A Case in Homeostasis (The 2000 Metre Row)

Post on 24-Aug-2014

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Transcript of A Case in Homeostasis (The 2000 Metre Row)




(SBF 3013)


(The 2000-Meter Row)



Norharyan Erdayu Binti Sahar D20091035078

Salmiza Binti Zainal Abidin D20091035074

Nor ‘Awaathif Bt Mohd Ghazali Lee D20091035070



At The Start

• Jimmy had done his stretching and warm-up exercises

• His body temperature was 37° C (98.6° F)

• He was well hydrated.

• At the start, jimmy sweat even the air was cool.

• His mouth was dry

• His heart beat increased from 65 beats /minute to 85 beats /minute. His rate of breathing also increase from 12 breath/min to18 breath/min.

- When human in stress and nervous, the heart rate and respiratory rate will increase.

- Medulla oblongata involve in the homeostatic control of heart rate and blood pressure. It also controls the rate of breathing and respiratory system.

1. What is responsible for raising Jimmy’s heart and respiratory rate and stimulating sweating just before the race?

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- Campbell, Reece, International Edition Biology Sixth Edition, Benjamin

- Hypothalamus monitors the blood flood through it and contains coordinating and controlling centers linked to the autonomic nervous system.

2. Why is the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system active just before the race?

- Activation of the sympathetic division inhibits digestion and urination.

3. What changes do you think are occurring in the digestive and urinary system at this time?

- Jimmy’s blood glucose level is high

4. What is happening to Jimmy’s blood glucose levels just before the race?

Cummings, 2002.

- Wingerd, The Human Body Concepts of Anatomy And Physiology, Sannders College Publishing, 1994.

- Vonder, Sherman Luciano, Human Physiology The Mechanism of Body Function Seventh Edition, Mc. Graw-Hill, 1998.

- Hartwing, Fundamental Anatomy, Wolters Kluwer, Lippincott Williams And Wilkins, 2008.

- Jack H. Wilmore, David K. Costill, W. Lorry Kenney,

- He was dehydrated because excessive sweating.

5. Why is Jimmy’s mouth dry?

One Minute In

• His heart rate is 201/min

• His breathing rate is 78/min

• His body temperature is 37.5 ⁰C

• More sweating than before

- Increasing ATP

- Muscle cells convert ATP to mechanical energy.

6. Rowing full speed is putting new demands on Jimmy’s body. What are the new demands and how does the body responds to them?

- Respiratory increased, heart rate increased means that oxygen increased in body so this will generate more ATP. ATP then used for muscle contraction.

7. What changes in Jimmy’s muscles promote unloading of oxygen from hemoglobin for use by the muscle cells?

- lack of oxygen

- Lead to an anaerobic process(lactate fermentation)

8. Why do Jimmy’s muscles feel like they are burning?

- The excretory system removes cellular wastes and helps maintain the salt-water balance in the maintenance of constancy of the internal environment.

- Salt concentration

9. What conflict is produced between Jimmy’s need to keep his body cool and his need to remove nitrogenous wastes from his blood? What did he do before the race to help alleviate this conflict?

increased in blood so blood pressure also increased.

Physiology of Sport and Exercise 4th Edition, Human Kinetics, 2008.

- Austin B. Cisneros, Bryan L. coins, Body Temperature Regulation, Nova, 2009.

Discussion with friends

At The Halfway


• His heart rate

is 180/min

• Breathing

rate goes

down slightly

• Body


is 38 degree


• Keeping the

power up

- Less production of adrenaline, slowing down the demands of the muscles.

- Cooling down

10. Since the end of the first minute, Jimmy has decreased the demands his muscles are making. How has he done this? And why has he done this?

- Saving energy by cooling down the body to prepare for sprint. This cause the heart rate decreasing. More oxygen will be inhaled in order to increase the formation of ATP to generate the muscle cell for contraction.

- Ready to sprint.

11. What are the changes in his conditions as a result?

At The Finish

His heart rate is increased to 208 beats/minute

His breathing rate is 80 times/min but feeling like he couldn't get enough

- Repaid oxygen debt.

12. Jimmy has stopped rowing and his muscles are now at rest. Why are his heart and breathing rates still so high?

- Body temperature increased. Decrease it by sweating until it body reached the normal temperature.

13. Why is he sweating more now than during the race?


Extremely sweating. His arms and legs feel like were on fire.

His body temperature increase to 40⁰C

-Glucose levels decrease

- pH is acidic

- Lactate levels increased

- Temperature increased

14. What changes have occurred to his blood chemistry since the start of the race? Think about glucose levels, pH, lactate levels and temperature.

Back At The Dock

• After 10 minutes, his heart rate and respiratory rate back to normal.

• He felt very thirsty and drained but only allowed himself only small sips of water on the row back

• His weight decreased to 76 kg.

- Parasympathetic nervous system start to active

- Blood vessels dilate, there is more blood flow

- To a restful state after stressful experience

15. What changes have occurred in the last ten minutes to allow Jimmy’s heart and respiratory rates to come down?

- Dehydration

- Burning calories

-Use lot of energy due to anaerobic exercise

16. Why is Jimmy four pounds lighter than at the start of the race?

- Increased ADH 17. What effect has this water loss had on his endocrine system?

-muscles cramp

- water intoxication

- causing fatal

18. Why did Jimmy only take sips of water after the race? What could happen if he drank as much as he wanted to?


At The Start

1. What is responsible for raising Jimmy’s heart and respiratory rate and stimulating sweating just before the race?

Before the race, Jimmy felt stressful and nervous. This caused his heart rate and respiratory rate increased. This is due to the breathing center responses to a variety of nervous and chemical signals and adjusts the rate and depth of breathing to make changing demand of the body.

