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University of Mary

Emergency Operations Plan


Team Training Manual


University of Mary acknowledges United Tribes Technical College, Fargo Public School District, West Fargo Public School District, and the ND LEAD Center for their efforts in creating the model emergency operation plans from which this document was created. University of Mary thanks United Tribes Technical College, Fargo Public School District, and the ND LEAD Center for permission to adapt and use the United Tribes and the Fargo Public Schools Emergency Response Plan and acknowledges it shall hold said organizations harmless from any claim what-so-ever arising from the policies or procedures duplicated or adapted or the sufficiency or completeness of same.

Date Published: July 1, 2018

Date Revised: November 6, 2020

7500 South University Dr.

Bismarck, ND 58504

(701) 355-8000

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Contents Signatory Page: ...................................................................................................................... 6

Statement of Policy: ............................................................................................................... 7

Terms and Definitions: .......................................................................................................... 7

Incident Command Organizational Structure ..................................................................... 10

University of Mary Emergency Task Force Guidelines: .................................................... 11

Command Post and Staging Area Locations: .................................................................... 13

Emergency Management Task Force Responsibilities: .................................................... 14

Additional Responsibilities: ................................................................................................ 15

News Media Relations ......................................................................................................... 16

Bismarck Campus Map ........................................................................................................ 17

Emergency Management Task Force and Alternates: ....................................................... 18

Emergency and Non-Emergency Contacts: ....................................................................... 19

Crisis Management Team Members: .................................................................................. 20

Safety & Security Team .............................................................................................. 20

Physical Plant ............................................................................................................. 21

Student Health Team .................................................................................................. 22

Transportation Team .................................................................................................. 23

Public Affairs .............................................................................................................. 24

Information Technology ............................................................................................. 25

Dining Services ........................................................................................................... 25

Behavioral Intervention Team ............................................................................................. 26

University of Mary Building Representatives ..................................................................... 27

University of Mary Residence Halls .................................................................................... 29

Three Critical Responses Summary ................................................................................... 31

Evacuation .................................................................................................................. 32

Shelter-In-Place ........................................................................................................... 35

Lockdown .................................................................................................................... 37

INCIDENT RESPONSES ....................................................................................................... 38

Abduction, Missing Student ....................................................................................... 38

Alcohol Poisoning ...................................................................................................... 40

Armed Intruder ............................................................................................................ 41

Assault (Sexual, Physical, Hate Crimes) ................................................................... 44

Bioterrorism ................................................................................................................ 45

Bomb Threat / Suspicious Package .......................................................................... 49

Cyber Attack ............................................................................................................... 53

Death ........................................................................................................................... 55

Epidemic / Pandemic .................................................................................................. 57

Explosion .................................................................................................................... 59

Fire ............................................................................................................................... 62

Food Poisoning / Food Contamination ..................................................................... 65

Group Travel Accident ............................................................................................... 67

Hazardous Materials/Chemical Spill .......................................................................... 68



Hostage ....................................................................................................................... 71

Mass Casualties .......................................................................................................... 73

Medical Emergency .................................................................................................... 76

Mental Health Incident ................................................................................................ 77

Neighborhood Threat ................................................................................................. 78

Power Outage / Utility Failure .................................................................................... 80

Stalking/Abusive Relationship ................................................................................... 81

Structural Collapse ..................................................................................................... 82

Suicide ......................................................................................................................... 85

Suspicious Person / Criminal Activity ....................................................................... 86

Theft / Robbery / Burglary .......................................................................................... 88

Weather Event (Blizzard, Tornado, Wind Storm, Flood) ........................................... 90

EMERGENCY LISTS, FORMS, AND KITS ........................................................................... 91

Incident Report ........................................................................................................... 91

Incident Documentation Log ...................................................................................... 92

Accident Report Form ................................................................................................ 93

Bomb Threat Card ...................................................................................................... 94

How to Handle Threats ........................................................................................................ 96

Emergency Kit ...................................................................................................................... 97

Crisis Management Emergency Kit .................................................................................... 98

Priorities to Improve Campus Safety and Security Task Force ........................................ 99

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Emergency Management Task Force

Signatory Page:

This Emergency Response Plan has been completed and approved through a collaboration of efforts of the following task force members:

Jerome Richter

Executive Vice President and Chief of Staff

Dr. Timothy B. Seaworth

Vice President for Student Development

Carla M. Reinbold

Coordinator of Campus Safety and Security

Christi Schaefbauer

Vice President for Financial Affairs



Statement of Policy:

The emergency response plan is a guide for providing a response system, for the University of Mary and its faculty, staff, students and visitors, to major disasters occurring on or impacting University controlled property and facilities. The purpose of the Plan is to clarify the actions, roles and responsibilities that are to be carried out by all designated personnel in the event of a crisis or emergency situation that has a major impact on the university.

Terms and Definitions:

8000.umary.edu: Update notification website for University of Mary personnel and general population.

Armed Intruder: An individual actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a confined space or other populated area, most often using firearms and following no pattern or method in the selection of victims.

Bomb Threat Card: Information card to collect threat data.

Emergency Kit: A storage device such as a plastic bucket or bag containing critical information and supplies for Building Representatives to take with them during an evacuation or drill.

Building Representatives: Individuals identified to lead the efforts for a building during response to an emergency incident. They are responsible for the management of the students, faculty, staff and visitors during the course of an emergency incident.

Command Post: Identified headquarters for the task force to gather during a campus safety and / or security incident.

Crisis Management Team: Designated team comprised of personnel not directly responsible for supervising University of Mary personnel and who may be called upon to help during an emergency incident.

Emergency Kit: A storage device containing critical information, supplies, and tools. The designated Building Representatives takes the kit during an evacuation or drill.

Emergency Management Task Force: Team identified to develop the Emergency Response Plan, identify and train personnel to carryout assigned emergency plan responsibilities, maintain relationships and agreements with outside agency to assist with university incidents.

Emergency Responders: Fire, PD, EMS, Local Public Health, City or County Emergency Management, or other specialized responders.

Emergency Response Plan: An ongoing plan for responding to a wide variety of potential threats and hazards. The plan describes how people and property will be protected; details who is responsible for carrying out specific actions; identified the personnel, equipment, facilities, supplies and other resources available; and outlines how all actions will be coordinated.

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Emergency Notification System (ENS): Messaging system to immediately send out an alert to University of Mary personnel that have opted into this service.

Epidemic: A widespread occurrence of an infectious disease in a community at a particular time.

Evacuation: Urgent immediate egress or escape of people away from an area that contains an imminent threat, an on-going threat or hazard to lives or property.

Evacuation / Reunifications Site: Off-campus site where personnel are transported to be reunited.

Exercise: An instrument to train for, assess, practice, and improve performance in prevention, protection, mitigation, response and recovery capabilities in a risk-free environment. Exercises can be used for testing and validating policies, plans, procedures, training, equipment and interagency agreements; clarifying and training personnel in roles and responsibility; improving interagency coordination and communications; improving individual performance; identifying gaps in resources; and identifying opportunities for improvement.

Food Poisoning: The illness resulting from eating food or drinking water containing poisonous substances including bacteria, viruses, pesticides, or toxins. Symptoms generally begin within 2-6 hours and include abdominal cramping, diarrhea, fever, headache, nausea, vomiting and weakness.

Food Contamination: Foods that are spoiled or tainted because they either contain microorganisms, such as bacteria or parasites, or toxic substances that make them unfit for consumption.

Hate Crime: Involves threats, harassment, or physical harm and is motivated by prejudice against someone’s race, color, religion, national origin, ethnicity, sexual orientation or physical or mental disability.

Hazard: Something that is potentially dangerous or harmful, often the root cause of an unwanted outcome.

Incident: An occurrence, caused by either human action or natural phenomena, which may cause harm and may require action. Incidents can include major disasters, emergencies, terrorist attacks, terrorist threats, wild and urban fires, floods, hazardous materials spills, tornadoes, public health and medical emergencies, and other occurrences requiring an emergency response.

Lockdown: An emergency measure or condition in which people are temporarily prevented from entering or leaving a restricted area or building during a threat of danger.

Media Relations: Processes, procedures, and systems for communicating timely, accurate and accessible information on an incident’s cause, size and current situation; resources committed;



and other matters of general interest to the public, responders, and additional stakeholders (both directly affected and indirectly affected.)

Pandemic: Is an epidemic on a larger scale over a longer time frame and covers a wide geographic area often crossing international boundaries and usually affecting a large number of people.

Resources: Personnel and major items of equipment, supplies and facilities available or potentially available for assignment to incident operations and for which status is maintained.

Personnel: Referrals to University of Mary personnel, it is defined to include all students, faculty, staff and visitors on campus.

Response: The capabilities necessary to save lives, protect property and the environment and meet basic human needs after an incident has occurred.

Reunification Site: A site designated for everyone to gather, meet or check-in following an emergency situation.

Risk: The potential for an unwanted outcome resulting from an incident, event or occurrence, as determined by its likelihood and the associated consequences.

Shelter-in-Place: To seek safety within the building one already occupies.

Staging Area: Indoor or outdoor area identified to gather and use as a checkpoint or area to receive additional instructions during an emergency situation.

Tabletop Exercise: An exercise that is typically held in an informal setting intended to generate discussion of various issues regarding a hypothetical, simulated emergency. Tabletop exercises can be used to enhance general awareness, validate plans and procedures, rehearse concepts and / or assess the types of systems needed to guide the prevention of, protection from, mitigation of, response to and recovery from a defined incident.

Task Force: Individuals named and responsible for the development, implementation and ongoing review of the emergency response plan for the University of Mary.

Threat: A natural or human-caused occurrence, individual, entity, or action that has or indicates the potential to harm life, information, operations, the environment and/or property.

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Incident Command Organizational Structure

Emergency Task


Assistant to the


Executive Vice


Coordinator of

Campus Safety &


Vice President for

Financial Affairs

Vice President for






Crisis Mgmt.

Support Team

Student Health


Physical Plant




Public Affairs






Campus Safety &

Security Team

Director of Human

Resources Director of Athletics

Director of

University Ministry

Vice President for

Public Affairs

Vice President for

Academic Affairs







University of Mary Emergency Task Force Guidelines: Executive Vice President is the chief emergency management officer and appoints members to the Emergency Task Force.

The Crisis Management Team will assist Campus Safety and Security Coordinator with implementation of the Emergency Operations Plan and respond to incidents as outlined in this handbook.

The Incident Command Structure is identified in the organizational chart on the previous page. Offsite locations are listed below:

Offsite Campus Locations Crisis Management Team:

• Rome – Director of Rome Campus

• Fargo – Site Coordinator

• Arizona – Program Coordinator

• Billings – Site Coordinator

• Fort Riley – Site Coordinator

• Grand Forks AFB – Site Coordinator

• PT Physical Therapy, Bismarck – Site Coordinator

• Butler Center, Bismarck – Site Coordinator

Note: All personnel NOT currently supervising students are to report to staging area for duties.

Ideally, team members should:

• Have the desire and commitment to be on the team;

• Possess the skills and knowledge to address emergency situations and are eager to learn;

• Usually be on site during normal working hours;

• Have the emotional, physical, and problem-solving abilities to focus during a crisis;

• Follow instructions and work well as a team.

Basic Duties and Responsibilities of the Emergency Task Force:

Search and clear common areas and assist others during:

• Lockdown

• Shelter in Place

• Evacuation

• Reunification

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• Train appropriate campus staff on emergency procedures, including the emergency shut-offs for electrical, natural gas, fire alarms, etc.

• The Coordinator of Campus Safety & Security shall review the training manual with the team members and alternates on an annual basis.


A minimum of ten (10) emergency management task force committee meetings will be held annually to assess campus safety and security procedures, review safety policies and review the emergency management plan.


• The Emergency Management Task Force shall conduct one (1) fire drill per semester for all resident halls one (1) tornado drill per school year.

• The Emergency Management Task Force shall conduct one (1) campus-wide emergency drill per year.

• The Emergency Management Task Force shall conduct one (1) tabletop exercise for the Emergency Management Task Force Committee.

• The drills should be varied to cover many types of emergencies.

• An observer should be assigned to help Emergency Management Task Force evaluate the drills.

• Mandatory debriefing will be held after all drills for evaluation purposes

Emergency Drill at the University Level:

• Randomly select four (4) buildings per year with different scenarios, led by Coordinator of Campus Safety & Security.

• Emergency Responders and outside evaluators will participate.

Other Annual Tasks:

1. Prepare and maintain Crisis Management Emergency Kit.

2. Prepare other Emergency Kits.

3. Evaluate and revise the plan annually and after each actual emergency.

4. The Business Office Executive Assistant shall review and update the employee directory each semester.



Command Post and Staging Area Locations: A command post is used as the headquarters for the task force to gather during a campus

safety or security incident.

A staging area is used as for emergency responders to gather and use as a checkpoint or an

area to receive additional instructions during an emergency.


Primary Business Office

Alternate LVUC Hospitality Center


Primary Business School Lobby

Alternate LVUC Atrium


Primary Fieldhouse Area

Alternate Monastery Parking Lot


Primary United Tribes Technical College

Alternate Bismarck State College

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Emergency Management Task Force Responsibilities: NAME TASK

• Executive Vice President

• VP for Student Development

• VP for Financial Affairs

• Campus Safety & Security Coordinator

Incident occurring:

• Verify information regarding the incident, if safe to do so.

• Executive Vice President

• VP for Student Development

• VP for Financial Affairs

• Campus Safety & Security Coordinator


• Command Post: o Communication with Emergency Responders o Communication with staff and building

• Crisis Management Team Staging Area

• Executive Vice President

• VP for Student Development

• VP for Financial Affairs

• Campus Safety & Security Coordinator


• Emergency Management Task Force

• Crisis Management Team

• Appropriate Action: o Lockdown o Shelter in place o Evacuation

• VP for Student Development

Ensure Emergency Management Task Force is contacted:

• Assessment of needs

• Update on incident

• VP for Financial Affairs

Enact and oversee Emergency Management Task Force activities:

• Provide necessary resources to Crisis Management Team to accomplish their responsibilities.

