7 Elements of Successful Discovery Calls

Post on 22-Jan-2018

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Transcript of 7 Elements of Successful Discovery Calls


Amit Bendov

CEO, Gong.io @Gong_io

7 Elements of Successful Discovery CallsBased on 519,291 Sales Calls


Amit BendovCEO, Gong.io

7 Elements of Successful Discovery Calls


1. RecordedRecorded and speaker-

separated on the Gong.io

conversation intelligence


2. Transcribed Cleaned and transcribed

from speech to text

3. Analyzedwith unsupervised machine

learning algorithms

First, a bit about the data 519,291 discovery call recordings…


The analysis identified things like…

• Types of questions salespeople ask

• Frequency of questions

• Talking vs. listening ratios

• Topics discussed

• Language patterns

• Filler words

• Dozens of other sales behaviors that

correlate with success (and failure)


1. Number of QuestionsHow often the top 20% ask questions in discovery calls






Ask More Targeted Questions


2. Question FlowHow the top 20% ask questions differently than the other 80%




Make it a conversation, not an interrogation.

Don’t just “check the boxes.”


3. Talk / Listen RatioHow top, mid, and low performers compare




You’re probably talking

more than you think.


4. Back and Forth EngagementThe verbal ping pong match




Make your conversations feel

like a ping pong match.


5. Call Flow of Effective Discovery



Why 3-4 business issues?



6. How long should discovery calls be?




7. Bonus: Best Time to Schedule Disco Calls



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Amit Bendov

