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  • 8/8/2019 910bd4ad



    Gender equality in the labour marketand the business sector

  • 8/8/2019 910bd4ad


    I rpct popl li choic. But I ght againt prjudic, ida

    and tructur that prvnt u rom dvloping our abiliti andraliing our dram.

    Both in th labour mart and in th buin ctor, womn

    and mn wor undr dirnt condition.

    Gndr i a actor. Inquality ha many dirnt ac. It ha

    to do with powr and inunc, pay and carr opportuniti,

    ducational qualication, choic o proion, and halth.

    My viion i a ocity in which all o u, both womn and mn,

    can wor and arn a living on qual trm. In Swdn, womn andmn ali mut b abl to puru a carr and till hav tim or

    thir childrn.

    Nyamo Sabuni,

    Minitr o Intgration and Gndr Equality


  • 8/8/2019 910bd4ad




    Gender balance essential

    in the labour market

    Th ovrall objctiv o Swdn gndr

    quality policy i to nur that womn

    and mn hav th am powr to hap

    ocity and thir own liv. Gndr qua-

    lity alo contribut to conomic growth

    by ncouraging th dvlopmnt o

    popl ill and crativity.

    In Swdn, both womn and mn ar

    xtnivly mployd compard with

    othr countri. An incraing numbr o

    mn ar taing activ rponibility or

    thir childrn. Womn ar incraingly

    tarting thir own buin. Howvr,

    dpit dcad o contant ort to pro-

    mot gndr quality, th Swdih labour

    mart and buin ctor ar till

    mard by gndr imbalanc.

    Th Govrnmnt, thror, ha drawn

    up an ovrall tratgy or th promotion

    o gndr quality in th mploymnt andbuin ctor. Th maur t out in

    th tratgy ar dignd to liminat gn-

    dr inqualiti, to gt mor popl into

    th labour mart and to rduc xcluion.

    In Swdn, womn and mn wor to

    almot th am xtnt but puru di-

    rnt activiti and hold dirnt poition.

    Almot hal o all woring womn ar

    mployd in th ducation, halth car

    and ocial car rvic, which ar largly

    to b ound in th public ctor. Ovr 80

    pr cnt o all woring mn ar privatly


    C gd d

    Womn in gnral alo occupy l nior

    poition than mn. O all managr in

    th privat and public ctor, jut undr

    a third ar womn. Th gndr gap i

    mot vidnt in privat ntrpri, whr

    77 pr cnt o managr ar mn.

    Th proportion o womn on th board

    o litd compani i only 18 pr cnt,

    whil mal rprntation at nior

    managmnt lvl in privat compani i

    jut ovr tn pr cnt. Th rlativ lac owomn in nior poition i an obtacl

    to gndr quality on company board,

    inc thr i a lin btwn xprinc

    o nior managmnt and lction or a

    at on th board. Th gndr ditribution

    in tat-ownd compani (hal-ownd

    My wm pc mpymt

    ams h kig m

    my i h uci, hh

    c sci c svics, hich

    gy u i h uic


  • 8/8/2019 910bd4ad



    and ully ownd) i mor balancd than

    in privat ntrpri, with 46 pr cnt o

    board at bing occupid by womn.

    Py gp d wd d

    Gndr grgation in th labour mart

    and th buin ctor impact on pay

    lvl. On avrag, womn pay i 16 pr

    cnt lowr than mn, and thi ha bn

    th ca ovr th pat w yar, according

    to ofcial labour orc urvy. Whn

    allowanc i mad or actor uch a ag,

    qualication and occupation, th gn-

    ral pay dirntial btwn womn and

    mn i about ix pr cnt.

    Whil mn largly prorm paid wor,

    womn wor i mor vnly dividd

    btwn paid mploymnt and unpaid

    wor in th hom. Womn aum mor

    rponibility than mn or th car o th

    childrn in thir arly yar and alo or

    th car o ldrly and diabld rlativ.

    Nor do womn and mn claim th

    am amount o parntal lav. Although

    th har claimd by mn ha incrad

    in rcnt yar, athr only ta a th

    o th lav availabl to parnt. Dirnt

    group ta dirnt amount o parn-

    tal lav. It i in ca whr both parnt

    hav acadmic qualication that mn

    claim mot lav. Attachmnt to th

    labour mart i anothr contributory

    actor. Fathr born abroad claim wr

    day o parntal lav than athr born

    in Swdn.

