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- Copy of O

fficial Transcript -

Course Level: Undergraduate

Bachelor of Science Program : Technical Management College : College of Business & Mgmt Campus : CA Oakland Major : Technical Management Maj/Specialization: Project Management

Degree Awarded Bachelor of Science 30-AUG-2015 PROGRAM : GPA: 3.70 CUMULATIVE: Ehrs: 130.00 GPA: 3.70 Program : Technical Management College : College of Business & Mgmt Campus : CA Oakland Major : Technical Management Maj/Specialization: Project Management Inst. Honors: Magna Cum Laude

SUBJ NO. COURSE TITLE CRED GRD PTS R_________________________________________________________________


201010 Columbia College*

CIS 115 Logic and Design 3.00 TRCOMP 100 Computer Apps For Bus W/Lab 2.00 TRCRSS 31 Gen Cred In Soc Sci 3.00 TRENGL 112 Composition 4.00 TRHUMN 410 Contemporary History 3.00 TRHUMN 445 Prin of Ethics 3.00 TRSPCH 275 Public Speaking 3.00 TR Ehrs: 21.00 GPAHr: 0.00 QPts: 0.00 GPA: 0.00

201030 Columbia College*

BIOS 140 Biology with Lab 4.00 TRCRCS 41 Gen Cred In Comm Skills 4.00 TRCRHU 31 Gen Cred In Humn 3.00 TRMATH 114 Algebra For College Students 4.00 PR Ehrs: 15.00 GPAHr: 0.00 QPts: 0.00 GPA: 0.00

201520 Joint Services******************** CONTINUED ON NEXT COLUMN *******************


Not considered official without Seal or Registrar's signature.

Student ID:


Ricardo Palafox

Record of:

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (as amended) prohibits therelease of this information without the student's written consent. An officialtranscript must include the signature of the registrar and the seal of the college oruniversity. This document reports academic information only.

Date Issued:Parchment:7668668

Ricardo Palafox


Date of Birth: 30-DEC

Ricardo PalafoxCurrent Name:



Issued To:

DeVry University

505 14th St

Oakland, CA 94612(510)267-1340

Signature Date

SUBJ NO. COURSE TITLE CRED GRD PTS R_________________________________________________________________Transfer Information continued

ELTV 1TR Elective & Support Transfer 2.00 PRX Ehrs: 2.00 GPAHr: 0.00 QPts: 0.00 GPA: 0.00


Semester: Spring 2010 Game & Simulation ProgrammingCOLL 148 Critical Thinking and Problem- 3.00 A 12.00GSP 110 Intro To Game & Simulation Dev 3.00 B 9.00Semester: Ehrs: 6.00 GPAHr: 6.00 QPts: 21.00 GPA: 3.50Dean's List

Semester: Summer 2010 Game & Simulation ProgrammingCIS 170C Programming with Lab 4.00 B 12.00ECON 312 Prin of Econ 3.00 C 6.00ENGL 135 Adv Composition 4.00 B 12.00PSYC 305 Motivation & Leadership 3.00 A 12.00Semester: Ehrs: 14.00 GPAHr: 14.00 QPts: 42.00 GPA: 3.00

Semester: Fall 2010 Computer Information SystemsBUSN 115 Intro To Bus & Tech 3.00 A 12.00MATH 221 Stats For Decision Making 4.00 B 12.00Semester: Ehrs: 7.00 GPAHr: 7.00 QPts: 24.00 GPA: 3.43

Semester: Spring 2011 Computer Information SystemsCIS 206 Architecture & Operating Sys W 4.00 W 0.00CIS 247C Obj-Oriented Pgrming W/Lab 4.00 W 0.00Semester: Ehrs: 0.00 GPAHr: 0.00 QPts: 0.00 GPA: .00

Semester: Spring 2013 Network Systems AdministrationCOMP 129 PC Hardware and Software w/Lab 3.00 A 12.00********************* CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 ********************


- Copy of Official Transcript -


Not considered official without Seal or Registrar's signature.

Student ID:


Record of:

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (as amended) prohibits therelease of this information without the student's written consent. An officialtranscript must include the signature of the registrar and the seal of the college oruniversity. This document reports academic information only.

Date Issued:

Ricardo Palafox


Date of Birth: 30-DEC

Current Name:



SUBJ NO. COURSE TITLE CRED GRD PTS R_________________________________________________________________Institution Information continued:COMP 230 Intro to Scripting & DB w/Lab 4.00 A 16.00Semester: Ehrs: 7.00 GPAHr: 7.00 QPts: 28.00 GPA: 4.00

Semester: Fall 2014 Technical ManagementMGMT 303 Principles of Management 3.00 B 9.00MGMT 410 Human Resource Management 4.00 A 16.00

Technical ManagementBIS 155 Data Analysis w/Sprdsh w/Lab 3.00 A 12.00MGMT 404 Project Management 4.00 A 16.00Semester: Ehrs: 14.00 GPAHr: 14.00 QPts: 53.00 GPA: 3.79Dean's List

