7Digital Marketing Strategiesand LinkedIn pages on their desktop computers. Still others are...

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Transcript of 7Digital Marketing Strategiesand LinkedIn pages on their desktop computers. Still others are...

Digital Marketing Strategies

Made Better Through an Integrated Marketing Platform



Make Your Website as Dynamic and Personalized as Your Emails ............................................ 4Video: “Personalizing the Web Experience

for Every Customer Through a CMS Integration” ....5

Send Personalized, Timely Cart Recovery Messages ...................... 6Success story: DEMCO .....................................................7

Employ Both Marketing And Sales Data To Enhance Lead Management ................................... 8Success Story: InsideOut ..................................................9

Incorporate Product Recommendations And Ratings Into Emails ...................................................10Success Story: SmartPak ..................................................11

Video: “Integrating Ratings and

Recommendations into Your Content” .....................11






Use Sophisticated Real-Time Multivariate Testing to Drive Engagement and Success ........................ 12Success Story: Peter Glenn Sports ..............................13

Find New Ways To Improve Sales and Marketing Alignment ......................14Video: “Enhancing Marketing-Sales Alignment

and Lead Nurturing via a CRM Integration” ..........15

Use Predictive Analytics To Boost Campaign Performance .........................16Video: “Using Predictive Analytics

& Data Management Tools” ...........................................17

Conclusion ...................................................18Footnotes.........................................................................................18

Additional Resources ..............................18

Silverpop Partners ...................................19





7Digital Marketing Strategies Made Better Through an Integrated Marketing Platform

“No one knows everything. But together,

we know a whole lot,” said business

author Simon Sinek. And given today’s

sophisticated, social-savvy buyers, today’s

marketers need to know a whole lot about

their customers and prospects to deliver the

content they want, when they want.

In many cases, reaching this level of

sophistication requires more than going

it alone. And that means integrating your

various marketing solutions.

Depending on your business needs, extending

your digital marketing toolbox by integrating

with related marketing technologies can help

solve the two critical challenges facing every

company today: the need to collect data, and

the ability to act on it.

Every day, customers and prospects

are interacting with businesses in

different ways. Some are reading your

email on their tablets and clicking

through to surf your website. Others

are perusing your Facebook, Twitter

and LinkedIn pages on their desktop

computers. Still others are standing

in your store or at your booth with

smartphones in hand, checking in,

scanning a QR code or sending your

company a text message. And so on.

Amidst this deluge of data, integrating

marketing systems can help you gain

seamless access to information ranging

from Web behaviors to buying patterns

to product recommendations and ratings

— and much more.

Of course, while it’s fantastic to have all this

data, it won’t do you much good if you can’t do

anything with it – or if incorporating it into your

campaigns is an arduous, time-consuming task.

Integrations enable you to take that data and

do something with it, whether it’s personalizing

an email, customizing a Web page or alerting

sales when a lead status changes.

Here are seven digital marketing strategies

made better through an integrated marketing

platform, including how they can enhance your

marketing programs, tips for implementing

them, and success stories from the field.

TWEET THIS!Reading Silverpop’s “7 Digital Marketing Strategies Made Better Through an Integrated Marketing Platform”


Make Your Website as Dynamic and Personalized as Your EmailsSavvy marketers are always looking for ways

to make their emails more relevant to each

recipient, sending contacts down different

messaging tracks or serving up dynamic

content based on that person’s previous

behaviors, interests or demographics.

In an ideal world, that level of

customization would extend to as many

touch points as possible. But creating

and managing content across multiple

channels and devices often involves

inefficient silos of data and technology.

Consider the average company website.

Typically, every person who visits sees

the same articles, offers and images,

regardless of who they are or how they’ve

interacted with that company in other

channels. The result can be a less relevant,

less satisfying customer experience.

How An Integrated Platform Can Help

Integrating your digital marketing

platform with certain content

management systems enables you to

deliver more personalized Web content at

a specific point in time — but also allows

that content to evolve based on visitor

interactions and activity across

any channel and marketing program.

