7 Things Struggling Students Need to Succeed

Post on 21-Jun-2015

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Students need certain elements to succeed in a classroom environment. Learn the 7 elements of student success.

Transcript of 7 Things Struggling Students Need to Succeed

7 Things Struggling Students Need to Succeed

Elements of Success

There are certain elements of success that are needed for students to do well in school. But if students are already struggling, extra emphasis should be given to the following 7 points.

1. Motivation

Motivation is tricky. The best motivation is the kind that comes from the student as desire; however, this motivation is hard to find and harder to create if it isn’t present.

Reward and punishments motivations can both have negative impacts in the long run.

Talk with the student about his or her reasons for wanting to succeed and try to focus motivation on one point.

2. Goals

Setting SMART (Specific, Measureable, Attainable, Realistic, Time-bound) goals can help students to see progress. They may also build motivation.

Goals for struggling students may be centered on academic improvement, hours in class, or a reduction in behavioral problems.

3. Support

Support can come from parents, teachers, counselors, friends, or anyone involved with students’ lives.

Extend support in loving ways that are not overbearing.

Ask students what kind of support they would like. You might find that some only need reminders to do assignments, while others will want tutoring sessions.

4. Academic Engagement

Academic engagement does not have to be a motivation problem. Teachers, parents, and counselors can help students see how their studies apply outside of the classroom, building a feeling of constant engagement in education.

Look for opportunities to show students how to learn in and outside of school.

5. Physical Activity Outlet

Studies show that physical activity can improve mental health, increase attention spans, release emotional tensions, and help with physical health.

Getting struggling students involved in a physical activity can greatly improve their academic achievements.

6. Guidance

Guidance for future plans, the best ways to study, what classes to take, or how to prepare for each class period are a few kinds of guidance.

Each student will need different guidance depending on his or her situation.

Again, ask what guidance students expect or want from you and others to help them on their paths to success.

7. A Safe Environment

Above all, students need a safe environment in which to learn. If they don’t have to worry about problems at home, being bullied for doing well, or friends who think they are too smart, students will perform better.

Success at Logan River Academy

Logan River Academy in Logan, Utah, provides these 7 elements of support to students.

We know that every child is unique and can succeed when given the right opportunities and support.

For more information on Logan River Academy, visit http://loganriver.com/