A Bit of History (backbone of Physics in...

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A Bit of History (backbone of Physics in Brazil)

São Paulo • 1934: University of São Paulo - USP is created, aggregating previously existing independent

schools . • 1936: First graduates in philosophy, mathematics, and social and exact sciences. • Many foreign professors invited to teach at USP Physics: Gleb Wataghin and Giuseppe Occhialini • Some bright students from the Polytechnic School are motivated to start a professional career

in Physics Marcelo Damy de Souza Santos, Paulus Aulus Pompéia and Mário Schönberg • Damy and Pompéia → Cosmic rays Schönberg → Stellar evolution with G. Gamow and S. Chandrasekhar

Wataghin Occhialini Souza Santos Pompéia Schönberg

12 March 2016

17 June 2016


A Bit of History Rio de Janeiro

• 1920: University of Rio de Janeiro is created, aggregating previously existing independent schools. Reorganized in 1937 to become University of Brazil and later Federal University of Brazil – UFRJ.

• 1933: Bernhard Gross arrives in Rio and starts to carry out experimental research first on cosmic rays and then on electrets.

• The thermo-dielectric effect is discovered by Joaquim da Costa Ribeiro This is considered to be the first relevant result of experimental work in physics entirely

carried out by a Brazilian working in Brazil (UFRJ). • 1949: Brazilian Center for Physics Research, CBPF, is created, as the first institution in Brazil

dedicated to full time research in Physics, by Cesare Lattes and José Leite Lopes • Outstanding international physicists are invited to teach at CBPF, consolidating a tradition of

high caliber physics research Guido Beck, Leon Rosenfeld, and Richard Feynman

Gross Costa Ribeiro Leite Lopes Beck Rosenfeld Feynman

17 June 2016

Bernhard Gross em seu laboratório no Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia (INT), no Rio de Janeiro

12 March 2016

Symposium on Cosmic Rays Rio de Janeiro – August 1941

“The Compton Mission”

17 June 2016

Norman Hilberry

Gleb Wataghin

Arthur Compton

Giuseppe Occhialini

Marcelo Dammy

Yolande Monteaux

Francis Roser

Bernhard Gross

A Bit of History

The first outstanding physics student from USP

Cesare Mansueto Giulio Lattes

12 March 2016

A Bit of History

David Bohm

Fleeing from Mccarthyism, David Bohm accepted invitation from Jayme Tiomno and Mario Schönberg to teach at the University of São Paulo.

In spite of the political pressure ( his U.S. Consul passport was confiscated), the Brazilian research agency CNPq explicitly supported his work on the causal theory and funded several research projects around Bohm.

He became a Brazilian citizen (1951) and from USP published one of the papers of the famous series on collective effects with David Pines

Unfortunately the political persecution of “communists” increased also in Brazil and three years later he left to accept a position at Technion, in Israel.

12 March 2016

12 March 2016

Brazilian Physical Society - SBF 14th July 1966

Founded in the XVIII Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Society for the Progress of Science, in a session chaired by Professor José Golbemberg

Ethanol for a Sustainable Energy Future Science 315, 808 (2007) DOI: 10.1126/science.1137013

17 June 2016

IFUSP 1984

17 June 2016

Quantos Físicos Há no Brasil e Onde Estão?

ON - 1925 Da esquerda para a direita, em pé: João Cancio Soares de Assumpção, chefe de portaria do ON; José Antonio França, guarda manobras; Arthur de Almeida, mecânico; José Frazão Milanez, professor da Escola Naval; Lélio Itapuambyra Gama, astrônomo; Gualter Macedo Soares, astrônomo; Carlos Magno, radiotelegrafista; Idelfonso da Silva Souto, radiotelegrafista; Francisco Venâncio Filho, professor do Instituto de Educação; Adalberto Farias dos Santos, astrônomo; Ernesto Morize, filho de Henrique Morize; Lauro Paiva, astrônomo; Hiron Jacques, mecânico. Sentados, da esquerda para a direita: Domingos Costa, astrônomo; Isidoro E. Kohn, intérprete; Alix Corrêa Lemos, astrônomo;Albert Einstein; Henrique Morize, diretor do ON; Alfredo Lisboa, membro do Clube de Engenharia; Ignácio Azevedo do Amaral, professor da Escola Politécnica.