The result is content that is alive, adaptive

and always representative of the visitor’s

current interests.

To create such a website, you’d build

dynamic content blocks within your site,

then set up business rules that determine

which content different types of visitors

will see. When someone visits your site,

the content management system pulls

in data from your unified marketing

11database, then displays images, offers,

text, etc. based on the visitor’s previous

behaviors and interests.

Best of all, every touch point builds on the

last, with your digital marketing platform

and CMS feeding information back and

forth to make your data smarter. The result

is a seamless customer experience that

mirrors the type of individual interactions

people expect offline — but rarely

experience online.

Quick Tips

• Employ progressive profiling to

gather actionable data. Both on your

website and landing pages, try using a

progressive Web forms builder to pose

new questions each time a contact

visits, steadily gaining deeper insight


into their interests. Just set up a few

basic rules, and you can ask contacts

for one or two additional pieces of

information at every interaction,

gathering information without scaring

them off with long forms.

• Make it easy for customers and

prospects to provide data across

platforms. In today’s multichannel

world, you can’t count on contacts

entering information via your website,

so make sure you have an automated

process in place for collecting data

across channels. Let’s say a female

customer visits your chocolate shop. Via

an SMS promotion display, a scannable

QR code or an iPad, you could collect

the customer’s email address and

favorite type of chocolate, then

automatically feed this information into

your master database. The next time

that customer opens your email and

clicks through to your site, you could

customize her experience by including a

background image and recipe reflecting

her favorite chocolate type.

• Experiment with customizing

different pieces of content. So,

where should you build in your

dynamic content rules? Try providing

personalized text, graphics, offers,

videos and more, and see what most

strongly engages your contacts.

Remember to sprinkle in content

that’s fun and educational as well as


Personalizing the Web Experience for Every Customer Through a CMS Integration

View the video >>>


Send Personalized, Timely Cart Recovery MessagesPeople abandon their carts for many reasons

– too many distractions, displeasure with

shipping costs, daunted by a long form,

uncertain about the next step, using the cart

as a wish list … you get the picture.

Many companies give up at this point.

But in some cases, a follow-up message

or series of messages delivered with the

right tone, content and offers can

recover these lost opportunities

and translate them into gains for

your company.

One study, for example, showed that

three out of four cart abandoners will

respond to cart recovery emails, whether

to purchase or just to browse1. And while

cart abandonment messages typically

make up a small percentage of company

These include incorporating product

reviews and ratings (see p. 10), as well

as segmenting based on the order size.

For example, you might only offer free

shipping to those whose abandoned carts

total more than $75.

Quick Tips

• Send multiple emails. Although one

cart recovery message is certainly

better than none, our experience with

clients indicates that a multistage

series is the best way to boost results.

For example, you might implement a

three-part campaign in which the first

reminder is sent with a few hours of

abandonment (in general, the sooner

the better), the second approximately

24 hours after abandonment, and the

third about a week later.

2communications, they often garner a

disproportionately large amount of gains.

How An Integrated Platform Can Help

The Web analytics, e-commerce platform

or specialized cart/targeting solution

of your choice captures the action of

a customer abandoning a cart on your

site, and the integration with your digital

marketing platform enables you to send a

triggered message at the designated times

of your choosing, reminding customers

that they have an item(s) in their cart.

While best practice is to include the item

name, description and image (pulled in

from whatever third-party system you’re

using), there are a few other techniques

you might employ depending on the

variety of integrations you’re using.


• Convey a strong-service oriented

tone. This might include asking if

the customer had any problems or

if you can answer any questions,

offering alternate channels for

completing the purchase, and

reminding the recipient of your

unique value proposition (e.g. free


• Put rules into place to stop a

campaign when a customer

comes back and buys. In an age

in which humanization is critical to

boosting engagement and loyalty,

it can come across as impersonal

and annoying if a customer

receives a promotion for an item

he or she just purchased.

