9. project 1, continuous tense review, reporting verbs

Post on 22-Jan-2018

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Transcript of 9. project 1, continuous tense review, reporting verbs

Grammar for Interactions

IECP, Fall 2015, Nikki Mattson


• Introduce Grammar Project 1

• Verb tense review

• Reporting verbs

• Return Tests

Oral Analysis and Revision Project 1 = DUE 10/4 by midnight

Part 1: Original transcript (10 points)

For this part of the assignment, you will choose the 1 minute from the assigned recording (Friday’s 2-minute presentation). Type a 1-minute segment – word for word. This must be typed. Include the time stamp (the time the transcription begins and ends).

Example: Transcript

Time Stamp = (video recording 3:10-4:10)

Part 2: Vocabulary editing log (10 points)

original vocabulary term used in recording

original phrase/clause containing the vocabulary term

reason for revising this word –word form problem, sentence structure, problem, word choice problem, or other

phrase/clause with the revision(s)






Complete the following table – MUST BE TYPED

Part 3: Grammar editing log (10 points)• Complete the following table – MUST BE TYPED

original phrase/clause containing the grammatical error

reason for revising this word (type of error) –verb tense, subject-verb agreement, article usage, etc.

phrase/clause with the revision(s)

Approximately how many times did you make this type of error in your recording?






Part 4: Revised transcript (10 points)

• Re-type the original transcript with as few grammatical and vocabulary errors as possible.

Part 5: Revised oral recording (10 points)

• Audio-record the revised transcript. Submit the recording to BOX with a clear title (Analysis and Revision Project 1,2, or 3)

Materials to Place in Box before 10/4 at Midnight

1) Original 2-minute audio/video file from 2-minute in-class presentation

2) Word document including:– Transcript of one-minute of presentation– Vocabulary Editing Log– Grammar Editing Log– Revised one-minute transcript

3) Revised 1-minute audio/video file

Please put all items in a folder that is clearly labeled

AND send me a link to the folder in BOX.

Reporting Verbs

Reporting Verbs

Reporting Verbs

Reporting Verbs

Return Tests


• Oral Analysis and Revision Project DUE 10/4 by midnight (BOX)