A Clean Hand Device for Manual Wheelchairs March 4, 2004.

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Transcript of A Clean Hand Device for Manual Wheelchairs March 4, 2004.

A Clean Hand Device for Manual Wheelchairs

March 4, 2004


Team Members

• Fannie Black

• Peter Pipchenko

• Jeff Dahlgren

• Mitsunori Kaibara


Presentation Scope• To review the history of the project and

our four step process work.

• To summarize what we have done and plan to do in the areas of:– Design– Analysis– Verification


Original Proposal Change

• Sponsor requested us design of a complete “clean hand” wheelchair.

• After consideration of the market niche, we successfully pitched designing an add-on alternative propulsion clean hand device.


Mission Statement• We will design an alternative propulsion

“clean hand” device for manual wheelchairs that will be inexpensive and fit the most popular wheelchairs in use today.

(Rev. 1)


PDS Criteria Selection• Biomechanical Efficiency

• Fits Popular Chairs

• Adjustability & Comfort

• Controllability – Braking, Turning

• Environmental Survivability

• Impact Strength

• Size & Weight

• Device Attachment Point

• Customer Installation

• Safety

• Company Cost

• Appearance

(Rev. 2)


External Search - 1

Gloves Wijit



Competing SolutionsComparison


External Search - 2Analysis Methods

Wheelchair User Statistics Alternative Propulsion Test


Internal Search - 1


Internal Search - 2


1st Critical Step

• We realized designing this device required personal experience with a wheelchair.

• We rented a wheelchair and rode it around.


Wheelchair Use Learnings

• Your hand really does get filthy!

• Controllability is the highest priority.

• Side space is incredibly limited.

• Adaptability will be key.

• We don’t really have a clue what it’s like, so we must get wheelchair user input.


Final Concept Selection



Hybrid Concept


2nd Critical Step

• We had two meetings with actual wheelchair users.

• We wanted to get their input on our design criteria.

• We wanted to see if they would buy and use our final concepts.


Wheelchair User Learnings

• They substantially shot down all ideas, because of four main factors:– The motion was too complicated and required too much


– The devices stood out too much. Disabled people want to minimize their disabilities.

– No propulsion method gives better control to actual manual wheelchair users than the traditional hand to rim method.

– All they and the sponsor really want is a clean hand guard, without the alternative propulsion aspect.

• Back to the drawing board.


Human Element• There’s a strong human element in this project.

We’re designing a device that will literally become a part of a person’s body.

• There’s nothing more personal than that, and thus the most important factor in designing this device has to be how the user feels. We had completely ignored this before.

• The user must be consulted as early as possible in the design of any product with a strong human element.


Revised Mission Statement

• We will design an alternative propulsion “clean hand” device for manual wheelchairs that will be inexpensive and fit the most popular wheelchairs in use today.

(Rev. 2)


Revised PDS Criteria• Biomechanical Efficiency

• Fits Popular Chairs

• Adjustability & Comfort

• Controllability – Braking, Turning

• Environmental Survivability

• Impact Strength

• Size & Weight

• Device Attachment Point

• Customer Installation

• Safety

• Company Cost

• Appearance

(Rev. 3)


Revised ConceptCounterbalanced Squeezable Hand Rim Extender & Guard


Without the lever arm


Revised Concept

• Wheel Spider Attachment Point

• Adjustable Default Counterbalance Position

• Palm Guard

• Rim Extender

• Squeezable Grip



What We’ve Done• Design

– Concept Brainstorming– 9 Different Concept Models

– A Complete Wheelchair Model from Actual Dimensions

• Analysis– Zero

• Verification– Rode a Wheelchair to Consider Our Concepts– Got Input from Wheelchair Users about Our Designs


What We Plan To Do• Design

– Material Selection & Part Sourcing– Nuts & Bolts Model (Add Fasteners, Bearings)– Dimension Drawing (Piece Part, Assy)– Plastic Part Mold Model & Drawings (Parting Line, Draft Angles)– Final Concept Refinement

• Analysis– Strengths Analysis of All Components– Machine Design Fatigue Analysis of Bearings, etc.

• Verification– Simple Cardboard Prototypes– Tougher Metal or Wood Prototypes for Actual Use– Testing of Prototypes by Wheelchair Users

Please ask questions.Thank you.