9 Chakra Rejuvenation Secrets

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  • 7/25/2019 9 Chakra Rejuvenation Secrets


    9 Chakra Rejuvenation Secrets

    Discover How EnergizingYour Chakras Can Improve

    Your Health, Wealth andRelationships

    By Melanie Roche

    If you know someone who would like this report, send them towww.MelanieRoche.comwhere they can get the report AND all the other

    free information I give away once they are on my free gift list.

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    Table of Contents

    Welcome ............................................................................................................... 3

    Why Is Working With Your Energy So Transformative? ....................................... 4Your Chakra System ............................................................................................. 5How Your Chakras Reflect Your Life .................................................................... 6Your First Chakra: How You Feel About Being Alive in a Physical Body ............. 7Your Second Chakra: Your Quality and Quantity of Creative and Sexual Energy7Your Third Chakra: Whats Your Place in the Universe? And Whats YourIntentionality for Your Health? ............................................................................... 8Your Fourth Chakra: The Balance of Love and Will ............................................. 9Your Fifth Chakra: Speaking Your Truth and Receiving From Others and YourProfessional Standing ........................................................................................... 9

    Your Sixth Chakra: Your Intuition/Psychic Ability and the Ability to Trust WhatYou Sense .......................................................................................................... 10Your Seventh Chakra: Your Unique Spiritual Connection .................................. 10How to Tell the Health of Your Chakras ............................................................. 11What to Do to Keep Your Chakras Clear, Charged and Balanced ...................... 13Your Hara Line: ................................................................................................... 13Your Unique Essence ......................................................................................... 16How to Work with Your Energy Field for Improved Health, Wealth andRelationships ...................................................................................................... 18

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    Thank you so much for requesting this special report on rejuvenating your

    chakras. I feel excited to share with you these tools and this knowledge as Iwant you to live a life where you are fully yourselfexpressing your highestpotentialphysically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually. If you have a big visionfor your life and want to go from high functioning to optimal thriving, working withyour chakras is a great, foundational shortcut into living your fullest potential andaffecting a great number of people around you, in your work, your relationships,your inner sense of yourself, your leadership, your mission.

    I believe learning to transmit energetically is at the cutting edge of leadership forthe 21stcentury. And you can learn to work with your energy so easilythetechniques are simple, and the results are profound.

    In this report, youll learn:

    What your chakras are;

    How each chakra reflects where you are in your life, how your life is going;

    How to tell whether your chakras are healthy, undercharged or clogged;

    What to do to keep your chakras clear, charged and balanced;

    Your hara line, the key to living your life in alignment with your intention;

    Your unique Essencethe Light that is yours and no one elses;

    How to work with your chakras, hara and Essence to improve your health,wealth and relationships.

    Warmly,Melanie Roche

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    Why Is Working With YourEnergy So Transformative?

    Every experience youve ever beenthrough is held as cellular memory.For all human beings, when wevehad positive experiences, ourenergy flows freely, and that meanswere healthy, successful, happy inour relationships, feel connectedspiritually. When weve hadnegative experiences, part of us is

    frozen at the age and place of thatexperience, whether or not weremember what actually happened.But this freezing results in energythat doesnt flow as easily, and overtime that leads to mistaken ideasabout life (for example that life needs to be hard, that work needs to feel likedrudgery or money is an issue, or by being successful someone else will bethreatened or envious of our success)

    Over time, these frozen areas can lead to health problems, frustrating, hard-to-

    change patterns in relationships, mistaken ideas about work, just to name a fewexamples. By working with energy, you can clear out mistaken ideas about lifethat no longer serve you and claim the life you want to live. I believe workingwith energy is faster than only talking about issues in therapy. Therapy is useful,but often we dont know why we keep repeating patterns and we dont know whatto do to change our behavior. Working with energy gets to the root of the issuequickly and easily and then gives tools to check, moment by moment, how weredoing and change behavior to be more in alignment with who we are now ashigh-functioning adults, rather than mired in the morass of the past.

    So, lets get started. In this special report, well look at 3 aspects of the energy


    The chakra system,

    Your hara and

    Your Essence.

    Together these comprise your whole energy field and you can affect all aspectssimply for improved health, wealth and relationships.

