7 Reasons to Be Baptized

Post on 16-Jul-2015

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Transcript of 7 Reasons to Be Baptized

7 Reasons to be BaptizedMatthew 28:18-20

Introductory Thoughts

Baptism is a New Testament subject.

Six different baptisms are mentioned.

John’s baptism – Holy Spirit baptism – Baptism of sufferingBaptism of Moses – Baptism of fire – Water baptism

In this lesson I want to point out seven reasons one should be baptized.

Jesus Christ Commands It

Jesus died for you - Hebrews 2:9

He has all authority in heaven & earth, therefore He has the right to command it.

Listen to Him – Matthew 28:18-20 – Mark 16:15-16.

To Obey Jesus

Matthew 7:21.

Luke 6:46.

John 14:15.

1 John 2:3-4.

To Get Into Jesus Christ

Romans 6:3

Galatians 3:27

Notice closely what the Bible says

We believe unto – Romans 10:10We repent unto – Acts 11:18

We confess unto – Romans 10:10Notice the difference – Baptized into Christ

To Get Into The Church

Note on the day of Pentecost – Acts 2:38, 41.

Acts 18:8.

1 Corinthians 1:1-2.

1 Corinthians 12:13.

To Be Saved

Man says one is saved then baptized, God says one is baptized to be saved.

Mark 16:16.

Acts 22:16.

Romans 6:4.

1 Peter 3:21.

To Receive The Cleansing Blood Of Jesus Christ

The saved that John saw – Revelation 7:14.

Christ shed his blood in His death – John 19:34.

When one is baptized they are baptized into Christ’s death, where his blood was shed - Romans 6:3-4.

Acts 22:16.

Revelation 1:5.

To Go To Heaven

Matthew 7:21.

No one can read the Bible and deny that baptism is a command of Jesus.

We will never get to heaven without obeying His commands.

Closing Thoughts

In order to receive the benefits of His blood we must come into contact with it.

No better time than now to obey the simple Gospel of Jesus.

Next week, Lord willing, we will look at 7 things baptism will not do.