• Overall safety of personnel is the highest priority.

• Campus Safety & Security Coordinator

If safe and possible:

• Establish Unified Command with Emergency Responders.

• Work with Emergency Responders to follow and/or recommend appropriate actions for students:

o Lockdown o Shelter in place o Evacuation

▪ Needs ▪ Route

• Executive Vice President

• VP for Student Development

• VP for Financial Affairs

• Campus Safety & Security Coordinator

Incident brought under control:

• Welfare of staff and students is the highest priority.

• Enact Phase II & III of the Emergency Response Plan.



Additional Responsibilities:

Evacuation or Lockdown:

• Assist with incident:

• Communicate via the Emergency Notification System and updating of the 8000.umary.edu site.

• Request assistance from Crisis Management Team if needed.

• Be familiar with Safe Sites.

• Secure entrances / exits to ensure non-emergency vehicles / personnel do not enter.

• Ready buses for transportation, in case Evacuation is necessary.

• Provide transportation for students/staff, if requested.

• Provide a list of assets available for:

• Evacuation

• Reunification sites

• Temporary shelters (tents, port-a-johns, etc.).

• Provide proper equipment/supplies at evacuation site such as:

• Tables

• Barricades

• After the incident:

• Perform building assessment.

• Determine if building is useable

• Establish time frame for repairs or clean up

• Determine alternate campus plans

Shelter in Place:

• Request assistance from Safety & Security Department, if needed.

• Provide a list of assets available for Sheltering in Place:

• Food and supplies (get donations, if needed)

• Duration of supplies

• Logistics to get supplies to school

• Work with Emergency Responders to provide supplies

• Secure entrances / exits to ensure non-emergency vehicles / personnel do not enter.

• After the incident:

• Perform building assessment

• Determine if building is useable

• Establish time frame for repairs or clean up

• Determine alternate Campus plans

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News Media Relations During an emergency, the primary role of the Office of Public Affairs is to provide students, parents and the public with prompt, accurate and relevant information. The news media will be provided access to public information, while also considering the responsibilities of the university.


The director of Media Relations, through consult with the vice president of the Office of Public Affairs, will determine a spokesperson(s) for interview(s) or written statement during a campus emergency. No information will be given to media that has not been cleared first through Public Affairs and then the Emergency Management Task Force in order to preserve the accuracy of the information and not jeopardize potential future investigations.

Students, parents, faculty, staff and other residents are always encouraged to turn to the university’s campus safety and security website (8000.umary.edu), social media and local news media for information.

Media Guidelines:

1. University of Mary employees and students are instructed to NOT grant news media interviews unless approved by the director of Media Relations and vice president for the Office of Public Affairs.

2. When requests for student interviews are granted, interviews will be completed with minimal loss of instruction time or interruption in the learning environment.

3. The director of Media Relations will designate a location for the media interviews that meets the requirements of the university.

4. Media access to other areas of campus, its building and grounds requires the approval of the director of Media Relations.

5. Questions concerning the position of the University of Mary on legal, moral, or ethical issues will be deferred to the vice president for Public Affairs or another member of the President’s Council.

University of Mary Responsibilities:

• As soon as possible, the executive vice president, vice president of Student Development, coordinator of Safety and Security, and the Emergency Management Task Force, will meet to establish statements to address potential media questions.

• Timely updates for media will be provided so they can inform the public about what the university has done, is doing, and will do to respond to and resolve the emergency.

• The director of Media Relations will provide media guidelines, news releases, and prepared statements, also set up for any potential news conference and make available a media briefing room, if necessary.



Bismarck Campus Map

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Emergency Management Task Force and Alternates: TITLE NAME WORK PHONE #

Emergency Management Task Force

Chief Emergency Mgmt. Officer Jerome Richter, Executive VP 701-355-8072

VP for Student Development Dr. Tim Seaworth 701-355-8150

➢ Director of Resident Life Alexius Cournoyer 701-355-8026

Campus Safety & Security Carla Reinbold, Coordinator 701-355-8351

➢ Security Officer Paul Podhradsky, Asst. Coord. 701-355-8177

➢ Night Security Officer Thomas Johnson 701-355-8000

➢ Security Staff Bismarck Mandan Security 701-223-2328

Vice President for Financial Affairs Christi Schaefbauer 701-355-3794

➢ Accounting Specialist Collin Engelhardt 701-355-8221

Crisis Management Team

Media Relations Specialist Tom Ackerman 701-355-8002

➢ VP for Public Affairs Brenda Nagel 701-355-3734

Transportation Dan Huntley 701-355-8337

Assistant to the President Austin Holgard 701-355-8297

Information Technology Chad Johnson 701-355-8172

Dining Services Ryan Zander 701-355-3775

Director of Physical Plant Luke Seidling 701-355-8237

➢ Alternate Bob Keller 701-355-8311

Student Health Clinic Kyle Darras 701-530-3670

Crisis Management Support Team

University Ministry Father Dominic Bouck 701-355-3708

➢ University Ministry Ed Konieczka 701-355-8295

Director of Human Resources Bonnie Dahl 701-355-8245

➢ HR Generalist Tonya Link 701-355-8195

Director of Intercollegiate Athletics Dale Lennon 701-355-8315

VP for Public Affairs Brenda Nagel 701-355-3734

VP for Academic Affairs Dr. Diane Fladeland 701-355-8140

Building Representatives Various refer to pages 27-29

Residence Directors Various refer to pages 30-31

To contact Emergency Management Task Force and Alternates by cell phone, please call 701-355-8000.



Emergency and Non-Emergency Contacts: EMERGENCY CONTACTS:

From Campus or Cell Phone 9-1-1

Campus Security Cell Phone 701-355-8000

Burleigh County Sheriff’s Department 701-222-6651

Bismarck Rural Fire Department 701-258-5792


Abused Adult Resource Center 701-222-8370 or 1-866-341-7009

Bismarck Police (non-emergency) 701-223-1212

Bismarck Rural Fire Department (non-emergency) 701-258-5792

Burleigh County Sheriff’s Department (non-emergency) 701-222-6651

CHI St. Alexius Emergency Room 701 530-7001

Crime Stoppers (National) 1-800-222-TIPS (8477)

CHI St. Alexius EAP Services 24/7 Mental Health Crisis Line

701-530-7195 or 1-800-327-7195

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-8255

National Weather Service 701-223-3700

ND Emergency Assistance, State Radio 800-773-3259

ND Highway Patrol 701-328-2447

Poison Control (National Poison Control) 800-222-1222

Poison Control (MN, ND, SD) 800-732-2200

Bismarck-Burleigh Public Health 701-355-1540

Rape Crisis 701-222-8370

Red Cross 701-364-1800

Sanford Emergency Room 701-323-6150

State Radio 800-773-3259

Student Health Clinic 701-355-3770

Suicide and Crisis Prevention Center 701-328-8736 or 1-800-273-TALK

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Crisis Management Team Members:

Safety & Security Team Name/Title Building/Room #: Phone #:

Primary Carla Reinbold Coordinator of Safety & Security

Benedictine Center 701-355-8351

Alternate #1: Paul Podhradsky Assistant Coordinator

Benedictine Center 701-355-8177

Alternate #2: Tom Johnson Night Security Officer

Benedictine Center 701-355-8000

Alternate #3: Bis-Man Security Bismarck-Mandan Security

Off-Campus Vendor 701-223-2328

Alternates may be other safety personnel or Security staff, or any others with knowledge of the

University and staff.

To contact Crisis Management Team Members by cell phone, please call 701-355-8000.

Responsibilities: Safety and Security Team

Phase I

• Call 9-1-1

• Contact Emergency Management Task Force and Crisis Management Team

Phase II

• Identify indoor/outdoor staging areas

• Identify bus loading areas

• Identify reunification site

• Relay priority information to Emergency Management Task Force and Assistant to the President, Austin Holgard

Phase III

• Establish reunification site (must be away from sign-in, media and holding area)

• Establish an information Site

• Establish a private meeting area

• Create a sign-In area

• Tables

• Pens

• Release forms

• Document incident and actions taken



Crisis Management Team Members:

Physical Plant Name/Title Building/Room #: Phone #:

Primary 24/7 Duty Line Benedictine Center, Room 240


Maintenance Luke Seidling Director of Physical Plant

Benedictine Center, Room 241


Alternate #1: Bob Keller Facilities Coordinator

Benedictine Center, Room 241


Alternate #2: Tyler Atkinson Project Manager

Benedictine Center, Room 241


Alternates may be Security personnel or others that know the locations of shut offs, etc., or other building custodians. Assistance may be requested from Transportation Department.

To contact Crisis Management Team Members by cell phone, please call 701-355-8000. Responsibilities: Physical Plant Team

Phase I

• Report to Coordinator of Safety and Security or Incident Commander

Phase II

• Lock entrance/exit doors, depending on the incident

• Monitor entrance doors

• Search building exterior, parking lot and staging areas

• Turn off (if needed)

o Air handling system

o Gas

o Electricity

Phase III

• Evaluate and document the incident

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Crisis Management Team Members:

Student Health Team Name/Title Building/Room #: Phone #:

CHI Clinic Kyle Darras

LVUC Lower Level 701-530-3670

Alternate: LaDonna Rode LVUC Lower Level 701-530-3670

Coordinator Student Success Center:

Katie Mehrer Asst. Director of Student Success Ctr.

Welder Library 701-355-8975

Alternate: Brenda Nottestad Director of Student Success Services/TRIO

Welder Library 701-355-8194

Chaplain: Father Dominic Bouck UMin Center 701-355-3708

Alternate: Ed Konieczka Asst. Director of Campus Ministry

Benedictine Center 701-355-8102

Alternates could be nursing supervisor, coaches, supervisors or others trained in first aid and CPR.

To contact Crisis Management Team Members by cell phone, please call 701-355-8000.

Responsibilities: Student Health Team

Phase I

• Establish triage area

• Provide immediate first aid to victims

Phase II

• Provide medical records, if needed

• Assist Medical Personnel as needed or requested

• Administer medication to those who need it

Phase III

• Assess individual and group counseling needs of students and staff

• Refer those who need help to outside agencies

• Assist and support community responders

• Assist and plan memorial vigils, if appropriate

• Provide information to Public Affairs



Crisis Management Team Members:

Transportation Team Name/Title Building/Room #: Phone #:

Transportation Coordinator:

Dan Huntley Associate Athletic Director

Fieldhouse/#113 701-355-8337

Driver: Alexius Cournoyer Director of Residence Life

Benedictine Center 701-355-8026

Driver: Maggie Helgeland Director of Mission for Life

Benedictine Center/1209 A


Alternates will be the assistant’s or a designate. Assist the Physical Plant team upon request.

To contact Crisis Management Team Members by cell phone, please call 701-355-8000.

Responsibilities: Transportation Team

Phase I

• Report to Incident Command

Phase II

• Assist in relocating students/faculty/staff as needed

Phase III

• Document the incident

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Crisis Management Team Members:

Public Affairs Name/Title Building/Room #: Phone #:

Media Relations Director:

Tom Ackerman Media Relations Specialist

Benedictine Center/Lower Level


Alternate #1: Brenda Nagel Vice President for Public Affairs

Benedictine Center/Lower Level


Alternate #2: Laura Scott Creative Team Supervisor

Benedictine Center/Lower Level


To contact Crisis Management Team Members by cell phone, please call 701-355-8000.

Responsibilities: Public Affairs

Phase I

Work with Emergency Responders to provide information to families, staff, and public such as:

• Nature of the incident

• Evacuation procedures

• Reunification site; triage

• Parents and news media areas

Phase II & III

• Safety measures implemented

• Measures taken to prevent another incident

• Measures in place to assist students, parents, staff and community with incident (crisis management, vigils, etc.)



Crisis Management Team Members:

Information Technology Name/Title Building/Room #: Phone #:

Technology Coordinator:

Chad Johnson Chief Information Officer


Alternate #1: Phil Reese Benedictine Center/Room #220


Alternate #2: Charles Smith Benedictine Center/Room #205


Alternates could be other technology staffs who have expertise in the areas listed under responsibilities of the Technology Coordinator.

To contact Crisis Management Team Members by cell phone, please call 701-355-8000.

Responsibilities: Information Technology

• Assist with technology needs such as security cameras, phone lines, etc.

• Shut down computer access to the school, if necessary.

• Assist with tracking threatening e-mail.

• Aid with the emergency notification system.

Crisis Management Team Members:

Dining Services Name/Title Building/Room #: Phone #:

Alternate #1: Ryan Zander Executive Chef

LVUC 701-355-3775

To contact Crisis Management Team Member by cell phone, please call 701-355-8000.

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Behavioral Intervention Team The Behavioral Intervention Team is available to provide student assessments after an


Name/Title Building/Room #: Phone #:

BIT Team Member Dr. Lynn Dodge Coordinator of Accessibility Services

LVUC Student Success Center


BIT Team Member Janeene Sibla Dept. Chair OT

School of Health Sciences, OT Dept.


BIT Team Member Heidi Nieuwsma Teaching Faculty

Liffrig Family School of Education, Benedictine Center


BIT Team Member Carla Reinbold Safety & Security Coordinator

Benedictine Center 701-355-8351

BIT Team Member Alexius Cournoyer Director of Resident Life

Benedictine Center 701-355-8026

BIT Team Member Lucas Oerter Athletic Dept. Representative

Fieldhouse 701-355-8386

BIT Team Member Kyle Darras Health Director

LVUC Clinic 701-355-3670

To contact Behavioral Intervention Team Members by cell phone, please call 701-355-8000.



