7th August 2018 Quairading District High School NEWSLETTER

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Transcript of 7th August 2018 Quairading District High School NEWSLETTER

McLennan Street QUAIRADING WA 6383

PH: 96451208 FAX: 96451131 Email: quairading.dhs@education.wa.edu.au


The purpose of Quairading District High School is to inspire a successful pursuit of knowledge

and personal growth.

Quairading District High School

7th August 2018 Issue 10, Term 3

NEWSLETTER 100 years strong: 1913 - 2013

Term 3: Monday 16th July — Friday 21st September Term 4: Monday 8th October — Thursday 13th December

Dear Parents, Staff and the Quairading Community, Staff met yesterday to begin our process. Some parents may have attended the meetings to present the Public Schools Accountability report that was delivered at the end of last term, and you are invited to read the report through the front office. There are areas of my performance and some school processes that require improvement. This involves rethinking responses, reactions and engagements, which has already begun and will continue. It will be a twelve month, assessed process. Mr Paul Mathews of Statewide Services has been nominated as our support Principal, he will be our primary resource to assist guide us through the process. In week one of term we had two meetings to discuss the planning required around the improvement agenda and the process will unfold over several phases. Phase 1: was our School development Day, facilitated by Paul Mathews. The 15th August will be the allocated timeframe to have the Performance Management Document secured and perfected. If approved by our Regional Executive Director the next phase will begin. Phase 2 Improvement Plan Selected committees will begin working on specific sections of the improvement plan document. This improvement plan must be submitted by the 19th of October to our Regional Executive Director for approval. Phase 3: If approved the execution of the Improvement Plan continues from the 19th October to the beginning of term 3 2019. Miss Bec Wilson has been approached by Regional Executive Director Alison Ramm to take on the project management role. This was endorsed by the DG and we are pleased to have Bec on board in this role. The staffing process for 2019 has begun with analysis of possible student numbers for 2019, therefore possible budget, possible staff requirements and current staff allocations. I anticipate a greater than usual turnover in staff and I am in the process of gleaning feedback from teachers to confirm their intentions. Please ensure you inform the school of your intentions for 2019 when approached. It is essential to have a clear picture of enrolments before any further planning is undertaken. Our attendance in semester one reflected positively: our percentage of ‘severe absentees’ dropped significantly from 12.4% in semester two 2017 to 3.9% in semester one 2018 and our percentage of ‘regular attenders’ improved from 49.7% in semester two 2017 to 66.9 in semester one 2018. We now have the challenge of better communicating the Department’s requirements of an absent note and what is a ‘reasonable’ cause to be away from school to better reflect the percentages of ‘authorised’ and ‘unauthorised’ absences. If your child is going to be away for any reason please contact the school. You are able to reply text back to the message you receive when your child is absent.

Thankyou to our parents and friends who supported Mrs Sue Mills in the eRotary Wheatbelt Champion Reading Teacher Awards. As you know Sue won the People’s Choice Award and received $250 worth of vouchers to a bookshop to be shared between the school and herself. It is a busy term this term, carnivals, special weeks and other activities will ensure it flies by. Most of our children went tree planting Friday week ago, thanks to support from Rotary in providing the trees, venue, equipment and funds for bus travel. To coincide with National Schools Tree Day, this is an important step in caring for our country, sustainability and conservation. Another benefit of our partnership with Rotary is our fabulous Rotary Exchange student who began school last week. Axel Soborg joins the Year 9/10 class for the remainder of the year and his first host family are Sarah, Brett, Pia and Alex Caporn. Welcome Axel! Our Singing Buddies travelled to Perth last week to see the stage production of Aladdin, which is very exciting for them. Congratulations to the Singing Buddies on their success at the Avon Valley Arts Eisteddfod winning the District High Schools Trophy. Mr Curtin conducted our second Faction Cross Country on Friday. The weather was a bit blustery so the times are unlikely to be long standing records. Please read further in the newsletter for more details and winners. In week five we have Science week activities, in week six we have Book week activities and in week ten we have NAIDOC activities. Keep an eye on the newsletter, facebook and texts for updates on those plans. This week staff began the ‘Keeping Our Workplace Safe’ professional learning. This is a focus of Minister Sue Ellery and the McGowan government as you may have seen in the news recently. Schools are expected to plan using a specified process for violent incidents with students or parents. Luckily, at the moment, this is not too much of a problem with our students. Pauline Wray Principal

100 Days of School

was celebrated in

the Pre-Primary

last week!