Semester: Spring 2015 Technical ManagementACCT 212 Financial Accounting 4.00 A 16.00BUSN 427 Global Issues in Business 4.00 A 16.00GSCM 326 Total Quality Management 4.00 A 16.00

Technical ManagementACCT 346 Managerial Accounting 4.00 A 16.00MGMT 340 Business Systems Analysis 4.00 A 16.00PROJ 410 Contracts and Procurement 4.00 A 16.00Semester: Ehrs: 24.00 GPAHr: 24.00 QPts: 96.00 GPA: 4.00Dean's List

Semester: Summer 2015 Technical ManagementACCT 434 Advanced Cost Management 4.00 B 12.00LAS 432 Tech, Society, and Culture 3.00 A 12.00PROJ 420 Project Risk Management 4.00 A 16.00

Technical ManagementBUSN 460 Senior Project 3.00 A 12.00CARD 405 Career Development 2.00 A 8.00PROJ 430 Advanced Project Management 4.00 A 16.00Semester: Ehrs: 20.00 GPAHr: 20.00 QPts: 76.00 GPA: 3.80******************** CONTINUED ON NEXT COLUMN *******************

DeVry University

505 14th St

Oakland, CA 94612(510)267-1340

Signature Date

********************** TRANSCRIPT TOTALS *********************** Earned Hrs GPA Hrs Points GPATOTAL INSTITUTION 92.00 92.00 340.00 3.70

TOTAL TRANSFER 38.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

OVERALL 130.00 92.00 340.00 3.70********************** END OF TRANSCRIPT ***********************


- Copy of Official Transcript -

Supplementary Undergraduate Transcript Information


DeVry University is accredited by The Higher Learning Commission and is a member of the North CentralAssociation of Colleges and Schools, www.ncahlc.org. The University's Keller Graduate School of Management isincluded in this accreditation. DeVry University operates as DeVry College of New York in New York State and asDeVry Institute of Technology in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. The Government of Alberta granted DeVry Institute ofTechnology accreditation to award baccalaureate degrees commencing 2001. Additionally, the Government ofAlberta granted DeVry Institute of Technology approval to offer diploma programs under the Private VocationalTraining Act and approval for DeVry University (Arizona) to offer certain programs at DeVry Institute of Technologyin Calgary. These programs fell under the accreditation of DeVry University (Arizona) as an off-site instructionallocation. The names of degrees and diplomas offered are listed in the Academic Calendar.

In addition, a number of programs at various locations are accredited by specialized accreditation agencies thatreview programs in specific subject areas, such as engineering technology, project management and healthinformation technology. The most recent information on programmatic accreditation is available from each locationand at www.devry.edu.

GRADING SYSTEMGrade Percentage Equivalent Quality PointsA 90-100 4.00B 80-89 3.00C† 70-79 2.00D† 60-69 1.00F Below 60† 0Designator DefinitionAU AuditI IncompleteIP In ProgressS Satisfactory (equivalent to a grade of C or better)U UnsatisfactoryW WithdrawalAdditionally, designators beginning with the letter T represent transfer credit. The TNC designator indicates thatno credit was given. Designators beginning with the letter P represent proficiency credit. These include PR andPRX.

Note: Some former Ontario students may have received a grade of “R,” which is considered a Supplemental Passand treated as equivalent to a grade of D.

† C and D grades are not assigned in certain ESL, transitional studies or early term courses. In these courses, agrade of F is assigned for work below 80 percent. A grade of D is not assigned in certain other such courses,where a grade of F is assigned for work below 70 percent. Course descriptions denote such gradingconfigurations. An asterisk (*) following the grade indicates that this type of course is not included in GPAcalculations; these courses include transitional studies and ESL courses.

The R column indicates if the course has been repeated and will include either a capital E, for those courses thathave been excluded from the CGPA, or a capital I, for those courses that have been included in the CGPA. Adesignator of W indicates the student withdrew from the course within the approved time period. Withdrawal after theapproved time period may result in an assigned grade of F or designator of U, as appropriate. An “Incomplete” isconverted to a final grade of F or designator of U, as appropriate, if the requirements of the course are not satisfiedby the student within the approved time period. Courses for which no grade was entered by the professor do notshow a grade. Missing grades and incompletes must be resolved prior to graduation.

T RA NSFER A ND PROFICIENCY CREDITIn general, external transfer credit may be awarded for equivalent coursework completed with a grade of C or betterat another accredited institution. Proficiency credit may be awarded as the result of testing or other academicevaluation of a student's mastery of the course material. Transfer and proficiency credit may satisfy graduationrequirements and be included in attempted and earned credit hours but are not included in grade point averages.Transfer and proficiency credit listed does not imply that all credit hours count toward the student's program ofstudy.

ACADEMIC HONORSHonor GPA RequirementSumma cum laude 3.90-4.00Magna cum laude 3.70-3.89Cum laude 3.50-3.69

A graduate from a non-baccalaureate program who has a CGPA of at least 3.50 graduates “with Honors.”COURSE NUMBERING SYSTEM

Course Number Explanation001-099 Indicates a transitional studies course; such courses may also be numbered at the 100

level100-299 Usually indicates lower-division coursework300-499 Usually indicates upper-division coursework

CALENDAR AND CREDIT UNITSDeVry delivers courses in a session format, with two eight-week sessions offered each semester. All credit hoursare semester-credit hours. Final grades are posted at the end of each session. Academic honors and academicstanding are calculated at the completion of the student's semester/student-centric period only. Academic standingis not noted on this transcript.

