9/23/2013 Artículos y Pronombres. In Spanish, nouns are broken up into 2 categories: masculine and...

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Transcript of 9/23/2013 Artículos y Pronombres. In Spanish, nouns are broken up into 2 categories: masculine and...

9/23 /2013

Artículos y Pronombres

In Spanish, nouns are broken up into 2 categories: masculine and feminine.

In general, masculine nouns end in “o”. In general, feminine nouns end in “a”.

Nouns have definite articles that reflect their gender. These articles mean “the” in English.

The masculine definite articles are el and los. The feminine definite articles are la and las.

Here are some examples:

el gato la casa los lobos las gomas

Masculino vs. Femenino

Determina el artículo definido correcto de las palabras siguientes. (Determine the correct definite article for the following words.)*Modelo- el milagro las almohadas  ______________ muchacha (girl)______________ niño (boy)______________ hermano (brother)______________ ropa (clothing)______________ cama (bed)______________ revistas (magazines) ______________ monos (monkies)______________ cuerpos (bodies)______________ manchas (smudges)______________ río (river)

Artículos Definidos

Determina el artículo definido correcto de las palabras siguientes. (Determine the correct definite article for the following words.)*Modelo- el milagro las almohadas   la muchacha (girl) el niño (boy) el hermano (brother) la ropa (clothing) la cama (bed) las revistas (magazines) los monos (monkies) los cuerpos (bodies) las manchas (smudges) el río (river)

Actividad con artículos definidos

Escribe la termincación de cada palabra. (Write the ending of each Word)*Modelo - el milagro  1. La manzan ___ 2. El plátan____3. el teatr______ 4. La cucarach_____5. la lengu_____ 6. El dormitori______

Actividad con Artículos Definidos

Escribe la termincación de cada palabra. (Write the ending of each Word)*Modelo - el milagro  1. La manzana 2. El plátano3. el teatro 4. La cucaracha5. la lengua 6. El dormitorio

Actividad con Artículos Definidos

Many masculine nouns do not end in “o”. If it ends in -e, -ma, or a consonant other than -d, -z, or ión, it's also masculine.

Ejemplos: 1. End in –e: el perfume, el estante (shelf), el


2. End in –ma: el programa, el drama, el idioma

3. End in a consonant other tan –d,-z, or ión: el árbol, el rumor, el cojín (cushion)

Masculino y Feminino

You are familiar with the definite articles in Spanish: el, la, los, las. These mean the and are used to describe specific nouns that are easily identified by the listener.

For example: In the sentence, I need the apple, the definite article shows that the speaker is talking about a specific apple the listener can identify.

Artículos Indefinidos

Now let’s talk about indefinite articles!

An indefinite article is used to talk about a noun that is not easily identified by the listener.

Artículos Indefinidos

Look at the following sentence:

I need an apple.

In this sentence, the noun is “apple” and the indefinite article is “an”. The indefinite article shows that the speaker is not talking about a specific apple; but rather, any apple.

Artículos Indefinidos

The indefinite articles in Spanish are un, unos, una, unas.

These mean: * un, una = a, an * unos, unas = some

Artículos Indefinidos

Actividad con Artículos Indefinidos

You will need the following phrases in Spanish to complete the activity.

Yo necesito - I needYo quiero - I wantYo tengo - I have

10/01 /13

Los Pronombres

Los Pronombres

Let’s talk about pronouns!We are going to talk about subject pronouns.

Subject pronouns are used when the pronoun is the subject of the sentence.

Examples of subject pronounsin English are: I, you, we, he, she, they

Look at the following sentences and their subject pronouns.

He likes to dance. She likes chocolate cake.

He likes to sing with her.

Can you pick out the subject pronouns?

Los Pronombres

Look at the following sentences and their subject pronouns.

He likes to dance. She likes chocolate cake.

He likes to sing with her.

Can you pick out the subject pronouns?

Los Pronombres

Los Pronombres

We are going to focus on the pronouns “he, she, and they”

In Spanish:

I We

You You all

He - She -

They -

Los Pronombres

We are going to focus on the pronouns “he, she, and they”

In Spanish:

I We

You You all

He -

She -

They - Él


Ellos, Ellas

Los Pronombres

I We

You You all

3rd Person Singular

He - Él

She - Ella

3rd Person Plural

They – Ellos, Ellas

We are going to focus on the 3rd person singular and 3rd person plural.

