7 Components of a Winning Marketing Strategy

Post on 12-Feb-2017

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Transcript of 7 Components of a Winning Marketing Strategy


As marketing continues to evolve, more insights into the concepts and components that make for a winning strategy come to light. Although certain portions of the marketingarena have evolved quickly, leading to perpetual changes to best practices and successful approaches, the broader perspectives on what it takes to create a unique brand image that entices target markets are somewhat steady, at least in the short term.


It is important to mention that each small business owner will need todecide upon a customized approach to his or her marketing plans. There is no such thing as a cookie-cutter approach that can benefit allcompanies, and if anyone tries to sell you such a concept, move on. There issimply no way that the optimal brand image, and the communicationinvolved therein, will be sculpted from a standardized set of practices.


However, guiding points can always help to get the gears turning and brand voice moving in the right direction. So, aside from having tight control and plenty of evaluation involved in each campaign, ranging from email marketing and direct mail to social media and beyond, entrepreneurs might want to begin to consider some of the overarchingtechniques and underlying components of branding that can set them up for success.


aspects toconsider



1CONSISTENCY Brand consistency is more important than many would believe, as consumers are highly skilled in identifying irregularities within marketing content, especially across campaigns. This is not to say that every marketingcommunication should be homogenous, but rather that the running image of thebrand should have plenty of symmetry over time.


2ANALYTICS The use of intelligence solutions in marketing campaigns is nothing new, but it has gone from a somewhat optionalmatter to one that is vitally important from a competitive standpoint. Companies that are using analytics technology to better craft and execute advertising programs will tend to enjoy more efficiency and higher returns on campaign investments, and those that do not will rarely be able to keep up.


3BUY-IN Employees should be involved in ad planning as much as possible, and not just those working in the marketing department. Instead, involving operational staff and others can go a long way toward ensuring that the consistency is kept on track acrossvarious ad initiatives. When businesses get more of their employees on board with the strategic aspects of the marketing projects, they will be better prepared to define anddeliver a strong brand message.



REFINEMENT Sometimes a campaign will work so well that the marketing department will think to itself: “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” However, this is never going to be true. Even the most popular advertisements that world has ever seen will get old eventually, and many will run their course within the first few views. On the flip side of that coin, bad campaigns need to be analyzed and avoided in the future. Marketers who focus on continuous performance improvements through the refinement of campaigns will likely succeed more consistently over time.


5CONVERGENCE If your social media marketing team is completely separate from those who write your content advertising materials, you are missing opportunities, and notreally using either type of medium properly. This goes for any and every type of marketing medium you can imagine. Always focus on the convergence aspects of campaigns, working to ensure that visibility is maximized through a robust program that brings all ventures together into a unified package.


FEEDBACK Looking at conversion, bounce and engagement rates will certainly help to inform campaigns in the future, but these should not be the only types ofmeasurements in place. There are so many factors that could impact a conversion rate, for example, but only one standardized number will be offered. Using surveys and questionnaires for customers can help to improve campaigns on deeper levels, asdirect insights will be offered that explain the “why” better than hard metrics will. 6 movingtargets.com

FORESIGHT Because winning brand management and marketingstrategies will tend to take a bit of time to create and get rolling, foresight must be a focus right from the start. Perhaps the best way to incorporate foresight into the planning process is to have benchmarks that range from the first week to a year down the road, or even further. This way, campaigns will not get derailed six months in because of a factor that could have been identified in the beginning. 7 movingtargets.com

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