“A drug is any substance which, when taken into the body, alters its function physically or...

Post on 18-Dec-2015

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Transcript of “A drug is any substance which, when taken into the body, alters its function physically or...

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  • A drug is any substance which, when taken into the body, alters its function physically or psychologically, excluding food, water and oxygen. World Health Organisation (WHO) Drugs are chemicals that change the way a persons body works. Some drugs, like medicines, alcohol and tobacco are legal, but many drugs are illegal.
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  • Can you identify which of these items contain a drug? What drugs can you name? Who are the people who take drugs? Why do they take them? Are all drugs illegal? Click to complete activity...
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  • Medicines come in lots of different varieties. They can be in the form of pills or tablets, liquids, powders and inhalers. They can be taken orally (in your mouth) or they can be injected with a needle.
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  • People take medicines to help fight illness, to feel better when theyre sick and to stop them from getting sick in the first place. People often take medicine if they have the following illnesses:
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  • Many medicines can be bought in the supermarkets or the chemist, these are known as over the counter drugs. Other drugs need a letter from your doctor, saying that you need this type of medicine. These are known as prescription drugs.
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  • Who gives you medicines? Although medicine can sometimes make us feel better, it can be very dangerous and should ALWAYS be given to you by an adult. You must NEVER take medicine on your own.
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  • Where is the medicine kept in your home? Safety rules for keeping medicine: Keep medicines in a locked cupboard Keep medicines out of the reach of small children Keep bottles securely closed Only let adults you know give you medicine Only take your own medicine Always take the correct dosage
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  • Complete the following table in your books: DRUGS PositivesNegatives
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  • Click the worksheet to complete the activity Click here to warm up your mind!!
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  • Click here to witness the effects of smoking. Upload your picture or choose from one in the gallery.
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  • Why are these warnings on the cigarette packets? Do you think they stop people from smoking? YOUR TURN....
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  • Passive smoking is when a person breathes in another persons tobacco smoke.
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  • Imagine a room filled with people. There are people smoking. What would the air in the room be like? How might it affect your eyes, breathing, clothes and hair? Why have some areas in the community been declared smoke-free? Where are people allowed to smoke? What other areas do you think should be smoke-free? Why?
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  • Work in pairs to create a list of comebacks of your own...
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  • List all the things you think of when you hear the word alcohol
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  • Alcohol is a drug. Alcohol slows down the activity in the brain and the nervous system. Pure alcohol has no colour or taste. There are different types of alcoholic drinks. They get their taste from other substances that are used to make them. For example, beer gets its taste from malt and wine from the type of grapes used. Alcohol can be called a food because it provides energy. It does not contain proteins or vitamins. Alcohol does not need to be digested in the stomach. It passes straight into the bloodstream.
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  • List FIVE places where people sometimes drink alcohol... List FIVE places where people DO NOT usually drink alcohol... List some of the reasons people give for drinking alcohol... List some of the reasons people give for NOT drinking alcohol...
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  • The harms associated with the use of alcohol can be affected by a number of factors such as: the alcohol content the type of alcohol the person: gender, age, body weight the food content of stomach the place eg party, alone at home the amount of alcohol consumed the rate at which alcohol is consumed.
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  • Obey signs giving advice to swimmers. Listen to the pool lifeguards. Stay away from the deep end, unless you can swim well. Make sure the water is clear of swimmers before jumping in. Play safely. Do not run around the pool edge. Check the depth markings on the poolside before diving.
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  • Never stand on an overhanging bank. Check the current before entering the water. Before entering the water, check water depth and look for snags, sandbanks, weeds, rocks and other hazards. Never dive! Enter cold water slowly. Beware of boats using the waterway and avoid swimming near boat ramps or in boating areas. If caught in a fast flowing river, rapids or storm water drain, try to float feet first in a half sit position. Read and obey any signs.
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  • Always swim between the red and yellow flags. Mark a reference point on the shore, to avoid drifting. Always read The Surf Conditions Board. If you think conditions are too rough, don't go in. Always swim with a friend, never alone. Swim where you can be seen if you get into trouble. Leave the water immediately when requested by a lifeguard. If you are caught in a rip, stay calm and swim parallel to the shore.
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  • Don't fish alone. Always wear a PFD when fishing from a boat. When fishing from rocks: - Look for secure footholds. - Stay away from sloping, slippery edges. - Wear suitable clothing and footwear. When wading, check for hidden rocks or sudden drop-offs. Watch for changes in the weather and tides to avoid being swept away by a sudden wave or being cut off from the shore by a rising tide. Never turn away from the sea because a wave may knock you over.
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  • Click to learn more about entering the water safely and how to perform a safe rescue if needed
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  • Work in 4 groups to learn more about one type of environmental pollution. Prepare a Prezi to present to the class with details including: -What is it? - How does it damage the environment? -How is it caused? - Include images and any interesting facts.