7 DANGEROUS Diet Mistakes Women Make - Ideal Bodies Online –

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7 DANGEROUS Diet Mistakes Women Make

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Have you ever heard the term ‘skinny fat’? Well, that’s me. Or it used to be


For years I struggled with diets and exercise, trying every diet you could

imagine – from shakes, to weight loss biscuits (cookies) and avoiding

everything with fat in it – in an attempt to lose my ‘saddlebags’.

Back then my idea of losing weight was to eat as little as possible and do

as much cardio as my body could handle. That’s what the books and

magazines told me. I didn’t care if I lost water, fat or muscle - I just wanted

the scale to go down.

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So I would bounce back and forth between starving and bingeing,

exercising twice a day, then not at all. And the end result? I became

skinnier and smaller up top - and my saddlebags got bigger. I looked worse

than when I started! How could this be?

All that yo-yo dieting took a big toll on me. I felt like a complete failure and I

was worn out physically and emotionally. I was totally sick of myself and

the whole weight loss industry.

There WAS something good to come out of this demoralizing process,

however. In fact, now I’m even grateful! Going through these exasperating

experiences gave me a deep understanding of what people like you are

going through.

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I know most ladies reading this report will relate to this story as I receive

hundreds of emails from women all around the globe frustrated by their

confusion and seeming inability to become the lean, fit, happy and healthy

person they desperately want to be.

Maybe you have just a little weight to lose, or perhaps you have quite a bit.

Whichever way I am going to reveal to you 7 of the BIGGEST mistakes

ladies make when it comes to dieting for fat loss, and how you can avoid

them and start making massive progress rapidly.

PS. You can read more about my personal transformation story here

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When you hear the word 'fat', what thoughts run through your mind? 'Avoid

at all costs', 'Will make me gain weight', or 'Not part of a healthy diet'?

Many people still have a negative perception of dietary fat and believe that

in order to look good, fat should be excluded from your meal plans.

Unfortunately, this thought process is flawed in many ways and if you don't

correct yourself, it could hold you back from not only looking your best as

well but promoting optimal health as well.

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Let's have a quick look at some common misconceptions you may have.

Hands down the biggest reason most people limit their fat intake is

because they feel fat will turn to fat. Remember that just because you eat

fat, it doesn't mean it automatically gets deposited as body fat. It is a lot

more complicated than that. There is a whole digestion process that takes

place and it's only when you overdo it (or any other nutrient for that matter)

that there's a problem.

Even carbohydrates and protein can get converted into body fat if you take

in more than you need. At the end of the day, calorie and activity balance

along with your metabolism, determines whether fat is gained or lost.

Over and over you've heard about high fat diets increasing your risk of

developing heart disease and some forms of cancer. As obesity is rising at

an alarming rate, more and more people are being told to limit the amount

of fat they are consuming as a way to battle these two conditions.

What you must remember here is that in general it's the highly processed

foods that are causing the problems. We are eating too many fast food

meals of hamburgers and French fries, donuts, pastries, fried foods and

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creamy sauces, all which are laden with toxic trans fats, often sugar, and

not to mention calories as well.

Trans fat, the type that's found in many of the foods listed above, is the

type of fat you absolutely should avoid. This type of fat is toxic – it will

react negatively in the body and promote disease.

Saturated fats (such as those contained in animal products and dairy) have

had a bad rap in the past but it’s now coming to light that saturated fat is

not at all bad for you. No studies have actually PROVEN that saturated fat

causes disease or holds any risk whatsoever! Imagine, being able to eat

butter and cheese without feeling guilty…

Of course you’ve probably heard a lot of good things about fish oils. Fish oil

contains the essential omega 3 fats. They are considered essential

because your body will not produce them on its own - so without an intake

through the diet, you’re going to be falling short.

Furthermore, omega-3 fatty acids can help to prevent a number of different

diseases including arthritis, heart disease and some forms of cancer all

while helping to keep your cholesterol level in check.

Omega fats can also boost your level of insulin sensitivity, which will go a

long way towards encouraging a leaner overall body composition.

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In summary, fats (the good kinds) will benefit your heart, metabolism and

immune system function, protect the internal organs, regulate reproductive

hormones, maintain body temperature, and help with digestion - amongst

MANY other things.