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    Your Chakra System

    The word chakra means wheel in Sanskrit and the concept of the chakrasoriginated in the medical system of ancient India, known as Ayurveda. In

    Ayurveda, as in many modalities, such as Traditional Chinese Medicine,including acupuncture, health is conceived of as free-flowing energy and dis-ease is thought of as blocks in the flow of the energy. The belief is that the entireuniverse is comprised of energy and that energy comes first, and that out ofenergy, we create an energy template or blueprint, based on our experiences,and then grow our bodies in accordance with that blueprint, with all of our issues,whether physical, emotional, mental and/or spiritual.

    Think about this for a moment: We think of our bodies as usas solid shapesthat are us for our whole lives, even as we grow from children into adults. Yet,consider the opposite for a moment: if energy comes first, and out of that, wegrow our bodies, then by affecting our energy template or our energeticblueprint,we can affect our bodies and our health, in every area of life.

    If all of this sounds mysterious or New Age-y, consider that these metaphoricalwheels or chakras are said to exist in the same locations as where, in Western,allopathic medicine, we believe there are glands where hormones are secreted.In other words, you might think of the chakra system as what in the West we callthe endocrine system.

    Yet the chakra system offers one otheradditional, key piece of information which makesit compelling for people in the West today. Thechakra system is a map, a ladder of our psych-spiritual development. That is, the healthchallenges we face in our bodies also representdevelopmental challenges, whether physical,emotional, mental and/or spiritual, and since weare always evolving, we can use the work withour chakras as gateways to explore where we

    are in our ongoing growth.

    There is another fascinating detail about thechakras: In Ayurveda as in Kundalini yoga, it is said that two snakes live coiledat the base of our spines. As we wake up energetically and spiritually, thesetwo snakes are said to wake up and dance. Picture a snake charmer and theundulating movements of a cobra. This is the movement of the two snakes asthey awaken in the base of our spines. The two snakes are said to cross each

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    other seven times. Every place they cross is said to be a chakra. There aresome who say that the symbol of medicine in the West, the caduceus (the twosnakes which cross several times and lead to wings at the top, the symbol ofdoctors everywhere in the West), is a cross-cultural representation of the chakrasystem. So each plexus where the snakes cross equals a place we recognize in

    Western medicine as a gland. Where in the West we might say a person haspre-diabetes or is diabetic, for example, in India, they will say a person has athird chakra issue. From an energy healers perspective the problem in thechakra will show up before the issue appears in the physical body. So workingwith your energy field can often correct problems before you notice them asphysical symptoms or dis-ease. From that point of view, working with thechakras is highly effective preventative medicine.

    How Your Chakras Reflect Your Life

    Now lets examine your chakras.Many people across the centurieshave written about the chakras anddepicted them in visual art, mostly inIndia and Tibet. In the West theyare being written about more andmore as yoga gains mainstreamacceptance and as westernmedicine begins to consider and

    research complementary andalternative modalities.

    While some people in the last twentyyears are beginning to describesome additional chakras, everyoneagrees there are at base, sevenchakras. Different teachersdescribe them slightly differently: forexample, Barbara Brennan, RosalynBruyere, Deepak Chopra, Donna

    Eden, Caroline Myss and Christiane Northrup all write about the chakras, amongmany others. My training was with Barbara Brennan for eight years at theBarbara Brennan School of Healing (where I additionally served on the Facultyfor four years, in Miami and Tokyomore on that below), and also in my practiceof yoga for 20 years. I credit Barbara Brennan for this fundamental conception ofthe chakras.

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    Your First Chakra: How You Feel AboutBeing Alive in a Physical Body

    Picture a cone, the narrow tip of which sticks up into your body between yourlegs, at your perineum, and the wide, circular side of which extends downbetween your legs towards the earth. This is your first chakra. It has to do withhow you relate to being alive in a physical body. Do you feel connectedphysically? Do you love to dance and/or move or work out? Good! Thisindicates you are comfortable with being alive in a physical body. If this soundsobvious, think for a moment--do you have issues with not liking certain parts ofyour body? Do you never seem to have time to stop working and exercise?Your relationship to being alive in a physical body could use some work.

    The chakras turn, and depending on how theyre turning, youre either taking inenergy from the world around you or losing energy. Remember that health isthought of as freely flowing energy, and dis-ease is thought of as blocked orstagnant energy or not enough energy. Barbara Brennan says that based on theright-hand rule of physics, you can easily determine how your chakras are turningand learn to turn them in the open, clockwise direction.

