8 Minutes Weight Loss Report

Post on 15-May-2015

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Learn the 8 minute weight loss secret that gyms, trainers and doctors don't tell you.

Transcript of 8 Minutes Weight Loss Report

In 8 minutes you’ll learn why...

Most women who exercise to lose weightgenerally gain weight!

When you see the simple logic, you’ll learn the secret to easier and lasting weight control.


For the technically minded...Your body burns up calories in a number of ways: metabolism (keeping you warm and keeping bodily functions going), digestion, planned exercise, and any physical activity you get throughout your day. You may be consuming the same amount as you always have but as you age your body is burning less and you’re storing it as fat -some of it around your waist.

1. If you joined a gym or started exercising to lose weight - it probably means that you’re carrying some extra weight.

Let’s start with two basic assumptions...

2. If you’re carrying some extra weight – it means that you have a lifestyle of consuming more calories in food AND drinks than your body is burning up.

Here’s an example...

Yes, we all know...That we are meant to use ‘kilojoules’ not ‘calories’ but we just want to make this easy to understand!

The figures above would vary depending on your weight, age, fitness, body composition, and activity levels.

Even though you’re careful with your food and drink choices, it’s easy to consume around 2,500 calories a day.

In a normal day you burn up around 1,500 calories.

This means each day you’re storing the balance of 1,000 calories.

And assuming you aren’t eating or drinking any extra on the weekends that’s 7,000 surplus calories per week!

(Remember this number!)

So you’ve been exercising…

For the technically minded...An 80 kg woman exercising at a moderate pace burns around 6 calories a minute. (Source: 2009 Allan Borushek’s Pocket Calorie, Fat and Carbohydrate Counter). That’s 180 cals (753 kj) in 30 mins. Some gyms get this wrong and claim a woman can burn up to 2,000 kj in 30 mins. That’s 15.9 cals per min! Either, they don’t know their exercise science or choose to mislead.

There is a small and temporary post-exercise elevation in metabolism, but nowhere near enough to get to 2,000 kj.

Let’s say you joined a gym or started exercising from home to lose weight, and you’re doing 30 minutes of exercise regularly 3 times per week.

For each minute of exercise, you’re burning about 6 calories. In 30 minutes that’s 180 calories.

Do this three times per week...That’s just 540 calories burned per week.

So where does that leave you?

Even though you may be getting fitter, you’re still putting on weight... only at a slower rate!

You were storing 7,000 calories per week.

Deduct the 540 calories you burn during your exercise each week.

You’re now storing 6,460 calories per week. That’s 923 calories a day!

Horrifying statisticsThe average woman in Australia and New Zealand is storing calories at a rate where she gains 1 - 3 grams of fat every day! That’s 365 to 1,095 grams per year (1/3 to 1 kg per year).That’s 3.65 to 10.95 kilograms per decade.

How much did you weigh 10 years ago?

In frustration you say:

“I’ll just exercise more until I lose weight.”

Remember... walking or gym workouts burn just 6 calories a minute.

So to burn up the excess 923 calories a day you would have to exercise for 154 minutes each and every day – just to stop gaining and stay at the same weight.

Think about this!It takes around 46 minutes of brisk walking to burn

up the calories in one 100 g muffin!

1. You would have to burn up an extra 500 calories a day.

2. This means an extra 83 minutes exercise every day on top of the 150 minutes needed to stop gaining weight.

3. That adds up to around 233 minutes a day, or nearly 4 hours each and every day, 7 days a week!

But you wanted to lose weight!

Who has time for that?

Clearly, exercise alone is not enough.

It’s no wonder that many women simply give up saying

“Even though I’ve been exercising I still haven’t lost weight.”

Don’t forget…Brushing your teeth and putting on your seat belt are vital health habits. Regular exercise is another.

If you’re not losing weight, you’ll need to consider your diet as well.

• If you are currently exercising - GREAT! Keep it up. You’ll learn that this is one of the vital ingredients to successful and lasting weight loss.

• If you’re not exercising, now is a good time for you to start.

* For the technically minded...1 kilo per week may be OK for a 100 kg person as it’s 1% of their body weight per week. For a 70 kg woman wanting to lose weight, 1% would mean that she should not lose weight any faster than .7 kg per week. Slower steady weight loss andexercise help prevent weight regain and the yo-yo effect.

Don’t be tempted by fast weight loss plans or fad diets, both which set you up for weight regain. Here’s why:

• Any weight loss faster than 1 kilo per week* means that you will be losing too much muscle along with the fat.

• As your muscles are your main calorie burners, this means that your metabolic rate (the rate at which you burn calories even when sleeping) will decline.

Fast weight loss and fad diets make it even more difficult to sustain your new weight without lifelong dieting.

It also means that you go from “fat and flabby” to “thin and flabby”!

For the technically minded...A body composition measurement will estimate how much lean tissue (muscles and bones) and how much fat is on your body. Ideally while you are losing weight you want to maximise fat loss and minimise loss of lean tissue.

Just to clarify...As you lose weight it’s normal to lose some muscle tissue.

With the right strategies, including exercise and a ‘consistent and healthy’ approach, you can limit this loss and limit your chances of regaining weight.

The best way to monitor your progress is with regular body composition measurements.

These will provide information on your changing body composition while you are losing weight.

We’ll tell you how to get your body composition measured later.

Why do people find it so hard to lose weight?

Actually, a weight loss plan does work if it’s structured, personalised, and provides the right support. This will avoid some common problems:

• Confusion• Hunger• Boredom• Getting side tracked• Not sticking to it • Wanting instant results!• Having to make one meal for

yourself and another for your family• Not having the ‘know how’ to replace

your old habits with new.

So… people blow it!


1. What you eat, what you drink and how much

2. How active you are and what exercise you do

3. Your ability to make lasting changes on your own

It’s important for you to understand the factors causing weight gain which are under your control:

Weight gain is ‘multi-factorial’.

This is why successful weight loss requires a ‘multi-factorial’ approach.

Successful weight loss is like trying to open a three-barrel combination padlock.

You have to get all three factors right at the same time.

This is why a ‘diet-only’ or ‘exercise-only’ approach simply doesn’t work.

Like a three-barrel combination padlock, having a plan that combines all three factors at the same time is the only way to lose weight and keep it off.

1. Tells you exactly which foods and drinks to consume and how much

2. Gives you a structured regular exercise program that tells you what type of exercise to do and how much

3. Provides you with accountability and the right support to help you make these changes and stick with them

To lose weightyou need a combination plan that:

Not only will this help you lose weight, it will help you keep it off.

Once you have a plan that integrates your diet, your exercise, and your support, then we suggest that you set aside the same 8 minutes each day, simply to plan your meals, exercise and support sessions …in advance.

Planning for just 8 minutes a day sets you up for lasting weight loss success.

As they say: “People don’t plan to fail. They just fail to plan.”

But… what if you don’t have a plan?

You will have invested around 8 minutes to read this report.

• We’ll give you some great insights in a free individual weight loss planning session.

• You’ll also be given a body composition measurement.

• To organise this free session, call or drop in to your nearest Healthy Inspirations centre.

Together, we can customisea combination plan that works for you.

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• Please feel free to share this report with your friends.

• You can see the successful weight loss stories of others at www.HealthyInspirations.com.au/case-studies.

• If you’re interested in a free body composition and weight loss planning session, please contact your nearest Healthy Inspirations centre. Contact details are below.

Thanks for taking the time to read the 8-Minute Weight Loss Secret.