12 March 2016

- One of the first MBA lattices in the world - Fourth Generation Storage Ring - Many technological challenges – in house solutions!

International Recognition

Strategic Projects Sirius

12 March 2016

Groundbreaking Ceremony - December 19th 2014

Construction started in December 2014 40 months construction – conclusion in April 2018

Important milestone: September 2017 – tunnel ready to start assembling the accelerators

March 2016 ~19.7% concluded

Antônio J. R. da Silva: - jose.roque@lnls.br

Marina Maciel Ansanelli- São Paulo-SP (Colegio Objetivo)-Ouro Vinicius G Queiroz- Recife-PE ( Colégio GGE)- Ouro Felipe Mourad Pereira- São Paulo- SP( Colegio Objetivo) -Prata Ricardo S. Fontelles- Fortaleza-CE (Colegio Ari de Sá)-Prata

17 June 2016

XXI olimpiada iberoamericana de Física. Brasil em 1o lugar. Uruguai, Setembro de 2016

17 June 2016 http://www.sbfisica.org.br/arquivos/SBF-50-anos.pdf

II - Some SBF actions

A Sociedade Brasileira de Física (SBF) tem uma atuação importante no tema de gênero na área. O Conselho da SBF instituiu, em 2003, a Comissão de Relações de Gênero (CRG).

10 years period

90 % Men researchers CNPq

10 % Women researchers CNPq

Comissão de relações de Gênero


Olimpíadas de Física a Sociedade Brasileira de Física (SBF) criou, em 1998, a Olimpíada Brasileira de Física (OBF) e, em 2010, a Olimpíada Brasileira de Física das Escolas Públicas (OBFEP). Data collected since 2006 available at http://www.sbfisica.org.br/v1/olimpiada/2016/index.php/olimpiadas-anteriores

Marina Maciel Ansanelli- São Paulo-SP (Colegio Objetivo)-Ouro Vinicius G Queiroz- Recife-PE ( Colégio GGE)- Ouro Felipe Mourad Pereira- São Paulo- SP( Colegio Objetivo) -Prata Ricardo S. Fontelles- Fortaleza-CE (Colegio Ari de Sá)-Prata

Olimpíadas de Física Data collected since 2006 available at http://www.sbfisica.org.br/v1/olimpiada/2016/index.php/olimpiadas-anteriores

% of women medalists in 2015

Decrease by a factor of 5 in 5 school years.

8th grade

9th grade

Middle School


2nd 3rd

High School



8th grade

9th grade 1st

2nd 3rd

Hgh School



90 % Men researchers CNPq

10 % Women researchers CNPq

Researchers stage: too late to revert – steady state.

Possible action to keep more girls?

Physics Olympics data will probably be analyzed by Grupo de Trabalho sobre Questões de Gênero C t d i 2013

10% w vs 90% m

Increase w by a factor of 5

30% w vs 70% m

Outreach: 2014 - attracting girls to STEM

1st run – 2 out of 5 are now

undergraduate Physics students And 1 is in Literature.

Thereza Paiva Elis Sinnecker Tatiana Rappoport All Condensed Matter researchers at UFRJ

Bringing girls to STEM

• Particìpants: High School girls from a public school in a poor neighborhood near Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (5 in the pilot class).

• Build electric circuits with unconventional materials: play dough, e-textiles, paper and conductive tape, LEDs.

• Coming to UFRJ: workshops, visits to research labs, attending “undergrad week” activities, talks by female researchers

• Close contact with female faculty from Physics Department

12 March 2016