    Stand up, and take your right hand, stick your thumb up, and place it betweenyour legs, your right thumb extending up towards your perineum. The only wayyour other four fingers can possibly turn is clockwise. If you were lying on yourback, 12 oclock would be your front, 3 oclock would be towards your left leg, 6oclock wouldbe near your tailbone and 9 oclock would be towards your rightleg. Thats clockwise according to the right-hand rule of physics, and your firstchakra turning clockwise means youre taking in energy from the world aroundyou, which leads to greater health through increased flow of energy. You can tryit now.

    Your Second Chakra: Your Quality andQuantity of Creative and Sexual Energy

    Now take your right hand and put your right thumb just above your pubic bone in

    your pelvis. In the front, this chakra is all about your qualityof creative andsexual energy. Take your right hand again, and now place your right thumb inback just above your tailbone in the little triangle of vertebrae in your lumbarspine. (If this seems complicated, you can simplify it by imagining a line thatgoes from just above your pubic bone in front, straight through your body to theback. Thats where to put your right thumb in back.) The back of your secondchakra is the quantityof creative and sexual energy. Youll notice that you usethe right hand both in front and in back. As you can see, this means clockwise is

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    one way in front and the opposite way in back. This allows your body to be adynamo, taking in energy from the world around you and processing it for healthand great relationships.

    If your front aspect of the second chakra is open, meaning turning clockwise,

    youll feel comfortable with expressing both your creative and sexual areas ofyour life. If its closed, youll be blocked in your creative expression and wontfeel comfortable or connected sexually. If the back aspect is open youll havecreative and sexual energy. If not, you may feel comfortable sexually andcreatively, but not have much juice at the moment. Do you need to rest? Doyou need to recharge? Well talk about how, below.

    If you have health issues in your reproductive organs, working with the secondchakra will be important for you and will speed healing.

    Your Third Chakra: Whats Your Place inthe Universe? And Whats Your

    Intentionality for Your Health?

    Just as you used your right thumb in both front and back to locate and open yoursecond chakra, the third, fourth, fifth and sixth, all work the same way, with afront and back aspect.

    The third chakra is above your belly button, right where your ribs separate in the

    front. Its all about the question of whats your place in the universe? If thatchakra is open and healthy (meaning turning clockwise), youll feel secure andconfident about your place in the universe. Youll feel like youre in touch withyour gut feelings about your life and theyll mostly feel comfortable and good.Youll have a fundamental feeling of ease in your life. Is this you right now? Ifnot, energy healing and these practices will be useful for you.

    In back, the third chakra is all about your intentionality for your health. Do youtake good care of yourself? Do you make choices for health, such as time torest, time to exercise, healthy foods that nourish you and increase your energy?Or do you say you want to take good care of yourself, but dont really ever make

    it a priority? Your third chakra could use some support.

    If you have third chakra issues, these will show up as pre-diabetes or diabetes orstomach and digestive problems.

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    Your Fourth Chakra: The Balance ofLove and Will

    Your fourth chakra is located right between your breasts in front and betweenyour shoulder blades in back. In front, its all about Love. Love for all sentientbeings. Unconditional love. To open the heart chakra, simply bring into yourconsciousness someone you love, for example a person you love or an animal--when youre around them, you just feel love. The heart chakra likes to be open.

    The will center is in back, straight back from the heart chakra in the front, throughthe center of your body to the spot right between your shoulder blades. This isthe place of your willpower, and for most of us, especially when we first come toenergy healing, either the heart chakra is open or the will is open, but usually notboth. How is it for you? Can you stand up and assert your needs clearly and stillkeep your heart open? Or do you feel too aggressive or bitchy if you use yourpower? Alternatively, do you use your will bombastically and close your heartand cant seem to trust or love or fear betrayal? Ideally, you want to be bothopen-hearted and centered in your will and your power at the same time.Keeping both aspects of your fourth chakra open can lead to balance betweenboth your heart and your will.

    Problems in the fourth chakra correspond to heart problems and pain in theupper back.

    Your Fifth Chakra: Speaking Your Truthand Receiving From Others and YourProfessional Standing

    Your fifth chakra is located in your throat in front and the back of your neck inback. In front, its all about speaking your truth and also trusting that the peoplearound you want to meet your needs as you voice them. Not everyone believesthis. Do you struggle to say what you need? Can you receive from others? Doyou state your feelings about things or do you just keep quiet?