Success Story: DEMCOTo better reach the 30 percent of

customers who were abandoning their

shopping carts, education supplier

DEMCO initiated a cart recovery

program. To enable this campaign,

DEMCO integrated Adobe and

Silverpop through Adobe Analytics,

a marketing platform that integrates

complementary third-party applications

with Adobe products, giving customers

a single view into their marketing data.

DEMCO utilizes Adobe Analytics online

data to identify customers that have

abandoned their shopping cart on

DEMCO’s website. DEMCO then uses

Silverpop Engage to send a series of

three cart abandonment emails at

one-, three- and five-day intervals

encouraging abandoners to return

to their cart to finalize their

purchase. There are no incentives

offered in the first two emails, but

in the final message, DEMCO offers

abandoners a tote bag when they

finalize their purchase.

“Integrating our Adobe data with

Silverpop Engage allowed us to

target those customers that had left

an item in a cart and encourage

them to return,” says Lisa Moling,

eMarketing Planner, DEMCO. “Our

results show that our series of cart

abandonment emails delivers 97 times

the revenue (per thousand) than our

promotional emails.”

TWEET THIS!Reading Silverpop’s “7 Digital Marketing Strategies Made Better Through an Integrated Marketing Platform”


Employ Both Marketing and Sales Data to Enhance Lead ManagementNurture programs enable you to

educate prospects who aren’t yet

ready to engage a sales resource and

gently guide these buyers through

the purchase process by delivering

relevant content such as white

papers, articles and event invitations.

To effectively nurture prospects

through the sales funnel, it’s essential

to have a strong understanding

of who they are and where they

are in the buying cycle. Yet many

businesses’ nurturing efforts are

hampered by siloed data that

prevents the level of customization

needed to engage prospects most

strongly. As a result, leads stall or

drop out of the funnel.

Ask sales for help in identifying which

prospect behaviors are indicative of

strong interest or purchase intent,

and remember that your scoring

model should not only take into

account the actions a prospect took,

but also the frequency and recency of

these actions.

• Nurture based on position in the

buying cycle. Match the content to

the prospect lifecycle. “Interested”

prospects might get welcome

messages along with educational and

best practices content. “Engaged”

leads could receive messaging such

as reminders of upcoming events,

targeted content based on website

visits or product comparisons.

3How An Integrated Platform Can Help

If your teams are communicating with

prospects based on solely marketing or

sales data, they’re only seeing half the

picture, and their interactions will likely

be half as effective. Synchronizing your

digital marketing platform with your

CRM enables a bidirectional, real-time

flow of data between the two and helps

eliminate duplication of records.

You can then leverage this contact data for

segmentation, targeting and reporting in

your campaigns, as well as using it to score

leads more accurately.

Quick Tips

• Work with sales to develop a

behavior-driven scoring model.


“Lapsed” prospects might be sent

surveys, incentives to revisit the

website, or an invitation to engage

you via another channel.

• Get serious about tracking

revenue from lead acquisition to

account close. Build customized

reports and dashboards that

combine email, Web and social

activity with your Salesforce data,

enabling you to track exactly what

sources (e.g., Google ads, Twitter,

trade show) and offers (e.g., white

paper, Webinar, demo) resulted

in or influenced a sale. Then, use

this information to inform future


Success Story: InsideOutInsideOut knew it wasn’t sending the

most targeted messages to its audience of

executive leaders, HR managers, corporate

directors and previous clients because

it didn’t have the capability to segment

its data and easily target its message

accordingly. In addition, the data that came

from each email was difficult to translate

to the inside sales team, making the leads

generated from each email less valuable.

After moving to Salesforce.com as its CRM

provider, InsideOut chose Silverpop as its

digital marketing platform. During the

onboarding process, InsideOut completed

its Salesforce.com data integration

and started using Silverpop Engage for

marketing campaigns focused on promoting

its educational workshops. In addition, by

implementing a lead scoring model that

integrates with Salesforce.com, InsideOut’s

inside sales team now has a simple way to see

which leads have a higher score.