2. Why is the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system active just before the race?

Activation of sympathetic division correlates with arousal and energy generation causing the heart beat faster, the liver convert glycogen to glucose, bronchi of the lungs dilate and support increased gas exchange, digestion inhibited and secretion of adrenaline from the adrenal medulla is stimulated.

3. What changes do you think are occurring in the digestive and urinary system at this time?

Activation of sympathetic division inhibits digestion and urination in order to maintain the internal fluid in Jimmy’s body. Thus, Jimmy is sweating.

4. What is happening to Jimmy’s blood glucose levels just before the race? Why is Jimmy’s mouth dry?

Jimmy’s blood glucose level is high because when in stress condition hormone adrenalin is produced and acraadrenela is release by the ending of sympathetic neuron. This will stimulate glucogenelysis to increase the supply of glucose to cell.

5. Why is Jimmy’s mouth dry?

Jimmy’s mouth dried because he was dehydrated. This is because the solute concentration in extracellular fluid increases that is, tissue fluid become hypertonic to cells, and water leaves the cells. Besides, there was no replacement of the water loss.

One Minute In

1. Rowing full speed is putting new demands on Jimmy’s body. What are these new demands and how does the body respond to them?

Jimmy required lot of energy for rowing at full speed. So to increase the ATP, he must increase his respiratory rate because lot of oxygen required in producing ATP in order to supply the ATP for the cell muscle.

2. What changes in Jimmy’s muscles promote unloading oxygen from hemoglobin for used by the muscle cells?

Oxygen from hemoglobin used for aerobic respiration in order to generate ATP that will be used in muscles contraction.

3. Why do Jimmy’s muscles feel like they are burning?

Anaerobic respiration (lactate fermentation) occurred in his muscle during strenuous exercise when the oxygen level in the muscle limited due to the rate of consumption exceeding the rate of supply. Lactate accumulation in the muscles caused Jimmy’s muscle fatigue and cramping.

4. What conflict is produced between Jimmy’s need to keep his body cool and his need remove nitrogenous wastes from his blood? What did he do before the race to help alleviate this conflict?

In order to make the conflict easier by making sure he was well hydrated prior to the race and stayed calm and relaxed in order to keep his heart and respiratory rate down. In order for him to cool his body the temperature receptor in the skin will send the heat and the sensory information to the hypothalamus. Hypothalamus stimulates sweat glands in the skin to produce sweat. Sweating is a process of cooling down the temperature of the body.

At The Halfway Mark

1. Since the end of the first minute, Jimmy has decreased the demands his muscles are making. How has he done this? And why has he done this?

He used to change his mind from stressful to a positive thinking by stayed calm and relaxed. This will cause his respiratory and heart rate to slightly decreasing. The reason he did this is to restore the energy to sprint at the right moment.

2. What are the changes in his conditions as a result?

Now Jimmy is ready for sprint. He managed to increase the number of strokes from 34 strokes to 39 strokes.

At The Finish

1. Jimmy has stopped rowing and his muscles are now at rest. Why are his heart and breathing rates still so high?

Even Jimmy has stopped rowing and his muscles are now at rest, his heart and breathing rates still so high because the additional oxygen must be taken into the body after exercise to restore all system to the normal state. This is called oxygen debt.

2. Why is he sweating more now than during the race?

He is sweating more because when more sweat produced, the water in sweat evaporates which requires energy and thus carries away heat to reduce the body temperature.

3. What changes have occurred to his blood chemistry since the start of the race? Think about glucose levels, pH, lactate levels and temperature.

The work of the muscles caused an increase in blood flow to the muscles. As a result of increase in activity in the muscles, there is a reduction in the amount of blood glucose as it is converted to energy. Carbon dioxide level in the blood will increase as it is produced with the use of glucose. The pH of the blood will drop to acidic due to the formation of carbonic acid from carbon dioxide and hydrogen. When the more lactic acid are accumulated in the body, the more heat produces which causes the temperature increases. The lactic acid level of the blood will also increase as the end product of glucose and glycogen metabolism.

Back At The Dock

1. What changes have occurred in the last 10 minutes to allow Jimmy’s heart and respiratory rates to come down?

Parasympathetic division stimulates digestion, urination and defecation. It also counteracts the effects of the sympathetic division by slowing down heart beat rate, lowering blood pressure and slowing the breathing rate.

2. Why is Jimmy four pounds lighter than at the start of the race?

At this time, Jimmy’s oxygen is reducing. So in order to supply energy to Jimmy’s body, the fat had been burned. Besides, he was having excessive sweating causing too much water loss from his body. This will cause the decreasing in Jimmy’s body weight.

3. What effect has this water loss had on his endocrine system?

When excessive water loss experienced on Jimmy, his blood will become more concentrated in response to increase blood osmolarity, the hypothalamus will produce ADH which is then released from the posterior pituitary. More water is reabsorbed into the blood, blood volume and blood pressure rise and less urine is formed.

4. Why did Jimmy only take sips of water after the race? What could happen if he drank as much as he wanted to?

Jimmy only takes sips of water because he wants to avoid water intoxication. Water intoxication is due to excessive consumption of pure water. The tissue fluid becomes hypertonic to the cells and water enters the cells. This can lead to the pulmonary edema and swelling in the brain. In extreme cases, it is fatal.