Friday 17th August Meckering Cross Country

Friday 24th August Assembly, Year 5/6, 2pm

Friday 31st August Faction Athletics Carnival

Monday 10th September NAIDOC Week

Friday 14th September Interschool Athletics at Kellerberrin NAIDOC Assembly, 2pm

Wednesday 19th September Parent / Teacher Interviews—half day close

Thursday 20th September Assembly, 2pm

Friday 21st September Last day of term for students


Kindergarten - $40 Primary - $50 Secondary - $235

Payments can be made by cash, cheque or direct deposit into BSB: 036-172, Account: 11-1721

WELCOME AXEL! The Quairading Rotary Club is hosting an exchangee from DENMARK. His name is Axel. He is currently 15 years old and will turn 16 on August 7 (after his arrival). Axel is the youngest of 4 boys. All three of Axel’s brothers have been on exchange, and his family have hosted many exchange students. Axel’s current subjects are Danish, English (since grade 3), History, Social Studies, Math, Geography, Biology, Psychical Education, Physics/Chemistry & French. Axel plays tennis, plays bass guitar, likes to work out at the gym and is a Manchester United fan. He sings, enjoys carpentry and comes from a family of doctors and has plans to be a surgeon. Enjoy getting to know him and welcome him to Quairading and the School.

Singing Buddies last Wednesday went to see Aladdin at the Crown Theatre.

Thank you to the P & C for their

donation to help pay for the bus.

The Year 8-10 girls participated in a workshop entitled “Empower Girls”. The workshop aims to inspire self-confidence and empower young women, discuss leadership styles and merits, encourage young women to acknowledge and embrace their strengths, understand concepts around gender equality, discuss the solutions for gender inequality, and leave the young women with the belief that they can do anything. A huge thankyou to Jill Hayes (another inspiring girl) who applied through the CRC for this workshop to come to Quairading.

The high school students had some Golf coaching with Rob (PGA Coach) from Marangaroo Golf Club. Thank you to Mrs Rosie Duncan and the Quairading Golf Club for organising.

MERIT CERTIFICATES Congratulations to the following students who received certificates at the

Assembly on Friday 27th July. Scarlett Woodcock: For displaying empathy and compassion towards others. Although not always easy to think of others first, your kindness is noticed and rewarded. Your big heart is only matched by your big smile. Chayce Fairhead: For his amazing progress in literacy. His new found enthusiasm and confidence to complete writing tasks is brilliant. Keep it up, Chayce. Pete Hayden: For being a friendly and enthusiastic class member who always tries his best with learning activities. He follows the school core values and displays and leads by example. Well done, Pete. Chloe Van Nieuwenhuyzen: For her improvement in reading and comprehension. Chloe has made a concerted effort to improve her fluency and reads with some tone and expression. Well done, Chloe. Mia Harris: For her wonderful start to term 3. Mia’s work ethic and attitude has been superb in all areas of the curriculum. Mia’s maths skills and writing in informational texts is impressive. Keep up the good work, Mia. Lachlan Berry: For striving to work consistently in all areas of the curriculum and striving to challenge himself to do his best. Well done Lachlan on a great start to term 3. Jorja Squiers: For being a polite and compassionate class member. Jorja always gives 100% when attempting any task and consistently applies new strategies learnt in her own work. The pride she takes in her work is outstanding. Well done, Jorja. Corey Richards: This term has already seen Corey read more fluently than ever before. He has gained confidence in reading in front of his class members. It is amazing to see all your hard work paying off Corey. Well done. Alexis Harris: Alexis is a caring, cheerful and polite student who always tries her very best when completing her school work. Each and every day, Alexis displays a caring and helpful attitude within the Pre-primary learning environment. You're a wonderful role model for your peers. Keep up the excellent work, Alexis! Ngiarh Hayden: Ngiarh has made a very pleasing start to term 3. She has been working hard using her strate-gies in MACQLIT and applying them in the classroom. She also has been very enthusiastic about maths. It has been amazing to see Ngiarh’s confidence skyrocket this term. Keep up the great work, Ngiarh! Nyssa Scheffler-Russell: Nyssa is a very kind and considerate class member. Nyssa has been using her persistence in maths this week with her multiplication and division problems. It has been awesome watching her confidence grow. Nyssa is also persistent when writing and has made great improvements this term. Well done, Nyssa.

