A Day in my Life.

Post on 23-Jun-2015

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Transcript of A Day in my Life.


My Monday

I wake up in 6:10, I make my bed ,I brush my teeth then take a shower, I change then mom calls me for breakfast, I go to school, come back home, take care of little sis, then do homework, then dinner, then sleep.

My Tuesday

It is the same with Monday, but enjoying the time with friends more, and having fun in school.

My Wednesday

Same everyday, make my bed, school, home, little sister, homework, dinner, sleep.

My Thursday

Same as Always

My Friday

Wake up in the morning, make my bed, brush my teeth, shower, breakfast, school, home, take care of little sister, computer, dinner, computer, then sleep.

My Saturday

Wake up in the morning (depends if was tired yesterday wakes up late), make my bed, brush my teeth, shower, check emails, breakfast, play with little sister, and rest for the day.

My Sunday

I wake up in the morning, make my bed, brush my teeth, shower, eat breakfast, sometimes go somewhere for fun, then go to the computer, eat snacks, homework, and rest.