The integration and related efforts were a

massive success, with InsideOut boosting

prospect engagement, delivering more

high-quality leads to sales, and notching a

6X increase in click-to-open rate. “Through

our Engage integration with Salesforce.com,

we’re getting to know our customers better

and are spending more time with the right

people,” says Jacques Bazinet, InsideOut’s VP

of corporate development and marketing.

“We’ve seen a huge boost in new client

partnerships and revenue.”

4PAGE 10

Incorporate Product Recommendations and Ratings Into EmailsIn today’s buyer-empowered world, people

are demanding less generic, corporate-

driven messaging, and more personal,

humanized content. Providing product,

service and resource recommendations

aligned with the interests your contacts

have shared, both explicitly (via forms and

preference centers) and implicitly (via their

behaviors) is a smart way to boost relevance.

In addition, customers are increasingly using

peer reviews and ratings when evaluating

possible purchases. By incorporating product

ratings in your content, you provide buyers

with a perspective on your product or service

that goes beyond corporate messaging,

giving your messaging a more “social” feel

and boosting credibility in the process.

How An Integrated Platform Can Help

Integration between your digital marketing

platform and a recommendation, rating

For example, this section might

feature earrings that match a necklace

recently bought, an extended warranty

for an item purchased, or a white paper

related to the Webinar a prospect just


Depending on your integrations, you

could also include product ratings

and/or reviews for any of the suggested

items you highlighted, building trust

with your audience and positioning your

company as a helpful resource.

Quick Tips:

• Test the number of recommended

products. Should you include one

recommended product, three, or some

other number? Test to determine

what drives the most revenue without

overcluttering your message and

overwhelming your recipients.

and reviews, or personalization platform

enables you to include customized

recommendations and product ratings in

pre-purchase, promotional and transactional

emails. Because the recommendations are

based on recipient actions and interests,

relevance is instantly increased, which

typically leads to a boost in revenue.

For example, you could create a post-

purchase upsell/cross-sell email with a

section alerting the recipient that “people

that bought Item A that you recently

bought, frequently also bought item B.”

Your product review software aggregates

and analyzes customer behaviors to identify

what content customers who bought Item A

find interesting and engaging.

Then, via the integration with your digital

marketing platform, that content can be

served up in your post-purchase email.


• Ask for product reviews. Set up

an automated trigger that sends

a message requesting a product

review one or two weeks after a

purchase (test timing and use of

incentives). You’ll accumulate more

user-generated content and gain an

extra touch point. Once the review

goes live, send a “your rating/review

has been posted” email along with a

related discount (if applicable) and

a call to action for the recipient to

share with his or her social network.

• Reward top content contributors.

Give those who review and share

your content special status, such as

providing them sneak peeks at

new products or offering them

special discounts. You’ll build loyalty

and likely increase message reach

even more.

Success Story: SmartPakSmartPak, an online provider of horse

supplies and equine supplements, was

looking to make its cart abandonment

emails even more effective and relevant.

Through an integration with personalization

software provider Certona, it begin

pulling in four product recommendations

and displaying them at the bottom of

its cart recovery emails. The product

recommendations include a photo, product

name, price and customer rating.

The results have been fantastic, with these emails

garnering a 10.2 percent click-through rate and

50 percent conversion rate while tallying $4.80

in revenue per email. “Silverpop has enabled

SmartPak to make our vision of marketing

automation a reality,” says Carey Marston Kegel,

email marketing manager, SmartPak Equine.

“As a result, SmartPak is sending millions of

behaviorally triggered emails per month, and

email is generating a very significant portion of all

online marketing revenue.”

Integrating Ratings and Recommendations into Your Content

View the video >>>

5PAGE 12

Use Sophisticated Real-Time Multivariate Testing to Drive Engagement and Success What creative elements will resonate most

strongly with your customers and prospects?

Sometimes, the answers can surprise even

the savviest of marketers. Studying previous

reports can help in some cases, but less so in

others. In many instances, testing is the only

way to know for sure.

Despite the benefits of testing, some

marketers skip this step because of time

constraints. Others feel limited by what

they can test or how quickly they can act on

the findings.