University of Mary Building Representatives NAME: POSITION: ROOM #: PHONE #:

Annunciation Monastery

Sister Rosemary DeGracia

Sub-Prioress n/a 701-355-8903

Sister Nicole Kunze Prioress n/a 701-355-8901

Benedictine Center for Servant Leadership

Bonnie Dahl Director of Human Resources

Benedictine L210


Dr. Diane Fladeland Vice President for Academic Affairs

Benedictine 1206 701-355-8140

Dr. Alyssa Martin Asst. Vice President Academic Affairs

Benedictine 1205 701-355-8021

Carla Reinbold Campus Safety & Security Coordinator

Benedictine L209 701-355-8351

Casey Center for Nursing Education

Dr. Billie Madler Associate Professor and Chair, Graduate Nursing Education

Casey 135 701-355-8266

Dr. Glenda Reemts Professor and Chair, Nursing Division

Casey 113 701-355-8173

Dr. Mary Dockter Dean, School of Health Sciences

Casey 140 701-355-8183

Catholic Studies House

Dr. Nathan Kilpatrick Associate Professor of English and Catholic Studies

Welder 164 701-355-8062


Anne Yantes Residence Director/Chesterton’s Manager

Boyle Hall & Chesterton’s basement


Clarimont Center for Performing Arts

Dr. Dennis Gowen Music Professor 211 701-355-8068

Dr. Tom Porter Music Professor 207 701-355-8137

Danielle Abler Admin. Asst. for Music 204 701-355-8301


Dale Lennon Athletic Director FH#112 701-355-8315

Erica Sundahl Admin. Asst. for Athletics FH#111 701-355-8200

Gary Tharaldson School of Business

Dr. Karel Sovak Dean of GTSB GTSB 122 701-355-8042

Dr. Robert Dosch Chair, UG GTSB 120 701-355-8098

Caroline Kozojed Assistant Professor GTSB 117 701-355-8382

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Harold J Miller Center

Dr. Daniel Barr Associate Professor of Chemistry

HMC217 701-355-8396

Bob Keller Facilities Coordinator Benedictine Lower Level


Janeene Sibla Professor -Dept. Chair of OT HMC129 701-355-8212

Bob Willenbring Asst. Prof. Math Physics & Eng.

HMC 221 701-355-8191

Liffrig Family School of Education & Behavioral Sciences

Dr. Rod Jonas Dean, Liffrig Family School of Education & Behavioral Sciences

BONHL 206 701-355-8097

Lumen Vitae University Center

Kyle Darras Nurse Practitioner Student Clinic 701-355-3770

Ryan Zander Executive Chef Upper Level 701-355-3775

Monty Seagren Bookstore Manager Bookstore 701-355-8282

Jerilyn Stocker Director of Community Relations

Lower Level 701-355-8348

Breanna Vetter Financial Service Representative

American Bank Center


McDowell Activity Center

Adam Aho Wrestling Coach Lower Level MAC #126


Craig Bagnell Head Football Coach Lower Level MAC #120


Joe Kittel Head Men’s Basketball Coach

Lower Level MAC #124


Richard A. Tschider Center for Health Science

Mike Silbernagel Strength & Conditioning Coach

Upper Level MAC #120


University Hall

Bob Keller Maintenance Supervisor Lower Level, Benedictine


Dr. Terry Pilling Chair, School of Engineering

ENGR 203 701-355-8240

Welder Library

Dr. David Tamisea Dean, School of Arts & Sciences

180 701-355-8135

Nicole Eckroth Director of Library Services L216 701-355-8227

To contact Building Representatives by cell phone, please call 701-355-8000.



University of Mary Residence Halls



Director of Residence Life

Alex Cournoyer Director of Residence Life 1210 A 701-355-8026

Angela Carroll Executive Assistant, Student Development

1503 701-355-8265

Daniel Revier Administrative Assistant, Student Development

1503 701-355-8217

Boniface Hall – East (Benedictine Center)

Maddie Dinkel Residence Director

Boniface Hall – West (Benedictine Center)

John Dinkel Residence Director Boniface West 2nd Floor


Saint Joseph’s Hall for Men (Benedictine Center)

John Dinkel Residence Director Boniface West 2nd Floor


Boyle Hall

Anne Yantes

Residence Director for Apartment Communities/Chesterton’s Manager

Boyle Hall 701-355-5147

The Cloisters: Subiaco and Monte Cassino Apartments

Anne Yantes

Residence Director for Apartment Communities/Chesterton’s Manager

Boyle Hall 701-355-5147

Deichert Hall

Anne Yantes

Residence Director for Apartment Communities/Chesterton’s Manager

Boyle Hall 701-355-5147

Greg Butler Hall

Maddie Dinkel Residence Director 701-355-8000

Hillside Hall

Abby Hill Residence Director Hillside 212 701-355-8000

North Hall

Dr. John Macias Residence Life Scholar -Men’s Residence

Benedictine 1209 A


Brendan Thorp Residence Director 701-355-3780

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Roers Hall

Jamie Kuznia Residence Director of Roers Hall

Roers 333 701-355-8307

Maggie Helgeland Assistant Residence Director of Roers Hall


Saint Scholastica

Jamie Kuznia Residence Director of Roers Hall

Roers 333 701-355-8307

Maggie Helgeland Assistant Residence Director of Roers Hall


To contact Resident Halls by cell phone, please call 701-355-8000.



Emergency Response Procedures

Three Critical Responses Summary

Incident Refer to Page Evacuate Shelter-In-

Place Lockdown

Abduction/ Missing Student 39 ✓ maybe

Armed Intruder 42 ✓ 3rd ✓ 1st ✓ 2nd

Bioterrorism 46 ✓ 2nd ✓ 1st

Bomb Threat / Suspicious Package 50 ✓ maybe

Explosion 60 ✓

Fire 63 ✓

Hazardous Materials / Chemical Spill 69 ✓ ✓

Hostage 72 ✓ 3rd ✓ 2nd ✓ 1st

Power Outage / Utility Failure

81 ✓

Structural Collapse 83 ✓ 1st ✓ 2nd

Suspicious Person / Criminal Activity 87 ✓

Theft / Robbery / Burglary 89 ✓

Weather Event (Blizzard, Tornado, Wind Storm) 91 ✓

NOTE: if no ✓ check mark; see the specific incident response plan.

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Evacuation PHASE I: Incident is occurring

Task Force:

• Pull alarm if not sounding.

• Call 911

• Update 8000.umary.edu.

• Send Emergency Notification System message. (templates for various incidents are available) If warranted for the situation or utilize the Emergency messaging service or building contact representatives.

• Establish a Command Post for the Task Force members.

• Determine what areas of the campus need to be evacuated, and evacuate.

• Once the law enforcement Command Post representative has been established, follow their directions and instructions.

• Arrange for buses, food, water, and housing as appropriate.

• Contact Building representatives and instruct them to ensure that all University personnel within their assigned area are safely evacuated.

• Any missing student/faculty should be reported to the Command Post or their designee for further investigation.


Building Contact Representative:

• If possible, search all hallways, restrooms, unoccupied classrooms, and common areas for students. Do not enter smoke-filled hallways!

• Have a listing of personnel.

• Direct unclaimed students to the nearest classroom group and, when possible, notify the building contact representative so they are aware of the students’ whereabouts.

• Escort unclaimed students to their assigned area if safe to do so and update Command Post.

• Once the Command Post issues an “all clear”

• Assist with escorting students back into building.

• Direct traffic in hallways.

Instructors / Residence Directors:

• Tell students where to go before anyone leaves the classroom or your immediate area.

• Notify building contact representative of students with disabilities or who may need help to evacuate.

• Turn off lights, close and lock doors as you exit.

• Take Emergency Kit.

• Follow the assigned evacuation path OR evacuate from the nearest safe exit OR as directed by Crisis Management Team member or Emergency Responders.




• Smoke

• A chemical spill

• The proximity of a suspicious object

• School parking areas

• Upon arriving at the Staging Area, take roll.

• Notify Crisis Management Team member of any missing students.

• Monitor students until directed otherwise.


Task Force:

• Once an “all clear” message has been given update 8000.umary.edu and if appropriate send out an update via the Emergency Notification System.

• If safe and directed to do so:

• Allow building to be re-entered; notify Instructors and building contact representatives.

• Report any found students to Crisis Management Team members, so the students can be escorted to the appropriate classroom.

• Evaluate procedures used and make appropriate updates.

Bus Loading

Emergency Task Force:

• Determine if busing is needed.

• If yes, contact Harlow’s Bus Service by calling 701-224-1767

• Determine loading site at school.

• Determine Reunification Site.

• Send out Emergency Notification Systems message from Command Post and implement communication plan for evacuating the campus / affected area.

Building Representatives / Residence Director:

• Inform Instructors of bus loading site & Reunification Site.

• Assist Instructors with students.

• Count off; load bus to capacity.

• Be sure an instructor or staff member is on each bus before it departs.

• Prepare a listing of everyone on the bus.

• Load buses as directed by the Crisis Management Team member. No one leaves the bus until everyone is accounted for or authorized to do so.

• Supervise the students on the bus.

• Supervise students at the Reunification Site.

• Do not allow students to leave until authorized to do so.

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The reunification site may be your own building, an off-campus safe site, or the bus.

Emergency Management Task Force:

• Determine which team member will coordinate the reunification efforts.

• Determine reunification site.

• Go to the site and prepare for reunification.

• Send out Emergency Notification System message and update 8000.umary.edu.

• Establish a student release procedure and area (away from student holding area).

• Get copy of the listing of individuals on the bus/buses and determine the location (bus, holding area, reunification site, triage area, hospital, morgue, etc.).

If student (or staff) deaths are probable, a separate area for students who may leave vs. those who are unaccounted for may be necessary

Crisis Management Team:

• Assist Reunification leader.

• Act as runners to locate students.

Establish a media point and keep all other areas free of media. If possible, keep all areas free of media. Building Representatives / Residence Directors:

• Take paper, pen and emergency kit with you.

• Keep students on the buses until authorization has been signed to release student, UNLESS an indoor shelter area has been arranged.

• Supervise students on the bus with you.

• Be alert to any medical needs of the students on your bus.

• Request assistance from Crisis Management Team members.



Shelter-In-Place PHASE I: Incident is occurring

Task Force:

• Call 911 if appropriate

• Establish a Command Post.

• Send out Emergency Notification System message and update 8000.umary.edu.

• Isolate area or individuals as appropriate for incident.

• Inform community of which hazardous areas to stay away from.

• Ensure air-handling units are turned off and vents closed, if necessary.

• Assign Public Affairs to monitor and update various social media accounts. For inclement weather, refer to Inclement Weather policy for decision making and updates.

Crisis Management Team:

• Safely report to Staging Area for briefing.

• Check non-classroom areas for students and staff. Direct them to the nearest occupied classroom for sheltering/or designated safety area for weather related threats

• For inclement weather closure, assess and determine.

• Assist instructors as needed in preparing rooms for sheltering.

• Close and lock exterior doors, windows, and other openings. Crisis Management Team member or Building Representative are to secure and monitor exterior doors to assure no one leaves. DO lock exterior doors and windows if there is an Intruder in the neighborhood. DO NOT lock them if there is a Chemical Spill to allow Emergency Responders can get into the building

• For inclement weather closure, assess and determine level of staffing and update University of Mary personnel as outlined in the Inclement Weather Policy.

Instructors and Residence Director

• When students are safely inside room, close all windows and doors.

• Do not let anyone out of the room.

• Do not open room until advised by a Task Force member or emergency responders.

Phase II: Incident Under Control

Task Force:

• Assure the threat is being attended to.

• Confirm all resources / contacts have been made for the threat.

• Communicate with building representatives to now leave and refer to the incident procedures for the identified threat.

• Provide updates to 8000.umary.edu.

• Begin preparing for media update

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Phase III:

Task Force:

• Once all clear issued and if safe to do so:

• Allow building to be re-entered; notify Instructors and building contact representatives.

• Return to normal operations

• Evaluate procedures used and make appropriate updates.



Lockdown PHASE I: Incident is occurring

Task Force:

• Call 911

• Establish a Command Post

• Send out Emergency Notification System message and update 8000.umary.edu.

• Isolate area or individuals as appropriate for incident.

• Inform Task Force of which hazardous areas to stay away from.

• Ensure air-handling units are turned off and vents closed, if necessary.

• Assign Public Affairs to monitor various social media accounts.

• Initiate LOCKDOWN (Emergency Task Force must also lockdown.)

If an intruder is entering your room:

• Get students out of the room.

• Do as the suspect asks; keep the attention on you. Talk calmly to the suspect.

• Try to stall until Emergency Responders arrive.

Phase II: Incident Under Control

Task Force and Crisis Management Team:

• Go to nearest secure area.

• Grab any unclaimed students along the way.

• Lock all doors and windows

• Direct students to stay away from doors and windows

• Use furniture for protection, concealment, stay low, and remain quiet.

• Do not open the door or leave the room unless otherwise directed to do so by the Coordinator of Campus Safety and Security or Burleigh County Sheriff’s Department or your local law enforcement, EVEN IF FIRE ALARMS ARE SOUNDING, because there may be a gunman in the hallway! Exit only if you are in imminent danger due to smoke or fire. Exit outside of the building via classroom windows, if possible.

• ALWAYS confirm you are communicating with a University of Mary Task Force person or law enforcement. If suspicious, DO NOT OPEN THE DOOR.

Phase III:

• Once all clear issued by emergency personnel and it is safe to do so:

• Update 8000.umary.edu and update ENS text message

• Return to normal operations

• Evaluate procedures used and make appropriate updates.

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Abduction, Missing Student Phase I: Incident Occurring



• Name of victim and suspect, if known

• Description of both

• Vehicle information

• Last known direction


• Report any missing student immediately to the Security office @ 701-355-8000.