    In back, the fifth chakra is all about your sense of yourself professionally. Howare things going at work or in your business? Do you feel confident in what youoffer? Do you know that youre doing what youre alive to do? If not, learning tokeep the fifth chakra open, either on your own and/or through energy healing canhelp with both of these issues.

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    If you have neck pain, thyroid issues or often get a sore throat, be curious if anyof these fifth chakra issues resonate with you.

    Your Sixth Chakra: YourIntuition/Psychic Ability and the Abilityto Trust What You Sense

    Your sixth chakra is in your forehead, above and between your eyebrows in frontand straight back from there, to the back of your head in back. Remember to useyour right hand both in front and in back. In front, this chakra is all about yourability to see using your psychic vision. This includes clairvoyantly seeing,seeing in dreams, seeing inside the body. In back, it involves trusting that youknow what you know. If you see and trust what you see, your sense of trusting

    your perceptions will be effortless for you; youll be able to shoot from the hip,and make decisions easily and quickly. If your back aspect of the sixth chakra isclosed, youll sense what you sense but then immediately doubt yourself. Overtime, this disagreement between the front and rear aspects of the sixth chakracan result in chronic headaches, not to mention a constant, gnawing underminingof your own intuitive perceptions.

    Your Seventh Chakra: Your Unique

    Spiritual ConnectionThe seventh chakra is like the first in that theres no front and no back, theresonly one place where energy enters the body, the top or crown of the head.Take your right hand, as always, and stick your right thumb straight down into thecenter of the top of your head. This is your crown or seventh chakra. Its allabout your connection to the Divine, however you experience the Divine. Noticewhen you have your right thumb in the seventh chakra the only way the fourfingers can turn is the opposite of how they turned at the first chakra. In this way,your body is a dynamo vertically, from top to bottom, as well as front and backwith chakras two, three, four, five and six, as we talked about above.

    If your seventh chakra is open, youll sense a connection with Spirit inside you. Ifnot, you either wont believe in God and will be an atheist or you wont have anyexperience of God existing so youll be agnostic. When this chakra is open,whether or not you participate in organized religion is irrelevant: youll know,inside yourself, a palpable connection to God, however you understand God.How is it for you? Whats your experience?

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    How to Tell the Healthof Your Chakras

    The chakras may be metaphorical, but they also correspond to differentfrequencies, just like all the colors of light. Like a prism, all the colors of therainbow are metabolized through our bodies when we are operating at the peakof health. You can check the health of your chakras by checking the state of thecolor of each chakra.

    Lets go through each chakra now and you can sense for yourself how yourchakras are right in this moment.

    Bring your attention back to your first chakra now. Use your right hand again andspin the first chakra open clockwise. By that I mean let the four fingers turn theonly way they possibly can turn and remember thats clockwise when seen fromoutside the body. If this is unclear, you may wish to read the section above onemore time. Its important to get the direction right or youll be giving off energy,rather than taking it in for greater health and well-being in every area of your life.Now as you inhale, picture the color red. Breathe in read. Breathe out red. Seethe red. Smell strawberries. See red nail polish, a red fire engine. As youbreathe in red, how is it for you? Can you see the color in your minds eye? Asyou breathe out, is the color red, or is it dark, more like brown or black? Is it toolight, more like a pale pink? Is it reddish at all, or some other color altogether?

    Well talk about what each color means below.

    Bringing your attention now to your second chakra, use your right hand as youdid above to spin the chakra open front and back. Remember its the right handin back, too, so the chakra spins one way in front and the opposite way in back,but theyre both clockwise when viewed from outside of the body. As you spinthe chakra open, front and back, picture the color orange. See oranges, seepumpkins, taste orange juice. Smell an orange grove.

    For the third chakra, as with the fourth, fifth and sixth, youll spin the chakra openfront and back using the right thumb and right hand in both the front and the


    For the third chakra, the color is bright lemon yellow. See the yellow. Tastelemonade. Smell lemons.

    For the fourth chakra, the color is grass green. How is yours? Too dark? Toolight? Smell the new-mown grass. See the color of bright grass on a summerday.

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    The fifth chakras color is sky blue. Picture the blue sky on a bright, sunny day.See blue water. Blue sky. See it, smell it, taste it, hear it. Using all your senseshelps open the chakra.