    Womn wor part-tim both volun-

    tarily and involuntarily to a much gratr

    xtnt than mn. Evry third mployd

    woman wor part-tim, compard with

    on man in tn. Mn part-tim wor i

    mor lily to b a mattr o choic,

    whil many womn wor part-tim

    bcau ull-tim job ar hard to com

    by. Conquntly, womn ar part-tim

    unmployd to a gratr xtnt than

    mn. Involuntary part-tim wor largly

    act womn in th public ctor. Part-

    tim wor i l wll paid, which in turn

    act th iz o pnion and bnt

    in th halth inuranc and unmploy-

    mnt inuranc chm.

    Dt wpc cdt

    Womn dominat among tho occupy-

    ing incur poition, which rduc

    thir chanc o xrciing an inunc at

    th worplac. Womn ar alo xpod

    to wor-rlatd violnc mor than mn.

    Studi how that thi typ o violnc

    ha incrad among both womn and

    mn, but th incra i gratr or

    womn, pcially tho woring in

    halth car, ocial car and ducation.

    Womn hav a highr rat o abnc

    du to illn than mn, and account or

    two third o icn bnt claimd.

    Thy ar alo on long-trm ic lav to a

    gratr xtnt than mn. Sicn abnc

    among both womn and mn ha bn

    dclining inc 2002, but th rat or

    womn i till almot twic that or mn.

    Dirnc in abnc rat alo act

    incom in th long trm, inc abnc

    man a mallr pnion.

    Gtt dc mg pp


    Th dirnc btwn womn and

    mn ar gratt among popl born


    Th wa attachmnt to th labour

    mart ound among womn born

    Wm c-td m

    wm ccu his sick-

    ss fs cim, s g-m sick v g

    x h m.

    o vg, ms y is 16 c

    h ms, his hs h

    cs v h s ys.

  • 8/8/2019 910bd4ad



    abroad i pcially pronouncd in th

    ca o nwly arrivd immigrant. Unl

    thi trnd i bron, th labour mart

    participation o orign-born womn

    will tadily dclin.

    Dc tp

    A in th labour mart in gnral, thr

    ar conidrabl gndr dirnc in

    th buin phr. Jut ovr a quartr o

    Swdn buin ar run by womn,

    whil thr-quartr ar run by mn.

    Entrpri among womn ha incrad

    in rcnt yar, howvr. Ovr a tn-yar

    priod, th proportion o nw womn

    ntrprnur ro rom 27 to 34 pr cnt.

    Entrpri, too, i gndr-grgatd.

    Womn ar largly activ in indutri

    uch a claning, rvic proviion, halth

    car and ducation. Mn ar mor otn

    ound in th manuacturing, contruc-

    tion, tranport and communication


    Tdt tdy cc

    Prcption o what womn and mn ar

    mot uitd to rinorc valu and truc-

    tur that dicriminat and lav popl

    at a diadvantag. Th gndr diviion in

    th labour mart and th buin c-

    tor hlp conrv trotypd prcp-

    tion, and th act th tudy and

    carr choic popl ma.

    Although rducing gndr-bound

    tudy choic ha bn a long-tanding

    policy aim, today uppr condary

    chool ar highly grgatd in gndr

    trm. According to th National Agncy

    or Education, th ducational choic

    young popl ma ar mor a rult o

    traditional xpctation than o aptitud

    and talnt. Gndr diviion ar parti-

    cularly vidnt in vocationally orintd

    programm. Howvr, a chang or th

    bttr ha bn obrvd ovr th pat

    v yar.

    Th proportion o mn in th halth

    car programm ha incrad rom 13

    to 19 pr cnt, whil th proportion o

    womn in th contruction programm

    ha rin rom 3 to 9 pr cnt.

    G m pct

    Girl hav bttr avrag grad than

    boy both in compulory chool and at

    uppr condary lvl. Mn attain baic

    ligibility or urthr tudi at univr-

    ity lvl to a lr xtnt than womn.

    Womn complt thir tudi in highr

    ducation to a gratr xtnt than mn,

    and in about 90 pr cnt o th program-

    m lading to proional qualication

    th throughput i gratr or womn

    than or mn.