Task Force MISSING STUDENT: Call 911 ASAP if an individual is missing!

• Establish a Command Post

• Identify a staging area for Crisis Management Team members

• If appropriate send out an Emergency Notification System message

• Establish contact and communication with the missing student’s family

Law Enforcement with assistance from the Safety and Security Office

Abduction: Secure last location where student was seen. Do not touch or move anything! Missing: Search building/grounds for missing student/suspect and investigate the incident.

Phase II: Incident Under Control


Campus Safety and Security Coordinator

Be a liaison to the Crisis Management Team. Continue with search of school. Share pertinent information through 8000.umary.edu and / or Emergency Notification System.

Safety and Security Office

Escort witnesses to Command Post or interview rooms. Attempt to keep witnesses separate.

Task Force • Establish contact with Burleigh County Sheriff’s Department or your local Public Information Officer

• In conjunction with Burleigh County Sheriff’s Department or your local Public Information Officer:

o Release investigation progress

o Appropriate help from citizens to find missing individual

o Notify other schools in City of incident and appropriate safety steps they should employ.

o Update the parents and residence director.

o If the student is safe, contact and give the number of the person looking for them and ask that they contact.

Building Representatives/ Instructors

Reassure students. Notify Crisis Management Team/Command Post with any pertinent information gathered from students and encourage students to use 8000.umary.edu to provide information and / or to receive information. Return to normal operations



Phase III: Aftermath & Recovery


Campus Safety Security Coordinator

Assist Burleigh County Sheriff’s Department or your local law enforcement with investigation. Review policies and procedures – make appropriate changes. Return campus to normal function.

Task Force

Assist Safety and Security office to.

• Provide appropriate counseling, if needed.

• Remind staff and students of EAP (Employee Assistance Program). Return campus to normal function. In conjunction with Burleigh County Sheriff’s Department or your local Public Information Officer:

• Hold Media/Press release.

• Update 8000.umary.edu.edu if appropriate communicate with parents. Review incident and make necessary changes to policies/procedures.


Burleigh County Sheriff’s Department or your local law enforcement:

• Command of incident

• Establish student as Abducted, Missing, Runaway

• Establish Incident Command Post

• Scene Security

• Seize evidence

• Crowd/Traffic Control

• Investigate incident

• Make necessary announcements:

• Amber Alert

• Media/Press Release


• Meet with the Campus Safety and Security Coordinator

• Detailed information about the abducted or missing person:

• Name

• Description/Photo

• Time/location missing individual last seen

• (If known) Abductors:

• Name

• Description

• Last known location and direction

• Names of individuals last with missing individual

• Rooms for interview

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Alcohol Poisoning Phase I: Incident Occurring


All Call 911 Call 701-355-8000

Task Force Call 911 Meet and assist with the Emergency personnel Contact the parents Document the event.

Phase II: Incident Under Control


Task Force Meet and investigate incident(s), timely respond and take remedial steps to manage

Phase III: Aftermath & Recovery


Building Representative/ Instructors

Help students/staff cope with disruption and fears. Monitor students, staff and own welfare. Both Students and Staff may seek assistance with Employee Assistance Program (EAP).


Burleigh County Sheriff’s Department or your local law enforcement:


• Treatment and transportation.

Fire Department

• Treatment.


• Actions campus is taking.



Armed Intruder Phase I: Incident Occurring

Examples: shooter in school, hostage situation.


All Call 911 Establish Command Post for Task Force Get to a safe location. Report all violent incidents and description of weapon(s) and suspects(s) to the safety and security office by calling 701-355-8000.

Task Force Order LOCK DOWN LOCKDOWN all offices/ rooms in the building. If possible via (security cameras, listening through door, visually seeing armed intruder) keep location of suspect known: Tell 911 dispatcher location of suspect(s). Number of suspects. Types of weapons. Description of suspect(s). Anything the suspect(s) says. Silence fire alarms. If appropriate: Notify other schools/colleges.

Campus Safety & Security Coordinator

Forward new information to dispatcher. Follow the direction of law enforcement Document the event.

ALL Follow Emergency LOCKDOWN procedures.

Building Representatives / Instructors/Staff

Follow the LOCK-DOWN procedures.

Phase II: Incident Under Control


Task Force Liaison to Emergency Operations Center. Assist and provide direction for Evacuation and the Reunification Site. Determine if transportation is needed.

Building Representatives

Once Evacuated, assist Burleigh County Sheriff’s Department or your local law enforcement with evacuation: Escorting students with teacher to evacuation point. Escorting injured to Triage. Escorting students to interview area.

Task Force and Crisis Management Team

In conjunction with Burleigh County Sheriff’s Department Public Information Officer or your local law enforcement: Release incident investigation. Release Reunification Site. Student Reunification procedures. If requested, arrange evacuation transportation. Field phone calls. Notify other colleges in the city.

Building Representatives/ Instructors

Remain calm. Reassure students they are safe, and attempt to keep them calm. Remain in LOCKDOWN until Emergency Personnel Evacuate classroom.

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When Evacuating: Take Emergency Kit. Follow direction of Emergency Responders for evacuation. Fire Alarms: DO NOT evacuate into hallways even if fire alarms sound; intruder may be present. Stay in room until Emergency Personnel escort you to safety, unless danger from smoke or fire is imminent.

Phase III: Aftermath & Recovery


Task Force Assist Burleigh County Sheriff’s Department or your local law enforcement with investigation of incident. Visit victims and their families – if applicable Establish area for student memorials – if applicable. University of Mary Personnel reunification.

Crisis Management Team

With assistance from Student Health Clinic:

• Arrange counseling for students to help them cope with fears and grief.

• Reunification of Instructors and staff; counseling as needed.

Task Force • Determine when campus can be reopened for use.

• Activate alternate campus plans - where will classes be held until investigation is completed.

Release information to Media in conjunction with Burleigh County Sheriff’s Department Public Information Officer or your local law enforcement:

• Incident information.

• When campus will be re-opened.

• Alternate campus plans. Hold a meeting with students and community members. Review incident; make necessary changes to policies and procedures. Review procedures for permanent memorials or vigils – if applicable.

Instructors Prepare to teach in interim location without usual materials, texts, etc. Help Instructors, staff and students cope with fears, loss, and grief. Both students and staff may utilize the Employee Assistance Program if necessary (EAP).


Burleigh County Sheriff’s Department (or local law enforcement):

• Enter school and stop armed intruders

• Clear building

• Establish ad-hoc command (outside building)

• Begin rescue of injured

• Command the incident and set up a command post

• Traffic and crowd control

• Scene security

• Investigate incident


• Standby to assist Police



Fire Department:

• Standby to assist Burleigh County Sheriff’s Department (or your local law enforcement) and EMS


• Meet with Campus Safety and Security Coordinator

• Emergency Kit

• Floor plans

• Information of and location of:

• Names of suspects

• Number of suspects

• Location if known

• Known location of injured

• Number of injured

• Any other valuable information

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Assault (Sexual, Physical, Hate Crimes) Phase I: Incident Occurring


ALL Call 911 Follow the direction of emergency personnel Contact a member of the Task Force

Task Force Update 8000.umary.edu, if appropriate Contact EAP, chaplains and/or other University of Mary personnel to address the well-being of individuals involved Contact the parent(s) or legal guardian if appropriate Document the event

Task Force and Public Relations Representative

Prepare a statement, if needed.

Phase II: Incident Under Control


Task Force Continue to update 8000.umary.edu, if appropriate Meet and investigate incident(s), timely respond to the accusations and take remedial steps to manage. Work with EAP to meet the needs of the individuals directly involved with the incident and any other University of Mary personnel as needed.

Phase III: Aftermath & Recovery


Task Force Continue to work with EAP to meet the needs of the individuals directly involved with the incident and any other University of Mary personnel as needed. Monitor students/faculty/staff welfare Review incident; make necessary changes to policy and procedures


Burleigh County Sheriff’s Department (Or your local law enforcement): Secure area of incident and investigate.


• Treatment and transportation. Fire Department

• Triage and treatment.


• Actions campus is taking.



Bioterrorism Phase I: Incident Occurring


All If you receive a suspicious package or come in contact with a parcel or envelope and have possibly been exposed to a biological agent:

• Set it down; do not touch or allow others to touch it.

• Call 701-355-8000 for help.

• Do not let anyone enter or leave room. Wait until help arrives.

• Treat the scene as a crime scene, preserve the evidence

Task Force Call:

• 911

• Emergency Response Personnel (ambulance, rural Fire, public health, HAZMAT team etc.)

• Set up Crisis Management Team

• Identify and list the names and contact information of anyone who may have been exposed to the suspicious substance.

Document the event Direct Custodian/Maintenance to shut off air handlers and vents and lock all entrance doors and they are NOT to allow anyone to enter or leave. Announce SHELTER-IN-PLACE, send out Emergency Notification System message and update 8000.umary.edu. Keep:

• Isolate contaminated and surrounding area

• Individuals contaminated isolated

• Attempt to keep victims, staff, and students calm

• Establish Crisis Management Staging Area

Physical Plant / Maintenance

Shut off air handlers and vents. Lock all entrance doors.

Task Force and identified Crisis Management Team members

Report to Command Post. Keep everyone away from area of incident. Follow direction of law enforcement. Keep all university personnel safe and secure. Assist with SHELTERING-IN-PLACE Search and clear all common areas of:

• Students and staff

• Look for suspicious packages and people

Building Representatives / Instructors

Close and lock all doors to SHELTER-IN-PLACE. Do not allow anyone to enter or leave Close vents

8000.umary.edu 46

Phase II: Incident under Control


Task Force Inform staff of incident status.

• Prepare updates for 8000.umary.edu.

Task Force and Crisis Management Team


• Assist Emergency Responders: Check with Building Representatives / Instructors to account for all University of Mary personnel. - Direct Emergency Responders to students or staff with

medical conditions. - Release students from SHELTER-IN-PLACE.


• Assist with Evacuation and escorting students and staff out of building to Staging Area.

• Search common areas.

• Check with Building Representatives to account for all University of Mary personnel.

• Relay information to the Command Post & Evacuation/Reunification site re:

- Missing or found students - Contaminated/injured - Deceased

Building Representatives supervise and document any student release:

• Have students identify themselves and record if they are leaving.

• Escort remaining University of Mary personnel to Reunification area.

Task Force

With Public Health, Fire, Burleigh County Sheriff’s Department Public Information Officers (or your local law enforcement):

• Field phone calls update 8000.umary.edu, provide information re: - Shelter-in-Place, or Evacuation

* Reunification site & student release procedures

• Incident investigation Notify other schools in the district; take appropriate safety measures. Timely update 8000.umary.edu.

Building Representatives Instructors


• Make sure Shelter-in-Place procedures are followed.

• Keep University of Mary personnel calm.

• Monitor personnel and own health.

• Notify Crisis Management Team or Command Post of: - Students out of room at time of Shelter in Place - Medical emergencies


• Take Emergency Kit.

• Follow directions for Evacuation (May evacuate a different route than normally).

• Once in Staging Area and/or Safe Site: - Account for students until they are signed out - If anyone is missing, injured or ill, notify a Crisis

Management Team member - Monitor students and own health



Phase III: Aftermath & Recovery


Campus Safety and Security Office

Assist with investigation. Keep staff and faculty informed. Reunification, if needed.

Student Health Clinic / Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

With assistance from Public Health:

• Arrange counseling for students to help them cope with fears.

• Arrange or assist Instructors and staff with fears and anxieties.

Task Force Work with Public Health to:

• Determine when campus can be reopened for use. Activate alternative campus plan until campus can be re-opened. In conjunction with Public Health, City, Fire and Burleigh County Sheriff’s Department (or your local law enforcement) Public Information Officer’s release:

• Incident investigation

• Campus plans: o When the campus will be reopened o Alternate school plans

Update 8000.umary.edu. Hold a meeting with parents and community members if appropriate. Review incident; make necessary changes to policies and procedures.

Building Representatives / Instructors

Reunification, if needed. Prepare to teach in interim location without usual materials, texts, etc. Help students cope with disruption and fears. Assist co-workers and students with anxiety, fears and disruption of school. Refer them to the Employee Assistance Program (EAP).


Bismarck-Burleigh Public Health (or your local law enforcement):

• Become Incident Commander

• Oversee:

• Epidemiology and investigation

• Mass prophylaxis

• Casualty and fatality management

• Logistical coordination

Burleigh County Sheriff’s Department or your local law enforcement:

• Provide Scene security

• Assist with evacuation of area

• Traffic and crowd control

• Investigate incident with FBI

EMS & Fire Department:

• Standby until requested by Public Health

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• Meet with Task Force

• If incident is off campus, communication may be via phone/radio.

• If terrorist act is on the campus – Command Post could be inside building.

• Emergency Kit:

• Building floor plans and layout

• Emergency contact numbers

• If act was isolated:

• Location of attack

• Location and number of individuals exposed



Bomb Threat / Suspicious Package Phase I: Incident Occurring


All If bomb threat (phone call, letter, e-mail, etc.) is received:

• Phone: o Check caller ID, if available. o Try to keep caller on the line o Use another line to call 911. o Complete Bomb Threat Card. o Star 57 to assist Burleigh County Sheriff’s Department or your

local law enforcement in tracing the call.

• Told/Overheard: o Individual’s name, if known. o EXACT words said, including time and place. o Fill out Bomb Threat Card.

If a suspicious object, device or bomb is located:


• Begin evacuating all people out of the immediate area.

• Notify security office of object and location.

• Continue Evacuation; do floors above & below the object.