You can use subject pronouns to replace nouns in everyday conversation.

For example: In the following sentence the noun the woman can be replaced with a subject pronoun.

The woman is a nurse. Changes to She is a nurse.

Los Pronombres

Los Pronombres

The following nouns can be replaced by subject pronouns.

La mujer -

El hombre -

La niña -

El muchacho -

Las chicas -

Los hombres -

Los verbos de -er

Let’s take what we know about subject pronouns and use it with verbs

We are going to focus on regular –er verbs Examples of -er verbs: comer , correr, beber,

comprender, leer, romper Let’s put these verbs in the 3rd person

singular and pluralComer Correr

(singular) Él/Ella - come corre

(plural) Ellos/Ellas – comen corren

Hagan oraciones

Ella corre

Hagan oraciones

Ellos corren

Hagan oraciones

Ellos corren

Hagan oraciones

Ella corre

Hagan oraciones

Él bebe

Hagan oraciones

Ella bebe

Hagan oraciones

Ellos beben

Hagan oraciones

Ella lee

Hagan oraciones

Ellos leen

Hagan oraciones

Ellos leen

10/17 /13


Steps for conjugating verbs

Last week, we talked about conjugating verbs in the 3rd person singular and the 3rd person plural.

To see what you remember, you are going to help me with the steps for doing this successfully

First, what are the subject pronouns for them? 3rd person singular – 3rd person plural -

Steps for conjugating verbs

Last week, we talked about conjugating verbs in the 3rd person singular and the 3rd person plural.

To see what you remember, you are going to help me with the steps for doing this successfully

First, what are the subject pronouns for them? 3rd person singular – él , ella, usted 3rd person plural –

Steps for conjugating verbs

Last week, we talked about conjugating verbs in the 3rd person singular and the 3rd person plural.

To see what you remember, you are going to help me with the steps for doing this successfully

First, what are the subject pronouns for them? 3rd person singular – él , ella, usted 3rd person plural – ellos, ellas, ustedes

Steps: 3rd person singular

What do you think the steps are?

Steps: 3rd person singular

What do you think the steps are? 1. Confirm subject is él, ella, or usted

Steps: 3rd person singular

What do you think the steps are? 1. Confirm subject is él, ella, or usted

2. Drop the “r”

Steps: 3rd person plural

What do you think the steps are?

Steps: 3rd person plural

What do you think the steps are?

1. Confirm subject is ellos, ellas, or ustedes

Steps: 3rd person plural

What do you think the steps are?

1. Confirm subject is ellos, ellas, or ustedes 2. Drop the “r”

Steps: 3rd person plural

What do you think the steps are?

1. Confirm subject is ellos, ellas, or ustedes 2. Drop the “r” 3. Add an “n”


C. Conjugate the following verbs according to the subject pronoun.

1. Ellos ____________________ (correr)2. Ella _____________________ (leer)3. Él ______________________ (beber)4. Ellas ____________________ (comer)


C. Conjugate the following verbs according to the subject pronoun.

1. Ellos corren (correr)2. Ella lee (leer)3. Él bebe (beber)4. Ellas comen (comer)


D. Traduzca las siguientes oraciones de Inglés a español. (Translate the following sentences from English to Spanish.)

1. He eats - ___________________2. They run (women) - ____________________3. She reads - __________________________4. They drink (men) - _____________________


D. Traduzca las siguientes oraciones de Inglés a español. (Translate the following sentences from English to Spanish.)

1. He eats – Él come2. They run (women) – Ellas corren3. She reads – Ella lee4. They drink (men) – Ellos beben


We are going to practice what we have learned!

Get into a group of 5Send one group member to the front to pick

up: 1. White board 2. A dry-erase marker 3. A piece of paper towel

How to Play

I am going to tell you a phrase in English She runs

One member from your group will write the phrase in Spanish on the white board

Once you have it written, you will hold the board in the air and shout “Lo tengo” (I have it)

I will check if it is correct Correct: team earns a point Incorrect: 2nd team gets a chance, then 3rd, 4th,

etc. Then, pass board to next person in group and

repeat processWinning team gets a prize!