‘PRINCESS AND THE PEA’ The Pre-Primary class had lots of fun with the peas!

FACTION CROSS COUNTRY The second Faction Cross Country carnival in a number of years was held last Friday at the beautiful grounds of the Quairading Golf Club. The weather although cold, was dry with only a light sprinkle, which made for some great running. We started the day by walking the track and students were excited by the prospect of running along trails through the bush and over bridges. Thank you to the Golf Club for allowing us to use your grounds, it was a much more exciting race than if we had just ran laps of the oval. Thank you to all the parents who stepped in and helped time and set up/pack up as well. Thank you to our student council who catered for the students on the day with a sausage sizzle. Quairading Agri Service 4km for $50 Thank you very much Kaye and Terry Andrews for your generosity, donating $50 for the winners

Girls 7/10 5/6 3/4 1/2

1st Ebony Mills Jorja Squiers Skyla Anderson Klaniquah Fielding

New Record 12:12:56 8:51:31


Lucy Brose Nadia Mills Mia Harris Chloe Anderson


Danika Squiers

Bronte Kerr Saphira Scheffler-Russell Ella Hathaway

4th Aahlia Faltyn Macey Dall Pia Caporn Emma Berry

Boys 7/10 5/6 3/4 1/2

1st Toby Weir John Hippisley Andrew Hippisley Anthony Hippisley

New Record 9:08:15 8:17:10 6:19:12 4:38:22


Brandon White

Reagan Mills Tyson Miller Jeb Wilson


Axel Soborg Leith Duncan Kayden Fairhead Noah White

4th Will Hughes Josh Cosgrove Trey Faltyn Isaac Fear

1st Green 57

2nd Red 54

3rd Blue 25

Female Male

Mrs Emma Wilson 19:27:78 Toby Weir 16:57:33 (New record)

Mrs Kelsie Squiers John Hippisley

Ebony Mills Reagan Mills

Nadia Mills Brandon White

VACSWIM 2018/2019

With swimming pools and beaches a big part of the Western Australian lifestyle, ensuring your children can swim competently and safely is essential. You can now enrol your children in VacSwim swimming lessons during the October and December/January school holidays. VacSwim is for all children - from beginners to more advanced swimmers and young people doing their Bronze Medallion. Your children can start as young as five years old. Your children can join in the fun of learning to swim at pools and open water venues across the State. Enrol your children in VacSwim now at education.wa.edu.au/swimming


We are now taking enrolments for children starting Kindergarten in 2019. The child must be 4 years old by 30 June 2019.

Please call in to the school office to collect an enrolment form. Thank you




TERM 3, 2018

Week Date Monday


2 23rd July Renee Anderson and Kylie Squiers

3 30th July Scott Fairhead and Ros Fraser

4 6th August Jodie Yardley and Mel Mills

5 13th August Claire Gelmi

6 20th August Sarah Oliver and Rosie Duncan

7 27th August Sarah Caporn

8 3rd September Shelley Anne Russell and Danielle Macdonald

9 10th September Audra Cosgrove and Michelle Dawson

10 17th September TBA—you??

