99U Conference: The Complete Visual Notes

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Transcript of 99U Conference: The Complete Visual Notes

Each year, the 99U Conference brings together some of the brightest, most creative minds in business and the arts. They gather to share inspiration and best practices for making creative ideas happen.

This year, ImageThink captured the key insights from speakers ranging from the Happiness Project’s Gretchen Rubin, to Sebastian Thrun, the founder of Google X in this collection of colorful visual notes.

We hope they inspire you!

Tina Seelig is the executive director for the Stanford Technology Ventures Program, the director of the National Center for Engineering Pathways to Innovation (Epicenter) and the author of inGenius: A Crash Course on Creativity.

Ask creative questions to

get creative answers.

Brené Brown, vulnerability researcher and author of Daring Greatly.

Design is a function

of connection.

Tony Schwartz is Founder and CEO of The Energy Project, a company that helps individuals and organizations fuel energy, engagement, focus and productivity by harnessing the science of high performance.

Creativity fuels evolution.

Josh Reich is CEO & Co-Founder, Simple, for-merly BankSimple, a company that is working to radically redesign banking by using modern tech-nology to help people worry less about money.

Design is everyone.

Joshua Davis is a New York based artist, de-signer, and technologist producing both public and private work for companies, collectors, and institutions. Currently residing at Code and The-ory as creative director of physical installations.

Never let your success get in

the way of your creativity.

Leah Busque is the Founder & CEO of TaskRabbit. A vision for revolutionizing the way people work led Leah Busque to pioneer the concept of “service networking.” Her passion for product innovation and devotion to user experience have propelled TaskRabbit into a leading role in the collaborative consumption movement.

Love what you do.

Nikhil Arora is the co-founder of Back to the Roots, an urban mushroom farm in Oakland, California. He and co-founder Alejandro Velez created the company during their senior year at the University of California, Berkeley from a belief that business can be used for good. The company has grown from a handful of employ-ees to 31 employees, and was honored in Fall 2012 with an Empact100 award from the White House, recognizing Back to the Roots as one of the top 100 entrepreneurial companies in the US.

Never slow down.

Ramit Sethi is is the author of the New York Times bestseller, “I Will Teach You To Be Rich” and writes for over 450,000 monthly readers on his website, where he covers psychology, personal finance, and careers.

Understand what people

really want.

Scott Belsky is is Adobe’s Vice President of Community and Head of Behance, the leading online platform for creatives to showcase and discover creative work. He believes that the greatest breakthroughs across all industries are a result of creative people and teams that are especially productive. As such, Scott has commit-ted his professional life to help organize creative individuals, teams, and networks.

Creativity x Organization =


Sebastian Thrun From the Google Self Driving Car to Google Glass to the education start-up Udacity, Sebastian Thrun has led re-markable teams in the creation of products that will truly change the way the world works in the future. At the 2013 99U Conference, Thrun re-ceived the prestigious ALVA Award.

Make up the road as you go.

Cal Newport is an author and a professor computer science at Georgetown University. His writing focuses on unconventional advice for life in school and after graduation. His most recent book, “So Good They Can’t Ignore You,” argues that “follow your passion” is bad advice. New-port’s writing and ideas regularly appear in ma-jor publications, including the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, New York Post, and Inc. Magazine.

Go deep.

Gretchen Rubin is the author of the block-buster New York Times bestsellers, “Happier at Home” and “The Happiness Project”--accounts of her experiences test-driving the wisdom of the ages, current scientific studies, and lessons from popular culture about how to be happier.

Know yourself and be


A.J. Jacobs is the author of four New York Times bestsellers, including “The Year of Liv-ing Biblically” (about his quest to follow every rule of the Bible as literally as possible); “The Know-It-All” (which chronicles the year he spent reading all 33 volumes of the Encyclopedia Britannica); and “Drop Dead Healthy” (about his attempt to become the healthiest person alive).

Re-frame bureaucracy as

part of the creative process.

Jane ni Dhulchaointigh is is the Irish inventor of sugru, an innovative product that has been called ‘the best invention since sellotape’ and that’s getting DIYers, gadget lovers and outdoors enthusiasts around the world very excited.

All the beauty happens in

the process.

Hosain Rahman is the CEO and founder of Jawbone, a groundbreaking developer of popular products and services for the mobile lifestyle. Hosain is passionate about bringing innovative, intuitive, and elegantly designed products to market that let consumers get the most out of their mobile experience. Jawbone is one of the largest venture capital-backed consumer electronics companies in the world.

This is a journey.

Joe Gebbia is the Co-founder & Chief Product Officer at Airbnb. He is dedicated to creating an inspiring and effortless user experience through sharp, intuitive design, and crafts the product roadmap to make it so. Joe values products that simplify life and have a positive impact on the environment, and ensures that the company adheres to these tenets.

Go meet the people.

Michael Wolff is is Designer & Creative Advisor at Michael Wolff and Company and a founder of Wolff Olins - among the world’s most iconic design companies. Amongst his re-cent clients are The Ministry of Sound and The UK Government’s Technology Strategy Board in the UK, Citigroup in the US, and a Bank called Pyjom - “Let’s go” - in Russia.

People will never forget how

you made them feel.

Jeff Sheng is is a photographer, artist and sociologist, whose artwork has been interna-tionally exhibited. Sheng first became known for his photographic series “Fearless,” a project on “out” lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender ath-letes on high school and college sports teams, and since 2003, has photographed and inter-viewed over 150 individuals for this series.

Ben Shaffer is Benjamin Shaffer is a designer/innovator who lives and works in Portland. As the designer and creative lead of Nike Flyknit he is orchestrating the growth of a new paradigm shift in footwear manufacturing that was intro-duced in the 2012 Olympics on the feet of the some of the world’s fastest athletes.

We are instigators,

not innovators.

imagethink.net • (347) 735-9620 • info@imagethink.net

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