A Full Guide on Article Submission in SEO

Post on 22-Nov-2019

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Article Submission is Off-Page SEO techniques that provide a high-quality backlink for your website. There is various high DA article posting sites that helps you to drive traffic on your website. Visit Here to get more detailed information about article submission in SEO: http://bit.ly/2LPpoHN

Transcript of A Full Guide on Article Submission in SEO

Article Submission in SEO - A Full Guide

Article submission is an Off-Page SEO techniques that helps you to drive traffic on your website. Article Posting is the best ways to promote your content.

By submitting article on various article submission sites you will get a do-follow backlink for your website. If you will provide a high-quality content to your readers then you will be able to engage your audience.

What is Article Submission?

The major benefits of article submission are-

1- Gain More Traffic

The major benefit of posting an article on various article submission sites is that you will get more traffic on your website. There are various high DA article posting sites that helps you to get dofollow link for your website.

Benefits of Article Submission

2- Backlinks

High PR article submission sites helps you to get high-quality backlinks for your website. Getting quality backlinks for your website will help you in improving your website domain authority. Article posting also provide you dofollow links.

3- Increase Ranking

Article submission also helps in improving your SERP ranking. For a website it is very essential to increase your website ranking in all the search engine platforms. Dofollow link also helps you to increase your website ranking.

4- Promote your Brand

Article submission also helps in promoting your brand. When you post your content then obviously it will help you to do promotion of your website. Do-follow link is very essential to make your website rank higher in SERP.

5- Contextual Link

Article posting sites helps in getting contextual link for your website. You can get a link on a specific keyword. So, posting an article on free and paid article submission sites will help you a lot.

There are some steps to do article submission:

1- Firstly find the sites having high domain authority.

2- Then, register on these article posting sites with the help your Email Id

3- Now, choose the category that best describes your article

How does Article Submission Site Work?

4- Complete your profile by mentioning your Name, Email Id, Password, Website, etc.

5- Put relevant title, tag while posting an article.

6- Now, put a link on the specific keyword you want to target.

7- At last, click on the submit button and then wait for admin approval.

Well, there are various things to know before posting an article on various article submission sites. Check this out.

1- Avoid Publishing Duplicate Article

Publishing one article on various article submission sites is not good for your website. So always keep in mind to post one article on one article posting site only.

Things to know before posting an Article

2- Be reluctant to Submit

Post article once your first article gets approved. Do not post article in bulk because it will consider as spam. And it can also decrease your website ranking.

3- Check Spam Websites

Avoid using spam sites like the site that have high spam score. Website having high spam score can decrease your website ranking. So stop posting your article on the spam sites.