7 web design trends for 2016

Post on 13-Jan-2017

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Transcript of 7 web design trends for 2016

It is a design language that was developed by Google in 2014. It was less popular at that time but now in 2016 it is turning out as an important design trend to watch out for. Material design is based on 3D and focuses on dynamism. Google’s Android applications like Gmail, YouTube, and Google Docs etc. are some examples. It makes grid-based layouts, responsive animations and transitions, and depth effects for a user friendly interface.

Most of the websites now-a-days are being launched with a flat design as it is very easy to read on mobile devices. Flat design is a minimalistic design which minimizes distractions and increases usability. Even Google is a great example of flat design.

Card LayoutsIn 2016, card layout designs have become more popular because they present information in bite-sized chunks perfect for scanning. It enhances the design by adding functionality and provides website a user friendly interface. Pinterest is one of the example of card layout design.

Bold Typography

Bold typography plays a very important role in attracting user’s attention. It also helps to improve the overall design of website. Serif and hand written typography are most trending designs in 2016.


Animations on websites are becoming trendier these days. Parallax scrolling effect or pop-up notifications can be used as an interaction tool to attract more users. Properly used animations surely enhance user experience.

Use of Cinema GraphsA cinema graph is another example of 2016 popular trends. Cinema graphs are still photographs wherein a minor movement occurs repeatedly. A moving image explains much more than a still image and it consumes lesser bandwidth than a video.

Responsive Design

The number of mobile users is increasing day by day. It is more than likely that most of the users will browse your website on the mobile devices than browsing it on a laptop or desktop. Responsive web designs are becoming a necessity and a must for your website. It will also help increase search engine ranking of your website.