Task Force Call 911 Establish Command Post for Task Force Send out Emergency Notification System message and update 8000.umary.edu. Dependent on information received determine:

• No Evacuation

• Partial Evacuation

• Complete Evacuation Initiate search, as directed on phone or in person by Bomb Squad:

• Suspicious packages

• Bombs/devices

• Bomb Search Forms returned to office If evacuation is needed, Evacuate to a Staging Area:

• Away from bushes, cars, houses, etc.

• Do not use cell phone or radio near a suspicious object. Request evacuation to pick-up site, if needed.

Campus Safety and Security Coordinator

Document the event.

Physical Plant / Maintenance

Search boiler room and all custodial areas. Roof of buildings. Turn off gas if appropriate. Do not use cell phone or radio to communicate, if near object.

Crisis Management Team

Inspect classroom or work area for unusual objects:

• Follow Bomb Search Procedures. If room is CLEAR:

• Report this to the Command Post or appropriate team member.

• Await further directions from Command Post. Suspicious Object:


• Do not use cell phones or radios near suspicious object!

• Begin evacuation of room or immediate area. Watch for any suspicious objects and personnel throughout the evacuation process.

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• Report the object to the Command Post: o Describe the object o Give exact location of the object

Evacuate the room or building, if directed. Take Emergency Kit. Lock the classroom door. Upon reaching Staging Area, take roll.

Phase II: Incident under Control


Task Force Stay at Command Post. Work with Law Enforcement. Update 8000.umary.edu.

Crisis Management Team and / or Building Representatives

Check with Building Representatives and Instructors to account for all students.

• Relay information to the Command Post & Evacuation/Reunification site of:

- Missing Students - Found Students - Injured/trapped students - Deceased students/staff - Areas searched

Supervise student release:

• Document the individual’s name and collect contact information.

• Escort student to Reunification Area. If student is missing, injured, transported to hospital or morgue:

• Escort parents/adult to Information Area if appropriate. Supervision of students, monitor personnel’s health until returned to class or released.

Task Force Assist with Evacuation Transportation, if needed. Establish Contact with Burleigh County Sheriff’s Department or your local law enforcement’s Public Information Officer:

• Announce were students can be picked up.

• Release information in conjunction with Burleigh County Sheriff’s Department Public Information Officer or your local law enforcement:

Other Schools/Colleges in City:

• Notify of incident

• If SUSPICIOUS PACKAGE FOUND: - Have other schools begin Bomb Searches, if needed.



Phase III: Aftermath & Recovery


Task Force Assist Burleigh County Sheriff’s Department or your local law enforcement & Bomb Squad with investigation. Update 8000.umary.edu. Direct reunification efforts

Student Health • Arrange counseling for students to help them cope with fears.

• Arrange counseling for staff to help cope with stress, anger and fear.

Task Force • In conjunction with Law Enforcement, determine when campus can be re-opened and completely safe to re-enter for use.

• Activate alternate school plans - where will classes be held until search for bombs is completed.

Release information to Media in conjunction with Burleigh County Sheriff’s Department or your local law enforcement’s Public Information Officer:

• Incident information

• When campus will be re-opened

• Alternate school plans Review incident; make necessary changes to policies and procedures.

Building Representatives/ Instructors

Prepare to teach in interim location without usual materials, texts, etc. Assist each other with fears, anger and disruption of classes. Help students cope with the disruption and fears.


Burleigh County Sheriff’s Department or your local law enforcement:

• Set up Command Post

• Crowd and traffic control

• Assist in Evacuation, if needed

• Assist Bomb Squad when investigate incident

• Bomb Squad:

• Command of Incident

• Stand by until:

• Suspicious object found

• Device found

Fire Department:

• Stand by:

• Assist with Evacuation

• Assist EMS with medical treatment


• Stand by:

• Treat University of Mary personnel

• Treat injured

• Assist Burleigh County Sheriff’s Department (or your local law enforcement) and Fire.

8000.umary.edu 52


• Meet with Task Force.

• Emergency Kit:

• Building plans and layout.

• Completed bomb threat form from person who answered the call.

• Interview the person who heard, received the threat.

• Information:

• Hazardous or flammable chemicals

• Previous threats

• Recent incidents involving irrational behavior from any University of Mary personnel.

• Building Representatives, Instructors, Crisis Management Team and staff to conduct a sweep/search of their areas.

• Evidence preservation

• Written threat: isolate letter and make a list of who touched it.



Cyber Attack Phase I: Incident Occurring


ALL Notify Office of Information Technology (OIT) of any suspected or actual cyber attack

Office of Information Technology

Detection and Analysis:

1. Validate credibility of reported cyber attack

a. Analyze the precursors and indicators

b. Look for correlating information

c. Perform research (e.g., search engines, knowledge base)

d. As soon as the handler believes an incident has occurred, begin documenting the investigation and gathering evidence

2. Prioritize the incident based on relevant factors (functional impact, information impact, recoverability effort, etc.)

3. Report the incident to Taskforce and alert computer users

Phase II: Incident Under Control


Office of Information Technology

Containment & Eradication:

1. Acquire, preserve, secure, and document evidence

2. Contain the incident

3. Eradicate the incident

a. Identify and mitigate all vulnerabilities that were exploited

b. Remove malware, inappropriate materials, and other components

c. If more affected hosts are discovered (e.g., new malware infections), repeat the Detection and Analysis steps to identify all other affected hosts, then contain and eradicate the incident for them

4. Update Taskforce and computer users as necessary

Phase III: Aftermath & Recovery


Office of Information Technology

Recover from the incident:

1. Return affected systems to an operationally ready state

2. Confirm that the affected systems are functioning normally

3. If necessary, implement additional monitoring to look for future related activity

4. Update Taskforce and computer users as necessary

Taskforce 1. Determine law enforcement involvement

2. Coordinate media communications as needed

Cyber Attack incidents can occur in countless ways, so it is infeasible to develop step-by-step instructions for handling every incident. This guide defines several types of incidents, based on common attack vectors; these categories are not intended to provide definitive classification for

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incidents, but rather to be used as a basis for defining more specific handling procedures as needed. Different types of incidents merit different response strategies. The most common attack vectors are:

• External/Removable Media: An attack executed from removable media (e.g., flash drive, CD) or a peripheral device.

• Attrition: An attack that employs brute force methods to compromise, degrade, or destroy systems, networks, or services.

• Web: An attack executed from a website or web-based application.

• Email: An attack executed via an email message or attachment.

• Improper Usage: Any incident resulting from violation of an organization’s acceptable usage policies by an authorized user, excluding the above categories.

• Loss or Theft of Equipment: The loss or theft of a computing device or media used by the organization, such as a laptop or smartphone.

• Other: An attack that does not fit into any of the other categories.



Death Phase I: Incident Occurring


Task Force Call 911 Follow the directions of emergency personnel Secure the area Assure family is contacted Contact EAP and/or chaplains to address the well-being of fellow students and other University of Mary personnel Update 8000.umary.edu Document the event.

Task Force and Public Relations Representative

Prepare for communication with news media.

Phase II: Incident Under Control


Task Force Announce all-clear to return to classrooms. Return school to normal operations. Update 8000.umary.edu

Task Force / Physical Plant

Investigate the incident if it is related to structure and / or if it is related to campus safety.

Building Reps/Instructors

Help students/staff cope with disruption, fears, coping. Monitor students, staff and own welfare. Both students and staff may seek assistance with Employee Assistance Program (EAP).

Phase III: Aftermath and Recovery


Task Force Continue to update 8000.umary.edu. Announce a place for students and friends to meet for remembrance. Work with EAP and or chaplains to meet the needs of the University of Mary personnel and students.

Building Representatives Instructors

Help students/staff cope with disruption and fears. Monitor students, staff and own welfare. Both students and staff may seek assistance with Employee Assistance Program (EAP).


Burleigh County Sheriff’s Department or your local law enforcement:

• Secures area of incident.


• Treatment and transportation.

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Fire Department

• On alert.

• Treatment.


• Actions campus is taking.

• Alternate means to communicate with campus in case of disaster.



Epidemic / Pandemic Phase I: Incident Occurring


Task Force Through communication with Bismarck-Burleigh Public Health (or your local health department) and Student Health Clinic, make determination of Epidemic / Pandemic.

• Send out Emergency Notification System message

• Update 8000.umary.edu

• Communicate with University of Mary personnel

• Inform Public Affairs representative for communications with the general public

With Public Health:

• Establish examination area

• Immunization area

• Review immunization charts Establish Command Post and Staging areas. Document the event

Crisis Management Team

Assist the Task Force Monitor school actions for epidemic / pandemic and field phone calls.

Student Health Clinic Collect information about ill students. Assist Public Health with:

• Ill students

• Setting up examination area

• Immunization charts

• Relaying information Assist families who come to pick up students.

• Release students only authorized by Local Public Health.

Task Force Communicate with Local Public Health. Contact other schools and make appropriate safety recommendations

Building Representatives / Instructors

Watch students for signs of illness and refer to Student Health Clinic. Teach students about the illness and about precautions. Assist to dispel rumors.

Phase II: Incident under Control


Task Force Ongoing communications with Bismarck-Burleigh Public Health (or your local health department):

• Continue investigation

• Inform University of Mary personnel of investigation findings, if known.

• Contact families of ill students if appropriate Update 8000.umary.edu. Respond to Public Health’s directives and recommendations. In conjunction with Public Health Information Officer:

• Media Release

• Schools actions to incident

Crisis Management Team

Dispel rumors. Monitor welfare of University of Mary personnel.

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Phase III: Aftermath & Recovery


Task Force With Bismarck-Burleigh Public Health or your local health dept.:

• Inform University of Mary personnel of investigation findings. Update 8000.umary.edu.

• Hold informational meeting, if appropriate Return campus to normal functioning. Respond to Public Health’s findings. In conjunction with Public Health Information Officer:

• Media release.

• Campus actions to incident. Review incident; make appropriate changes to policies/procedures. With Legal team write letter to families.

Crisis Management Team

Attend information meeting. Dispel rumors. Educate students about actual epidemic / pandemic. Reassure students that campus and building are safe.


Bismarck-Burleigh Public Health or your local health department:

• Act as Incident Command

• Provide disease-related educational materials to schools

• Make recommendations for schools in district

• Review school immunization records

• Conduct immunization clinics.


• Access to students’ immunization records.

• Room for immunization clinic.



Explosion Phase I: Incident Occurring


All Report information about the explosion in as much detail as possible when calling 701-355-8000.

Task Force Call 911; report explosion. Forward new information to dispatcher. Establish Command Post. Send out Emergency Notification System message and update 8000.umary.edu. Establish Crisis Management Team Staging Area. Follow the directions of Law Enforcement. Direct Crisis Management Team and Instructors to evacuate along routes to avoid damaged or dangerous areas. Direct search for suspicious package, IF directed by Incident Commander. Request Evacuation away from site, if needed.

Physical Plant/ Maintenance

If possible and safe to do so:

• Shut off gas

• Shut off air handling system

Crisis Management Team

Safely respond to Staging area. Assist with Evacuation. Assist with Injured. Check common areas, restrooms, dorm rooms, etc.:

• For students and University of Mary personnel.

• For suspicious packages using the Bomb Search Form

Building Representatives / Instructors

Have University of Mary personnel protect themselves and take cover until explosions cease. Evacuate when:

• Safe to do so

• As directed by Task Force or

• As directed by Emergency Responder Take Emergency Kit. Upon reaching safe area, document who is with you.

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Phase II: Incident under Control


Task Force Stay at Command Post with Law Enforcement personnel. Update 8000.umary.edu of the status of the incident & to stay away from the affected areas.

Crisis Management Team

Check with Instructors to account for all students.

• Relay information of: o Missing students o Found students o Injured students

Supervise student release:

• Document students released and obtain contact information.

• Escort student to Reunification area. If student is missing or transported to hospital:

• Escort families/adults to information area.

Task Force and Public Affairs representative

Establish Emergency Operations Center. Establish contact with Fire and Burleigh County Sheriff’s Department or your local Public Information Officer’s

• Only release information in coordination with Fire and Burleigh County Sheriff’s Department or your local Public Information Officer’s.

Assist with establishing and management of the Reunification site. Notify other schools/colleges in the city if appropriate. If explosions were caused by explosive devices:

• Direct other schools/colleges to conduct a bomb search. Field phone calls from parents/families.

Building Representatives / Instructors

Account for all students. Monitor health of University of Mary personnel. Keep track of all students until they are signed out. Request assistance from Crisis Management Team members, reunification site members or Emergency responders as appropriate.

Phase III: Aftermath & Recovery


Task Force Assist Burleigh County Sheriff’s Department (or your local law enforcement) and Fire Department with investigation. Update 8000.umary.edu. Instructor and Staff reunification prior to the students’ return

Assigned Task Force Member(s)

When safe to do so and directed by Fire and Police:

• Assess damage to building(s).

• Determine when building(s) can be opened for use.

• Activate alternate university plans until repairs are complete. In conjunction with Fire and Burleigh County Sheriff’s Department or your local Public Information Officer’s:

• Incident investigation update on 8000.umary.edu Review incident; make necessary changes to policy and procedures.

Student Health Clinic

• Arrange counseling for students.

• Help students, and University of Mary personnel cope with fears, loss of personal belongings, and loss of school environment.

Crisis Management Team

Attend Reunification. Plan to teach in interim location without usual materials, texts, etc. Help students cope with loss and change.




Fire Department:

• Command the incident.

• Set up Command Post.

• Fire suppression.

• Search and rescue.

• Shut off gas and electricity.


• Establish Triage.

• Treat minor medical needs at the scene.

• Transport victims to hospitals.

Burleigh County Sheriff’s Department or your local law enforcement:

• Command of incident/Establish Command Post; unified command with Fire.

• Provide scene security.

• Traffic and crowd control.

• Assist Fire department and EMS.

• Assist with investigation as to cause and origin of explosion.