    Accordingly, womn lvl o duca-

    tion i highr than that o mn. Dpit

    thi, womn till arn l than mn.

    Womn ar mor otn ovr-qualid or

    thir poition. Thy ar mor lily to

    train or low-paid job, and acadmically

    traind mn ar mor lily to nd high-

    tatu job than acadmically traind

    womn. Among popl running mall

    buin, too, womn ar mor highly


    Th Govrnmnt conidr that an

    ovrall long-trm tratgy i ndd to

    rmdy th lac o gndr quality in th

    labour mart and th buin ctor.

    Rad mor about th contnt o th

    tratgy and it implmntation in th

    ollowing pag.

    Gd dd t

    pp cdy

    ahugh ucig g-usuy chics hs g-

    sig icy im, ys u

    scy schs highy

    sgg i g ms.

  • 8/8/2019 910bd4ad



    A strategy for gender equality

    in the labour market and the

    business sector

    I Juy 2009, h Gvm chsiv sgy g

    quiy i h u mk h usiss sc. th 60- msus

    ui i h sgy iy u y SeK 235 mii m h

    g quiy ii. th sgy ss u h Gvms

    v, g-m icy cus, ivi i u s s:

    1 Cm g ivisis i h u mk husiss sc

    2 pm qu ciis ushi

    3 equ icii i kig i

    4 equ kig ciis

  • 8/8/2019 910bd4ad



    1CoMbaT GenDer Divisions in The labour MarkeT anD The business seCTor

    sttypd pcpt fc


    To a grat xtnt, th choic w ma in li ar inuncd

    by xpctation and trotypd prcption. But chang

    ta tim. It occur whn a lot o popl ma light adjut-

    mnt, ay Anna Etrm, chair o th Dlgation or

    Gndr Equality in School.



    a eksm hs h dgi

    G equiy i Schs, hich hs

    gvm m m quiy

    i cmusy u scyuci.

  • 8/8/2019 910bd4ad



    1 CoMbaT GenDer Divisions in The labour MarkeT anD The business seCTor


    hi body ha bn commiiond by

    th Govrnmnt to analy th

    tat o gndr quality in both

    compulory and uppr condary duca-

    tion and to rcommnd improvmnt.

    Two rport ar chduld. Th rt,

    Girls and Boys at School How Equal Are

    They? (SOU 2009:64) wa prntd on

    1 July 2009.

    Th rport dal with uch mattr a

    th diring prormanc o girl and

    boy in chool, and attitud to chool

    tudi, and alo how chool rourc

    ar to b ditributd rom a gndr pr-

    pctiv and what ct thi will hav.

    What cam a a big urpri to m wa

    th act that th dirnc in grad

    btwn girl and boy ha rmaind

    roughly th am a long a w hav bn

    mauring thm, i.. inc th 1960,

    ay Anna Etrm. Th dirnc i

    that nowaday th act that boy ar

    alling bhind i n a a problm, inc

    girl hav bgun uing thir xcllnt

    grad to gain admiion to training

    cour that ud to b dominatd by boy.

    A long a girl wr primarily intrtd

    in nuring cour and th li, thi

    didnt alarm popl.

    Raction to th rport ha bn gnr-

    ally avourabl, which m to rct a

    common outloo on gndr quality

    iu, ay Anna Etrm.

    A ar a I can , 90 pr cnt o th

    Swdih population thin gndr quality

    i a good thing. Th problm i that th

    gndr quality dbat otn bcom

    polarid or lad to a talmat. Thr

    a vocirou minority that thin a oon

    a gndr i mntiond thr i a hiddn

    agnda that involv dtroying girl and

    boy liv, and thr i anothr vocirou

    minority that l th gndr prpc-

    tiv hould b 100 pr cnt in vidnc

    vrywhr. Both attract a lot o mdia

    attntion. My viion i a gndr quality

    dbat that mbrac a much widr


    In my xprinc, thr i conidrabl

    intrt in gndr quality in chool,

    whil at th am tim popl ar tird o

    all th nw objctiv and dmand, not

    lat bcau ort to mt thm tnd

    to ta th orm o projct. Whn th

    mony gon, th popl who wr run-

    ning th projct diappar and thr i

    no lating ct on th chool rgular

    activiti. Thr ar plnty o goal but

    littl implmntation or ollow-up, ay

    Anna Etrm.