How An Integrated Platform Can Help

Typically once an email is sent, its

content can no longer be altered.

Integrating with a testing and

optimization partner can shift that

paradigm. With certain integrations, you

The winning content is then automatically

served to the remainder of the database,

ensuring the best content gets to the largest

portion of the list.

Quick Tips:

• Go beyond subject lines. While

testing subject lines is an excellent

way to improve results, don’t stop

there. Other elements you may

want to test include offers, buttons,

images, copy blocks and design

elements. Possible comparisons

include aggressive CTA versus subtle,

action image versus lifestyle, use of

symbols versus copy only, Web fonts

versus design fonts, and much more.

• Colors matter. Does it matter if a

graphical element is red or green? You

can test different visual elements in an

email against each other, then have your

system choose the winning option in real

time and send the rest of your recipients

that content.

Here’s how it works: Once an integration

is set up, users create special sections

within their mailings that dynamically

render different content to each

recipients. For example, you might

choose two images of a product – one

static, and one action. When the mailing

is sent, the first few percent who open

the mailing are served the different

image options. Performance of these

content variables is monitored in real

time, and when one content element is

clearly outperforming the rest, a “winner”

is selected.


might be surprised — Silverpop

clients have found that sometimes

simply swapping colors on a CTA

button can boost clicks 20 percent

to 30 percent.

• Test multiple combinations at

once. Different combinations

of content elements may yield

different winners. Using partners

that enable multivariate testing,

you can exponentially increase

the number of elements you test,

boosting the chance of finding

the perfect revenue-generating

combination. The numbers add

up quick: testing four images with

three options each would yield

81 unique combinations.

Success Story: Peter Glenn Sportsonly needed 2,767 readers to determine the

winning image with a 100 percent statistical

validity. All the remaining recipients saw the

best-converting header image.

The results were impactful, with the

lifestyle-focused email scoring a whopping

63 percent increase in click rate. “We all

thought that the first image, showing the

products that are for sale, would work best,

but it was the lifestyle image that resulted

in a significant lift in click rate,” said David

Mahoney, director of marketing, Peter Glenn

Ski & Sports. “We’re very impressed with the

8Seconds technology. Setup takes no longer

than five minutes, and our promotional

emails are improved on the fly!”

Peter Glenn Ski & Sports, an outdoor gear

retailer, had a successful email program

in place, but wanted to see if it could

optimize its messages even more. Using

Silverpop partner 8Seconds, it decided

to do a comparison of two different

header graphical images for one of its

promotional emails on water sports. The

first email was product-focused (above

left), showing all the items on sale that

week. The second email was lifestyle-

focused and pictured people performing

fast-paced watersports.

Using 8Seconds, both of the header images

were exposed to the test control group to

measure which worked best. 8Seconds



Find New Ways To Improve Sales And Marketing AlignmentMarketing and sales alignment is critical to

company growth, but it’s not uncommon

for relations between the teams to be

strained. Whether it’s an absence of

communication, a lack of process, or just

a challenging marketplace, tensions can

build, with finger-pointing about one side

not producing enough leads and the other

side not closing enough deals.

But while marketing and sales may look at

the world through different lenses, there’s

no reason the two can’t work harmoniously

and leverage one another’s strengths,

especially given the emergence of new

technologies that make it easier than ever

to break down the silos. With the right

strategy and a few simple adjustments,

marketing and sales can move closer

together – and companies can reap

significant profits as a result.

salespeople are typically familiar and

comfortable with.

And for those times when a salesperson

calls a prospect and discovers, for

example, that he’s a few months

from making a purchase decision, the

integration enables the salesperson

to easily drop the prospect into an

automated campaign powered by your

digital marketing platform. Instead of

stalling or dropping out of the funnel, the

prospect is nurtured along until he’s ready

to buy.