• Meet with Campus Safety and Security Coordinator

• Emergency Kit:

• Building plans and layout

• Emergency contact numbers

• Information on potential hazards:

• Explosive materials

• Flammable chemicals

• Hazardous materials

• Number and possible location of missing persons:

• If known and when known

• Emergency contact numbers

• Area kept clear of spectators

• Information:

• Victim(s)

• Witnesses

• Other injured

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Fire Phase I: Incident Occurring


All If smoke or fire is seen, activate nearest fire alarm. Call 911. Report location of fire or smoke by calling 701-355-8000. Evacuate; do not exit towards smoke.

Task Force Step 1 Watch for fire department and report information to them. Evacuation:

• Identify reunification site

• Send out Emergency Notification System message

• Mobilize buses for evacuation if needed.

Physical Plant/ Maintenance

If possible and safe to do so:

• Shut off gas

• Shut off air handling system

• Report to Company Post

• If unable to shut off utilities or HVAC systems safely notify fire department ASAP so alternate plans can be made to secure them.

Task Force Step 2 Assist Fire Department and Law Enforcement and follow their direction. Locate the closest Emergency Kit. Evacuate Campus Safety & Security will document the event. Announce where parents/adults should respond. Notify other schools/colleges in the city, if appropriate Field phone calls from students/families.

Building Representatives

• Check common areas for students and staff.

• Evacuate

• Check assigned areas, closing doors behind you if it is safe to do so and does not prevent you from getting out safely.

• Report all clear areas to fire on their arrival.

Building Representatives/ Instructors

• Evacuate students. Grab Emergency Kit. Close classroom door.

• Assure all persons with special needs are attended to

• Direct evacuees to Staging Area.

• Prepare an attendance list.

Crisis Management Team

Check with Instructors to account for all students.

• Relay information of: o Missing students o Found students o Injured students



Phase II: Incident under Control


Task Force Order return to building if directed by Fire Department. OR Direct Evacuation from Staging Area to Reunification Site. Update 8000.umary.edu. Remain at Command Post and assist as directed by the Fire Department and Law Enforcement. Set up a Command Post as identified by Fire Department

Physical Plant/ Maintenance

Remain at Command Post to assist the Task Force and provide Fire with information and resources as needed.

Crisis Management Team

Supervise student release:

• Document any student leaving and obtain their contact information.

• Escort student to Reunification area If student is missing or transported to hospital:

• Escort parents/adult to information area

Task Force and Public Affairs representative(s)

In conjunction with Fire Department Public Information Officer:

• Issue news release.

Building Representatives/ Instructors

Account for all students. Supervise students until release.

Phase III: Aftermath & Recovery


Task Force Inform staff and students of incident and progress by updating 8000.umary.edu. Conduct a debriefing with emergency responders and others.

Student Health Clinic With Wellness Staff:

• Arrange counseling for students and all University of Mary personnel.

• Help University of Mary personnel cope with fears, loss of personal belongings, and loss of school environment.

Task Force When safe to do so and directed by Fire and Police:

• Assess damage to building(s).

• Determine when building(s) can be opened for use.

• Activate alternate school plans until repairs are complete. In conjunction with Fire and Burleigh County Sheriff’s Department or your local Public Information Officer:

• Incident Investigation update. Review incident; make necessary changes to policy and procedures.

Building Representatives / Instructors

Plan to teach in interim location without usual materials, texts, etc. Help students cope with loss and change.


Fire Department:

• Incident Command.

• Establish Command Post & Staging Area.

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• Extinguish fire.

• Search for and rescue victims.

• Primary investigators for cause and origin of fire.

EMS & Burleigh County Sheriff’s Department or your local law enforcement: (standby)


• Meet with Task Force and Physical Plant personnel.

• Information on the location and possible cause of the fire.

• Emergency Kit:

• Floor Plans.

• Location of and information about explosive materials.

• Location of and information about flammable chemicals.

• Location of and information about hazardous materials.

• Emergency contact numbers.

• Number & location of victims and missing persons.

• The ability to control access in and out during a large event will be critical. Crowd and/or traffic control will need to be dealt with early.



Food Poisoning / Food Contamination Phase I: Incident Occurring


Task Force Receive notification from Bismarck-Burleigh Public Health or your local health dept. – OR – Campus Health Clinic of food poisoning, contamination or multiple ill University of Mary personnel. Notify Dining Services. Send out Emergency Notification System message and update 8000.umary.edu. Establish Staging Area. Provide triage area for EMS and Public Health personnel. Provide an interview room for Public Health personnel. Provide Public Health personnel with access to food service area, supplies, and personnel. Document the event

Crisis Management Team

Assist the Task Force as directed Assist with ill students. Assist Local Public Health, as needed. Monitor entrances and exits.

Student Health Clinic Assist Emergency Responders and Local Public Health. Stand by in case panic causes medical emergency.

Public Affairs Representative

Refer news media to Local Public Health. Provide food service info to Public Health & Environmental Health.

Instructors Report ill students and staff to the office. Monitor the well-being of the University of Mary personnel.

Phase II: Incident Under Control


Task Force Keep University of Mary personnel updates on the incident investigation. Update 8000.umary.edu. Continue cooperation with Public Health with investigation. Respond to Public Health’s directives and recommendations. In conjunction with Public Health Public Information Officer:

• Media Release.

• Campus’ actions to incident. Establish times and areas for a meeting with students and community members, if needed.

Crisis Management Team / Instructors

Reasure students that campus and building is safe.

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Phase III: Aftermath & Recovery


Task Force Inform staff of investigation findings. Update 8000.umary.edu. Attend meetings with parents and community members, if needed.

Task Force and Crisis Management Team

Respond to Bismarck-Burleigh Public Health’s or your local health department’s findings. In conjunction with Public Health Public Information Officer:

• Media Release.

• Campus’ actions to incident. Review incident; make appropriate changes to policies/procedures. Hold meetings with students and community members; if needed

Building Representatives / Instructors

Dispel rumors. Reassure campus building is safe.


Bismarck-Burleigh Public Health or your local health department:

• Act as Incident Commander

• Inspect school food service area, supplies, and workers; conduct contact-tracing


• Assist with injured or ill

• Establish Triage

• Transport severely injured or ill to hospital

Police/Sheriff Department:

• Assist with evacuation

• Crowd and traffic control

• Assist with investigation, if needed

Fire Department:

• Assist EMS

• Assist with evacuation


• Names of ill students

• Names of food service workers

• Samples of food served

• Rooms for interviews and examinations



Group Travel Accident Phase I: Incident Occurring


Driver or responsible party • Check to see if anyone is injured and call 911.

• Call 701-355-8000 with vehicle description and location of accident and report any injuries.

• If the accident involves a contracted third party service, driver would follow their specified Crisis Management Plan.

• Administer first aid treatment as needed

• DO NOT move the injured unless ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY.

• Keep all passengers in the vehicle, unless there is a reason to evacuate.

Phase II: Incident Under Control


Task Force • Determine if a replacement transportation is needed. Dispatch a replacement vehicle if appropriate.

Driver or responsible party •

• Check the passenger list to make sure there is an accurate list of everyone involved in the accident.

• Injured passengers will be identified and taken for treatment

• The driver will document location of treatment facility for any injured personnel.

Phase III: Aftermath & Recovery


Task Force • Communicate with Public Affairs to update 8000.umary, family members and the general public if appropriate.

• Obtain documentation from law enforcement and the Accident Report Form

• Determine appropriate follow up including reporting to the insurance company, towing etc.

• Contact EAP and/or chaplain to address the well-being of fellow passengers and other University personnel.

Driver or responsible party • Complete Accident Report Form

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Hazardous Materials/Chemical Spill Phase I: Incident Occurring


All Report any and all spill of hazardous materials by calling 701-355-8000. If you smell natural gas, DO NOT use cell phones. DO NOT turn light switches on/off.

DON’T do anything that may create a spark or static electricity.

Task Force Call 911 Send out Emergency Notification System message. Establish Command Post in safe area in building. Establish Crisis Management Team Staging Area. Interview individual who reported the spill:

• Location.

• Volume of spill.

• Chemical spilled (markings & labels). Meet with Fire Department Incident Commander. Upon direction of Incident Commander:


• EVACUATE: check wind direction; evacuate perpendicular to the wind not into the chemical—avoid plumes, clouds, and obvious chemical substances.

Document the event

Physical Plant/ Maintenance

Shut off air handling system. Respond to Command Post.

Crisis Management Team

Assist Task Force. If safe:

• Respond to Staging Area.

• Check common areas.

• Supervise SHELTER IN PLACE or EVACUATION. Close doors, shut off fans, and close vents.

Task Force Establish communication with Command Post. In conjunction with Fire Department Public Information Officer:

• Inform of Sheltering in Place OR

• Inform of Student Pick Up Area. o Arrange Transportation, if needed.

• Areas for public to avoid. Update 8000.umary.edu.

Building Representatives / Instructors

If directed to SHELTER-IN-PLACE:

• Close and seal all windows and doors.

• Use duct tape and wet towels or clothing, IF water is available in the classroom; do not go into hallway for water.

• Close vents. If directed to move to another area, away from spill:

• Take Emergency Kit.

• Close classroom door. If directed to EVACUATE the building:

• Take Emergency Kit.

• Close classroom door.

• Upon reaching Staging Area, take roll. Request assistance if needed from Crisis Management Team.



Phase II: Incident Under Control


Task Force Follow directions and assist the Fire Department Incident Commander. Establish:

• Reunification Area.

• Information Area. Prepare facts Fire Department. Update 8000.umary.edu. If “all clear” is issued and authorized, return to building is communicated.

Crisis Management Team

Check with Instructors to account for all students

• Relay Information to Task Force:

• Missing students.

• Found students.

• Ill or injured students. Supervise Students:

• For students leaving, record their name and contact information.

• Escort student to Reunification Area. If student is missing, injured, absent or transported to hospital:

• Contact Command Post re: possible location of student.

• Escort families/adult to information area if appropriate.

Task Force Establish Contact with Bismarck-Burleigh Emergency Management or your local department:

• Only release information in coordination with Fire and Burleigh County Sheriff’s Department or your local Public Information Officers.

Assist Emergency Management with Reunification Site. Notify other schools/colleges in the district if appropriate.

Building Representatives/ Instructors

Account for all students. Report ill or injured students to office or team member. Keep track of all students until they are signed out.

Phase III: Aftermath & Recovery


Task Force Assist Fire, Public Health, and Burleigh County Sheriff’s Department or your local law enforcement with investigation, if needed. Update 8000.umary.edu.

Student Health Clinic

With assistance from Wellness Staff:

• Arrange counseling for students/staff to help them cope.

Task Force and Public Affairs Representative

When directed and assisted by Fire Department, OSHA, Environmental Health Department and Police:

• Determine when school can be opened for use.

• Activate alternate school plans until clean-up is completed. In conjunction with Fire, Environmental Health, and Burleigh County Sheriff’s Department or your local Public Information Officer’s release statement to media. Hold a meeting with parents and community members if appropriate. Review incident; make necessary changes to policies and procedures.

Building Representatives/ Instructors

Prepare to teach in interim location without usual materials, texts, etc. Help students cope with disruption.

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Fire Department:

• Mitigate the spill, if possible

• Identify material spilled.

• Direct Task Force to Shelter in Place

• In command of incident

• Set up command post

• Establish a Staging Area

• Establish a Decontamination Area


• Establish Triage area in conjunction with Decontamination Area

• Treat minor injuries at scene

• Transport injured to hospital(s)

Burleigh County Sheriff’s Department or your local law enforcement:

• Provide scene security

• Crowd and traffic control

• Assist Fire Department and EMS

• Community Evacuation if directed by Incident Commander


• Meet with Task Force

• Information on hazardous material spilled in building

• Location

• Product information

• Volume of spill, if known

• Exposed victims:

• Number

• Location

• Location of other Hazardous Materials in building

• Flammable chemicals in building

• Emergency Kit:

• Floor plans

• Location of items above

• Emergency contact information



Hostage Phase I: Incident Occurring


Task Force Call 911 Send out Emergency Notification System message Update 8000.umary.edu. Establish a Command Post Implement Shelter-in-place procedure Document the event

Building Representatives / Instructors

Follow the Shelter-in-place procedures Supervise sheltering in hallways and other designated areas if necessary.

Crisis Management Team

Support and assist the Task Force and responding emergency personnel in their needs.

Building Representatives / Instructors

Tell students where to go for sheltering. Close shades, if time. Take Emergency Kit. Close classroom door. Take roll when sheltering area is reached. Notify Crisis Management Team of any missing students. Attempt to keep students calm.

Phase II: Incident Under Control


Task Force Follow the direction of Emergency Personnel Update 8000.umary.edu

Building Representatives/ Instructors

Take students back to the classroom when all-clear signal is given. Take roll. Reassure students that they are safe. Refer students unable to cope. Attempt to return campus to normal operations.

Phase III: Aftermath & Recovery


Task Force

Student Health Clinic

If needed, arrange counseling for students to help them cope.

Task Force and Public Affairs Representative

Notify news media of:

• Campus’s plans for holding classes.

• Hold student/family public meeting if necessary

Building Representatives/ Instructors

Help students/staff cope with disruption and fears. Monitor students, staff and own welfare. Both students and staff may seek assistance with Employee Assistance Program (EAP).

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Burleigh County Sheriff’s Department or your local law enforcement:

• Secures areas.

• Investigate


• On alert.

• Triage, treatment and transportation.

Fire Department

• On alert.

• Search and rescue.

• Triage and treatment.


• Actions campus is taking.

• Campus Map



Mass Casualties Phase I: Incident Occurring

Examples: plane crash, tornado, lightening.