    Sh l it i important to rpct

    individual rdom o choic in trm o

    ducation and a carr. At th am tim,

    trotypd prcption that inunc

    li choic mut b countrd.

    Th bt thing public bodi can do i

    provid good, ound data on which dci-

    ion ar to b bad, to how what th

    ituation i li i you choo a crtain

    typ o training or occupation.

    Thi i omthing th dlgation nal

    rport will concrn itl with. It will

    xamin th tudy habit o girl and

    boy and thir pychoocial halth, va-

    luat and um up mthod or braing

    down traditional gndr rol, and pr-

    nt propoal on how a long-trm gndr

    quality ort in chool might bt b

    purud and intnid.

    k www.jmtdt.

    My visi is g quiy

    h mcs much i uic.

    Is im sc iiviu -

    m chic i ms uci

    c, sys a eksm.



  • 8/8/2019 910bd4ad



    th Gvms sgy

    In ordr to bra down traditional gn-dr pattrn and rduc gndr diviion

    in th labour mart and th buin

    ctor, a gndr quality prpctiv

    mut inorm th ntir ducation y-

    tm, rom prchool to highr duca-

    tion. School mut hlp combat troty-

    pd prcption concrning gndr and

    ill. Pupil mut ma activ, conid-rd choic about thir uppr condary

    ducation, inc thi will hav a igni-

    cant impact on thir ubqunt tudy

    path. All individual mut hav th

    opportunity to choo on th bai o

    thir intrt and b mt with rpct

    or thir choic o occupation, whthrit i in a mal-dominatd or mal-

    dominatd proion. Traditional tudy

    choic conrv gndr grgation in

    th labour mart. Th Govrnmnt

    thror conidr it important to

    nhanc gndr quality in chool and

    in highr ducation. Training cour

    and programm promoting ntrpr-nurhip ar anothr important apct.

    Sl-mploymnt hould b a natural a

    choic a mploymnt. Sinc mor mn

    than womn tart buin, it i parti-

    cularly important to ncourag womn





    gndr quality initiativ at compulory and uppr condary chool lvl and in

    adult ducation.


    (motly boy) rom dropping out or laving chool without pa grad.


    dirnc in tachr training.


    in mathmatic, cinc, tchnology, and ICT (inormation and communication



    popl to tart buin o thir own atr complting thir tudi.


    womn to bcom l-mployd.

    wh h Gvm is ig

    To combat gndr diviion in th labour mart and th buin ctor,

    th Govrnmnt i invting in th ollowing ight maur:


    1CoMbaT GenDer Divisions in The labour MarkeT anD The business seCTor



  • 8/8/2019 910bd4ad




    ProMoTe equal ConDiTions or enTrePreneurshiP2

    r md t fcg tttd

    Rol modl can rally hlp in gtting mor womn to viw

    ntrprnurhip a a poibility, and alo in inuncing atti-

    tud in gnral th ida that a buin oprator i a man in a

    uit or ovrall nd to chang, ay Gunilla Thortnon, th

    ofcr rponibl or th programm Promote Womens Enter-

    priseat th Swdih Agncy or Economic and Rgional Growth.

    Gui thsss is ssi

    h gmm Promote Womens Enter-

    prise h Sish agcy ecmic

    rgi Gh.





  • 8/8/2019 910bd4ad



    1xxxxxxxProMoTe equal ConDiTions or enTrePreneurshiP 2


    n ordr to boot nw ntrprnurhip

    among womn and gt mor buin-

    run by womn to grow, th

    Govrnmnt i invting sek 100 million

    pr yar during th priod 20072010.

    An important part o thi initiativ i th

    agncy programm in upport o womn

    ntrpri. It involv oring bnt

    to l-mployd womn and maing

    womn ntrpri mor viabl and


    Th programm i dividd into our

    part and ocu on guidanc, buin

    dvlopmnt, innovation nancing,

    mntorhip, chang o ownrhip and

    chang in attitud toward womn

    participation in buin.