In the context of weight loss, dietary fat can prove to be quite helpful.

Having the healthy variety in the correct serving size will help to provide a

long-term, even supply of energy so you can make it through your day

without experiencing energy lulls and tiredness.

Additionally, it is also the macronutrient that is broken down most slowly

therefore will help prevent hunger from getting too high between meals.

Anyone who's ever been on a fat loss diet knows that when hunger strikes,

will power often fails. All it takes is a small amount of fat in your meal to

make a huge difference in satiety level.

One of the most beneficial fats for fat loss is actually one of the saturated

fats! Yes, coconut oil is a saturated fat, but classed as a medium chain

triglyceride. These fatty acids react in your body in a most beneficial way.

MCT’s can be broken down and used as a fuel source immediately - rather

than circulating in the blood and being stored directly as body fat like other

longer chain oils.

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Adding coconut oil to your daily diet can help to increase your metabolic

rate and promote faster overall weight loss, so if you’re serious about

getting lean, it’s one not to overlook. Plus, it has anti-fungal properties, can

help to enhance your energy level and endurance, and also offers

antioxidant support.

Now you know that healthy fat in moderation is perfectly acceptable (and in

fact desirable) on any diet program, let's talk about how to add it to your

meal plan. The following are examples of one serving of fats for the

average 55-65kg (120-140lb) woman. Depending on your activity level, try

and include two to three servings each day based on your own energy


15 almonds

1 tbsp. natural peanut butter

1 tbsp. olive oil, flaxseed oil or

coconut oil

60g (2oz) avocado

10 half walnuts

100g (3.25oz) salmon (which is also a significant source of protein)

1 tbsp. organic butter

1 tbsp. heavy cream

30g (1oz) full fat cheese

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So DON’T fear fat any longer. Be smart about the type of fat you choose

and how much you dish up onto your plate. If you do, I guarantee you’ll be

not only surprised, but delighted, to see yourself becoming significantly

leaner as well as experiencing improved energy and overall wellbeing.

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With all the low and no carbohydrate diets covering the front of magazines

these days, you may find yourself developing somewhat of a carbohydrate

phobia. More and more people are starting to cut out all the carbohydrates

in their diet, thinking this is the best and only way to lose fat.

But is it really? There are a number of important things you must consider

before jumping to this conclusion.

Whenever you dramatically reduce your carbohydrate intake, there will be

significant impacts on the body. Since the brain runs strictly off glucose as

fuel (which is created when carbohydrates are digested), when

carbohydrates are removed, the brain will suffer. You'll notice you feel

'foggy' in your mind and experience reduced concentration levels. You also

may get headaches and feel incredibly lethargic.

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Because carbohydrates hold water, another big problem with these type of

diets is that much of the initial weight you lose is simply water weight.

Therefore, if you fail to continue with the low or no carbohydrate diet you'll

find you gain back the weight you lost very rapidly. For any dieter, this

relapse into a carb-dense diet can be devastating emotionally and can lead

to binge eating sessions – a sure fire recipe for fast fat gain.

If you’ve ever tried a low carb

diet you (or others) probably

noticed you felt grumpy much of

the time. This is not only

because you are restricted from

eating certain foods you enjoy

but because of the physiological

effect that carbs have on your brain.

You see, when you stop eating carbohydrates your brain stops regulating

serotonin, a chemical that elevates mood (and suppresses appetite). And

only carbohydrate consumption naturally stimulates the production of


Serotonin is crucial not only to control your appetite and stop you from

overeating; it's essential to keep your moods regulated. Carbohydrates

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raise serotonin levels naturally and act like a natural tranquilizer so you’ll

sleep much better with some carbs in your diet.

Anyone who is performing intense physical activity will notice an even

greater impact on a low carbohydrate diet. In order to create the strong

muscular contractions in the body necessary for resistance training,

glucose must be present. When carbohydrates are not consumed, your

strength level will be sapped and you'll feel drained of energy very early

into your workout.

Carbohydrates make up your muscle glycogen stores, which is the form of

energy that powers you through your workouts. After only a few short days

of being on a low carbohydrate diet, these muscle glycogen stores will

rapidly become depleted, which further makes it difficult to maintain your

usual workouts. Imagine you are a car running on four cylinders. Take

away two or three of those cylinders, and this is what it feels like when

training on low carbs.