Task Force Building Struck

• Refer to STRUCTURAL COLLAPSE. Outside Building:


Call 911 Send out Emergency Notification System message and update 8000.umary.edu. Establish Command Post. Create Crisis Management Team Staging Area. Notify Emergency Responders of assets available.

Physical Plant/ Maintenance

Report to Command Post.

Crisis Management Team

Building Struck:

• Refer to STRUCTURAL COLLAPSE. Outside School Building:

• Assist with SHELTER IN PLACE.

• Search commons areas. Monitor entrance/exit doors.

Task Force Establish contact with other schools/colleges if necessary to utilize facilities.

Building Representatives / Instructors

Building Struck:

• Refer to STRUCTURAL COLLAPSE. Outside Building:


• Keep students away from windows.

• Keep students calm.

• Dispel rumors.

Phase II: Incident Under Control


Task Force Remain at Command Post. Assist Emergency Responders at Command Post. Communicate with Crisis Management Team for EVACUATION. Update 8000.umary.edu. Determine:

• Transportation needs for EVACUATION.

• Incident Progress.

• Student Release plans.

• Reunification Site and needs.

Physical Plant/ Maintenance

Command Post to assist with needs.

Crisis Management Team

Assist and help coordinate the EVACUATION if ordered. EVACUATION:

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• Escort Instructors away from building to Staging Area.

• Assist in controlling Evacuating students.

• Once at Staging Area: o Check with Instructors to account for all students.

• Relay information to the Command Post & Evacuation/Reunification Site of:

o Missing Students. o Found Students. o Injured/trapped students. o Safe areas searched and evacuated.

Supervise student release:

• Obtain and record student’s name and contact information.

• Escort student to Reunification Area. If student is missing, injured, absent or transported to hospital:

• Escort families/adult to Information Area if appropriate. Assist with supervision of students.

Task Force and Public Affairs Representative

Arrange Evacuation transportation needs. Contact City & Emergency Responder Public Information Officers. In conjunction:

• Incident information release.

• Notify of remote site for University of Mary personnel Reunification.

• Student release procedure.

Building Representatives/ Instructors

Reassure students. Monitor students and staff welfare. Seek assistance for students who need it. Dispel rumors as by directed by Task Force.

Phase III: Aftermath & Recovery


Task Force Assist Emergency Responders with building assets. Update 8000.umary.edu. Review incident and make necessary policy and procedure changes.

Student Health Clinic Monitor students, Instructors, staff for anyone needing assistance

Task Force and Public Affairs Representative

With Emergency Responders Public Information Officer:

• Incident information update. Meet with students and the community, if needed. Inspect building for any possible damage. Contact insurance company. Review incident; make necessary changes to policies/procedures.

Student Health Clinic / Instructors

Help students cope with fear and grief. Return to normal classroom operation. Dispel rumors as directed by Task Force.


Fire Department:

• If it’s an accidental event and a fire is involved, Fire Dept. will lead

• Command the incident and set up Command Post

• Search and Rescue

• Assist with Triage and treatment

Burleigh County Sheriff’s Department or your local law enforcement:



• If it’s determined to be a criminal event, Burleigh County Sheriff’s Department or your local law enforcement will lead

• Provide scene security

• Traffic/crowd control.

• Assist with search and rescue

• Assist with Triage

• Assist with incident investigation


• Standby until directed by Fire/Police

• Establish Triage area

• Establish/arrange morgue

• Administer treatment at the scene

• Transport victims to hospital(s)


• Emergency Kit

• Information re: the injured, trapped or dead

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Medical Emergency Phase I: Incident Occurring


Task Force Call 911 Dispatch Student Clinic Health personnel to respond until emergency personnel arrive on the scene. Secure an emergency kit and/or AED if needed. Secure area to avoid crowds and / or others from entering the area of the emergency. Follow the direction of the emergency personnel responding to the incident. Assure family members are contacted Document the event.

Task Force and Public Affairs Representative

Communicate as appropriate via Emergency Notification System or 8000.umary.edu.

Building Representatives / Instructors

Keep students and any other University of Mary calm. Assist with keeping the area secure and allowing emergency personnel to perform their work.

Phase II: Incident Under Control / Aftermath & Recovery


Task Force Announce all-clear to return to classrooms. Return school to normal operations. Update 8000.umary.edu

Task Force / Physical Plant

Investigate the incident if it is related to structure and / or if it is related to campus safety.

Building Representatives / Instructors

Help students/staff cope with disruption, fears, coping. Monitor students, staff and own welfare. Both students and staff may seek assistance with Employee Assistance Program (EAP).



Mental Health Incident Phase I: Incident Occurring


Task Force Call 911 if appropriate Follow the directions of emergency personnel Contact EAP to address the well-being of individuals involved and other University of Mary personnel Contact Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT), if appropriate Update 8000.umary.edu, if appropriate Document the event.

Task Force and Public Relations Representative

Prepare a statement if needed.

Phase II: Incident Under Control


Task Force Continue to update 8000.umary.edu if appropriate. Contact Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT), if appropriate Work with EAP to meet the needs of the individuals directly involved with the incident and any other University of Mary personnel as needed. Document the event.

Building Representatives Instructors

Help students/staff cope with disruption and fears. Monitor students, staff and own welfare. Both students and staff may seek assistance with Employee Assistance Program (EAP).

Phase III: Aftermath & Recovery


Task Force Ensure family is contacted, if appropriate Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT) follow-up, dependent on level of incident Work with EAP to meet the needs of the individuals directly involved with the incident and any other University of Mary personnel as needed. Document the event.

Building Representatives Instructors/ Task Force

Help students/staff cope with disruption and fears. Monitor students, staff and own welfare. Both students and staff may seek assistance with Employee Assistance Program (EAP). Review policies and procedures after the event to assess and implement updates as appropriate.

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Neighborhood Threat Phase I: Incident Occurring

Examples: Child molester or escaped prisoner in neighborhood; fire or explosion.


ALL Report observations to 701-355-8000.

Task Force Establish Command Post. Send out Emergency Notification System message Update 8000.umary.edu Follow appropriate recommendations:



• SHELTER IN PLACE Document the event.

Physical Plant/ Maintenance

Prepare to shut down air handlers- if necessary Assist with LOCKDOWN OR SHELTER IN PLACE.

Crisis Management Team

Assist Task Force as requested. Monitor and staff all entrances and exits. Assist Instructors with:




Task Force Establish communication with Burleigh County Sheriff’s Department or your local Public Information Officer and continue to update 8000.umary.edu.

Phase II: Incident Under Control


All Continue to report suspicious observations to Task Force designee.

Task Force Continue to follow appropriate recommendations from Law Enforcement and provide updates to 8000.umary.edu.

Crisis Management Team

Continue to monitor entrances and exits. Assist Instructors with:



• EVACUATION. Report any emergencies to Command Post.

Task Force and Public Relations Representative

In conjunction with Emergency Responder’s Public Info. Officer: Issue Media release

• Needs of Campus:

• Reunification Site and manpower.

• Transportation Evacuation.

Building Representatives / Instructors

Continue to follow Command Post Direction. EVACUATION:

• By direction of Emergency Responder and/or Crisis Management Team member.

• Tell students direction of Evacuation.

• Take Emergency Kit.

• At Staging Area or Reunification Area: o Take roll.



o Notify Crisis Management Team of any missing, injured, absent students.


• Seek assistance from Crisis Management Team for: o Supervision. o Medical needs.

Phase III: Aftermath & Recovery


Task Force Update 8000.umary.edu. Review incident and policies and procedures and update accordingly

Crisis Management Team

Reassure students that building is safe. Dispel rumors. Return campus to normal functioning.



• Command of incident

• Scene security (perimeter, safety of citizens in area, etc.)

• Apprehend suspect

• Evacuation, if needed

• Animal control, if needed

Fire Department

• Explosion:

• Incident Commander

• Fire Suppression

• Search and Rescue

• Order Evacuation, if needed


• Standby as needed

• Triage, treatment & transportation


• Communication with Task Force

• Recommend to campus appropriate action to take:

• Lockdown

• Evacuate

• Shelter in Place

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Power Outage / Utility Failure Phase I: Incident Occurring


Task Force Contact appropriate vendors for outage / failures (MDU, Capital Electric, etc.) Send out Emergency Notification System message Update 8000.umary.edu. Document the event

Task Force and Physical Plant

Determine if any systems need to be shut down, closed off, etc.

Crisis Management Team

Supervise hallways, rooms and other designated areas. Check large room span areas such as gyms for students and staff. Communicate with office of areas checked.

Building Representatives/ Instructors

Monitor and / or provide direction to the University of Mary personnel in their building / class room. Attempt to keep students calm.

Phase II: Incident Under Control


Task Force Update 8000.umary.edu. Provide directions to manage during the outage / utility failure

Crisis Management Team

Assist in keeping the University of Mary personnel safe. Lock and help assure property and facilities remain safe during the outage / failure.

Phase III: Aftermath & Recovery


Task Force Update 8000.umary.edu. Issue the return to normal operations. Document the event.

Task Force and Physical Plant

Investigate the reason for outage / failure. Assess any damage or loss property as a result of the incident. Contact / submit an insurance claim if necessary.

Building Representatives/ Instructors

Help students/staff cope with disruption. Monitor students, staff and own welfare.



Stalking/Abusive Relationship Phase I: Incident Occurring


Task Force Call 911 Follow the directions of emergency personnel Contact EAP to address the well-being of fellow students and other University of Mary personnel Update 8000.umary.edu if appropriate Document the event.

Task Force Meet and investigate incident(s), timely respond to the accusations and take remedial steps to eliminate or manage. Continue to monitor the well-being of the personnel involved.

Phase II: Incident Under Control


Task Force Continue to update 8000.umary.edu, if appropriate Meet and investigate incidents(s), timely respond to the accusations and take remedial steps to manage. Work with EAP to meet the needs of the individuals directly involved with the incident and any other University of Mary personnel as needed.

Phase III: Aftermath & Recovery


Task Force Continue to work with EAP to meet the needs of the individuals directly involved with the incident and any other University of Mary personnel as needed. Review incident; make necessary updates to policy and procedures.

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Structural Collapse Phase I: Incident Occurring


All Call 911 & report any structural collapse or damage to Security.

Task Force Call 911 Send out Emergency Notification System message and update 8000.umary.edu. Establish Command Post. Establish Crisis Management Team members’ staging area. If safe:

• Direct Building Representatives and Instructors to EVACUATE to Staging Area; stay away from walls!

• Building Representatives search common areas.

• Request Evacuation transportation, if needed. If unsafe to evacuate, SHELTER-IN-PLACE

Follow the direction of emergency responders. Document the event.

Physical Plant/ Maintenance

If safe to do so:

• Shut off gas supply.

• Air handling system. Report to Command Post.

Crisis Management Team

Assist Task Force and Emergency Personnel If safe to do so:

• Respond to Staging Area.

• Help with Evacuation.

• Check common areas, restrooms for students, staff, and/or suspicious packages or people.

Student Health Clinic Assist EMS and Emergency Responders.

Building Representatives/ Instructors

Have University of Mary personnel take cover until building stabilizes. SHELTER-IN-PLACE or EVACUATE as directed. Take Emergency Kit. Upon reaching Staging Area, take roll. Report to Crisis Management Team missing, injured, trapped, absent students.

Phase II: Incident Under Control


Task Force Remain at Command Post and continue to support the Bismarck-Burleigh or your local Emergency personnel. Assist in investigation of building collapse. Update 8000.umary.edu.

Crisis Management Team

Check with Instructors to account for all students.

• Relay information to the Command Post & Evacuation/Reunification site of:

- Missing students. - Found students. - Injured/trapped students.



- Deceased students/staff.

• Inform Command Post of areas of school searched. Reunification site:

• Take roll of all personnel at the site.

• Escort student to Reunification Area. If student is missing, injured, deceased, or at the hospital or morgue:

• Escort families/adults to Information Area if appropriate.

Building Representatives/ Instructors

Account for all students. Report injured or missing students to Crisis Management Team. Monitor student’s health:

• Request medical assistance, if needed.

• Arrange transportation to Triage, if needed Keep track of all students until they are signed out.

Phase III: Aftermath & Recovery


Task Force Assist in investigation of collapse, if needed. If deaths, set up a temporary memorial area. Update 8000.umary.edu.

Student Health Center

• Arrange counseling for students to help them cope with fears.

• Arrange counseling for staff to help cope with trauma/stress.

Task Force When safe to do so and directed by Fire and Burleigh County Sheriff’s Department or your local departments:

• Determine when campus can be opened for use.

• Activate alternate campus plans, until cleanup is completed and building is repaired.

In conjunction with Fire/City/Burleigh County Sheriff’s Department or your local Public Information Officer’s, release a statement to news media. Hold a meeting with staff, students and community members. Review incident; make necessary changes to policies and procedures. Review policies for permanent memorial and placement.

Building Representatives/ Instructors

Prepare to teach in interim location without usual materials, texts, etc. Monitor own well-being. Attend counseling sessions. Help students cope with disruption.


Fire Department:

• Command the incident.

• Set up Command Post.

• Fire suppression.

• Search and rescue.

• Shut off gas and electricity.

8000.umary.edu 84


• Triage, treatment and transportation.

Burleigh County Sheriff’s Department or your local law enforcement:

• Establish scene security.

• Provide traffic and crowd control.

• Assist Fire and EMS.

• Establish morgue, if needed.


• Meet with Task Force

• Emergency Kit:

• Building plans and layout.

• Emergency contact numbers.

• Information and location of:

• Hazardous or flammable chemicals.

• Number and location of injured and missing persons.

• Evacuation/Reunification Area.



Suicide Phase I: Incident Occurring


Task Force Call 911 Follow the directions of emergency personnel Secure the area Contact EAP and Chaplain to address the well-being of fellow students and other University of Mary personnel Document the event.

Task Force and Public Relations Representative

Prepare for communication with news media.