    Thr ar a numbr o raon why

    womn tart and run buin to a lr

    xtnt than mn. On o thm i that

    young popl ma traditional tudy

    choic. A a rult, womn and mn ar

    to b ound in dirnt mploymnt


    Womn wor to a grat xtnt in car

    and ducation, ctor that hav littl

    tradition o buin tart-up, ay

    Gunilla Thortnon. Thi i a actor,

    inc a a rul popl tart compani in a

    ctor thy ar amiliar with and now


    Alo, much dpnd on popl atti-

    tud to and prcption o rvic provi-

    ion, an ara in which many womn opr-

    at. Srvic compani hav not bn

    conidrd a important a manuactur-

    ing compani with a larg wororc.

    Thi can inunc amnt o bui-

    n ida and popl chanc o gtting

    nancing, ay Gunilla Thortnon.

    Wv ound that it hlp to b gndr-

    conciou o that you dont all into a

    traditional mindt. Thi i why all con-

    ultant woring or Almi Frtagpart-

    nr and Coompanion publicly nancd

    guidanc and counlling actor ar

    gndr-traind nowaday.

    Bid guidanc, buin dvlop-

    mnt, mntorhip and othr ind o

    aitanc that womn can gt via th

    programm, th actual proc o bring-

    ing womn ntrpri mor into th

    public y i important.

    Th inight i h can, I can i

    xtrmly pruaiv, ay Gunilla

    Thortnon. That why it o

    important to hav inpirational rol

    modl to point to. Anothr important

    ta i to diminat act and tatitic

    o a to ma popl mor awar o

    womn ntrprnurhip and how

    thm what it man or utainabl


    Th Govrnmnt ambition i to

    incra th proportion o womn tart-

    ing nw ntrpri rom th prviou

    lvl o 35 pr cnt to 40 pr cnt by th

    yar 2010.

    Thi i an ambitiou goal, but political

    will and political rourc ar important,

    ay Gunilla Thortnon. Undr th

    programm, 50 000 womn hav o ar

    bntd rom th rvic ord or

    tan part in our activiti.

    k www.ttt.

    th isigh i sh c, I c is

    xmy susiv. ths hy

    is s im hv isii

    ms i .

    wm k g x i c

    uci, scs h hv i ii

    ushi, sys Gui





  • 8/8/2019 910bd4ad



    2 ProMoTe equal ConDiTions or enTrePreneurshiP

    Womn and mn potntial or ntrprnurhip andntrpri mut b proprly xploitd by maing it air

    or thm to tart and run buin. Entrpri-promoting

    tructur nd to b dvlopd and adaptd to popl

    capabiliti and to nw and growing indutri. Sinc wr

    womn than mn tart and run buin, pcial maur

    ar rquird to promot womn ntrpri. Mor now-

    ldg i rquird in thi ld to improv womn chanc

    o tarting, running and xpanding a buin. Entrpriand ntrprnurhip in halth and ocial car rvic mut

    b ncouragd and mad air. Incraing th proportion o

    womn in managrial poition and on company board i

    alo important in tat-ownd compani, govrnmnt

    agnci and privat compani ali a a man o nhan-

    cing growth and promoting dvlopmnt in Swdn.

    th Gvms sgy

    wh h Gvm is ig

    To promot mor qual condition in ntrprnurhip and ntrpri, th Govrnmnt i invting in 23 maur,

    including th ollowing:


    Rgional Growth to implmnt and coordinat a thr-

    yar programm or th promotion o womn ntrpri.


    compani and o how litd compani ar daling with

    th quality iu at thi lvl.

    sek 40 million or initiativ aimd at incraing divrity

    in halth car, including guidanc to car rvic mploy-

    intrtd in tarting thir own activiti.


    Rgional Growth to draw up an action programm or

    ntrprnurhip and divrity in th halth car and

    ocial car ctor.


    Sytm (Vinnova) to und rarch on womn ntr-



    Buin Partnr) to implmnt and coordinat a national

    programm to boot th numbr o womn on company



    rciv rgional buin upport.


    Rgional Growth to undrta a thr-yar programm

    dignd to trngthn ntrpri with a orign bac-

    ground whr ithr x mut hav at lat 40 pr cnt



    ba with gndr-pcic data on ntrprnur and



    th Unitd Nation Conrnc on Trad and Dvlopmnt.


    1 January 2010 providing or gratr rdom o choic or

    patint and mor cop or car rvic mploy to tart

    thir own buin.


    ytm or th l-mployd.