She runsElla corre

He readsÉl lee

They eat (men)Ellos comen

She drinksElla bebe

They run (men)Ellos corren

They drink (women)Ellas beben

He runsÉl corre

They run (women)Ellas corren

He readsÉl lee

She eatsElla come


Get out your clickersJoin Code 34Enter your student IDIf you do not have clicker, answer questions

on scrap paper

Question 1

Choose the correct subject pronoun for the following sentence: ______ comen. A. Ellos B. Él C. Ella

Choose the correct subject pronoun for the following sentence: ______ comen. A. Ellos B. Él C. Ella

Question 1

Question 2

Choose the correct verb form for the following sentence: Ella _______ A. Beben B. Comen C. Corre D. leen

Question 2

Choose the correct verb form for the following sentence: Ella _______ A. Beben B. Comen C. Corre D. leen

Question 3

Choose the correct subject pronoun for the following sentence: _____ lee (feminine) A. Ellas B. Él C. Ellos D. Ella

Choose the correct subject pronoun for the following sentence: _____ lee (feminine) A. Ellas B. Él C. Ellos D. Ella

Question 3

Question 4

Choose the correct verb form for the following sentence: Ellos ______ A. Bebe B. Comen C. Corre D. Lee

Choose the correct verb form for the following sentence: Ellos ______ A. Bebe B. Comen C. Corre D. Lee

Question 4

Question 5

Choose the Spanish translation for the following sentence: They read (feminine) A. Ellos leen B. Él lee C. Ella lee D. Ellas leen

Choose the Spanish translation for the following sentence: They read (feminine) A. Ellos leen B. Él lee C. Ella lee D. Ellas leen

Question 5

Question 6

Choose the correct translation for the following sentence: He eats A. Él come B. Ellos comen C. Ella come D. Ellas comen

Choose the correct translation for the following sentence: He eats A. Él come B. Ellos comen C. Ella come D. Ellas comen

Question 6

10/21 /13

More Conjugation


Get out your clickersJoin Code 34Enter your student IDIf you do not have clicker, answer questions

on scrap paper

Question 1

Choose the correct subject pronoun for the following sentence: ______ comen. A. Ellos B. Él C. Ella

Choose the correct subject pronoun for the following sentence: ______ comen. A. Ellos B. Él C. Ella

Question 1

Question 2

Choose the correct verb form for the following sentence: Ella _______ A. Beben B. Comen C. Corre D. leen

Question 2

Choose the correct verb form for the following sentence: Ella _______ A. Beben B. Comen C. Corre D. leen

Question 3

Choose the correct subject pronoun for the following sentence: _____ lee (feminine) A. Ellas B. Él C. Ellos D. Ella

Choose the correct subject pronoun for the following sentence: _____ lee (feminine) A. Ellas B. Él C. Ellos D. Ella

Question 3

Question 4

Choose the correct verb form for the following sentence: Ellos ______ A. Bebe B. Comen C. Corre D. Lee

Choose the correct verb form for the following sentence: Ellos ______ A. Bebe B. Comen C. Corre D. Lee

Question 4

Question 5

Choose the Spanish translation for the following sentence: They read (feminine) A. Ellos leen B. Él lee C. Ella lee D. Ellas leen

Choose the Spanish translation for the following sentence: They read (feminine) A. Ellos leen B. Él lee C. Ella lee D. Ellas leen

Question 5

Question 6

Choose the correct translation for the following sentence: He eats A. Él come B. Ellos comen C. Ella come D. Ellas comen

Choose the correct translation for the following sentence: He eats A. Él come B. Ellos comen C. Ella come D. Ellas comen

Question 6

Let’s Talk about –IR verbs


Let’s Talk about –IR Verbs

An –ir verb is a verb that ends in the letters I and R.

You have two –ir verbs in your vocabulary list for this unit

We are only going to focus on one of them: Escribir

Escribir means: to write


In the 3rd person singular and 3rd person plural, -ir verbs have the same endings as –er verbs.