For best results and greater recovery from your exercise program, and to

ensure you are still losing body fat, refill the used muscle glycogen by

eating a moderate amount of carbohydrates around your workout sessions.

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There are several ways to keep

carbohydrates in your diet while

keeping extra body fat at bay.

Be choosy about which ones

you eat, be careful to choose

appropriate portion sizes, and

schedule the majority of the

carbohydrates you consume before and after your workouts when your

body is going to utilize them for energy and recovery rather than fat


The best sources of carbohydrates to consume on a regular basis are

complex carbohydrates including oatmeal (unsweetened varieties), brown

rice, sweet potato, whole grain bread, and whole grains. As often as

possible try to avoid highly processed, ‘man made’ carbohydrates such as

white bread, muesli bars, sugary cereal, cakes, and 'energy bars'.

Fruit is a carbohydrate that confuses many people but the important thing

to know is that you can have fruit on a fat loss diet in moderation. Fruit

does provide natural sugars but it also contains plenty of fibre and vitamins.

Aim for one to two pieces a day when you're more active. However, you

should always eat fruit (or any carbohydrate) with a protein source to lower

the glycemic index and lessen the insulin (and fat storage) response.

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Those who are athletes performing hours of training a day may require

much higher carbohydrate levels, but even then they should still choose

mostly wholesome sources to promote good health and steady energy


For most other people aiming for fat loss or maintenance, choose complex

carbohydrates around the workout period and then stick with lower calorie

fibrous vegetable sources for the remainder of the day.

In summing up, low carb diets have their place but they should not be

followed for long periods of time.

In moderation, carbohydrates are a healthy part of a good nutrition program

when you understand how to consume them. If you choose properly they

will not cause you to overeat and

gain weight but will provide you

with optimal sleep and stable mood

patterns, as well as the energy you

need to get through your day and

more importantly, your workout

sessions. And not least, they also

make your meals much more


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Protein is an important part of the equation when aiming to improve your

body composition. If you supply your body with enough protein to ensure

the growth of lean muscle mass, you can build a more aesthetically

pleasing body shape – whether you are female and looking for long, toned,

lean muscles or male and looking for size and a great physique, protein is

an important part of your nutrition plan.

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Essentially, when we train with weights what we are doing is tearing apart

the muscle fibres in order to force them to re-grow with more density and

strength and therefore build and maintain more lean muscle mass to

improve our body composition. In order to help this repair and recovery

process, we need to ensure we are supplying the body with enough


When figuring out how much protein to consume, we need to compare

apples with apples. The usual Recommended Daily Allowance for protein is

based on your average couch potato, and not an athlete or even someone

who trains regularly.

You see, when you exercise, protein stores are broken down and used for

fuel - so if you don’t get adequate dietary protein, your body ends up

burning its own muscle tissue instead. It has been shown time after time

that when combined with the correct training, protein, consumed in smaller

amounts throughout the day with a combination of other foods, is the best

way to attain the body of your dreams!

Aside from the important role that protein plays in building and maintaining

lean muscle mass, protein also has other positives that will assist you in

obtaining your brand new body.

Protein when consumed alone or with other food groups helps to stabilize

blood glucose levels by slowing down the absorption of glucose in to the

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blood stream – this is because protein requires a lot more energy from the

body to break down and is therefore a slower process. This in turn will help

with satiety, leaving you feeling fuller and satisfied for longer – lowering

your insulin levels to help prevent cravings and the need for other foods.

Protein has another great thing going for it, something you may not even be

aware of. Protein can actually increase your metabolism and help you to

lose fat faster.

The body has to work harder to break down protein in the body – much

harder than it does for carbohydrates or dietary fats. So, when digesting

protein as opposed to carbohydrates or fat, your body has to expend more

energy (or calories). This is what we call the ‘thermic effect’ of protein.

A good rule of thumb is to always include some form of protein (a little fat

can be added too) at each meal or snack. For instance, you can simply add

some cottage cheese or a protein shake and a few nuts to your (low sugar)

cereal or fruit.

Other good sources of protein are eggs, lean cuts of chicken, beef, lamb,

turkey, kangaroo, fish, sardines, and so on. While nuts do contain some

protein, they are not considered a protein food as such and should be

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counted as a fat. Yoghurt and milk also contain some protein, but are

considered carbohydrate foods.

