7672 Project Design Fbc

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Project Design for training Program

Transcript of 7672 Project Design Fbc

7672 Running Head Project Design H.Kuhns 1

Design Plan Grading Checklist

Activity Possible Points

Describes the organization where the intervention will be implemented.


Describes the performance gap in measurable terms the project will address.


Analyzes the root causes of the performance gap. 1

Lists measurable objectives for the training. 1

Outlines the activities in the synchronous training and the e-learning training pieces of the blended-solution.


Total possible points: 5

Project Design Plan

Heather Kuhns

A Paper in Partial Fulfillment

Of the Requirements for

7672 Running Head Project Design H.Kuhns 2

ED 7672

Capella University

January 2009

Client Organization

FBC was established in 1890 in a then small, agricultural town. It served a small

congregation faithfully and has grown into a large, modern campus on 26 acres in a new urban

setting, home to 150,000 residents of military installations and the accompanying civilian

population. Church membership is about 1800; attendance averages about 1100 people in

worship service and 600 attend Sunday school weekly. There are also Wednesday evening

services, as well as various youth programs in place that evening. The church is an actively

growing and ministering body of believers. The church website explains that it centers its

activities around the goal “to minister to our multi-cultural and diverse community using various

methods and programs so that we may spread God’s word outside the walls of our church into

our community and literally around the world.” The following is an excerpt from the church’s

website regarding its mission of faith:

Jacksonville First Baptist Church is committed to nurturing and growing personal faith

through Christ centered discipleship. Transformational growth is characterized by

responding to the message of salvation, knowing God and His will, internalizing Biblical

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values, answering the call to obedience and equipping saints for service, all for the glory

of God.

Performance Gap

Symptoms of the performance gap indicate a need for training in process improvement.

It is church policy as written in the bylaws to accept new members only at the conclusion of the

church service. A business meeting in effect takes place where by those who come forward at

the invitation of the pastor can profess their faith in Christ, request to transfer a letter of

membership to FBC from another church, desire to be baptized and become a member of the

church, or rededicate their life to Christ. Between the time of the person(s) coming forward and

their presentation to the church body for acceptance an Application for Membership card needs

to be filled out. There are usually only two minutes for this to occur. A card typically would

take about six minutes to complete accurately and fully. Therefore, parts of the cards are left

blank and the church secretary needs to contact the new member for missing information. An

additional consideration is that during this time there are usually spiritual needs and truths to

convey, as well as warmth and grace to display. These combine to make the process, which

seems relatively simple and straightforward, a complicated and sensitive issue.

Gap Analysis

Desired Level of


Present Level of



Every card filled out with

name and contact

6 cards on average each

Sunday are not completed

7 cards missing contact

information weekly

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information (13 average

new cards/members



Counselors more adept and

comfortable with the

process completing cards

Discomfort and insecurity

at ministering while asking

for information

Comfort and security level

below acceptable

27 deacons and 6 regular

volunteers trained

4 trained by experienced 2

deacons not trained, 2


25 trained 6 volunteers

4 Women volunteer

counselors trained

None trained Four trained women


Measurable Objectives of Training Interventions

Given a power point presentation on the background, context, procedure,

mechanics and application of Membership card completion followed by an intensive

question and answer session, role playing activity, brainstorming process, and discussion

deacons and volunteers will:

Increase facility of card completion to 80% at the end of 30 days

Offer appropriate scriptural affirmation and validation at least 50% of the time

7672 Running Head Project Design H.Kuhns 5

Increase the number of counselors available at any of the three Sunday services to no

less than four trained volunteers/deacons

Follow up on all incomplete cards 100% of the time within one week

Demonstrate knowledge of appropriate Sunday School classes to refer new members to

with 80% accuracy

Root Cause Analysis Procedure

The following use of Gilbert’s BEM organizes information regarding performance into

appropriate categories. The information was acquired during a lengthy interview with the

Minister of Education, who works with the deacon committee and also does most of the New

Member Application card completion. Additional data and insight were garnered through

participation of this author in completion of the cards during multiple services.



