73 Problems in Progressive Age Presentation Notes 2017-18 ... · 73 Problems in Progressive Age...

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73 Problems in Progressive Age Presentation Notes 2017­18.notebook


March 27, 2018

73 Problems in Progressive Age Presentation Notes 2017­18.notebook


March 27, 2018

Group TaskSpirit 204­205

• Explain which aspects of Sinclair’s investigation were most detrimental to the public health.

Spirit 210­211

• Describe the issue the muckrakers reported on in Tammany Hall. Is Plunkitt’s distinction between the two types of graft legitimate?

Spirit 122­125

• Why does Addams argue that women should be given the right to vote?

73 Problems in Progressive Age Presentation Notes 2017­18.notebook


March 27, 2018

Muckrakers America Story of US EP 7.mp4

73 Problems in Progressive Age Presentation Notes 2017­18.notebook


March 27, 2018

73 Problems in Progressive Age Presentation Notes 2017­18.notebook


March 27, 2018

73 Problems in Progressive Age Presentation Notes 2017­18.notebook


March 27, 2018

73 Problems in Progressive Age Presentation Notes 2017­18.notebook


March 27, 2018

73 Problems in Progressive Age Presentation Notes 2017­18.notebook


March 27, 2018

73 Problems in Progressive Age Presentation Notes 2017­18.notebook


March 27, 2018

73 Problems in Progressive Age Presentation Notes 2017­18.notebook


March 27, 2018

"The effort to make financial or political profit out of the destruction of character can only result in public calamity. Gross and reckless assaults on character, whether on the stump or in the newspaper, magazine, or book, create a morbid and vicious public sentiment, and at the same time act as a profound deterrent to able men or normal sensitiveness and tend to prevent them from entering public service at any price."

­President Teddy Roosevelt, 1906

73 Problems in Progressive Age Presentation Notes 2017­18.notebook


March 27, 2018

1848 1869 1874 1890 1920

Seneca Falls Nat'l Women'sSuffrage Assoc

Women's Christ.Temp. Union

Women's Rights

Wyo. Women Vote

19th Amend.

73 Problems in Progressive Age Presentation Notes 2017­18.notebook


March 27, 2018

Teddy Roosevelt 1. Trust Buster 2. Square Deal 3. Consumer Protection (Hepburn Act­Interstate Commerce Commission; Meat Inspection Act; Pure Food and Drug Act)

Conservation ­ 200 million acres of land for national forests, reserves and national parks

73 Problems in Progressive Age Presentation Notes 2017­18.notebook


March 27, 2018

Reformers: 1. Muckrakers: journalists, writers, artists, photographers who brought issues to the public a. Frank Norris ­ railroad monopolies ­ struggle between farmers and railroads b. Ida Tarbell­ Standard Oil (Rockefeller monopoly) c. Lincoln Steffens­"Shame of the Cities" (urban political corruption) d. Jacob Riis ­ "How the Other Half LIves" (tenement life) e. Upton Sinclair­"The Jungle" (meatpacking industries) 2. Settlement Houses a. Hull House ­ Jane Addams b. Henry St. Settlement ­ Lillian Wald 3. Child Labor ­ Mother Jones (marching for child labor laws) 4. Women's movement 5. Margaret Sanger ­ American Birth Control League (Planned Parenthood)