What are the endings of –er verbs? 3rd person singular: -e 3rd person plural: -en

Escribir – to write

I We

You You all

3rd Person Singular

Él/ Ella -

3rd Person Plural

Ellos/ Ellas -

Escribir- to write

I We

You You all

3rd Person Singular

Él/ Ella - escribe

3rd Person Plural

Ellos/Ellas -

Escribir- to write

I We

You You all

3rd Person Singular

Él/ Ella - escribe

3rd Person Plural

Ellos/ Ellas -



Take a few minutes do the activities on your sheet and we will discuss them as a class!

Some verbs are not on your vocabulary list, so I have conjugated them for you.


A. Write the correct form of the following –ir verbs according to the subject pronoun.

1. Ella __________________________ (escribir)2. Ellos _________________________ (escribir) 3. Ellas ____________________ (describir – to describe)4. Él _______________________ (describir- to describe)5. Ella _______________________ (abrir – to open)6. Ellos _______________________ (abrir- to open)7. Ellas _______________________ (admitir- to admit)8. Él _________________________ (admitir- to admit)


A. Write the correct form of the following –ir verbs according to the subject pronoun.

1. Ella escribe (escribir)2. Ellos escriben (escribir) 3. Ellas describen (describir – to describe)4. Él describe (describir- to describe)5. Ella abre (abrir – to open)6. Ellos abren (abrir- to open)7. Ellas admiten (admitir- to admit)8. Él admite (admitir- to admit)


B. Write the following sentences in Spanish.

1. They open (men/abrir) - __________________________________ 2. She admits (admitir) - ___________________________________ 3. He writes - ___________________________________________ 4. They describe (women/describir) - ___________________________ 5. He opens - ___________________________________________ 6. She writes - __________________________________________ 7. They write (men) - _____________________________________ 8. They write (women) - ___________________________________ 9. He admits (admitir) - __________________________________ 10. She opens (abrir) - ___________________________________


B. Write the following sentences in Spanish.

1. They open (men/abrir) – Ellos abren 2. She admits (admitir) – Ella admite 3. He writes – Él escribe 4. They describe (women/describir) – Ellas describen 5. He opens (abrir) – Él abre 6. She writes – Ella escribe 7. They write (men) – Ellos escriben 8. They write (women) – Ellas escriben 9. He admits (admitir) – Él admite 10. She opens (abrir) – Ella abre

10/29 /13

Practice with –IR and –ER Verbs

Hagan oraciones

Ella corre

Hagan oraciones

Ellos corren

Hagan oraciones

Ellos corren

Hagan oraciones

Ella corre

Hagan oraciones

Él bebe

Hagan oraciones

Ella bebe

Ellos comen

Él escribe

Hagan oraciones

Ellos beben

Hagan oraciones

Ella lee

Hagan oraciones

Ellos leen

Ella escribe

Hagan oraciones

Ellos leen

Ellos escriben

11/6 /13


What do you notice?

El gato es negro / Los gatos son negrosLa manzana es verde / Las manzanas son

verdesEl almuerzo es delicioso /Los almuerzos son

deliciososLa casa es blanca / Las casas son blancas

What do you notice about the items in blue?

Definite Articles

What you saw were definite articles!In Spanish, definite articles mean “the”

Definite articles are either masculine or feminine Definite articles are either singular or plural Definite articles match their nouns in gender and


Definite Articles

Singular Plural

Masculine el los

Feminine la las

Using the Pattern

With your neighbor, use the pattern you came up with to fill in the following spaces.

1. ______ gafa2. ______ muchacho3. ______ hermana4. ______ tíos5. ______ cucarachas6. ______ niños


Translate the following with your neighbor. 1. el gato 2. la manzana 3. el café 4. el muchacho 5. las muchachas 6. las casas 7. los hermanos 8. los aguas 9. los sándwiches

What do you notice?

Un gato es negro / Unos gatos son negrosUna manzana es verde / Unas manzanas son

verdesUn almuerzo es delicioso / Unos almuerzos

son deliciososUna casa es blanca / Unas casas son blancas

What do you notice about the items in blue?

Definite Articles

What you saw were indefinite articles!In Spanish, definite articles mean “a, an,

some” Indefinite articles are either masculine or feminine Indefinite articles are either singular or plural Indefinite articles match their nouns in gender and

numberIndefinite Articles

Singular Plural

Masculine un unos

Feminine una unas

Using the Pattern

With your neighbor, use the pattern you came up with to fill in the following spaces.