  • 8/8/2019 910bd4ad



    equal ParTiCiPaTion in WorkinG lie 3

    Pt pjct t t mpymt

    mg wm d

    Womn born abroad ar th group that i mot dtachd rom

    th labour mart and that ha w contact with th public

    mploymnt rvic. To tacl thi problm, a pilot projct i

    to b launchd to dvlop way o raching th womn

    mor aily and to dvlop modl or local coopration.

    G m, s h uic my-

    m svics h fc i Sckhm,

    is ig jcs sig s

    mym mg m .




  • 8/8/2019 910bd4ad



    equal ParTiCiPaTion in WorkinG lie3



    omn born abroad ar gainully

    mployd to a much lr xtnt

    that womn born in Swdn.

    Statitic how th gap to b a larg a

    20 pr cnt. O Swdih-born womn,

    81 pr cnt agd 2064 ar mployd,

    whil th corrponding gur or

    orign-born womn in th am ag

    group i 61 pr cnt.

    Th raon or thi xcluion rom th

    labour mart ar many and varid. Th

    ituation i not mad any air by th

    act that womn in thi group ldom

    contact mploymnt ofc o thir own

    accord. Conquntly, th public mploy-

    mnt rvic ha bn intructd by th

    Govrnmnt to launch pilot projct in

    th municipaliti o Stocholm, Sund-

    vall, Gtborg, Halmtad, Landrona

    and Malm.

    Th baic aim i to nd way o adapting

    th activiti o th mploymnt rvic

    in ordr to rach orign-born womn

    who hav no contact with it. Thi inclu-

    d ngaging in outrach activiti a a

    man o coming into contact with th

    womn. Th ida i or th mploymnt

    rvic to nlit th aid o othr actor in

    thi ndavour, including NGO and

    local houing compani.

    Such an approach would mt anothr

    important rquirmnt in th pilot

    projct, namly to out and dvlop

    mthod or tablihing ctiv local

    modl or collaboration btwn dir-

    nt actor, with a viw to improving th

    chanc o th womn nding mploy-


    Th qution w nd to anwr ar:

    what i th bt way or mploymnt of-

    c, buin, govrnmnt agnci and

    NGO to wor togthr, and how hould

    thir rol b dividd? ay Gran Frm,

    th projct ladr at th public mploy-

    mnt rvic had ofc in Stocholm.

    Alo, w mut dvlop a platorm or our

    urthr wor in thi connction o that

    th mthod can vntually b incorpo-

    ratd into th public mploymnt

    rvic rgular activiti.

    Th projct i both crativ and innova-

    tiv. Th public mploymnt rvic ha

    nvr bor ngagd in outrach activi-

    ti or collaboratd with NGO. Th

    wor will b ld by local projct mploy-

    and will b undrtan with th hlp

    o ocu group bringing togthr variou

    actor and alo th targt group itl

    th womn.

    Th baic ida i that all concrnd ar

    activly involvd in th proc, not lat

    th womn thmlv, ay Gran Frm.

    Thy ar th on who now bt what

    thy nd, why thy nvr contact th

    mploymnt ofc and how thi can b

    changd through clor collaboration.

    Th municipaliti taing part in th

    projct ar all in avour o it, h add,

    mphaiing that th projct i largly

    about dvloping ctiv mthod cnt-

    ring primarily on th wor proc itl.

    Th anticipatd rult includ:

    A 10 pr cnt incra in rgitrd job

    r in th targt group

    Proional catgoriation o th ill

    o 6070 pr cnt o tho rgitrd in

    th targt group

    Diviion o rol among local actor.

    k www.tmdg.

    th sic im is f ys -

    ig h civiis h mym

    svic i ch ig-

    m h hv cc ih i.

    th usiss sc, nGos, gvm

    gcis h mym svic

    v c ms ci,

    sys G m.




  • 8/8/2019 910bd4ad



    in ull-tim wor.


    haring parntal duti and participation in woring li



    tion o proional and amily li or both womn and mn.


    iu rlating to mn and gndr quality, ocuing on

    uch ara a woring li and th rconciliation o wor

    with activ parnthood.


    undrta pilot projct aimd at rducing xcluion

    among womn born abroad who ar particularly dtachd

    rom th labour mart.


    and th public mploymnt rvic to tt nw way o

    hlping individual on long-trm ic lav to rturn to

    wor mor quicly and ctivly.


    wor rturn among womn in particular.


    gndr dirnc in wor rturn ollowing illn.