So remember, protein is important to help build, repair and recover lean

muscle tissue, along with helping to lower the insulin response in your body

and to help you feel fuller for longer.

Yes, protein really is a dieter’s best friend!

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Did you know that in order to completely reshape your body and keep it

that way it's absolutely essential that you make weight training an important

part of your health and fitness program?

Yes, weights! While cardio will definitely help (and has numerous other

health benefits), weight training is the key to fat loss. If body fat loss is your

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goal, resistance training (or working out with weights) has numerous

important benefits.

Weight training will do far more for your fat loss efforts, both in losing the fat

and keeping it off long term, than low intensity, steady state cardio aerobic

training will ever do.

First, an intense weight training session burns calories during the actual


Second, research shows that intense weight training elevates your

metabolism for up to 39 hours after your actual workout. In other words,

after you finish your weight training session, your metabolism has been

stimulated so you will now be burning more calories while you are doing

nothing! Your metabolism continues to burn more calories than normal for

up to 39 hours after you've stopped your workout. This doesn't happen with

typical low/moderate steady state cardio programs.

The carbohydrates you eat will power your intense weight training sessions

(which is why you should never completely or permanently remove

carbohydrates from your diet!). The more intense the session, the more you

will deplete your carbohydrate stores and the more fat is burned during the

recovery phase, i.e. after the workout and during rest.

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As the intensity of the training increases there is a proportionate increase in

fat burning after the workout. Remember this is extra fat loss, above and

beyond the calories burned during the actual training sessions. It also

doesn't include the extra calories burned from the higher metabolism due to

added lean and shapely muscle.

Adding lean muscle is another extremely important benefit of resistance

training. Muscle burns calories even while resting. So, the more lean

muscle you have, the higher your resting metabolism and the more calories

you burn each day while doing nothing. This translates to ‘you can eat

more food without getting fat!’

When you add muscle to your body, you also greatly increase the number

of calories your burn each day. So, once you achieve your fat loss goals

you can start eating more food without putting the fat back on, as long as

you have built muscle (and keep it of course, by continuing to train and eat


Now ladies, don’t be scared when we talk about ‘adding lean muscle’. No,

you won’t end up looking like the female version of Arnold Schwarzenegger

– it’s just not physically possible. We ladies don’t have enough of the male

hormone testosterone to promote that kind of muscle growth. In reality,

adding lean muscle is quite difficult, but just a few additional pound of

muscle will completely change the way you look – in an amazing way!

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On the flip side, if you don't train with weights while you are dieting, two

very bad things will occur. First, much of the weight you lose will be muscle.

This in turn causes your metabolism to slow down, causing progress to

eventually grind to a halt, leading to rebound weight gain (and more). If

you’ve tried any of those fad shake diets around, you will know what I’m

talking about.

Pure and simple - you cannot keep the weight off permanently without

training with weights.

As you can see, training with weights is an extremely powerful and

necessary component of your fat loss regime.

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As you probably know all too well, we women have a tendency to go on fad

diets that promise rapid weight loss... only to gain it all back again… and


This rapid loss followed by even more rapid regain, contributes significantly

to stubborn fat deposits because your body now begins to hoard fat – and

next time around your body is even MORE reluctant to release this stored


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Repeated cycles of weight gain and weight loss also compromise skin

elasticity which makes problems such as cellulite even more pronounced.

It’s unfortunate that a large percentage of women fit into this yo-yo dieting


Because it is human nature to want to experience instant gratification,

many women find themselves scanning their favourite magazines for the

latest celebrity diet in an effort to shed unwanted fat quickly.

Before you go gung-ho into any type of fad diet, let’s look at the reasons

why many women fall for them, time and again - and why they will be left

ruing that decision, at some point in the near or long term future.

After attempting what I call a ‘starvation diet’, most people experience a

significant rebound effect for two reasons. One, they have damaged their

metabolism through severe calorie restriction, and two, they have no idea

how to eat properly or ’normally’ after following such a restrictive diet.

