8.2 Relative Rates of Growth Finney Demana Waits Kennedy Text.

Post on 13-Dec-2015

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Transcript of 8.2 Relative Rates of Growth Finney Demana Waits Kennedy Text.

8.2 Relative Rates of Growth

Finney Demana Waits Kennedy Text


•Comparing Rates of Growth•Using L’Hopital’s Rule to Compare Growth Rates

Why? Understanding growth rates as x->∞is an important feature in understanding the behavior of functions.

Essential Question:Can I determine which function growth faster or slower?

Conclusion: The functions grow at the same rate. The degree of the functions were the same. The constant had no affect on the comparison.

Conclusion: The exponential dominated the power function in the denominator. The numerator was growing faster than the denominator.

Conclusion: Exponentials grow faster than power functions. The two exponentials grow at the same rate even with different bases.

Conclusion: Power Functions grow faster than logarithmic functions.

Conclusion: The two functions grow at the same rate. Both had a dominate power function of the same degree.

Conclusion: The two functions grow at the same rate even though the bases were different. The predominate function in both were logarithms.

Conclusion: The two functions grow at the same rate. The degree of each function was the same as h(x) = x.