Lack of background and

understanding for process

Training in attitude of grace

and warmth

Scriptural responses to

various needs


More people available to

do the job correctly

Counselors in reserve as

growth continues


Spiritual-needs are

addressed at this time of

need or affirmation on

faith walk

Secretary-less work

following up on missing


Knowledge and Skills Capacity Motives

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Key Stakeholders

Stakeholders Impact

Deacons Increased effectiveness-welcoming and receiving new

members into the church

Congregational members Increased feelings of participation/quicker business


Church Accurate records and reasons for membership

Saves time/$/resources having accurate, complete info

More effective communication

Secretary Follows up with acquiring missing information from cards

the following Monday

Minister of Education Has to remember reasons for members joining and invest

time in following up with acquiring contact information

7672 Running Head Project Design H.Kuhns 7

Results of the Root Cause Analysis

Deacons and volunteer counselors have a short time to complete new member cards

while simultaneously providing ministry to immediate needs in an attitude of warmth and grace.

The mechanics of completing these “control” cards is simple, but the time constraints, as well as

the emotional and spiritual needs that are to be met puts extra pressure on acquiring basic

minimum information in a limited time frame. Providing training in the background and reasons

behind the necessity of these cards, as well as presenting an array of scriptural references that

counselors can use to meet each situation may help increase comfort and skill levels.

Additionally, practice in problem solving, role playing different scenarios that could arise, and

holding short question and answer sessions at the conclusion of the training should ensure

successful accomplishment of this important and critical component of church membership.

Training Interventions

This is a sensitive and sensible issue, according to the Minister of Education, who also

helps with the functioning of the deacon committee. A training time consisting of one ninety

minute training session will be held during a specially called Deacons meeting. This will consist

of a Power Point presentation concerning the background of the process, church bylaws,

scriptural references to use during counseling times, and procedural information to ensure

accurate card completion. A question and answer period will follow, as well as role playing

scenarios of new members coming forward, and participation in problem solving situations.

Overarching Goal Statement

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The training intervention will seek to train counselors to be efficient, and personally

reach each new member of the church regardless of their reason for joining. This training will

serve as groundwork for the future as well as show how to improve and provide leadership now

with a strong understanding of current process.

Design Plan

Prelearning activity

a.) Introduce myself and welcome new volunteers

b.) Deacons introduce themselves

c.) fill out membership application card timed 2 minutes, while talking to a neighbor.

d.) list difficulties on whiteboard

transition: show power point presentation

I. E-learning Component

a.) Why? Slide: Context of the problem described

b.) What happens? Slide: Process for card completion described through all steps

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1. (Pastor invitation-new member/deacon- church business meeting at conclusion of

service-secretary contacts new member for missing info-enter into church software-

enter into church member directory)

c.) Background: slides with bylaws of church

d.) Constitution of the church explains reasons for process

e.) How? Slides of mechanics of card completion process

1. Critical info

2. Other info

3. Time guidelines

4. Follow up process

Questions? Slide

f.) What to do: During this interlude you should:

1. Welcome with warmth and grace

2. Offer affirmation of decision

3. (scriptural examples, one per slide)

4. Help fill out critical info (name, email/phone number) on card

5. Minister as needed to immediate need of person

g.) Direct to appropriate Sunday school: Matching activity in pairs

1. Slide with 8:30 classes and instructors

2. Slide with 9:45 classes and instructors

3. Slide with 11:00 classes and instructors

4. Slides follow with appropriate pairings, check for pair with most matches

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h.) Take to prayer room for necessary prayer if desired

i.) Presentation to church/business meeting to vote in new member (Motion? Aye?

Nay? Clapping) and greeting from congregation

j.) Implications for the future: a new method concerning how to track membership will

be implemented

Discussion/Q&A session in self-divided small groups of 5-6: Ask What is new knowledge?

How does it impact the process? What else do you need to know to be proficient and secure?

Self evaluation…write results/answers on white board as group-nominated spokesperson calls


II. Synchronous component:

a.) Share survey responses from polled Sunday school class concerning their thoughts

on new member process as observed from the congregation: impact on their views?

b.) Discuss improvements: volunteered answers

c.) Hear secretary’s input (orally as an attendee or written quote)

d.) Assign small groups different scenarios (developed with L.Cole, Minister of Ed based

on real-life situations) to role play before the assembly.

e.) Discuss process. Improvements? Acknowledgement/encouragement.

f.) Commitment to incorporate best practices including scriptural references, knowledge

of appropriate Sunday school classes to direct them to, offers of further ministry or

direction to programs within the church.

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Any further questions or concerns?

Administer exit survey

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Lawrence Cole, Minister of Education BA, MDiv. MA in Christian education, MARE Doctorate of ministry.

Mission and goal statement of FBC retrieved on 1/19/09 from http://www.fbcjax.net/AboutUs/tabid/145/Default.aspx

Wiley, J. (Publ.) 2005. ED 7672; Delivery systems for training and performance improvement.