A day out on cousin

Post on 22-Jun-2015

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Transcript of A day out on cousin

A day out on Cousin Island Special Reserve

Cousin Island wardens push the Reserve boat into the water. No other boats are allowed to land on Cousin. The wardens land and return

visitors to their vessels

As one of the wardens fetches the visitors, the others wait to help with landing and disembarking

And here they come…

Olivier (second left) is leading this tour.

Its nesting season for Lesser noddies. One is nesting right above on a tree as Olivier talks about the Island and its biodiversity

There has also been a heavy fruiting event of the

Bwa Mapou (Pisonia grandis) on the island in

recent weeks. The gummy resin of its fruits

immobilises many noddies. The birds have to be freed in order to fly

Pisonia free!

White-tailed tropicbirds can be found nesting at the bases of trees during a tour

Here is a Seychelles Magpie Robin (left) and a Giant Tortoise

The Seychelles Magpie Robin is one of the rarest birds in the world. There are 36 in Cousin and about 200 in the Seychelles.

And a nesting Bridled Tern

Nice view from the top of Cousin hill. Seabirds flying above

Brown Noddies on rocks below

Visitors get involved in some light work like clearing of invasive creepers

And then its goodbye

© Nature Seychelles