    The color of the sixth chakra is indigo, the color of the sky at night. The color of anew pair of jeans. India ink. See it. Smell it. Taste it. Breathe in indigo;breathe out indigo. What do you see? Make a note of it.

    For the seventh chakra, the color is white. The color of snow, a bunnyscottontail. White, puffy clouds. See the white. Picture it all through you. See it.Taste it. You might hear it as a musical note.

    Now lets talk about what you saw. If you saw the color and it was the color ofthat chakrameaning bright red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, white--thats great, your chakras are open, taking in energy from the universe around

    you. For most of us, especially the first time we do this exercise, some colors areeasy to see and some not so easy. If you breathe in a color and you breathe outand it comes out like a muddy or dark version of the color, that correspondingchakra is blocked and needs clearing. They can be cleared by working with ahealer, by practicing this exercise or by some other modalities as well. If youbreathe in a color and you breathe out and what you see in your minds eye is alighter version of the color, that chakra is undercharged and needs some juicingup. You can improve the state of the chakra in many ways: by working with ahealer, by doing specific exercises to open that chakra (for example, Africandance involves lots of stomping and is great for opening the first chakra).Practicing the exercise described above also opens the corresponding chakra. Ifyou breathe in one color and breathe out a completely different chakra color,often youre using one chakra to do the work of the other chakra. For example, ifyou try to see orange, but instead see yellow, youre using the third chakra(yellow) to do the work of the second. Be curious whether the colors you havetrouble with correspond to issues youre working with. For example, is it easier tosee the higher chakra colors (blue, indigo, white) rather than the lower chakracolors of red and orange? See if you can witness which are familiar and moredeveloped in you and which are less. As we journey towards greater wholenessand health and optimum functioning, you want all your chakras to be open andmetabolizing the full range of energy frequencies around you so you can be yourfull self.

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    What to Do to Keep Your Chakras

    Clear, Charged and Balanced

    There are several ways to keep your chakras clear, charged and balanced andthis will bring you increased health, success and abundance and wonderfulrelationships. One way is to practice the exercises described above and to lookat and let your eyes drink in the colors you need. You may wish to have a set ofconstruction paper in these colors so you can lay out all the pieces of paper andsee them as you practice. Another way is to wear clothes in the colors you need.You can eat foods in the colors you need as food is also energy frequencies justas is light. You can also listen to musical notes that correspond to the right pitch

    for each chakra. You can work with art supplies such as paint or crayons orfabrics in all the colors of the rainbow. You can also work with an energy healer,which will keep all the dimensions of your energy field, including your chakras,hara line and essence healthy and clear. As you do these things, your life willtransformand surprisingly quickly! Its not unusual for a client to come to mefor an initial session because they feel stuck in running their business. As we dothe healing they receive several phone calls and e-mails about new clients orspeaking opportunities. This is very common. Its because their energy is nowclear for the first time in a long time and they are undefended, open toopportunities.

    So far weve discussed the chakra system, which is also known as the aura inesoteric literature. From the perspective of your whole being, the chakras andthe aura is like your personalityits concerned with everyday issues. There aretwo other aspects of your whole self and these are like other dimensions, withother concerns. These are your Hara and your Essence.

    Your Hara Line:Key to Living Your Life in Alignment with Your Intention

    Your hara is the dimension of intentionality in your life. All that you long for, allthat you manifest or have trouble manifesting, your embodiment of your ownunique spiritual connection, these are all the domain of your hara.

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    The concept of the hara comes from Japanese and Chinese martial arts andTraditional Chinese Medicine. In these cultures, there is thought to be a pipeline,a tube, that runs from about three and a half feet above your head through thecenter of your body down into the center of the earth, both between your legsand through each leg. There are different points on the hara and people do all

    kinds of things to disconnect our pipelines from these points. The effect of thisis that you may have trouble creating your life or business the way you want it tobe.

    Lets look at each point on the hara line and what its about. Each point is calleda tan tien in China and Japan. Barbara Brennan distinguishes these by namingthem with English names for all but the first one. The first tan tien is a ball oflight, about 3 fingers below your belly button, deep in the center of your pelvis. Itis said to be the one note that holds you in physical reality. In Qi Gong and otherenergy practices in China, a great deal of focus is placed on charging up the tantien. See if you can find yours now. Place your fingertips of each hand the four

    fingers touching the thumb and place these cupped hands with fingertips pointingin, about three fingers width below your belly button. Sink in. See if you can feelthe ball of light. Make it bright. Claim your juiciness and your life force. This willmake you healthy and you may get hot practicing this exercise.

