7 steps to get a job after you graduate

Post on 30-Oct-2014

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7 Steps To Get A Job After You Graduate

• College serves as a phase between youth and the demanding responsibilities of becoming an adult. Another tough phase comes right after graduation and that is your career.

• In a tight job market, the typical student no longer has the luxury of going through a major and coming out with 7 to 10 job offers to choose from. Here are some great methods to be hired post-graduation.

Pick The Right Major

• There is a fine line between doing what you love and still living with your parents at age 35 and up. Many students enroll into majors with too little opportunities and then wonder why they aren't making a windfall. Never enter a career just for the money, be realistic with your expectations.

Make Contacts• In an perfect world, candidates

will be hired based entirely on their ability and experience. Business is not always ideal. Knowing the right people opens up positions before they are even announced and gets you a foot in the door. Don't just focus on faculty such as professors. The students you encounter everyday may one day hold the power you need.

Learn More Than The Syllabus

• Educate yourself with a foundation for your career.Separate yourself from the pack and become an expert. Employers recognize proficiency when they see it, and it is expected.

Don’t Be Too Fussy• When it comes to your 1st or

2nd job, the odds are against it being glamorous and paying really well. This is not uncommon, so don't insert yourself into the unemployment line by holding out for an offer that won’t materialize.

• Even working in an unrelated field is preferable to being unemployed

Don’t Get Too Comfortable• It is important to put food

on the table and pay bills, but don't stop improving yourself and move forward with your goals. Going from job to job looks bad when done too often, but remaining open to attractive positions is a vital part of staying the right course instead of being stagnant.

Seek Internships

• More than grades, exams and friendships, internships act as a direct message to future employers that you are self-driven.

• Start pursuing one as soon as a good company comes along and has a position that will help you.

Seek Internships

• Internships help to build your resume with more substance than stuffing a resume and tell employers that you can survive in the real world. The most prestigious internships are highly competitive and usually demand prior experience, which means that the sooner you begin, the better your chances.

Find Your Selling Point• A selling point is what

makes your resume stand out from everyone else's. It is the defining trait that makes you the person companies want to hire. Maybe you were very successful in your internship, or perhaps you have mastered many software programs your employer will uses.

• No matter what your strength, find it and market it to your best advantage. Use your college years to learn about yourself as much as your curriculum, because that degree gets you in the door, but now you have to sell the employer on why you deserve the position over everyone else.