95 Theses: Part8

Post on 20-Jun-2015

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Transcript of 95 Theses: Part8

Smart companies have now acknowledged how useless organizational charts is to create such fuss about the hierarchy of power.

Hyperlinked org charts is about the reality of how things are being connected; that helping one another is an important part of a company’s success.

Hyperlinked org charts impose equal status; shared of powers.

The command style involves a company giving out numerous orders to employees and employees are expected to just follow, no questions ask.

Employees before are very much scared and restrained; they have no voice or rather companies choose to ignore their voice.

The company itself is afraid of what the employees can do especially if they are united.

Companies are so paranoid about these conversations of employees.

Companies keep on assuming the negative possibilities that conversations will bring that is why they have implemented precautionary measures.

They did not realize that these conversations support the flowing of unique and new ideas.

Company conversations include everyone in the company having conversation with each other.

With market conversations, it involves different people from different parts of the world; in other words, it is all about us.

Company conversations only reach the company walls or its audiences are not wide spread unlike market conversations where a lot of people can participate.

Companies command their staff to refrain from engaging their self with it and to ensure that, they control the access to corporate intranets.

Companies influence markets through the numerous ads; they shape the needs and wants of markets instead of markets deciding for their self.

Command and control limits one from being knowledgeable about certain things at the same time it kills the interest of people.

In a command and control situation, the top management and/or the owner can exercise their power and use their position anytime to get what they want.

When people at the upper portion of the pyramid starts focusing on earning lots of money and when they start to not care about their employees and customers; command and control is what they do.

It promotes inequality and greediness.

Conversations of workers and conversations of markets are very much alike. Both involve the exchange of information to their respective groups.

Since, both are speaking in the same tone, conversing with similar topics, and have that genuine voice; markets and workers have recognized their kind.

Combined conversations will expand the transferring of information and improve the knowledge that people already have.