    Evaluation to xamin gndr dirnc in icn



    to adminitr unding or projct undrtan by joint

    organiation or individual county council to rduc

    icn abnc among womn.


    Human Rourc Dvlopmnt to lad and coordinat

    programm or womn carr dvlopmnt in th tat



    u tudy on how womn and mn divid thir tim

    btwn houhold wor, liur tim and job tc.


    tionnair-bad tudy on gndr quality in parnthood.


    Rarch to conduct tudi on th unctioning o th

    labour mart rom a gndr quality prpctiv.


    childrn undr 18 yar o ag.


    parntal rol.


    popl who hav bn tmporarily or partially abnt to b

    crditd bnt point.


    equal ParTiCiPaTion in WorkinG lie 3

    Womn and mn mut hav th am carr opportunitiand condition. Thi promot gndr quality and rduc

    xcluion. Stp ar to b tan in a numbr o dirnt

    ara to mt thi nd. Th wor-rt principl i to b

    trngthnd or intanc through chang in unmploy-

    mnt inuranc and through pcial ort targting womn

    born abroad. A gndr quality bonu ha bn introducd

    into th parntal inuranc chm to ncourag womn andmn to har parntal lav mor qually. Tax dduction or

    houhold rvic will giv mor mployd womn and mn

    th chanc to rduc thir worload. Rturn to wor will b

    air or popl on ic lav, through thir bing abl to

    tt a nw job whil ic-litd and alo through th rhabili-

    tation guarant.

    th Gvms sgy

    wh h Gvm is igTo promot qual participation in woring li, th Govrnmnt i invting in 31 maur, including th ollowing:

    4 equal WorkinG ConDiTions

  • 8/8/2019 910bd4ad



    4 equal WorkinG ConDiTions

    rc t wm t

    A broad-bad rarch programm ocuing on womn

    halth i bing nancd by th Swdih Council or Woring

    Li and Social Rarch, at th Govrnmnt rqut. In all,

    17 rarch projct will har sek 30 million pr yar up to

    2010 vral o thm connctd with woring li, mntal

    ill-halth and tr.

    Kh ahmss is gmm

    ic h Sish Cuci

    wkig li Sci rsch.



    4equal WorkinG ConDiTions

  • 8/8/2019 910bd4ad



    4equal WorkinG ConDiTions



    h rarch programm ha a broad

    approach and involv dirnt

    diciplin, uch a mdicin,

    public halth and wlar, woring liand car cinc.

    Whn dciion wr to b tan on

    which projct to grant und, th quality

    o th application wa dciiv, not th


    Abrahamon, programm dirctor at

    th Council. Thi mant that dirnt

    prpctiv and diciplin wr rpr-

    ntd w got a bouqut o dirnt

    owr intad o on with only th

    am ind.

    A numbr o prmi ar involvd,

    howvr, whn ocuing on womn

    halth in rarch. On baic aumption

    i that womn wor tat o halth in

    comparion to mn act thir chanc

    o achiving quality in th labour mart.

    Thr i an ongoing dicuion in which it

    i argud that womn and mn ar tratd

    dirntly in th halth car rvic,

    but alo that thy bhav dirntly

    in ing car. Many contnd that

    womn halth i l rarchd, inc

    prviou tudi hav bn bad to a

    grat xtnt on mn phyical ituation,

    .g. pharmacutical tudi in which

    mdicin wr ttd only on mn.

    Th projct in th nw programm

    includ th contruction o a databa that

    will nabl rarchr to tudy whthr

    womn and mn ar tratd dirntly

    in primary car. Hithrto, 75 halth

    cntr hav bn lind in, and trat-

    mnt or illn uch a typ 2 diabt,

    cardio-vacular dia and dprion

    can all b tudid.

    Anothr projct bing undrtan by

    an intrdiciplinary rarch group a

    what gndr quality in th hom man

    in trm o womn and mn halth. Th

    tam i monitoring jut ovr a thouandpopl in Lul rom a public halth and

    gndr prpctiv. Thy hav bn

    tudid inc th 1980 and ar now in

    mid-li, many o thm with amili,

    job and childrn. Qutionnair-bad

    tudi ar to b ollowd up by man o

    intrviw with coupl who tat that

    thy hav a high dgr o quality in

    thir rlationhip.

