7 secrets for stressed and shouty mums

Post on 24-Jun-2015

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Transcript of 7 secrets for stressed and shouty mums

Are you aStressed and ShoutyWorking Mum?By Julia Harris, the Calm Mum Coach

Are you a Busy Working Mum?

• Do you feel like your life is one long treadmill?• Are you constantly stressed and irritated?• Are you so busy juggling home and work that you

can’t find any time for yourself?• Does your life feel out of control these days?

The answer doesn’t have to be ‘yes’.

With the right action plan, you can go from stressed to refreshed in no time at all. By making fundamental changes to your mindset, you can:

• Be calm and confident• Find some ‘me time’ to recharge your batteries• Spend quality time with your family• Go after your dreams

I believe that as Working Mums we face challenges that many of our male colleagues do not face or understand. Women have a tendency to strive towards being all things to all people.

We do this at home and at work and we often put ourselves last in the pecking order. Maybe you thrive on a challenge but stretching yourself too far, for too long can lead to stress, depression, anxiety and burnout.

When I say stress I do not mean the good stress that can motivate us I mean the bad stress that can have a negative impact on your whole life. So the sooner you take steps to deal with it, the better for you and those around you.

The first and most important step in managing your stress can also be the hardest part; you have to do something differently.

If your stress levels are becoming unmanageable then what you are doing now is not working. How much things have to change is different for everyone, it depends on you and your individual circumstances. Some people might just need some more down time, some people need to change their way of life.

The main point that I would like you to remember is,


Make a commitment to find out what works for you before you are even more stressed (or worse). Be honest with yourself and, if stress is getting out of hand, take action sooner rather than later

If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got – Tony Robbins

My gift to you

I wrote ‘Stressed to Refreshed: 7 secrets for stressed and shouty mums’ because I’ve been where you are now. I understand the guilt and frustration that you feel each time you shout over some small incident or feel overwhelmed by how much you have to juggle..

I know what it’s like to wake up each morning and feel as though something is missing from your life or to resent the demands on your time.

You’re not alone.

The secrets in the book work. I know they work because I used them to change my life. I went from stressed and shouty to calm, confident and in control. If I can do it, you can too

Sign up for my free eBook 7 Secrets for Stressed and Shouty Mums http://calmmumsecrets.com/

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