Phase II: Incident Under Control


Task Force Continue to update 8000.umary.edu., if applicable Work with EAP and Chaplain to meet the needs of the University of Mary personnel. Ensure family is contacted Document the event.

Building Representatives Instructors

Help students/staff cope with disruption and fears. Monitor students, staff and own welfare.

Phase III: Aftermath and Recovery


Task Force Continue to update 8000.umary.edu, if applicable Announce a place for students and friends to meet for remembrance. Work with EAP and Chaplain to meet the needs of the University of Mary students and personnel. Announce a place for students and friends to meet for remembrance.

Building Representatives

Help students/staff cope with disruption and fears. Monitor students, staff and own welfare.

Instructors Both students and staff may seek assistance with Employee Assistance Program (EAP)


Burleigh County Sheriff’s Department or your local law enforcement:

• Secures area of incident and investigate.


• Treatment and transportation

8000.umary.edu 86

Suspicious Person / Criminal Activity Phase I: Incident Occurring


Task Force Call 911 Send out an Emergency Notification System message. If appropriate implement the Shelter-In-Place procedures. Follow the lead and direction from emergency personnel. Document the event.

Crisis Management Team

Assist Task Force and emergency personnel as requested.

Building Representatives / Instructors

Tell students where to go for sheltering. Close classroom door. Take roll when sheltering area is reached. Notify Crisis Management Team of any missing students. Keep students and any University of Mary safe. Attempt to keep students calm.

Phase II: Incident Under Control


Task Force Update 8000.umary.edu. Support the responding emergency personnel.

Crisis Management Team

Assist Task Force and emergency personnel as requested.

Task Force and Public Affairs Representative

Issue news media statement.

Building Representatives Instructors

Take students back to the classroom when all-clear signal is given. Take roll. Reassure students that they are safe. Refer students unable to cope. Attempt to return campus to normal operations.

Phase III: Aftermath & Recovery


Task Force Update 8000.umary.edu. Review incident and procedures and update Emergency Response Plan if necessary. Participate and aid in any resulting investigation.

Student Health Clinic

If needed, arrange counseling for students to help them cope.

Task Force and Public Affairs Representative

Notify news media of:

• Campus’s plans for holding classes.

• Full use or limited use, or alternate campus plan.


Help students/staff cope with disruption and fears. Monitor students, staff and own welfare. Both students and staff may seek assistance with Employee Assistance Program (EAP).




Burleigh County Sheriff’s Department or your local law enforcement:

• On alert and responds to emergency

• Secures areas


• On alert.

• Triage, treatment and transportation.

Fire Department

• On alert.

• Search and rescue.

• Triage and treatment.


• Actions campus is taking.

• Campus map

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Theft / Robbery / Burglary Phase I: Incident Occurring


Task Force Call 911 Send out Emergency Notification System message. Update 8000.umary.edu. Establish Command Post Issue Shelter-In-Place if appropriate.

Crisis Management Team

Support and assist the Task Force and responding emergency personnel as requested.

Building Representatives/ Instructors

Tell students where to go for sheltering. Close shades, if time. Take Emergency Kit. Close classroom door. Take roll when sheltering area is reached. Notify Crisis Management Team of any missing students. Attempt to keep students calm.

Phase II: Incident Under Control


Task Force Update 8000.umary.edu. No damage or injuries:

• Announce all-clear to return to classrooms.

• Return school to normal operations. Minor damage:

• With Maintenance assess damage.

• Assess if building can be used. Building sustains damage or injuries:

• Follow procedures for: o BUILDING COLLAPSE. o FIRE. o MASS CASUALTIES.

Task Force and Physical Plant

When and if safe:

• Check building interior.

• Check building exterior for damage. Report areas and extent of damage to office.

Crisis Management Team

No damage or injuries:

• Notify Command Post so students can return to classrooms.

• Supervise return to classrooms. Building sustains damage or injuries:

• Follow procedures for: o BUILDING COLLAPSE. o FIRE. o MASS CASUALTIES.

Task Force Contact insurance company (risk management) to establish a claim

Building Representatives/ Instructors

Take students back to the classroom when all-clear signal is given. Take roll. Reassure students that they are safe. Refer students unable to cope for counseling. Attempt to return campus to normal operations.



Phase III: Aftermath & Recovery


Task Force No damage:

• Review incident and procedures. Damage to buildings and Property:

• Establish alternate campus plans / services.

• Update 8000.umary.edu Evaluate processes and procedures and update the Plan accordingly.

Student Health Clinic

If needed, arrange counseling for students to help them cope.

Task Force / Physical Plant / Public Affairs Representative

Damage to building:

• Determine usability of school building.

• Mobilize clean-up of grounds.

• Activate alternate campus plans. Notify news media of:

• Campus’s plans for holding classes.

• Full use or limited use, or alternate campus plan.

• Hold student/family public meeting if damage or injury occurred.


Help students/staff cope with disruption and fears. Monitor students, staff and own welfare. Both students and staff may seek assistance with Employee Assistance Program (EAP).


Burleigh County Sheriff’s Department or your local law enforcement:

• Secures areas


• On alert.

• Triage, treatment and transportation.

Fire Department

• On alert.

• Search and rescue.

• Triage and treatment.


• Actions campus is taking.

• Campus map

• Alternate means to communicate with campus in case of disaster.

8000.umary.edu 90

Weather Event (Blizzard, Tornado, Wind Storm, Flood) Phase I: Incident Occurring


Task Force Monitor weather reports and advisories and maintain communications with their office. Provide direction and communications to address weather event in accordance with any applicable university policies (e.g., Weather-Related Closing policy). Decisions to close a campus and to change or cancel scheduled student travel will be made as soon as possible following an announcement from the weather service of a storm warning or issuance of a no travel advisory. For inclement weather situations that develop over time and do not represent a sudden and immediate threat to human life and property, (such as blizzards and wind storms) please refer to the Inclement Weather Policy. However, in the case of a sudden and immediate weather related emergency such as tornado or flash flood, this procedure should be followed. News media will be notified. Emergency Notification System (ENS) message will be sent Determine what level of staffing is needed on the impacted campus during the event and if evacuation is warranted, shelter-place-in needs to be implemented.

Task Force and Physical Plant

Monitor Emergency Alert System and KFYR AM (550) radio or your local emergency media outlet. Physical Plant will notify Campus Safety and Security if significant snowfall, wind or rain, prohibit access to rooms with large roof spans (gyms), and will take measures to evacuate these buildings and send notice of the evacuation through the ENS.

Physical Plant Prepare for power failure. Check function of heating system. Check vents (sewer gas, carbon dioxide, etc.)

Phase II & III: Incident under Control/Aftermath & Recovery


Task Force and Crisis Management Team

Communicate return to operations (including limitations) to community via Emergency Notification System Oversee campus’ return to full operation.

Physical Plant Check building interior and exterior for damage. Report areas and extent of damage to Task Force. Check vents (sewer gas, carbon dioxide, etc.) Damage:

• Assess amount of damage

• Limited use of building possible No Damage:

• Snow removal

Task Force Continue to monitor National Weather Service:

• When school can reopen due to travel conditions.

• Campus cancellation or limited bus routes.




Incident Report By Emergency Team

Incident: Date Occurred:

Description of Incident: Injuries: Damage to Property: Actions Taken: Suggested Changes: Signed by: Date:

8000.umary.edu 92

Incident Documentation Log

Location: Date:

Incident: Page: of

Time Occurrence, Decision, Or Action Taken & By Whom Logged By



Accident Report Form

Name of Insured:

Street Address:

City: State: Zip Code:

Contact Name:

Primary Phone: Secondary Phone:

Insurance Policy Number:

Date of Loss:

Location of Accident:

Driver Name:

Year/Make/VIN of Insured Vehicle:

Passenger Name: Phone Number:


Driver Name:


City: State: Zip Code:

Primary Phone: Secondary Phone:

Owner of Vehicle: Year/Make/Model:

License Plate #: Vehicle Registration State:

Insurance Company: Insurance Policy Number:

Passenger: Phone Number:

Passenger: Phone Number:

Passenger: Phone Number:

Passenger: Phone Number:




Phone Number:



Department Name:

Officer Name:

Badge Number:

Phone Number:

Reported By: Date Signed:

Send to Email: Call:

Insured Information

8000.umary.edu 94

Bomb Threat Card

• Tape Record Call (if possible)

• Write Down Caller ID, if available:

• Time Call Received:

• Time Call Ended:

• Dial 911.


• When is the bomb going to explode?

• Where is it right now?

• What does it look like?

• What kind of bomb is it?

• What will cause it to explode?

• Did you place the bomb?

• Why?

• Where are you calling from?

• What is your name and address?

EXACT WORDING OF THE THREAT (write it in the space below):

Sex of caller Race:

Age of caller: Date:

Phone number at which call was received:

Who took the call:

Your job title:

Your work phone:

Your home phone:




Calm Angry Excited

Slow Rapid Soft

Loud Laugh Crying

Normal Distinct Slurred

Nasal Stutter Lisp

Raspy Deep Whispered

Cracked Accent Disguised

Clearing Throat Deep Breathing

Familiar? Who?


Street Noises Factory Machinery

House Noises Office Machinery

Voices Animal Noises

Crockery P.A. System

Music Long Distance

Motor Local

Other Clear

Static Phone Booth


Well-Spoken Message Read

(educated) (by threat maker)

Foul Language Tape Recorded

Irrational Incoherent



1. When instructed, do a brief, visual search of your assigned area.

2. If you see something unusual, DO NOT TOUCH.

3. Avoid turning off lights or closing doors/windows.

4. Evacuate to your designated area.

5. Do not use a cell phone or 2-way radio!

6. Notify Task Force member or emergency personnel after exiting the building.

7. During inclement weather or long searches, follow your building’s emergency procedures.

8. Do not re-enter building until notified by emergency personnel or Task Force member..

8000.umary.edu 96

How to Handle Threats Remain calm! Gather as much information as possible!

Phone Threats:

• Signal another staff member to listen, if possible.

• Use the Bomb Threat Card to collect information, even if the threat is not a bomb.

• When caller hangs up, Notify Campus Safety and Security at 701-355-8000 of threat.

• Complete any unanswered questions on the Bomb Threat Card.

• Be available after the call for law enforcement to interview you.

Written Threats:

• Handle the item as little as possible to avoid extra fingerprints.

• Notify the Campus Safety and Security at 701-355-8000. of the threat

• Be prepared to answer the following questions:

• Where the item was found.

• The date and time you found the item.

• Any situations or conditions surrounding the discovery.

• Any other person you are aware of who saw the threat.

• Any person who has touched the item.

E-mailed Threats:

• Leave the message open on the computer.

• Notify the Campus Safety and Security at 701-355-8000 of the threat.

• Print the message.

Verbal Threats:

• Detain the person making the threat, if possible and practical.

• If the person who made the threat leaves, note which direction they are going. If possible and safe, follow them at a discreet distance.

• Have another staff member notify the Campus Safety and Security at 701-355-8000.

• Note the description of the person who made the threat:

• Name, if known.

• Race.

• Sex.

• Type & color of clothing.

• Body size.

• Hair color.

• Distinguishing features.

• Write down the threat exactly as it was communicated to you:

• Who made the threat?

• The date and time of the threat.

• Where the person who made the threat is now.

Rumors If you overhear a rumor about a threat or incident, write down exactly what you heard, from whom you heard it, and then report the rumor to Campus Safety and Security at 701-355-8000.



Emergency Kit Student Government Committee and Campus Safety and Security is responsible for maintaining the kit and the kit locations.

❑ Basic shelter-in-place supplies

❑ Roll of duct tape

❑ Garbage bags

❑ Class lists for each period.

❑ Basic first aid kit including:

❑ Age appropriate time passers: deck of cards, etc.

❑ Notebook

❑ Pen/marker

❑ Flashlight

❑ Name tags

❑ Bullhorn

8000.umary.edu 98

Crisis Management Emergency Kit 1. Emergency Response Plan 2. University of Mary Employee Phone Directory 3. Physical Plant Information

❑ Room utilization chart by period and/or day.

❑ Evacuation routes, floor plans and evacuation plan.

❑ Floor plans identifying including locations for:

• Air handling unit shutoff AH

• Gas main shutoff GM

• Electrical Shutoff ES

• Fire alarm shutoff FA

• Phone system PS

• Water shutoff WS

• Custodial areas with:

• Flammable chemicals FC

• Hazardous chemicals HC

• Science rooms with:

• Flammable chemicals FC

• Hazardous chemicals HC

4. Staff & Student Information ❑ Updated list, with pictures, of all University of Mary personnel.

❑ Student contact information including documentation of who is authorized to pick up that student, i.e., parent or guardian names AND emergency contacts.

❑ List of students and staff with special needs and description of need, i.e., medical, ambulatory, etc.

5. Emergency Tools & Supplies ❑ Markers:

Dry erase for maps

Sharpies & pens

❑ First aid kit

❑ 4 reflective vests

❑ Bullhorn with charged batteries

❑ 2 - flashlights and batteries

❑ 2 pair - leather work gloves

❑ Whistle

❑ Goggles or protective eye gear

❑ Clipboard with legal pad

❑ Peel off stickers (for ID use)

❑ 2 rolls duct tape

❑ Masks (pack of 50)

❑ Pry bar

❑ Laminated signs: arrows, do not enter, etc.

It may be necessary to relocate the Command Center to an alternate site, an evacuation site, or to the emergency Command Post. The Task Force will be responsible to relocate the Emergency Kit along with their laptop and power source.



Priorities to Improve Campus Safety and Security Task Force

CHECK LIST TO BE UPDATED AT EACH MEETING Date: __________________________

Identified Area of Concern Objectives Target Date for Completion

Actual Date of Completion

Complete and return or e-mail to Campus Safety and Security Coordinator