    Now sense the pipeline that is your hara, sinking simultaneously down betweenyour legs and down through the center of each leg, all the way down into thecenter of the earthWhat I love about doing this exercise is you can really feelwhat the earth is like in different places. I live on an island, and I feel the qualityof the earth underneath me there is easy to penetrate and soft. When I practicethis exercise in Los Angeles, the earth underneath me feels like rockthe haraline has to work to penetrate it. In any case, see if you canallow your hara lineto sink down through the floor, down through any basement, down through thefoundation of the building youre in. Keep going, go down through the water,down through the molten lava. Keep going. Go all the way down, down throughthe lava to the lead crystalline core at the center of the earth. When you getthere, drop your anchor, let your hara line sink into the core of the earth. Nowsense the energy of the earth coming up through your hara line, up through thecenter line and also through each leg and reconnecting at your tan tien.

    Now from your tan tien, bring your awareness to your hara as it extends up.Keep the fingertips of your left hand touching your tan tien, and now begin totrace the fingertips of your right hand up your body. Each place you let your rightfingertips rest on your clothes, see if you can feel the pipeline connecting fromthat point, all the way down into the center of the earth again.

    Keep going until the fingertips of your right hand are all the way up to a place atyour upper chest. This is known as your soul seat and its said to be the placewhere all that you long for in this lifetime lives. The place is above your breastsand below your throat. Its also called your high heart. You can find this place

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    easily if you call into your consciousness something you long to create in yourlife. Notice how your hand naturally goes to your high heart. Think about how,when you talk with people, as they describe something they really want to be truein their life, thats where their hand naturally goes.

    If youre having trouble creating the life you long for, it may be because youarent connecting your hara line up through your soul seat. See if you can feelthat connection now. It also may be because your soul seat is shrouded, or partof it is torn or missing. We do this for various reasons, such as if we had greatplans for our lives and werent allowed to carry them out as we grew up. Forexample, did you want to be an artist and your family went to great lengths tostop you? This would show up in your energy field as an issue with your soulseat and an energy healer could fix that for you so you can start to create the lifeyouve always dreamt of.

    Theres one more crucial point or tan tien on the hara line and Barbara Brennan

    terms this the individuation point or I.D. point. This is the point at which Spiritconnects directly with you, in your body. Each person has their own uniquespiritual connectionour bodies are literally the connection between heaven andearth. You can sense yours by keeping the fingertips of your left hand rootedinto your tan tien in your pelvis and now moving the fingertips of your right handup through your neck, through the center of your head and up above your headabout three and half feet above your head. There is a funnel there, the base ofwhich is closer to your head and the tip of which extends up towards the sky.Extend your fingertips now so your right hand is a flat surface, all the fingers andthe thumb together. Feel around in the air above your head until you feel yourright middle finger perceive the indentation of the base of the funnel. Playaround with the tilt of your handdoes your hand tilt right or left rather than beingcentered straight above the crown chakra? Be curious. That might likely indicatehow you turn or sway your hara line away from this spiritual connection. Whichway does yours goright? left? or center? You can increase your sense ofspiritual connection by feeling it strongly centered. When you get it there, see ifyou can perceive, through feeling, seeing, hearing your hara line, your pipelinegoing all the way down from I.D. point down into the center of the earth.

    Now say out loud something you intend for in your life. Say it in the presenttense. For example, I easily fill my new group program withx number of people.I earn ydollars while serving people for their own unique growth anddevelopment. Notice what happens when you state your intention to theuniverse. Does your hara line feel strong and steady? Or does it waver? In thisway you can use your hara practice to both check how your hara is doing andstrengthen it to create the life you long for. A healer can also, once your chakrasare often mostly clear, charged and balanced, give you a hara healing to helpstrengthen your hara line and make it larger in diameter. This will result in fargreater ease in manifesting what you long for in life.

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    Amochenko Healing Arts, Inc., Inc. 2011. All rights reserved. www.MelanieRoche.com

    Your Unique Essence

    There is one more dimension in your energy field and that is your Essence, yourown unique Light. Everyone has one, and each persons is unique. Likesnowflakes, no two are exactly alike. Your Essence is like a bright star that livesinside of you and fills up your entire body and beyond. Its as if youre a giantlighthouse, constantly beaming, giving your gift to the world.

