7 motive pentru a alege un job intr-o companie mica

Post on 13-Jul-2015

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Transcript of 7 motive pentru a alege un job intr-o companie mica

- 7 MOTIVE -pentru a alege un job într-o companie mică

#1 Calităţile sunt remarcate mai repede şi uşor

„Big Fish - little pond!”

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#2 Succesele sunt vizibile şi au IMPACT

"Every success you have in a small business is magnified by 100.” (Dean Medley, Senior VP Medical Methods)

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#3 Relaţii apropiate cu colegii, indiferent de nivelul ierarhic

Don’t work for your boss, but with your boss

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#4 Responsabilităţi şi oportunităţi de învăţarevariate

“Being small helps people take ownership”

(Bill Karpovich, Co-founder and CEO Zenoss)

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#5 Descoperiţi ce vă place cu adevărat!

“Choose a job you love, and you will never work a day in your life”


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#6 Compania se adaptează mai uşor la schimbare

“If you don’t like something, change it!”

(Maya Angelou, American author and poet)

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#7 Orice creştere substanţială e simţită de toată echipa… iar creşterile pot fi exponenţiale!!!


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Echipa BWI şicolaboratori

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Edi FlorinXander Zamf

Marius Alex Vlad Andra

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Haideţi în echipa BWI!

Programatori Web PHP - CodeIgniter, CakePHP, Laravel, Symphony, Wordpress, Drupal, Joomla

Front-end Developeri - HTML, CSS

Web Designeri - WEB LAYOUTS, UX, UI, Logo

Online „Marketers” - marketing online, SEO, PPC, E-mail

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