Lasagne $4.00

Fried Rice ** gluten free option $4.00

Mrs Mac Pie $3.00

Mrs Mac Sausage Roll $3.00

Snack Party Pies (2 pieces) $2.00

Sauce Free

Toasted Ham/Cheese $3.00

Toasted Chick/Cheese $3.00

Toasted Chick/Cheese/Mayo $3.00

Toasted Cheese $2.00

All Drinks $2.00

Choose from: Chocolate Milk; Strawberry Milk; Fruit

Juice Box; Juice Bomb (250mL can of carbonated fruit

juice) – collect from Canteen window at lunchtime

Chocolate Muffin $2.00

Apple Pie $2.00

Icy Pole (Quelch) $1.00

Canteen is open every Monday of the term thanks to our awesome P&C volunteers. To order from canteen, simply write your name, classroom and what you’d like onto a brown paper bag (we have plenty of spares). Add your money and pop it into the blue boxes in your classroom. We are now only open at lunchtimes, not for recess.

Let us know if you’re keen to go onto our

opening roster. Your kids love seeing

you there and it really helps us all out.

Contact Sarah on 0401 052 192.


JUNIOR TENNIS: If you have kids who are keen to play tennis, please take advantage of our Central District Zones Coaching. It is open to children aged Yr 1 and up. It consists of x4 intensive coaching sessions run by Global Tennis. Two of these sessions are held in Quairading and two are hosted by Cunderdin. A great opportunity for professional coaching and very little travel. Commences 2nd Sept. Please see attachments for schedule and rego forms. Contact Rosie Duncan for more info. 0429 457045 or arduncan12@gmail.com JUNIOR NETBALL AND WIND-UP PRESENTATIONS: Grand Final, windup and presentations are this Friday, 10th August. Grand Final round robin starts at 3.30pm. Joint presentations with footy at 5.45pm. Sausage sizzle & drink $2. Pack your coats and we look forward to seeing you there. Queries to Claire 0400 155 321. JUNIOR FOOTBALL WIND-UP: Friday 10 August: Fathers’ match 4:30-5:20 – all fathers/uncles/big brothers must play. Sausage sizzle afterwards $2 for a sausage and a drink. Anyone going to Merredin on Sunday who hasn’t paid, please bring your $10 for registration and lunch. FAREWELL: Come & join a Ravensthorpe School Reunion, celebrating Coralie Daws’ 40 years of teaching. It will be a reunion of students, teachers, parents and non-teaching employees since 1978.Held in conjunction with the highly regarded Ravensthorpe Spring Festival, it will be a weekend of fun & reminiscing. Put it in your diary & don’t miss it! If you have any further enquiries don’t hesitate to contact Tracey Ebert Email: rtebert@westnet.com.au AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT MOBILE SERVICE: The Facebook post for the Australian Government Mobile Service Centre visit to our local area is now live. The post can be viewed via the following link: https://www.facebook.com/234951666611245/posts/1522882014484864/ More information about the Australian Government Mobile Service Centre is available on our website: humanservices.gov.au/mobileoffice If local media outlets would like to promote this visit, please contact our Media Section by emailing media@humanservices.gov.au or calling 0411 670 958.

Quairading Youth Centre

August at the Youth Centre

20th August 3-5pm General games 23rd August 3-5pm Archery

27th August 3pm-5pm Activities and games 29th August 3pm-5pm Baking cupcakes

Noongar sports last month was a great success and some very hungry kids they ate

over eighty sandwiches WOW !!

Also a huge thanks to the donor of an aquaponics setup for our permaculture

garden, I wanted to make her famous but she declined thankyou.

We have measured up for our youth centre garden and it will commence soon plenty

of fresh produce coming.

We have had Australorp chickens donated.

The centre is really buzzing with numbers averaging around 18 kids there is a great

vibe about the place.

The program is a little light this month due to the permaculture garden build

thanks for all the community support.