1. ______ gafa2. ______ muchacho3. ______ hermana4. ______ tíos5. ______ cucarachas6. ______ niños


Translate the following with your neighbor. 1. un gato 2. una manzana 3. un café 4. un muchacho 5. unas muchachas 6. unas casas 7. unos hermanos 8. unos aguas 9. unos sándwiches

Translate into Spanish

With your partner, say the following in Spanish. 1. the cat 2. the apple 3. the boy 4. the brothers 5. the waters 6. the coffees

Translate into Spanish

With your partner, say the following in Spanish. 1. a cat 2. an apple 3. a boy 4. some brothers 5. some waters 6. some coffees

Do you know the difference?

Individually, on a piece of paper, write the following in Spanish. 1. a cat 2. the apple 3. some boys 4. the waters 5. some brothers 6. a house 7. the coffees 8. the cats 9. some apples

11/12 /13


Subject Pronouns

Discuss with your partner the definition of a subject pronoun Starting with the meaning of a pronoun might help

Come up with examples of subject pronounsWhen finished, write them on the back board

Subject Pronouns

Pronoun- word that takes the place of a nounSubject pronoun – word that takes the place

of the noun that is the subject of the sentence Example: He, she, I, you

What do you remember?

With your partner, discuss what you remember about conjugating –ER/-IR verbs

When you have discussed everything you remember, write it on the back board.


Get into groups of 5Assign each member an –ER/-IR verb from

your vocabulary listEach member is responsible for conjugating

their verb in all of the forms Work together to make sure everyone’s

endings are correct

Here are the Verbs



BeberYo bebo nosotros/nosotras bebemos

Tú bebes

Él/ella/usted bebe Ellos/Ellas/Usteds beben


ComerYo como nosotros/nosotras comemos

Tú comes

Él/ella/usted come Ellos/Ellas/Usteds comen


CorrerYo corro nosotros/nosotras corremos

Tú corres

Él/ella/usted corre Ellos/Ellas/Usteds corren


LeerYo leo nosotros/nosotras leemos

Tú lees

Él/ella/usted lee Ellos/Ellas/Usteds leen


EscribirYo escribo nosotros/nosotras escribimos

Tú escribes

Él/ella/usted escribe Ellos/Ellas/Usteds escriben


Use the following images to ask your partner what they do

Also use the images to answer with what you do

Follow the model A: ¿Comes la manzana? B: Sí, como la manzana

No, no como la manzana

Speaking Activity

Speaking Activity

Now, you are going to ask if another person does something

Ask a question for él and ellaFollow the construction

A: ¿Come ella el pan? B: Sí, ella come el pan.

No, ella no come el pan.

Speaking Activity

11/18 /13

Práctica con la conjugación

Apuntes 11.18.13

What are the –ER/-IR verb endings for the following subject pronouns?


Tú- What are the steps for conjugating an –ER/-IR verb?




Determine the subject of the sentence

Drop –ER/-IR ending

Add “O” or “ES” ending

Try the following verbs

On your sheet, conjugate the verbs in the “yo” and “tú” forms using the steps and endings outlined earlier.

Verb/Subject Pronoun

Comer(to eat)

Beber (to drink)

Leer (to read)

Correr (to run)

Escribir(to write)

Yo como Bebo Leo Corro Escribo

Tú comes bebes lees corres escribes

Practice with a partner

On your paper write the questions in Spanish on the lines provided.

*Model: Do you eat rice? - ¿Comes el arroz?

1. Do you drink water? 2. Do you eat some apples? 3. Do you write the letters? Letters = cartas4. Do you run a race? Race = carrera5. Do you read the books? 6. Do you drink coffee?

Practice with a partner

D. Now, with your partner, ask and answer the following questions. Choose the correct verb and correct verb form for each question.

*Model: Do you eat rice? - ¿Comes el arroz?

1. Do you drink water? ¿ Bebes el agua?2. Do you eat some apples? ¿Comes unas manzanas?3. Do you write the letters? ¿ Escribes las cartas?4. Do you run a race? ¿Corres una carrera?5. Do you read the books? ¿Lees los libros?6. Do you drink coffee? ¿ Bebes el café?

Individual practice

Individually, complete the activity on the back of your page. Whatever you do not finish will be homework.

Be prepared to share your responses with the class.