99 Problems But A Pitch Ain't One

Post on 27-Jun-2015

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5 things you can do today to instantly be a better presenter.

Transcript of 99 Problems But A Pitch Ain't One

99 Problems But A Pitch Ain’t One

5 things you can do today to instantly be a better presenter.

Presented by


Have you ever sat through a presentation wishing you

were drunk or dead?

We feel your pain.

The bad news is that your negative experiences are

the norm. 99% of presentations suck.

The good news is that it only takes a few small

changes to put youin the 1%.

So, without further ado, here are those few small


(And they have nothing to do with your slides.)

1) Start Strong

You know how movies often start out right in the

middle of the action?

Directors know they need to hook us in the first few

minutes, or they mightlose us.

You are the Director of your presentation. It’s your job

to grab the viewer’s interest.

Start with something really juicy or surprising to get

your audience hooked from the get-go.

2) Smile

Have you ever noticed that people rarely smile when

giving a business presentation?

They think that because it’s in a work environment they

must be straight-facedand serious.

Wrong.Smiling tells the audience you’re happy to be there

speaking with them.

And audiences tend to be like mirrors. If you smile,

they’ll probably smile back. Try it.

3) Move

What happens when you see something moving out of the corner of your eye?

You shift your attention to see what the heck’s going

on. Moving keeps theeyes on you.

Move around a bit and make eye contact with

audience members as you deliver your points.

It’ll help build rapport and make the audience like you.

People buy stuff from people they like.

4) Converse

Can you remember your favorite high school

teacher? Why was he or she your favorite?

Maybe you just had a crush, but I’m also guessing

he/she spoke with the class instead of lecturing to

the class.

We’re social creatures.We like getting involved.

We like it when people care about what we think.

Interact with the audience by asking questions, and

use their input to build on your points.

5) Tell a Story

Do you ever feel yourself get totally sucked in

whenever someone’s telling a great story?

We all love ‘em.Share a personal story with the audience and tie it into

your message.

Bonus points if it’s funny. And don’t be afraid to act

out your stories as youtell them.

Your body animates way better than PowerPoint.

Giving a great pitch doesn’t have to be one of your 99 problems. These easy tips

will take you far.

But, if you think you and your team could use some

extra help, we’re here.

We help businesses big and small tell amazing stories.
