7NE Lesson 16

Post on 16-Feb-2017

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Transcript of 7NE Lesson 16


Monday 1 May 2023

Amazing Jet Skate ZX9

Been in development for more than 5 years and tested by Olympic athletes!

Designed like a skateboard, with a jetpack underneath it with two turbo engines

It automatically takes you to a certain destination, like a Sat Nav

The Jet Skate is for young people, and parents if they want to be cool!

The Amazing Jet Skate ZX9Do you get bored of having to walk to school? Do you feel your legs getting tired during PE? (Questions to draw in the reader)

If the answer’s yes - this will solve all your problems. The Jet Skate ZX9 has been in development for more than 5 years and has been thoroughly tested by Olympic athletes on the busiest of roads. As a result when you use the Jet Skaye ZX9 you will always arrive safely at school, on time and with minimal effort.(Company and how long in the making)

Are you tired of walking to and from school? Are you sometimes late for class? Not any more with the 'Jet Skate ZX9'! Yes, the Jet Skate ZX9 will make sure that you will arrive at school, on time without breaking sweat. Not only that, you'll be the envy of all your friends as well! Yes, it really is that fantastic!However, it doesn't stop there. Just simply programme in your required destination into the on-board computer and the Jet Skate ZX9 will take you there promptly and in style! Turn up to the end of year disco on your Jet Skate ZX9 or make an entrance at a friends birthday. The choices are unlimited.Parents too. Imagine not having to drive your child around! Gone are the days of the school run or even waiting for a club to finish. Yes the Jet Skate ZX9 is truly life changing! Buy the Amazing Jet Skate ZX9. Skate your way to glory! £29.99. (What it does)

Task Write your own radio advert. It must:

Include 3 + persuasive techniques Explain the product to the audience Think about the target audience Include a slogan and a price

Challenge – write the advert using two characters!

Questions to help Paragraph 1 – Rhetorical questions to draw the reader in Paragraph 2 – Explain what it does Paragraph 3 – Give people’s thoughts and opinions Paragraph 4 – Include a slogan and the price

Sentences to helpDo you want to own something that will amaze you?

This product will be the hit of the town

I promise you this will change your life

It’s beautiful, cheap and affordable

The product will revolutionise the way we work

You will not be disappointed

It has received a 100% rating by… It’s not just for you youngsters out there, parents can use them too!

When presenting to the class, you should…Speak enthusiasticallyBody languageNo irrelevant informationTone of voiceMake eye contactSpeak SLOWLY

Practice Perform your radio advert to your partner