7 Insights On Responsible Entrepreneurship | Carol Sanford

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Tune in at 33voic.es/inaw1z2 Carol Sanford has been a respected innovator in educating and advising business in creating extraordinary traditional success while at the same time creating a better world. She has worked with businesses for almost four decades who have successfully done so BY building great businesses, not creating programs for responsible practices. Responsibility will not only be in the DNA with everyone contributing, but the current approaches of doing less harm, following best practices and working with fragments will have given way to working from a living systems view that makes all systems more vital, viable and able to regenerate themselves, without tradeoffs.

Transcript of 7 Insights On Responsible Entrepreneurship | Carol Sanford

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insights from Carol Sanford

This presentation consists of highlights from the interview with Moe Abdou,

founder & host of 33voices®.

Carol SanfordCarol Sanford has been a respected innovator in educating and advising business in creat-ing extraordinary traditional success while at the same time creating a better world. She has worked with businesses for almost four decades who have successfully done so BY building great businesses, not creating pro-grams for responsible practices. Responsibil-ity will not only be in the DNA with everyone contributing, but the current approaches of doing less harm, following best practices and working with fragments will have given way to working from a living systems view that makes all systems more vital, viable and able to re-generate themselves, without tradeoffs.



Changing the world is not a cliche’ to The Responsible Entrepreneur.her greatest aspiration is measured not in incremental change,

but in a 10X impact on society.


Accountability is at the heart of The Responsible Entrepreneur’s DNA.

He succeeds as a team, but fails alone.


Those who leave their mark on the world hardly take anything personally.instead they are Keenly self-aware, as they see the impact of their actions while never losing site of their higher aim.


When times get tough, aspire to the higher principles of one of these Archetype:


When times get tough, aspire to the higher principles of one of these Archetype:

The Warrior - Protects the values of a community


When times get tough, aspire to the higher principles of one of these Archetype:

The Clown - Leads by appreciating others


When times get tough, aspire to the higher principles of one of these Archetype:

The Hunter - Strengthens connections


When times get tough, aspire to the higher principles of one of these Archetype:

The Headman/woman - Awakens individuals to their potential


Lessons from four iconic entrepreneurs: Get to the essence of things, because that’s where reality lies.

Steve Jobs


Lessons from four iconic entrepreneurs:Activate the creativity that is possible when people become self-managing.

Steve Jobs


Lessons from four iconic entrepreneurs:Invent products & services that make life work better.

Steve Jobs


Lessons from four iconic entrepreneurs:Defy authority to create a level playing field.

Richard Branson


Lessons from four iconic entrepreneurs:Tease people into seeing the elephant in the room.

Richard Branson


Lessons from four iconic entrepreneurs:Treat the world as a neighbor.

Richard Branson


Lessons from four iconic entrepreneurs:Create cultures of inclusion and interdependence.

Oprah Winfrey


Lessons from four iconic entrepreneurs:Use setbacks as fuel for growth and development.

Oprah Winfrey


Lessons from four iconic entrepreneurs:Magnify the reach and the significance of every endeavor.

Oprah Winfrey


Lessons from four iconic entrepreneurs:Reinvent the world through vivifying first principles.

Larry Page


Lessons from four iconic entrepreneurs:Use institutional jujitsu to evolve the benefits that our infrastructures deliver.

Larry Page


Lessons from four iconic entrepreneurs:Achieve the impossible.

Larry Page


Responsible entrepreneurship is a learn-as-you-go proposition.

the challenges it presents are exactly what make it so rewarding.


Next time you sense a magnetic pull towards an important endeavor, pursue it for rigor.

it’s the calling that will stretch your capabilities,

imagination and capacity to grow.

What is your 10x goal?REALLY REFLECT...