Rev. May 2015

ACADEMIC STATISTICSThe grade point average (GPA) is computed by dividing the quality points earned by the number of GPACredit Hours for which a final grade has been recorded (excludes designators) for all DeVry coursesattempted. Three GPAs are maintained on student records. The term GPA (TGPA) is calculated at the endof each session. The semester GPA (SGPA) is calculated at the end of the semester/student-centric periodand represents the GPA for work completed in a given semester only. A student's overall academic standingis stated in terms of a cumulative GPA (CGPA), which is calculated at the end of each session and is basedon all grades and credit hours earned to date as a DeVry University undergraduate student.

Additional statistics include attempted credit hours and earned credit hours (Ehrs). All courseworkattempted at DeVry appears on the transcript. In general, for courses attempted more than once, the bestgrade is included in the CGPA. At the point of award conferral, a CGPA and program GPA are displayed onthe transcript. The display of three sessions of coursework within one semester on the transcript representsa change in status from non-matriculating to matriculating within the same semester. Non-degree-seekingstudents may enroll in selected courses without being admitted to a specific program.

OTHER INFORMATIONRecords Converted from DeVry's Previous Student Information System: GPA Changes : DeVrychanged student information systems in July 2012. For students who attended prior to July 2012, the CGPAwas based solely on courses applicable toward graduation in the current program of study. Beginning July2012, the CGPA for continuing students was recalculated and is the overall GPA, including all courses thestudent attempted at DeVry as an undergraduate student. Transcripts for students who graduated prior toJuly 2012 and have not returned to DeVry include an unconverted CGPA. Transcripts for students whograduated prior to July 2012 and have returned for additional study include the unconverted conferral CGPAas determined at the time of the conferral and a current CGPA that includes all coursework the student hasattempted at DeVry as an undergraduate student. A prior grandfather provision allowed certain continuingstudents to retain the CGPA calculated under the previous policy if the recalculated CGPA resulted in thestudent not meeting minimum requirements for graduation. This grandfather provision was in effectbeginning with the July 2012 session through the end of the January 2013 session. Additionally, academichonors for all students graduating from July 2012 through the end of the January 2013 session were basedupon the higher GPA (program or cumulative).

Coursework attempted prior to summer 1980 is displayed on a separate manually generated transcript.

Course Designator Changes : In July 2012, several course designators were changed; the coursedesignators that appear on the transcript reflect the course designators in effect at the time the student tookthe course.

Disciplinary Matters :Authorized inquiries regarding disciplinary matters may be directed to the Conduct Administrator at thelocation listed on the face of this transcript or to the DeVry University Student Services Contact Center at877-496-9050.

Name Changes of Specific Locations (current name and effective date listed first): DeVry University:Phoenix AZ, Fremont CA, Long Beach CA, Pomona CA, Sherman Oaks CA, Orlando FL, Colorado SpringsCO, Westminster CO, Alpharetta GA, Decatur GA, Addison IL, Chicago IL, Tinley Park IL,     Irving TX, Arlington VA, and Federal Way WA; eff. February 2002     - each of these locations was formerly DeVry Institute of Technology

DeVry College of New York, Long Island City NY; eff. April 2008- formerly DeVry Institute of Technology

DeVry University, Columbus OH; eff. February 2002     - formerly DeVry Institute of Technology; eff. October 1983     - formerly Ohio Institute of Technology

DeVry University, Kansas City MO; eff. February 2002     - formerly DeVry Institute of Technology; eff. October 1983

DeVry University, North Brunswick NJ; eff. September 2003     - formerly DeVry College of Technology; eff. January 2001     - formerly DeVry Institute; eff. July 1996      - formerly DeVry Technical Institute

Canadian Locations:In 1956, DeVry opened its first Canadian location, DeVry Technical Institute, in downtown Toronto. Over theyears, locations included North York, Scarborough and Mississauga, and the organization's name waschanged to DeVry Institute of Technology. In 2002, with all offerings consolidated at the Mississaugalocation, the name was changed to DeVry College of Technology. The final classes in the Toronto areawere offered in the Summer 2004 semester, with the final awards conferred in October 2004. AlthoughDeVry Toronto did not award bachelor's degrees, graduates of a number of its programs were eligible toattend selected other DeVry locations to complete their degrees. DeVry's Calgary location opened in 2003.In 2013, the Calgary location announced plans to transition to serving students solely through online courseofferings. The Calgary campus closed on June 30, 2013. The Calgary Student Support Centre opened indowntown Calgary to assist students during the transition through July 2016. Student records from theselocations are maintained by DeVry Online Services, 1200 Diehl Rd., Naperville, IL 60563, 877-496-9050.

For additional information,contact the office of the Registrar at the location listed on the face ofthis transcript.

- Copy of Official Transcript -