Your metabolic rate essentially stands for how many calories your body

burns off per day simply to stay alive. This includes keeping your heart

beating, your lungs functioning, and your digestive system working


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The metabolism will slow down usually due to two reasons:

A loss of lean muscle mass due to inactivity

Prolonged periods of low calorie/low carb dieting where the metabolic

rate adapts by becoming more efficient to preserve life

Yes, the human body is a very smart piece of machinery. The less you eat,

the more efficient your metabolism becomes and the less energy you will

burn. It is your body’s natural way of protecting itself when it’s starving. The

only way to continue to lose weight then, is to eat less food.

But this becomes difficult because your appetite suppressing hormone,

Leptin, drops significantly when dieting causing a myriad of other hormones

in your body to react to force you to eat more food - so you’re ALWAYS

battling hunger.

Because it becomes impossible to fight your hormones, the consequence

of this constant hunger is without doubt, an all-out binge fest. And because

your metabolism has slowed, your body will now HOARD all the calories

from that binge session as body fat, for protection against future starvation.

While some people may lose a significant amount of initial weight on a

severe calorie restricted diet, most of that weight loss is water and valuable

muscle. So while they may appear visually smaller, they still have high

body fat levels and do not look, fit, lean and firm.

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While it can be tempting to try to lose a lot of weight quickly, fad dieting will

only serve to cause long term damage to your metabolism and make

getting permanently fit and lean a much more difficult and unpleasant


The ONLY way to stop this vicious cycle is to include regular resistance

training in your exercise regime, eat a balanced diet with enough protein

and calories to support your training. All these things will help protect your

lean muscle, keep your metabolism high and your body in a fat burning


This way of eating will keep you satisfied, and your blood sugar levels

stable and makes being fit and healthy a lot more fun!

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Ok, I’m a BIG, HUGE, MASSIVE even, believer in not having to eat food

you hate, just to lose weight.

Seriously, that’s no fun.

Not only that, I assure you, the novelty will wear off very quickly and you’ll

likely make up for it in a very big way.

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One of the biggest keys to long term leanness is enjoying the food you

regularly eat.

If you aren’t fond of a certain foods and your diet plan calls for eating them

regularly the novelty will wear off pretty soon.

I know, because I once tried to follow a diet that only allowed eggs or meat

for breakfast and I lasted all of 4 days. Hey I don’t mind eggs and they are

an extremely healthy and nutritious food - but I just can’t do eggs every


Basically, your fat loss diet has to be DOABLE! If you can’t stick to it, then

it’s worthless! Wouldn’t you agree?

So how do you eat foods you like and still lose fat?

Ok, first you must look for healthy alternatives to the unhealthier foods you

like to eat.

Let’s see. Chocolate is a big problem for many women. So let me tell you

my little chocolate secret.

I rarely eat chocolate anymore – and that is because I’ve found what I

consider to be the perfect substitute - one that I can indulge in at least once

or twice every single day. I take my favourite chocolate whey protein

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powder and mix it with a little water to make a smooth paste. I (sometimes)

add a teaspoon of raw cacao powder to make it even more ‘chocolate-y’.

Then I may add either of the following:

A tablespoon of natural, creamy peanut butter (or almond butter)

A handful of frozen raspberries and some natural or Greek yoghurt

I honestly feel like I’m cheating when I eat this. And the best thing, it

COMPLETELY satisfies my sweet tooth and any cravings I may have for

that chocolate taste. Not only that, it’s a completely ‘on plan’ fat loss snack!

If you’re not ready for that, then something else you can do is to swap your

usual chocolate out for dark, organic chocolate. This is a healthy version of

the real thing, and you’ll only need a square or two.

Those are only a couple of examples, but honestly, there are healthy

versions of many if not most of your favourite foods/meals. All it takes is

some creativity and improvisation.

You might like to have a look at our Lean Body Gourmet Cookbook and our

Lean & Delicious recipe series for more ideas:

Lean Body Gourmet E-Cookbook

Lean & Delicious Series E-Cookbooks

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It’s important to understand that you need to be a little patient to start with.