Quick Tips

• Streamline sales alerts. Time can be

precious when it comes to making a

sale, so create sales alerts that will let

reps know immediately when a lead

goes from warm to hot, so they can

How An Integrated Platform Can Help

For a salesperson, it can be frustrating to

go into a call with a prospect with little to

no understanding of previous marketing

communications with that prospect,

such as what messages were sent, how

frequently they were sent, and which

search terms brought that prospect to

the company website. Instead of quickly

zeroing in on the prospect’s interests

and concerns, the salesperson is forced

to grope around to try and figure out the

person’s pain points.

Integration between a digital marketing

platform and your CRM can provide

improved visibility into a prospect’s

previous interactions with the company’s

marketing campaigns from within various

leading CRM solutions, such as Salesforce

or Microsoft – an environment that


act on it right away. Use multiple

forms of communication to convey

the opportunity, such as sending a

sales alert to the rep’s email inbox,

a sales notification to the CRM

system, and/or a direct push to the

individual sales rep’s lead queue.

• Give sales full visibility into

behavioral activities. Behavioral

data allows that first phone call

to a client or prospect to be much

“warmer.” It’s a nice conversation

starter to say, “I see you’ve

downloaded our budgeting and

planning workbook. Can I help

you put together some planning

figures for your budget for next

year?” To make this happen easily,

the marketing team should make

sure that behavioral data is being

captured across channels and

integrated into the CRM system

that salespeople are using to make

their initial contact.

• Provide marketing templates

for sales to use. Drop marketing-

approved email templates into

the Salesforce user interface so

salespeople can grab them at a

moment’s notice if needed, send

to a prospect and then track the

Enhancing Marketing-Sales Alignment and Lead Nurturing via a CRM Integration

View the video >>>

results. The easy accessibility will

build goodwill, help assure unified

messaging across departments,

and take advantage of your digital

marketing platform’s superior




Use Predictive Analytics To Boost Campaign PerformanceBig data is all the rage right now, with

lots of differing viewpoint on exactly

what the term means. But no matter

how you define it, there’s no debating

that marketers have access to more

customer and prospect information

than ever, with new communication

channels emerging each year and

technologies bridging the gap

between offline and online behaviors

across devices.

Capturing this data across channels and

devices is critical. But once you have this

data, the massive volume can become

paralyzing rather than empowering.

How can you take this tsunami of

information and turn it into something

actionable that you can use to deliver

the right message at the right time to

each individual in your database?

Let’s say you’re noticing an uptick in the

number of opt-outs. Through a predictive

analytics integration, you could gain

insights on aggregate patterns within

your database. Does a lack of email clicks

within 60 days signal trouble, or is it only

after 120 days of inactivity that a contact

is significantly more likely to opt out? Or,

if a customer stops opening your emails

but continues to interact with you via

SMS, at what point should you contact

that person to inquire about changing

communication preferences?

Depending on the answers, you might

decide to set up an inactivation scoring

model that would reduce a contact’s

score significantly if he or she went four

months without opening an email, perhaps

dropping that contact into a reactivation

program designed to re-engage them. Or,

How An Integrated Platform Can Help

Integrating with a technology company

that specializes in business intelligence or

predictive analytics can help ensure that

your deep data-driven knowledge of your

customers and prospects translates to

lifecycle-centered campaigns that increase

engagement levels and drive revenue.

These business intelligence platforms

predict a set of outcomes based on

measured variables, assumptions and

inputs, working in the background to

understand how different microsegments

have responded to different marketing

actions – and how they will react in the

future. Marketers can then use these

learnings to determine how much to

spend, who to target, how to differentiate

offers, and how to contact customers

over time.


you might set up “if/then” rule sets that

would send a contact down a “change your

communication preferences” messaging

track if she stopped interacting with you in

one channel but continued on another.

Quick Tips

• Create a centralized database. Seek

a 360-degree view of your customers

and prospects. Merge those lists,

implement progressive profiling, turn

on Web tracking and build integrations

– anything you can do to capture

behaviors and interests cross-channel

and cross-device. The more data you

have, the more trends you can discover.

• Think lifecycle. Aggregate data

may reveal new insights about your

customers’ and prospects’ needs.