    The dimension of Essence differs from the aura, with its concerns about thepersonality, and from hara, with its focus on Intention. Essence is youthroughout time and space, beyond the concerns of this body or this lifetime. Itslike your souls unique light.

    To find it, put your fingertips of each hand together with that hands thumb againso that each hand is again cupped, as it was in the hara exercise above. Placeyour fingertips about 3 fingers width above your navel now. See if you canfeel/see/hear/know a ball of light there. Its near the separation of your ribcage.See if you can feel yours now. Now, keeping your fingertips where they are, letyour light get brighter and fill up every cell in your body. Every cell has this light,your light at its core. Notice any places of stiffness, tension or pain in your body.See if you can fill those areas up with your light.

    Now let the light get brighter, so that it extends beyond your body. You may wishto extend your arms to the sides and slightly in front of you, and open your palms

    to help you feel your Light beaming all around you and through your body at thesame time. Now let your light extend as big as the room in which yourestanding. Let it get as big as the building youre in. If thats comfortable, gofurther--extend it as big as your yard, or the plot of land on which your buildingsits. Now keep goingget as big as your street, your neighborhood, your wholecity. Check in with yourself. Do you still feel like a lighthouse or a tree at thecenter of it all? If youre seeing yourself as a tree, its like your rings extend allthe way around you. Make sure your light is extending 360 degrees all aroundyouincluding above you and below you. Good.

    Now get a little bigger. Can you get as big as your state or province? Get as big

    as your country. Check in on loved ones around the country. From thisperspective, its easy! Keep going as far as you can still feel your body and yourlight at the center of it all. Get as big as the earth. Bigger. As big as thislifetime. Keep feeling your feet on the floor as you do this; you need to staygrounded to keep feeling it. Keep going if thats comfortable for you. Get biggerthan this lifetime. Bigger than any lifetime. Extend out into space. BarbaraBrennan describes a blue door at the horizon. Go through that door and findyour light extending all the way out, to infinity.

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    Amochenko Healing Arts, Inc., Inc. 2011. All rights reserved. www.MelanieRoche.com

    Notice how, doing this, letting your light shine, doesnt deplete you. Its likeyoure an endless source of energy. Youre the conduit. Your light just beamsthrough you without ever burning out. You remain centered, shining yourEssence just because thats what light does.

    As you get good at this, you find it easier to naturally give your gift to the world.You dont effort nearly as much. You trust youre on your path and that yourunique contribution is a necessary part of the whole.

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    Amochenko Healing Arts, Inc., Inc. 2011. All rights reserved. www.MelanieRoche.com

    How to Work with Your Energy Fieldfor Improved Health, Wealth and


    As you can see, these practices are simple but they have profound effects. Ibelieve that you can create the life you dream of, you can reach the people andaffect the lives of those youre meant to work with. A daily practice of thesetechniques will quickly begin to transform your lifein your business, yourphysical health and emotional well-being and your relationships.

    A bit about me. I am an energy healer in private

    practice. I work with clients and lead workshopsworldwide. I studied energy healing over thecourse of eight years at the prestigious BarbaraBrennan School of Healing, the only schoolwhere one can earn a B.S. in energy healing. Icompleted the four years of training in healingand four additional years integrating hands-onhealing techniques with psychotherapeuticmethods. I went through a highly competitivehiring process and taught at the BarbaraBrennan School for four years, in Miami and

    Tokyo. I also served as healer-in-residence atCanyon Ranch Miami Beach. I left in June 2010to develop my own work and I now leadworkshops in energy healing and working withenergy through movement, voicework andembodied writing.

    Before I studied at the Barbara Brennan School, I was a medical writer for manyyears and ran a program for high school students who plan to become physiciansat New York University School of Medicine. I hold a B.A. in ComparativeReligion from Columbia University and a M.A. in Experimental Theatre from New

    York University.

    I welcome opportunities to lead workshops and I love working with clients byphone and by Skype, as well as in person. I offer an in-depth way to work withspecific areas of your life, such as creating great relationships and an abundantbusiness as well as reclaiming your creative expression.

    For more information, please see my website,http://www.MelanieRoche.com.
