8. Tétel ECL Szóbeli

Post on 19-Jan-2016

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Transcript of 8. Tétel ECL Szóbeli

8. Szolgáltatások: autóbérlés, biztosítások/fajtái, utazási irodák/bankok, javítások/garancia, közüzemi szolgáltatások

Nowadays people travel a lot, from several reasons, for exampla on business, for education, for relaxation, for pleasure or for their health. Renting a car is one of the available services while travelling. Renting a car in most cases for me is unnecessary, because in most countries the public transport is well figured out. On the other hand, if you have to travel long distances and you are in a hurry, it can be mandatory to rent a car. It has disadvantages. It is expensive, you have to attend to it very much and if you scathe the car you have to pay. But you needn’t use the public transport, when you are abroad and in some cases when you rent it for a wedding party, you can choose from unique limusines.We can talk about insurances. Types of insurances are health insurance, disability ( rokkantság ) insurance, life insurance, property ( vagyon ) insurance, casualty ( baleset ) insurance, travel insurance and so on. You make a contract with an insurance company and it gives you protection againts some undesirable event or risk. You will have an insurance policy.By life insurance you or your family get some money when you are permanently injured. In Hungary health insurance is handled by the state. Every person has to pay a portion of their salary for treatment. It is important to be insured when you travel abroad, because various unexpected events can disturb your holidays. Banks offer a wide choice of services. They deal with savings, payment services, lending, insurance, foreign currency exchanges, leasing, giving advice on investments and so on. Nowadays more and more banks provide telebanking services. It means that people use their phones or the Internet to give orders to the banks to carry out different kinds of business transactions for them. The customers can also check their accounts on the Internet or by phone. Credit cards are issued by a bank. I often travel with my family abroad. A travel agency arranges for us the accomodation, the travel and the eating. A travel agency arranges and sells inland and outlander tours, sells tickets, offeres guides and translators, changes money and rents you a car abroad. There are services, for example electricity, gas, chimneysweeping, water and water gang and dispatch of the garbage, which belong to public utility services. I am satisfied with the customer services, which I can call 24 hours a day. The assistants are polite and try to solve my problems as quickly as possible. You can pay your bills by cheque, bank order, or in person at the company. You are charged for using water on the basis of your consumption. Regarding charging for using gas depends where you live. In many places you can choose how frequently the gasman comes to read the meter. If he comes only once or twice a year, you have to pay an estimated amount based on your previous consumption.We often complain of the product we bought, because it is unserviceable. In larger supermarkets there is a service department near the entry. You can tell here your problems to the assistants and they try to help you. In smaller shops you can make complaints to the assistant. If you have problem with service you can write a letter of complaint. Usually electrical devices are guaranteed, which are expensive. When a guaranteed device breaks down, you can carry it to the nearest brand service and there it will be repaired free. If the servicemen can’t repair it you will get a new one.