    Anothr projct a how burn-out

    among womn i rctd in th brain

    anatomy and whthr it i poibl to

    prvnt ri. Womn ar particularly

    pron to advr ct rom lngthy

    priod o tr, not lat whn th tr

    i aociatd with thir ituation in

    woring li.

    Othr rarch projct currntly


    and at th univriti o Gtborg and

    Uppala ar ocuing on mntal ill-halth

    and unmploymnt among immigrant

    womn, th lin btwn lityl actor

    and tr, mntal diordr and nc

    pain, nurocintic xplanation o

    dp anxity (angst) in womn, and how

    hormon act mntal halth.

    Bid bing publihd on our wb-

    it, th rarch nding will b dimi-

    natd in an anthology and at a conrnc


    k www..

    a sic ssumi is h ms

    s s hh i cmis

    ms cs hi chcs

    chivig quiy i h u


    th gmms sch jcs

    gig such s s m i-hh

    umym mg immig

    m, h ik isy cs

    sss, m iss ck



    4 equal WorkinG ConDiTions

  • 8/8/2019 910bd4ad



    Womn tnd to b ic-litd mor thanmn, and ar mor unhalthy in thir

    own amnt. Thi i why it i

    important to tudy th lin btwn

    halth, wor and wor attribut.

    Womn ar mor xpod than mn to

    violnc or th thrat o violnc in wor-

    ing li.

    Frdom rom dicrimination, vio-lnc and haramnt i an important

    condition o a labour mart charactri-

    d by gndr quality. Protction againt

    dicrimination in woring li ha bn

    nhancd by uch man a th paing

    o a nw Dicrimination Act, which

    ntrd into orc on 1 January 2009, and

    th tablihmnt o a nw agncy, thOfc o th Equality Ombudman,

    which bgan oprating on th am dat.Th Equality Ombudman i chargd

    with uprviing complianc with th

    Dicrimination Act, and rplac th

    prviou ombudmn againt dicrimi-

    nation, including th Equality Opportu-

    niti Ombudman. Th Dicrimination

    Act rplac th Equal Opportuniti

    Act and ix othr civil law. An all-inclu-iv law and th mrging o th ombud-

    mn ma it air to combat what i

    trmd multipl dicrimination, i..

    whn a pron i dicriminatd againt

    on th bai o mor than on dicrimi-

    nation ground.

    k www.d.

    th Gvms sgy

    wh h Gvm is ig

    To promot qual woring condition, th Govrnmnt i invting in ix maur:


    Woring Li and Social Rarch.


    anti-dicrimination law and a nw anti-dicrimination agncy.


    dicrimination phr can b mad mor pcic and tringnt and b lind to

    an ctiv anction.


    to violnc at th worplac by man o nowldg nhancmnt and prvntiv



    thnic and cultural divrity in th polic rvic.


    4 equal WorkinG ConDiTions

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    lyu: iiy Sckhm ab. pi: dgs Gfsk, oc 2009

    Cv h: pha

    l t w m?

    Viit www.rgringn./intgration and rad about what

    w ar doing. You can nd out mor about Swdn gndr

    quality policy by clicing through toAreas of responsibility/

    Gender equality. You can alo ubcrib to our lctronic

    nwlttr and our pr rla tc. Th txt in thi publica-

    tion i bad on Govrnmnt Communication 2008/09:198.

    Postal address: Minitry o Intgration and Gndr Equality

    103 33 Stocholm

    Visiting address: Frdgatan 8, Stocholm

    Telephone (switchboard): +46-8-405 10 00

    Email: rgitrator@intgration.minitry.

    Web: www.rgringn./intgration

  • 8/8/2019 910bd4ad


    Th Swdih Govrnmnt ha drawn up a cohiv long-trm tratgy

    or th promotion o gndr quality in th mploymnt and buin

    ctor. Th tratgy outlin mor than 60 maur dignd to

    liminat gndr inqualiti, to gt mor popl into th labour

    mart and to rduc xcluion.

    Rad mor about th tratgy and about how actor uch a thDlgation or Gndr Equality in School, th Swdih Agncy or

    Economic and Rgional Growth and th public mploymnt rvic

    ar dicharging th ta ntrutd to thm.

    103 33 Sckhm