If you’re used to eating fat and sugar laden processed and take-out foods

then your taste buds will likely require a little time to de-sensitize. But trust

me, within a couple of weeks you won’t even feel like that stuff anymore,

and neither will your body be able to handle it in the same volume as

before. This is a GREAT thing and a massive step towards getting the body

of your dreams

My personal favourite proteins are:

For Aussies:

Click here for options

For those in the US/Canada and elsewhere:

BioTrust Low Carb

ProGrade Protein

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As is our tendency, we like to think we can figure it out on our own. I know I

certainly did plenty of trial, and plenty of error before I finally found what


In hindsight, I would have given my right arm to be able to have a mentor

who could have sorted out all the BS for me - and saved me from years

and years of frustration, heartache and unhealthy habits.

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You see, people who have access to experienced mentors and are

surrounded by driven peers - and who actively take advantage of those

resources - are much more likely to reach their goals than those without


In short, people with mentors and social support figure things out faster,

make fewer mistakes, and are pushed to succeed by those around them.

It's a formula for success, especially in fitness and nutrition.

Unfortunately, most people find neither mentorship nor support.

Wouldn't it be great if you could ask a real person, a person who has been

there before and seen it all, what really works?

It’s very important to be surrounded by supportive people and to shut out

as much negativity as you can. Negativity saps your energy – you don’t

need that.

What you do need are positive influences in your life when focusing on your

transformation. All too often there will be negative friends, family and work

colleagues just waiting for an opportunity to bring you down. Steer clear of

these types of people as much as possible, and find support and

encouragement in other places such as internet fitness forums, a trainer or

coach, or other gym goers.

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I hope you’ve enjoyed reading the information I’ve put together in this eye

opening report and you’ve discovered some of the real TRUTHS about

dieting for fat loss.

Maybe you’re not making ALL of these mistakes at once but I almost

guarantee you can relate to a few.

And let’s face it - it’s not JUST about looking good. It’s also about your

immediate and long term health and wellbeing. It’s about feeling vital,

energetic, and happy. It’s about enjoying your life and lifestyle, keeping up

with and being a role model for your kids, now and into the future.

I do hope you’ll realize it’s time to get off the yo-yo dieting roundabout by

following the advice in this report. It’s time to put mistakes and failures

behind you and start reaching for

SUCCESS. There is no time like

the present!

If my team or I can be of

assistance, don’t hesitate to contact

us at www.idealbodiesonline.com

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Sue, before she discovered

the secret to long term fat


Not that you can tell by looking at my before photo, but all my teenage and

adult life I had been a health and fitness fanatic. In all that time, however,

I’d never been able to achieve the results I

knew I was capable of.

I was a perfectionist - it was always all or

nothing for me. There was no consistency, or

patience, and therefore, I never achieved the

results I craved. It wasn’t for lack of trying - I’d

tried every diet in the book! I was always at the

gym, and food was constantly on my mind. It

took up so much of my headspace, that I often

found it difficult to enjoy the other things life

had to offer. This was extremely frustrating for

me and over time, my effort and motivation

dwindled until I became totally depressed and unhappy with the way I

looked, and the way I felt. This had a snowball effect on all aspects of my

life. Yo-yo dieting had finally taken its toll.

I was at the end of my tether, not only because I was unhappy with my

body, but even more importantly, I was so fed up with feeling like a failure.

My good intentions were never enough to see things through to the end.

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When the going got tough, I gave up! I sat down one day and took a good

long hard look at myself. Finally, the pain I felt was too much - this was it, it

was now, or it was never.

I knew before I even started, that this time I WAS going to achieve my

goals. This change of mindset was crucial – I eventually realized, that to

succeed you must believe that you CAN, and that you WILL.

I made a promise to myself to give 100% to a 12 week training and nutrition

program. I purposely made no weight loss goals. My rules were simple,

nothing more - nothing less.

If I made a mistake I would NOT feel guilty, or sorry for myself. I would

NOT give up and go back to those familiar patterns that caused me so

much pain. I would NOT try to make up for my mistakes (and begin the

cycle of yo-yo dieting again) - I would simply ‘get over it’ and continue with

my program. I followed these simple but important rules, because this time

I knew that if I failed again I would never forgive myself.

That I would always see myself as a failure - and I did not want that to

happen. That was my compelling reason to stay focused and true to my

word, for 12 short weeks.

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True to my word, I completed my 12 week Challenge! Not without hitches

and not without struggles (I was injured for 4 weeks!), but to follow through

with my actions and achieve what I set out to was an amazing, empowering

feeling! The changes I saw in my body were phenomenal. I discovered that

with the right program, consistency, and patience, that anything was


My whole outlook on life changed. I became more outgoing and confident,

more energized, more motivated, and much

more at peace with myself.

