A Global Conversation - Stepping Into Wholehearted Living

Post on 12-Apr-2015

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In November, 2011 - Suzanne Daigle and Elaine Hansen decided to invite others who were hungry for a conversation about the work of Dr. Brené Brown and her book, 'The Gifts of Imperfection" to come together. What happened was beyond their wildest dreams. More than 500 people signed up for the call. AND Brené Brown shared the invitation with her community and she showed up for the call.Learn more about us: http://hansen-rd.com/globalconversation

Transcript of A Global Conversation - Stepping Into Wholehearted Living

Featuring: The Gifts of Imperfection By Dr. Brené Brown November 20, 2011

This story began…

When 2 ordinary people came up with the idea of a

Virtual Global Conversation on Brené Brown’s work. They passionately believed it could touch, move and inspire many just as they had been inspired.

They talked with a few people and soon the team grew from 2 to 10 and then 20 in Canada, the US and Europe.

« Let’s invite friends, co-workers, family and neighbors, » they said, thinking it might attract 100 folks.

Never in their wildest dreams could they have imagined what happened next…!

In just a few days, 100 people signed on! And in less than a month

the number grew to nearly 200!

They responded from everywhere in the World:

from Africa and Australia,

from Iceland and Switzerland,

India and China,

from sea to shining sea,

Canada, the United States and Mexico,

and many other places across the Globe

On November 8th

Brené emailed us!

She posted on her facebook…

“I’d love to be part of a call! What an honor – thank you!

I blogged about it today – just a quick post letting

people know about it. Thank you again.

I really am humbled.” Brené

and talked about our event on her blog!

Then overnight…

The number of attendees GREW

What excites you about this Event we asked?

• This sounds awesome.

• Can't wait!

• I am so excited about this event!

• My heart is filled with gratitude! Thank you for doing this!

• I Love Brene

• These conversations can be life changing.

• So glad to have it happening around the world!

• Brene rocks! And I love the connectedness that is getting ever more personal via global conversations like this.

• I strive to continue to live with my whole heart.

• I think the work that Brené Brown is doing is contributing to healing the world.

• I feel there is power in sharing.

Quotes & excerpts from people attending

These conversations matter to me because…

• Her talk on vulnerability was a summation of thoughts and sentiments I've had for awhile. It was honest and factual. I would love to be part of this very fun, honest dialogue.

• I am a pain management physician. Patients are wanting to be medicated for emotional pain much of which is shame related.

• I think her work is so important. She helps illuminate the roadblocks so many of us have that deter us from living wholly and provides practical guidance on becoming free.

• So many reasons but most importantly, it's the way Brené Brown presents her information and ideas. Everyone can relate and understand.

• The more I can identify shame for myself, the better equipped I am to help others navigate this territory.

Why Brené’s work matters

• It's so hard to be vulnerable and authentic but so important. Politicians and corporations (most) are a mess because of the lack of it.

• I spent the majority of my life trying to be perfect, so that I could avoid my shame. I got smarter, did all but the impossible, but every time I slowed down, the shame was there, sneering at me. I finally faced it.

• To listen to how others processed the book. To have a sense of connection that I am not alone in this journey.

• This is the stuff that is changing lives and the way we think and connect with others.

• My gifts of imperfection are a work in progress, it will be good to meet others in the same boat.

Touching people around the world

• Brene Brown's Books about imperfection and shame have helped me realize the vital importance of changing our culture.

• These distinctions have brought into focus a lot of my personal struggle as well as the struggle of those for whom I care.

• I live in a city where "getting ahead" (by masking your humanness) is the culture and striving for perfection is mandatory. Love Brene Brown's "fresh air.“

• Brene Brown's talks and writings on vulnerability have profoundly changed how I see and move in the world. I would love to learn how she has affected people all over the globe.

• This is our life...and we are imperfect and we deserve joy anyway!

So many reasons to join…

• Because Brene's books have changed my life. The culture of a facade of perfection must be exposed! My life, my daughters lives depend on it.

• As a society, we so desperately need to drop the masks and start connecting with each other from an authentic & whole-hearted way!

• It is such an important topic, because the myth of perfection is so huge in North America. The freedom to have a rich and full life come from embracing vulnerability and making connections with other humans! I want to soak it up and contribute what I can in this conversation!

• I think vulnerability and ordinary courage have the capacity to build bridges between even the unlikeliest of people.

• I am totally aware of the importance of letting our masks fall - as perfect people - and the more people become aware of that, the more honesty the world will see, and acceptance. I want to listen to what is going on ;-) and hopefully add something to the conversation. I am lucky this is about imperfection as my English is not perfect!



Soon the conversations will begin…

And we’ve started to prepare.

Planning for all the people who will be there from everywhere

Having conversations that matter!

Think of a TOPIC or SHORT QUESTION that YOU want to explore with others

My topic in a few words is…

Here’s the question I want to share with others…

Bring paper to write or doodle on to capture

insights and highlights!

You will need to connect by phone (one person per

line) or on a computer with a “phone” service.

Easy to do really!

A few instructions before you arrive

Plan to arrive 15 minutes early

The EVENT is free except for long

distance charges. Check now for a cheap way to connect. Don’t

wait to last minute!


(required) (optional)

And now it is time…

To say “Thank You”! We can’t wait to meet you!

• Suzanne Daigle • Emily St. Pierre • Chuni Li • Lise Colette Lee • Dave Gallant • Susanne Hoogwater • Larry Peterson • Kennan Salinero • Jasmina Nikolic • Erika Casperson • Charline Poirier • Marilyn Anderson

• Elaine Hansen

• Joanne Mantha

• Pierre Chénier

• Gerry Kirk

• Julie Gieske

• Juliane Neumann

• Christine Yole

• Sherry Pelke

• Charline Hébert

• Eric Hansen

Ordinary People Creating an Extraordinary Virtual Event

A Final Bow

• To Maestro Conference (who generously offered their support in so many ways)

• To Brené Brown whose work has touched so many and who, by just being herself, gives us courage to be ourselves and know that « We Are Enough! » and…

• To ALL of YOU for accepting our invitation to participate in these Virtual Global Conversations!

Questions: email us at s.daigle@nufocusgroup.com or elaine@hansen-rd.com

A VIRTUAL WELCOME TO ALL OF YOU FROM ALL OF US And a special thank you to Brene Brown for inspiring us to this

« pioneering » Virtual Global Conversation Event

Emily St.Pierre, 18 year-old film producer


Welcome Video