Think about the typical journey your

contacts take during their relationship

with you, and what content you could

provide that would deepen their

engagement at different stages during

their journey. It’s likely they’ll be

looking for different types of content

from you at different times. After

all, the hot chocolate you crave on a

freezing cold day probably wouldn’t

be nearly as appealing on a balmy

summer afternoon six months later.

Using Predictive Analytics & Data Management Tools

View the video >>>

• Look at the marketing-sales

relationship in new ways. How might

the order, combination and frequency of

marketing touches impact sales? How

does the effect of these interactions

decay over time? And does interaction

with certain pieces of content designate

a stronger level of engagement than

others? Questions like these can help

you optimize your marketing initiatives.


Conclusion“What are the spaces that diversify, expand

your possibility space, give you more tools and

more spare parts?” asks Steven B. Johnson,

best-selling author of Where Ideas Come

From, in many of his keynotes. The answer, he

discovered, frequently involves collaboration

across disciplines and platforms.

The same tenets apply to the marketing world.

If you want to serve up the highly relevant,

personal content today’s customers and prospects

expect, you’ve got to use every tool in the

marketing toolbox – and, sometimes, add a few

compartments to pull from. Tapping the power

of integrations is one of the best ways to expand

your possibilities, increase the marketing strategies

at your disposal and deliver a higher return on

relationship for each person in your database.

Whether you’re looking to capture critical

behaviors, gain new insights into the minds

of your customers and prospects, or discover

innovative ways to deliver exactly the content

your buyers are looking for at the exact moment

they want it, an integrated marketing platform

can help you raise your game.

Footnotes1-SeeWhy, “The Science of Shopping Cart

Abandonment,” 2011

Additional Resources White Paper and ebooks1) Abandonment Issues: Turning Lost Turning

Lost Carts, Incomplete Forms and Interrupted

Browse Sessions into Revenue!

2) “Let the Buyer Be Your Guide: Leveraging

Buyer Behavior in a Multichannel World”

3) “Almost Everything You Wanted to Know About

Email Marketing”

4) “Know the Score: The Ultimate Guide to

Scoring Prospects and Leads”

5) “Marketing Automation ebook: Best Practices

for Marketing Excellence and Operational


Webinars / Slideshares1) “Where Big Data and Retail Marketing Meet –

Making Data Actionable in Your Organization”

2) “Automation: Redefining Marketing’s Game


3) “Shazam’s Killer ‘Revenue App’: Combining

User Behavior and Email Marketing”

4) “Don’t Let a Good Shopping Cart Get Away:

Tips for Remarketing with Email”

5) “Browse Abandonment Remarketing”

Blogs1) “Behavioral Marketing: What It Is and Why It’s

So Exciting”

2) “Post-Purchase Emails That Drive Higher

Revenue, Engagement”

3) “Guest Q&A: Agilone on Optimization, Smart

Data and Multichannel Marketing”

4) “Social Measurement from Demand to


5) “3 Ways Behavioral Marketing Improves Sales

and Marketing Alignment”

Videos & Demos1) “Behavioral Marketing Defined”

2) “Moving from One-Off Email Campaigns to

Behavior-Driven Series or Tracks”

3) “What to Expect in 2013: Big Data”

4) “Re-Engage Inactive Subscribers”

5) “Silverpop and Salesforce Demo”


Silverpop PartnersFollowing is a partial list of Silverpop partners. For a full list of partners, including data management, Web conferencing, event management

and more, visit the Silverpop Partners page.

Content ManagementAdobe Experience Manager


E-Commerce / Web AnalyticsAdobe Analytics








Windsor Circle

Silverpop’s digital marketing automation platform was designed to make it simple

to build hyper-personalized campaigns, creating individualized experiences for every

relationship. Watch our demo to see our product in action, and contact Silverpop to

see how we can help you accomplish your marketing goals for 2013.

CRMMicrosoft Dynamics



Recommendations, Ratings & ReviewsBaynote



Testing & Optimization8Seconds

Adobe Target

Business Intelligence / Predictive AnalyticsAgilone