The benefits kept rolling in.

I won a national Body Blitz Challenge with

Australian Women’s Health & Fitness

magazine, and this fuelled my desire to

achieve even more. I wanted to do the

“ultimate” in body sculpting - to get up on

stage. For me, having trained for many

years, it was the next step, and now that I

could see what could be done with desire, Sue, aged 40

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focus and dedication, I wanted to see how far I could go. This was to be

something completely foreign to me, being a very modest person who

would not in a million years have believed I could get up on stage in front of

hundreds of people, wearing nothing but a g-string bikini! That goes to

show the new confidence and drive I derived from achieving my goals.

I stepped on stage for the first time in April 2002, at 10% body fat. The

feeling of being on stage was incredible and now I knew that I could do

absolutely anything I put my mind to! The fact that I won my class was

caramel icing on the cappuccino

cheesecake that I enjoyed later that night!

These days, aside from keeping myself

healthy and in shape, looking after my

beautiful young daughter (I became a first

time mum at the ripe old age of 41), my

other passion in life is helping other

women and men meet their own fat loss

and fitness goals.

As the creator and owner of Ideal Bodies

Online, I am fortunate to witness truly Sue, aged 41

(36 weeks pregnant)

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amazing and inspiring transformations from clients all over the world on a

regular basis - not just external transformations, but perhaps even more

importantly, internal ones.

It has grown from a hobby and favourite pastime, to an incredible business

where my staff and I have trained, coached and mentored many people to

achieve the body of their dreams in a matter of weeks. Ordinary people,

achieving extraordinary things – simply by putting a plan into action and

believing in themselves.

Every day I count my blessings for what is truly a remarkable opportunity to

touch people's lives in a way that will help them live a healthier and happier

life. I receive daily emails from women experiencing the same issues I

encountered – my own personal story is so familiar to their own. It astounds

me how many women of today have disordered eating patterns and body

image problems. Seeing my clients progress from tired, unhappy,

overweight and often self-loathing people, to strong, healthy, confident and

beautiful individuals (inside and out!), gives me tremendous satisfaction

that I will be forever grateful. To know that I have touched and can touch

my clients' lives in some small way is a remarkable feeling.

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I have learned so much over the years, how

different foods and training programs affect

different people - what works, what doesn’t. I

can now pass on to others the knowledge I

have gained and do what I really love to do -

help others achieve their fitness and

physique dreams, whatever they may be.

Ideal Bodies Online

Ideal Body Blueprint

Sue, aged 42 with 12 month old


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Body Makeover Program

If you’re looking for a completely

personalized diet and training program, with

built-in accountability… positive

encouragement… and moral support from

your own Success Coach, then this 12 week

program is for you! Our award-winning Body

Makeover Program comes with unlimited

email support and 100% guaranteed results!

Discover more about the Body Makeover Program

X-treme Results Challenge – Take Your Body to the NEXT Level!

If you are struggling to lose the last few kilos, experiencing a fat loss

plateau or you’re simply tired of not getting results - this program was made

for you! The X-Treme Results Challenge (XRC) is a 12 week program

complete with online coaching from Sue Heintze herself, via the dedicated

X-Treme Results forum. Get Sue’s unique nutrition plan she used to place

in a National body sculpting competition and a challenging training program

sure to blast that last bit of

fat! Get started today!

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Ideal Body Blueprint for Women

An instantly downloadable PDF program with 9

components, the “Ideal Body Blueprint” is a

breakthrough 12 week fat burning system to help

women release unwanted body fat… add curve-

enhancing muscle… and minimize new weight

gain. So you don’t just lose unwanted fat… you

keep it off and replace it with sexy new curves

instead! Get a slim, sexy body…FAST!

Ideal Body Bootcamp – The Complete Outdoor Workout Solution

If outdoor or minimal equipment training is your thing you’ll love this

compilation of 12 months’ worth of fully illustrated workout manuals. Also

perfect for travelling!

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Recipes, Workouts and Motivation Galore!

From instantly downloadable recipe e-books, additional workout programs

and more visit our Digital EBooks page to Stock up on all the tools you
