walker, Sharon Walker-Spencer, Joseph Coté

Oct 27 Tom Yoder Jean Forest, Ann Bex, Doug Woodbury, Ann Rafferty

#11 Amy Rollins, Amy Brodis, Claudia & Michael Griffiths, Kristel Nawrot, Jonathan Frost

OUR VOLUNTEERS For every month, in every Beacon, we will be printing the names of our very wonderful volunteers who have signed up for the tasks below. Check your calendars. If Ushers & Coffee Hour Team Members are unable to assume the duties on that day, please find a substitute and alert the office so the Sunday Bulletin can be accurate. Many thanks!

10/2 Marge Wester Brown 10/3 Vicki Fletcher 10/5 Jean Silva 10/6 Donna Crane Carole Brand 10/10 Phyllis Matteo Will Orne

10/13 Kate Edge Chris Mills 10/14 Jinx Hufnagel 10/16 Lexi Doudera 10/19 Ann Harmon Fear Lila Vultee 10/20 Leigh Smith 10/21 Bob Matteo 10/27 Kathy Pease 10/28 Greg Currier Jan Kelsey 10/31 Noel Cox


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