7:1 Regional Economies. Northern Economy Agriculture – Cash crops-grains, livestock – Small...

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Transcript of 7:1 Regional Economies. Northern Economy Agriculture – Cash crops-grains, livestock – Small...

7:1 Regional Economies

Northern Economy

• Agriculture– Cash crops-grains,

livestock– Small farms– Little use of slave labor

• Manufacturing– textiles

• Trade

Eli Whitney

• U.S. inventor• Demonstrated

interchangeable parts

Interchangeable Parts

• Only have to replace the broken part

• Allows for rise of machine age• Unskilled workers replace artisans

Industrial Revolution early 1800s

• Unskilled workers operate power driven machines

• Efficiency cuts costs

Market Economy/Revolution

• market economy is an economy based on the division of labor in which the prices of goods and services are determined in a free price system set by supply and demand.[1]

Southern Economy

• Agriculture– Cash crops-cotton/tobacco– Mostly small farmers– Plantation owners-dependent on slave labor

1793 Cotton Gin

• Removes cotton seeds from the fiber• Reduced cost to process cotton/raised profits• Increased the need for unskilled slave labor

American System/Plan

• Speaker of the House-Henry Clay

• Unify the nation economically– Tariff of 1816– 2nd National Bank– Transportation

Tariff of 1816

• Protective tariff• Use $$ for internal improvements-infrastructure• Good for Northeast/Bad for the south+west

2nd National Bank 1816

• Stabilize nation’s currency

Improve National Infrastructure

•National Road•Turnpikes•Canals

1825 Erie CanalThe Big Ditch

• Connects Great Lakes with Hudson River• Efficient Trade!• Solidified NYC as the financial capital of the U.S.

Rise of NYC

• 1835 most populous city• Center of commerce: bankers, merchants,

artisans• Linked Europe with American Interior

The Steamboat

• Travel any direction on rivers-Efficient Trade!• Robert Fulton-The Clermont

James Monroe“Era of Good Feelings”

7:2 Nationalism at Center Stage

Westward Expansion

• U.S. doubled• 16-33 states• Motivation– Desire to own their own land– Discover gold/resources– Manifest destiny

Manifest Destiny

• Manifest- “obvious” Destiny- “fate”• “sea to shining sea”

American Nationalism

• U.S. superior to other nations– Democracy, religion, language, ancestry, culture

• Duty to expand this superiority to the West Coast

Missouri Compromise

• MO applies for statehood-slave state• Upsets balance in Senate• Missouri-slave Maine-free• 36° 30° parallel• Settled slavery debate for the LA Territory

John Quincy Adams

• Secretary of State under Monroe• Established foreign policy guided by


U.S. Foreign Affairs1823 Monroe Doctrine

Hey Europe: Stay out of the Western Hemisphere!

• Spain ceded FL to the U.S. and gave up claims on Oregon Territory.